All in one OpenAirInterface

November 28th 2019: fix from user review

September 23rd 2019: minor fix of warnings

September 2019, large rework and update to latest eNB

June 21st 2019: replace ubuntu 17.04 by ubuntu 18.04

Sept 7th 2017: small update for more recent eNB git commit version in develop branch

Starting condition:
Ubuntu 18.04 all packages upgraded, uhd last commit, OAI last commit


  • Latest commits
  • Fix a issue in mme that crash mme with some phones in the attach-request procedure
    If you want to fix only this issue, pick files:
    in the hereafter tar file
    The issue is: mme wrong decoding of smartphone codec list
  • Full re-test, from disk install of Ubuntu 17.04 to commercial UEs throughput measurement (Android 5 and Android 6)

This document explains how to install and configure OAI EPC+eNB on one single Ubuntu 18.04 64 bits machine connected with a regular UE, routing the UE traffic to internet.

The description uses a USRP B210 board.

We also explain how to simplify, fix existing issues, to make a single computer as a full LTE network: EPC+eNB.

Known limitations fixed in the hereafter description

  • GTP UDP ports are in conflict for eNB and SGW
  • Useless link between OAI and the Ubuntu/Linux hostname removed
  • Several simplifications and precisions to make easier and reliable installations

Install Ubuntu

  • Prepare a machine: a 4 actual cores, no hyper-threading.
    All other configuration in OAI Wiki (C1 states, …) describes is about useless.
  • Download Ubuntu 18.04 64 bits version iso file
  • create a usb key to boot on it
  • install Ubuntu: choose to install Third party SW, and to upgrade all packages while installing
  • do: apt update; apt upgrade until the machine is up-to-date
  • install git and configure your identification in git:
     sudo apt install git 
     git config --global "Laurent"
     git config --global ""
  • Add the OAI repository as authorized remote system
    echo -n | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  • if you are upset with sudo password, add this line in /etc/sudoers
    • xxxxxx ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL (xxxxxx is your login name)
    • sudo will not ask anymore for a password

Install USRP drivers

We prefer to use UHD driver from source:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev python-mako doxygen python-docutils python-requests python3-pip cmake build-essential
pip3 install mako numpy
git clone git://
cd uhd; mkdir host/build; cd host/build
make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
sudo /usr/lib/uhd/utils/

Download our modifications

download and extract the data:

cd ~
tar xf opencells-mods-20190923.tgz

Download and patch EPC

Clone OAI EPC:

# maybe go back to home directory (leave openairinterface5g directory)
git clone
cd openair-cn
git checkout develop

We tested with commit: 724542d0b59797b010af8c5df15af7f669c1e838

The Eurecom gitlab require now a login, if you don’t have one, a copy of the git repository is in:openair-cn extract the tar with

tar xf openair-cn.tgz
cd openair-cn
git checkout develop

This is the last commit for OAI EPC on this development tree. Active OpenAir EPC is now another project on github. We use here this legacy EPC because the installation is quite easy (the new project uses Cassandra, al LOT of virtual machines, OpenVswitch and complex dependancies).

Apply the patch:

git apply ~/opencells-mods/EPC.patch

The new version of the source files are also in the tar, if you want to merge with another version of OpenAir EPC

What is in the patch file:

  • Add Ubuntu 18.04 for compilation and fix some bugs
  • Remove link between Linux host name and LTE diameter protocol configuration
  • Add usage of the input address for the SGW input socket
  • modify the freediameter S6a interface to fix a wrong OAI parameter
  • No kernel module patch is required: generic Ubuntu kernel 18.04 works fine with OAI
  • separate ASN.1 compiler installation to be compatible with other OpenAir components on the same machine (ans1c version is different for eNB and gNB)

Install third party SW for EPC

cd openair-cn; source oaienv; cd scripts
./build_hss -i
  • Answer yes to install: freeDiameter 1.2.0
  • phpmyadmin:
    • We don’t use phpmyadmin later in this procedure to update the MySQL database
    • We removed the installation of phpmyadmin (of course you can use it if you prefer)

For ubuntu 18.04, we set back the legacy mysql security level

sudo mysql -u root << END
USE mysql;
UPDATE user SET plugin='mysql_native_password' WHERE User='root';

sudo systemctl restart mysql.service

sudo mysql_secure_installation

The last command will ask a few questions:

    • password: set your password (linux is set in our default config files)
    • Remove anonymous users: yes
    • Disallow root login remotely: yes
    • Remove test database and access to it: yes
    • Reload privilege tables now: yes
  • Install 3PP SW for mme and spgw
./build_mme -i
  • Do you want to install freeDiameter 1.2.0: no
  • Do you want to install asn1c rev 1516 patched? <y/N>: yes
  • Do you want to install libgtpnl ? <y/N>: yes
  • wireshark permissions: as you prefer
 ./build_spgw -i
  • Do you want to install libgtpnl ? <y/N>: no

Compile the EPC nodes

No difficulty found in this phase.

cd openair-cn; source oaienv; cd scripts

If you face compilation issues, the log files are in openair-cn/build/log

In there files, look for “error:” string.

Download & Compile the eNB on 18.04

git clone
cd openairinterface5g
git checkout develop
  • We tested with commit edb74831dabf79686eb5a92fbf8fc06e6b267d35
  • Build in two steps
source oaienv  
./cmake_targets/build_oai -I  # install SW packages from internet
./cmake_targets/build_oai -w USRP --eNB --UE # compile eNB and UE

Our Network setup description

I’ve made a simple configuration for this all-in-one setup.

Each node is on a separate IP address, this address is used for all it’s interfaces. In our case of all-in-one, we take addresses on the loopback: this will be fine on all your machines.

  • HSS is on localhost:
  • eNB is on
  • MME is on
  • SPGW is on

The LTE diameter configuration is now isolated from Linux hostname.

realm for our EPC: “OpenAir5G.Alliance”, so, full distinguish names (FQDN) are: hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance, mme.OpenAir5G.Alliance

Install this configuration for eNB

In your eNB configuration file, the network is now fixed, as lo interface always exists and our computer internal addresses also:

////////// MME parameters:
 mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "";
 ipv6 = "192:168:30::17";
 active = "yes";
 preference = "ipv4";


 ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152

In the eNB config file, you need also to set the MCC and MNC as per your SIM card:

tracking_area_code = “1”;
mobile_country_code = “208”;
mobile_network_code = “92”;

And obviously, your radio parameters.

Wwe tested with USRP B210 20MHz band, Huawei E3272 UE, a cavity duplexer a simple antenna, about 1 meter distance UE/eNB antenna with this file: ~/opencells-mods/enb.10MHz.b200

if you use the OpenAir UE, a sim card file that match our hss database example: opencells-mods/sim.conf. We will make another tutorial to use together OpenAir UE and rf board simulation

Install this configuration for EPC

For the EPC, we install in OAI default directory: /usr/local/etc/oai

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/oai
sudo cp -rp ~/opencells-mods/config_epc/* /usr/local/etc/oai
cd openair-cn; source oaienv; cd scripts
./check_hss_s6a_certificate /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance
./check_mme_s6a_certificate /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter mme.OpenAir5G.Alliance

Only the SGi output to internet need to be configured.
In /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf,
your should set the Ethernet interface that is connected to Internet, and,
to tell to the PGW to implement NAPT for the UE traffic


For the SIM card, you’ll have more to do:

  • SIM MCC/MNC should be duplicated in a couple of files
    • eNB: See above in eNB configuration chapter
    • MME file: /usr/local/etc/oai/mme.conf to update
GUMMEI_LIST = ( MCC="208" ; MNC="92"; MME_GID="4" ; MME_CODE="1"; } );
TAI_LIST = ({MCC="208" ; MNC="92"; TAC = "1"; } );
    • HSS
      • Configure the password for MySQL
        • in /usr/local/etc/oai/hss.conf, set password as the password you created during MySQL installation
      • A HSS database in text is in: ~/opencells-mods/opencells_db.sql
        • We don’t use phpmyadmin: we load the database from a ascii file
        • It is pre-configured with the
          • mme id
          • 10 users is network 208/92 (a French test network) are also created (don’t use 3GPP test network: 001/01: the mme fails when MCC starts by “0”)
        • Each time you import this db, it erases the entire database
          (example: you set mysql password to “linux”)
~/opencells-mods/hss_import root linux oai_db ~/opencells-mods/opencells_db.sql
        • We use to modify the db by updating this file with regular text editor,
          then we re-load the entire database,
          but, if you prefer, usage of http://localhost/phpmyadmin is fine.
        • if you modified the hss db directly, we offer a export script:
        • The important values to set are:
          • table pdn:
            • all IMSI are listed, with the APN: these values are in UE/USIM
          • table users:
            • all IMSI, key (Ki) and OPc must be the same in USIM card
            • Sqn increments automatically  when the UE authenticate in both USIM and HSS DB: it should be set as per USIM internal incrementation
      • SIM card update
        • Open cells UICC and card reader will  be supported

Final test and verification

open 4 terminal windows

  1. in each window
cd openair-cn; source oaienv; cd scripts; ./run_hss
cd openair-cn; source oaienv; cd scripts; ./run_mme
cd openair-cn; source oaienv; cd scripts; sudo -E ./run_spgw
sudo bash
cd ~/openairinterface5g; source oaienv
cd cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build
./lte-softmodem -O ~/opencells-mods/enb.10MHz.b200

Connect the UE, it should attach to network and be able to reach internet through OAI network.

If the UE attaches, but you don’t have internet access, verify phone configuration: enable data in config->sim and verify the APN value

Issues related to CPU power

If you reach performance issues: USRP/UHD prints “LLLLL” or the process exits “problem with samples”, OVERFLOW, …

The first case is to verify the USRP dialogs over USB3 (not USB2): the process must report:

Found USRP B200
-- Detected Device: B200
-- Operating over USB 3.

For OAI source code, we wrote improvements and some hints for UE performance last year. The Linux/Ubuntu advises can be applied to the eNB:

We may make later a post for eNB (OAI/eNB can reach much better performance than today develop branch, but it require to enhance parts of the source code).

We re-built this procedure from scratch and tested i5-6600K.

On the i5-6600K, we obtained stable performance at maximum traffic over 20MHz, transmission mode 1 (SISO), duplexer, antenna, E3372 UE (one single UE) over-the-air 10 cm distance :

417 thoughts on “All in one OpenAirInterface”

  1. Hi, Laurent,
    I ran the eNB and EPC successfully. And my board is Limesdr, but I have also met some problem.
    Build the lte-softmodem,like this:
    ./cmake_targets/build_oai -c -w LMSSDR –eNB –UE
    run lte-softmodem:
    sudo ./cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build/lte-softmodem -O ./targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf –rf-config-file ./targets/ARCH/LMSSDR/LimeSDR_above_1p8GHz_1v4.ini

    But I can not get the tx signal when I checked the frequency of nearby neighborhoods by professional equipment. Can you help me out please?

    1. Hi,
      Maybe try first to follow our LimeSDR guide (see the dedicated post)
      We didn’t try LimeSDR for a while, I’ll run a test soon.

    2. Hi i had the same problem , i changed tx_gain to 100 in enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.lmssdr.conf file and now carrier is visible .

      But i can’t see base station in my phone , phone is nexus 5x and i know it support LTE band7 without problem .

      i even set mnc and mcc according to my sim card in enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.lmssdr.conf and mme.conf .

  2. Hi Dear Laurent
    Could you please help me regarding a problem that occures in the execution of lte-softmodem
    That error is:

    [MAC][I][eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler] UE rnti 72c : in synch, PHR 36 dB CQI 15
    [RRC][I]UE rnti 72c failure timer 0/20000
    [PHY][I]rx_rf: rfdevice timing drift of -1 samples (ts_off 62698675)
    [PHY][I]UE 0 : rnti 72c
    [MAC][I][eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler] UE rnti 72c : in synch, PHR 38 dB CQI 15
    [RRC][I]UE rnti 72c failure timer 0/20000
    [PHY][I]UE 0 : rnti 72c
    [MAC][I][eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler] UE rnti 72c : in synch, PHR 38 dB CQI 15
    [RRC][I]UE rnti 72c failure timer 0/20000

    1. Reza,
      There is no error in this: [I] trace is “information”
      It tells you the UE is attached, and no failure timer occured.
      the 0/20000 means that after 20000 errors, the eNB will abort the UE connexion

  3. Hi Laurent!
    Thank you for the detailed steps it worked fine, however I have tested a different setup, I considered epc on one machine (I have used the patch you have provided) and enb + oaisim on another machine(I run one enb and one user). As a result the enb could not connect to the epc’s mme leading to the ue not being able to attach to epc’s hss+mme. Do you have any suggestions?

    1. Hello,
      We never work with OAISIM.
      We will publish a separte channel simulator that will work with regular OAI UE and OAI eNB,
      nevertheless, as it is free, we do it in “best effort” work.

  4. Hi, Laurent

    Could you please give a hint as to why after command

    ~/openairinterface5g$ git checkout develop

    I get error message when trying to apply the patch?

    git apply ../opencells-mods/eNB.patch
    error: patch failed: cmake_targets/tools/build_helper:551
    error: cmake_targets/tools/build_helper: patch does not apply

    1. Actual commit is commit 1fb76157c838819587a4a5bd0c214fc100b7fbaf. ‘Though it says that it has merged the commit 17b9a9e917ce2a3a8c7004c7b9a221c350ddfe17 that you tested against, later build_oai -I for eNB fails with ‘oai doesn’t support ubuntu 17.04’ message.

    2. Below is git apply in verbose mode.

      ~/openairinterface5g$ git apply -v ../opencells-mods/eNB.patch
      Checking patch cmake_targets/tools/build_helper…
      error: while searching for:
      pydb \
      libyaml-dev \
      wget \

      $SUDO update-alternatives –set /usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/

      #Remove old gnutls/nettle installation that was done from sources

      $SUDO apt-get install -y nettle-dev nettle-bin

      $SUDO apt-get install -y libgnutls-dev
      elif [[ “$OS_BASEDISTRO” == “fedora” ]]; then
      if [[ “$OS_DISTRO” == “rhel” ]] || [[ “$OS_DISTRO” == “centos” ]]; then
      if rpm -q epel-release > /dev/null; then

      error: patch failed: cmake_targets/tools/build_helper:551
      error: cmake_targets/tools/build_helper: patch does not apply

      1. I am not a linux nerd, but libgnutls-dev library is compatible with previous release of Ubuntu, 16.04. 17.04 utilizes libgnutls30 library only. Do you think it could be the reason for the patch to fail? If yes, how one can fix it?

        1. As per description of git apply error, the patch couldn’t find the line of code in question. It could have been added by earlier commits.

          1. Got tired of finding out where the diff between eNB.patch and build_helper comes from, so applied changes manually.

          2. Dmitry,
            Thanks to point out the latest develop git branch commit refuses to merge our patch.
            I’m a bit lost in your trials:
            – works fine with the version we tested
            => if you do git checkout 17b9a9e917ce2a3a8c7004c7b9a221c350ddfe17
            the patch works fine
            – for the latest commit, as you discovered, the command “git apply eNB.patch” fails
            => the merge fails for a small detail
            instead of git apply, replace the file we need to patch by our version:
            cp ../opencells-mods/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper cmake_targets/tools/build_helper

            I tested: the following compilation works, nevertheless someone will have to perform a full test with a UE.

            I’ll do a new patch version later (we’ll try to maintain this tutorial up to date with latest commits about once per month).


  5. Hi Laurent,
    i am getting following error while executing ./run_spgw:
    Initializing GTPV1U interface
    Creating new listen socket on address and port 2123
    Inserting new descriptor for task 6, sd 31
    Received 1 events
    rmmod: ERROR: Module gtp is not currently loaded
    ERROR in loading gtp kernel module (check if built in kernel)
    Initializing GTPv1-U ERROR
    Function sgw_init (&spgw_config) has failed
    returning -1

    i am using Ubuntu 17.04 (GNU/Linux 4.10.0-33-generic x86_64), i have applied the patches given above. could you please help me out here?


    1. Ankita,
      I would guess you are not “root”.
      Only root can load kernel modules.
      Could you try: sudo ./run_spgw

  6. Hi, Laurent,
    I have succesfully compiled eNB+EPC, my RF board is limeSDR. No issues, your instructions are excellent, code is great, components of the system start smoothly, except eNB. I get LLLLL soon after the start of the eNb. My system is Ubuntu 17.04, CPU i5-3260, 4 cores (MacBook Pro 2013+Retina). Applying cpu improvement instructions make things even worse. So my question to you is should i opt for a more powerfull HW or there are code enhancement opportunities yet to be realized that will make the code run on a weaker system? Could moving mme+hss+spgw to a different machine help my cpu handle eNB processing load? I’d appreciate you giving a piece of advice.

    1. Dmitry,

      About the CPU, i don’t find this reference, maybe it is a i5-3360M.
      Anyway, it is likely a 2 cores CPU + hyperthreading.
      You can verify with:
      grep -i core /proc/cpuinfo
      grep siblings /proc/cpuinfo

      If the cores have siblings, it means hyperthreading is running and you see two cores whereas only one exists (this is not two cores, but one core with two sets of registers).

      I saw many people on the mailing list complaining OAI doesn’t run well on such (even recent) 2 cores CPUs (Intel released even “i7” with two actual cores).

      Today, I don’t think OAI runs nicely (even 5MHz/SISO) on such 2 cores CPU, but it should (if we pay enough effort in optimization).
      The best you can do right now: isolate the second core in a shield (probably core 1 and 3 are siblings)
      Run the EPC out of the shielded core
      Run the softmodem in the shielded domain.

      I don’t think running the EPC on another machine will make it significantly better, but you can try.
      For this separate EPC, change the IPs in the all config files to use the Ethernet interface ones.
      (If it is not that simple, I’ll make a post on separate eNB/EPC configuration).

      In next months, we need is to improve the softmodem to run well with less CPU.
      Open cells implemented pieces of code, for that purpose.
      We didn’t release it because we wait a major update that will come soon in develop branch to merge our improvements.
      It is hard to estimate when we will release our work: there is overlap between the near future huge commit in develop branch and what we did.
      So, we expect a complex “merge” that will partially erase what we did.

      Furthermore, we have to deliver first the work we are paid for.
      This is also why we didn’t progress during August on our LimeSDR tests: we do such free open source in best effort mode.


      1. Laurent,

        Thanks for replying. I double checked, my CPU is i5-3230M, 2 cores. Look forward to getting into cpu shielding.

  7. Hi Laurent,
    Recently, my friends told me a way to solve the “LLLLL…” in eNB.
    In system settings->software& updates->Additional Drivers ,we select “Do not use the device ” instead of “Using processor microcode …….”, restart the computer, then it works. that’s all, thank you.

    1. Hello,
      This is a very important remark that need to be qualified better.
      This package is made by Intel, only Intel know what is in, but we know the purpose.
      The motherboard bios contains a version of Intel microcode (a microcode must be loaded in the CPU).
      The Debian/Ubuntu package runs a Intel code that updates this microcode if needed.

      So, you found at least a case where the updated microcode is worse than the one in the bios.

      Could you provide us with more information: CPU type, mother board reference and bios version where this situation occurs?

      thanks for this discovery

  8. Hello,
    I’m sorry to reply you so late.
    my computer is (DELL)3668-R2938/R1938
    and CPU type is i7-7700
    bios version 1.1.0
    Before I change it, it prints out the “LLL…” every time when I run eNB.


    1. Hi,
      The source of microcode seems to be:
      in the tar file, the file releasenote explains how is done the root integration in Linux.

      Ubuntu/Debian seems to only repackage this from Intel delivery, believing they will put better version than the MB bios one.
      In your case it seems a mistake to perform this update.

      Linux boot trace gives us the microcode version:
      dmesg | grep microcode:

      If microcode update in enabled, the output has a line like:
      [ 0.000000] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0xba, date = 2017-04-09

      In all cases, the microcode version is given like:
      [ 0.963620] microcode: sig=0x506e3, pf=0x2, revision=0xba

      Could you check the versions you have in each case?

  9. Hi Laurent,
    after I run “dmesg | grep microcode”,I got the output as follows;
    [ 0.086702] mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 0:906e9 TIME 1510484689 SOCKET 0 APIC 0 microcode 48
    [ 0.086704] mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 0:906e9 TIME 1510484689 SOCKET 0 APIC 0 microcode 48
    [ 0.086707] mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 0:906e9 TIME 1510484689 SOCKET 0 APIC 0 microcode 48
    [ 0.086709] mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 0:906e9 TIME 1510484689 SOCKET 0 APIC 0 microcode 48
    [ 0.818583] microcode: sig=0x906e9, pf=0x2, revision=0x48
    [ 0.818766] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.2.
    I don’t know what it means, could you figure it out for me, thank you.


    1. Hi
      mce => machine check exception
      Means your machine have a HW fault (or the SW wrongly detects HW fault)
      there is package to obtain more details:
      apt install mcelog
      mcelog --client

      Do you have this log for both cases: with “microcode enabled” in ubuntu drivers?

  10. Hi Laurent:
    when i run “./cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build/lte-softmodem -O “,the result is ok,but when i run “./cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build/lte-softmodem -O -d”,it whill occure an error(core dump) like below:

    [PHY][I]lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    Scope thread has priority 2
    Scope thread created, ret=0
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    I don’t know what it means, could you figure it out for me, thank you.


      1. Hello,
        I guess you use new develop (commit after October 23rd).
        In this version and all above major regressions exist(see the mail from Cédric “IMPORTANT NOTICE: new versions of master and develop branches” when this update has been done).
        If i’m right, please complain on OAI mailing list about all defects that appeared in this commit and after).

      2. I have some error, can you check for me ? thanks.
        sudo -E ./ran_build/build/lte-softmodem -O ../ci-scripts/conf_files/rcc.band7.tm1.nfapi.conf –noS1
        [CONFIG] get parameters from libconfig ../ci-scripts/conf_files/rcc.band7.tm1.nfapi.conf , debug flags: 0x00000000
        [CONFIG] function config_libconfig_init returned 0
        [CONFIG] config module libconfig loaded
        [LIBCONFIG] config: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
        # /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
        [PHY] init_eNB_afterRU() ************* DJP ***** eNB->frame_parms.nb_antennas_rx:0 – GOING TO HARD CODE TO 1[PHY] init_eNB_afterRU() ************* DJP ***** eNB->frame_parms.nb_antennas_tx:0 – GOING TO HARD CODE TO 1[PHY] inst 0, CC_id 0 : nb_antennas_rx 1
        [PHY] Initialise transport
        [PHY] init_eNB_proc(inst:0) RC.nb_CC[inst]:1
        [PHY] Initializing eNB processes instance:0 CC_id 0
        [PHY] eNB->single_thread_flag:0
        [HW] thread_top_init() called with affinity>0, but overruled by #ifndef CPU_AFFINITY.
        [HW] [SCHED][eNB] RXn_TXnp4_0
        started on CPU 0, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1
        [HW] thread_top_init() called with affinity>0, but overruled by #ifndef CPU_AFFINITY.
        [HW] [SCHED][eNB] RXn_TXnp4_1
        started on CPU 1, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1
        [PHY] thread rxtx created id=2077
        Segmentation fault

  11. Hi Laurent
    I’m running the program with configurations given in opencells-cells/enb.10MHz.b200 file on USRP B210.
    when my phone found the 4G network I’ve got the following error messages:

    [OSA][E]Mismatch found in integrity for algorithm 2,
    got 8c.83.1c.b4, expecting
    [PDCP][E][OSA][RB 1] eNB failed to validate MAC-I of incoming PDU

    [S1AP][E][s1ap_eNB_task] Received unhandled message: 94:S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_FAIL

    [PHY][E]ERROR: Format 1A: rb_alloc (7ff) > RIV_max (4fa)

    [PHY][E][eNB 0] Frame 982: Unknown UE_id for rnti 7931

    and after 10-20 seconds fails to Internet connection, but stay to show the 4G sign on my phone.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi,
      S1AP fails to create the link for an issue in the cyphering keys: what is your phone and what SIM card do you use?

        1. Hi Aram,
          This is a problem of security keys: likely the phone is working well, maybe you didn’t program well the sysmoUSIM-SJS1 or the core network is not working.
          I would suspect the EPC: are you using OAI EPC?

          1. I used exactly the same way mentioned in Your artice above.

            I’ve added in the config file the following settings:
            srs_enable = “ENABLE”;
            srs_BandwidthConfig = 2;
            srs_SubframeConfig = 7;
            srs_ackNackST = “DISABLE”;
            srs_MaxUpPts = “DISABLE”;

            And felt a little bit advance in connection time, but gives the following errors and connection lost:
            [MAC][E][initiate_ra_proc] [eNB 0][RAPROC] FAILURE: CC_id 0 Frame 558 Initiating RA procedure for preamble index 52


          2. Hi Aram,

            So, you use OAI eNB, OAI EPC and the HSS is loaded with the database from our tutorial.
            I don’t think it is a radio or low layer issue: it should be a authentication issue between the SIM and the HSS, then the derivated keys are wrong.

            In this case, I guess the SIM card is not well configured: set it to milenage (not XOR) algorithm.
            Please test the authentication (as in the Sysmocom manual).


  12. Thank you for nice description!
    Can I follow this procedure exactly on Ubuntu 16.04? will it cause any problems?

    My OS is Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and kernel is 4.10.0-40-generic

    1. James,
      Yes, I saw reports from other users that made the same on recent flavor of 16.04 (you have the same if your kernel is 16.04).

  13. Hi Laurent
    I’ve used the program “” to test the authentication
    and it prints the follows:

    Reading Authentication parameters…
    * Initalizing…
    * Reading…
    * Current algorithm setting:
    2G: 3=COMP128v1
    3G: 1=MILENAGE

    so it seems that our algorithm is MILENAGE, but the issue still remains.

    1. Aram,
      I don’t know.
      Maybe you can spend 10€ buying us a programmed SIM card, nevertheless I’m not 100% sure the issue is the SIM card.

  14. Hi Laurent,

    Thank you for such a detailed guide.
    Everything worked fine.

    In my setup I am using LimeSDR as eNB and for UE its Huawei E3276-s.
    When I attach UE to eNB the MME crashes.

    I am trying to follow your comment:
    Fix a issue in mme that crash mme with some phones in the attach-request procedure (maybe Android 6 phones)
    If you want to fix only this issue, pick files:
    in the hereafter tar file
    The issue is: mme wrong decoding of smartphone codec list

    Is there a file missing or do I need to replace the Attach.c ?


    1. Ubaid,
      E3276-s works fine with OAI, the issue is not this one.
      The most common reason is some parameters are not correct, so the MME reach one of it’s bugs.
      Could you try the same with a USRP ?

      1. Hi Laurent,

        I do not have a USRP unfortunately only LimeSDR.
        I also tried with a samsung s6 edge (android 7). I can ping from eNB to UE. The data rate is too low around 170Bytes/sec. When I use s6 edge the MME does not crash while the spw crashes.

        I see this on the terminal running spgw:
        000649 00189:566373 7F121DABB700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1243 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq() (rc=0)
        000650 00189:566379 7F121E2BC700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0088 Looking for task 6
        000651 00189:566382 7F121E2BC700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0091 Found matching task desc
        000652 00189:566385 7F121E2BC700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0309 [31] Sending message of size 18 to and port 2123
        000653 00189:566403 7F121E2BC700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
        000654 00193:566382 7F121DABB700 DEBUG S11 aug/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0212 Received event TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED for timer_id 0x7f121400a6d0 and arg 0x7f12140041c0
        000655 00193:566401 7F121DABB700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1315 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout()
        000656 00193:566430 7F121DABB700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0113 Duplicate request hold timer expired for transaction 0x0x7f1214000aa0
        000657 00193:566436 7F121DABB700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f1214000bb0!
        000658 00193:566441 7F121DABB700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0328 Purging transaction 0x0x7f1214000aa0
        000659 00193:566446 7F121DABB700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1367 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout() (rc=0)

        Any help would be great.
        Can you kindly also suggest any changes I can make to MME?


        1. Hello,

          I tried a LimeSDR a few days ago: it succeeded to attach to the OAI network.
          Then, my lab have problems with RF signal quality (even with USRP), so I didn’t manage to get stable traffic.
          So, I got almost the same as you.

          I used OpenAir CN with our patches, our SIM, our duplexer, OAI eNB, 10MHz, band 7.

          My SPGW didn’t crash, nevertheless known issues exists when the UE re-attach.

          My assumption is the radio quality is not good, so the UE attach, reattach, …

          The OAI code contains numerous bugs, so to obtain stable traffic, for now, we need good radio conditions.

          I’ll try to make a good setup, in the next two weeks.


  15. Hello Laurent,
    I’m trying to get this config up and running on 16.04.3 machine. Succeeded to build everything by your instruction, now trying to run: hss and mme started up OK, but spgw complains (see log below). Seems that it’s missing gtp module, but at wich stage should it be built? Is it an external module? I checked build logs in openair-cn, all looks good, except for couple messages “Didn’t find any information element for message: S1ap-PrivateMessageIEs”. Start log follows (this goes right after big nw-gtpv2c copyright notice, no errors indicated until this point):

    000134 00001:104316 7F1F8A69C700 DEBUG S11 enb/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0244 Tx UDP_INIT IP addr
    000135 00001:104324 7F1F8A69C700 DEBUG S11 enb/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0301 Initializing S11 interface: DONE
    000136 00001:104326 7F1F8A69C700 DEBUG SPGW-A nb/openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_task.c:0148 Initializing SPGW-APP task interface
    000137 00001:104328 7F1F8A69C700 DEBUG GTPv1- air-cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtpv1u_task.c:0096 Initializing GTPV1U interface
    000138 00001:104331 7F1F86764700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0126 Creating new listen socket on address and port 2123
    000139 00001:104639 7F1F86764700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0171 Inserting new descriptor for task 6, sd 31
    000140 00001:104660 7F1F86764700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
    rmmod: ERROR: Module gtp is not currently loaded
    modprobe: FATAL: Module gtp not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-104-generic
    000141 00001:107330 7F1F8A69C700 CRITI GTPv2- air-cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtpv1u_task.c:0105 ERROR in loading gtp kernel module (check if built in kernel)
    000142 00001:107344 7F1F8A69C700 ALERT SPGW-A nb/openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_task.c:0151 Initializing GTPv1-U ERROR
    Function sgw_init (&spgw_config) has failed
    returning -1

  16. Laurent,

    Just found your note about gtp in previous version of this post. So, as far as I got it, the best way is update the kernel to 4.10, right?


  17. Hi Laurent,
    Thanks for your painstaking efforts in providing excellent instruction for the implementation of All in one OpenAirInterface. I have made attempts to follow the steps in The hss, mme and spgw were loaded with success, but I have issues with the eNB as the UE could not establish connection to the internet and reported thefollowing message when I issue the command “./cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build/lte-softmodem -O enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf”:

    [CONFIG] get parameters from libconfig /home/ranadmin/openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
    Sending sync to all threads
    got sync (ru_thread)
    [CONFIG] calling config module end function…
    [CONFIG] free 1 config parameter pointers
    [CONFIG] free 12 config value pointers
    Entering ITTI signals handler
    [PHY][I]Time in secs now: 37398604
    [PHY][I]Time in secs last pps: 30657425
    [PHY][I]RU 0 rf device ready
    [PHY][I]RU 0 no asynch_south interface
    [HW][I][SCHED][eNB] eNB_thread_prach_br started on CPU 2, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3
    [PHY][I]prach_I0 = 2.1 dB
    [PHY][I]max_I0 42, min_I0 34
    [PHY][I]max_I0 44, min_I0 33

    Is there any thing I missed out or did wrongly that is preventing the UE from having access to the internet? ..and how can I fix the “ULLLL…” issue?
    Details are in the attached eNB log, also enclosed with this email are logs for hss, mme, spgw.
    Please I need your to fix these problems
    Thank you and happy new year in advance.

    Best Regards.

    1. Hello
      im using this solutions but i got this probleme using the USRP x310 can you please help me sir
      [RLC] rlc_tick: discontinuity (expected 0.1, got 0.4)
      [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
      what(): RfnocError: OpTimeout: Control operation timed out waiting for ACK

  18. Hi Laurent,

    I wanna try OAI with lime SDR. In this post you mention that there would be a seperate post about a setup with Lime. Did you publish such post anywhere?

    If not, are there any specific differences trying USRP and Lime with OAI?



    1. Hi Cihan,
      The post was not visible because the menu was too short, it is on

      I didn’t try again for a while to use Lime, I will do but I don’t know when.

      It is very similar to USRP in term of SW interface, the main issue is to calibrate properly the RF.
      There was issues inside the LimeSDR driver, at least the Tx part have been fixed.
      For OAI part, you need to set the proper radio power values.

      Also, note the maximum output power is 10dB lower than USRP, so the range will be shorter.

      I’ll try to have a look in it on Friday with a R&S analyzer.

  19. Hi,

    Thank you for this excellent guide. I’m trying to follow this it using a BladeRF x40. My system is 64 bit Ubuntu 17.04 with Intel® Core™ i7-5500U Processor (4M Cache, 2.4GHz, Turbo Boost up to 3.0 GHz).

    At the very end of the guide, when I try to launch the lte-softmodem, it hangs on “Waiting for eNB application to be ready.”

    I’m using the bladerf file (, with small edits suggested by the configuration file here (MNC = 92, downlink_frequency = 2630000000L, different mme_ip_address and NETWORK_INTERFACES). I also changed the one line in this tutorial to:

    ./cmake_targets/build_oai -w BLADERF –eNB –UE

    The running MME output shows that there are no connected eNBs, and the dmesg output is below.

    Before it hangs, there’s an error, which I’m not sure if it’s related.

    [SCTP][I][sctp_eNB_read_from_socket] Received notification for sd 41, type 32769
    [SCTP][I][sctp_eNB_read_from_socket] Client association changed: 4
    [SCTP][I][sctp_eNB_flush_sockets] Found data for descriptor 41
    [SCTP][I][sctp_eNB_read_from_socket] An error occured during read
    *[SCTP][E][sctp_eNB_read_from_socket] sctp_recvmsg (fd 41, len -1 ): Connection refused:111*
    [RRC][I][FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Init…

    Here is the dmesg output:
    [ 2046.470992] usb 3-3: reset SuperSpeed USB device number 3 using xhci_hcd
    [ 2046.491610] usb 3-3: LPM exit latency is zeroed, disabling LPM.
    [ 2173.599956] gtp: GTP module unloaded
    [ 2173.632364] gtp: GTP module loaded (pdp ctx size 80 bytes)
    [ 2180.042042] perf: interrupt took too long (4066 > 4058), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 49000
    [ 2195.646291] usb 3-3: reset SuperSpeed USB device number 3 using xhci_hcd
    [ 2195.666874] usb 3-3: LPM exit latency is zeroed, disabling LPM.

    The full output of the lte-softmodem command is here: – any pointers would be helpful. I know the processor only has 2 cores – is this the source of the problem?

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Nate,
      The problem is not the 2 cores.
      gtp unlaod/load and most of messages are ok.

      Maybe the origin of the issue is in the sctp: Connection refused:111
      I would suggest to recheck MME connection parameters.

      1. Hello,

        I got the same error message and it works after carefully recheck the IP addresses in “openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.100PRB.usrpb210.conf” following this guide.

        Nghia Nguyen.

  20. Hi Laurent,

    It was a really nice instruction. In my case, I am using a bladeRFx40 as the eNB. And I can see the network in my phone which is a Huawei P9. But when I want to connect my phone to the mme, it fails all the time because the authentication request is rejected. I checked all the certificates that I had installed and I think the problema is not this. Do you know what is happening here? Thank you very much!

    1. The following informations are from after the compilation of MME:
      001331 00334:528706 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0477 Entering _authentication_t3460_handler()
      001332 00334:528729 7F40DF0B2700 WARNI NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0487 EMM-PROC – T3460 timer expired, retransmission counter = 3
      001333 00334:528735 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0559 Entering _authentication_request()
      001334 00334:528738 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000002 context 0x7f40d4000b10
      001335 00334:528741 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0352 Entering emm_as_set_security_data()
      001336 00334:528745 7F40DF0B2700 DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0398 NO Valid Security Context Available
      001337 00334:528747 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0405 Leaving emm_as_set_security_data()
      001338 00334:528754 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
      001339 00334:528773 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0175 Entering emm_as_send()
      001340 00334:528778 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0181 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_SECURITY_REQ (201)
      001341 00334:528781 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0923 Entering _emm_as_send()
      001342 00334:528783 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1267 Entering _emm_as_security_req()
      001343 00334:528785 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1270 EMMAS-SAP – Send AS security request
      001344 00334:528788 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0734 Entering _emm_as_set_header()
      001345 00334:528790 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0786 Leaving _emm_as_set_header() (rc=139916596680880)
      001346 00334:528795 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0905 Entering emm_send_authentication_request()
      001347 00334:528798 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0908 EMMAS-SAP – Send Authentication Request message
      001348 00334:528801 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0935 Leaving emm_send_authentication_request() (rc=36)
      001349 00334:528804 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000002 context 0x7f40d4000b10
      001350 00334:528806 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0815 Entering _emm_as_encode()
      001351 00334:528828 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0540 Entering nas_message_encode()
      001352 00334:528831 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0852 Entering _nas_message_header_encode()
      001353 00334:528835 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0885 Leaving _nas_message_header_encode() (rc=1)
      001354 00334:528838 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0913 Entering _nas_message_plain_encode()
      001355 00334:528842 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0271 Entering emm_msg_encode()
      001356 00334:528851 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0420 Leaving emm_msg_encode() (rc=36)
      001357 00334:528856 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0933 Leaving _nas_message_plain_encode() (rc=36)
      001358 00334:528859 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0623 Leaving nas_message_encode() (rc=36)
      001359 00334:528862 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0851 Leaving _emm_as_encode() (rc=36)
      001360 00334:528864 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1353 Leaving _emm_as_security_req() (rc=263)
      001361 00334:528866 7F40DF0B2700 DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0968 EMMAS-SAP – Sending msg with id 0x107, primitive EMMAS_SECURITY_REQ (201) to S1AP layer for transmission
      001362 00334:528880 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0973 Leaving _emm_as_send() (rc=0)
      001363 00334:528883 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0243 Leaving emm_as_send() (rc=0)
      001364 00334:528885 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
      001365 00334:528917 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0605 EMM-PROC – Timer T3460 (1) expires in 6 seconds
      001366 00334:528920 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0609 Leaving _authentication_request() (rc=0)
      001367 00334:528922 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0509 Leaving _authentication_t3460_handler() (rc=0)
      001368 00334:528934 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP /src/mme_app/mme_app_transport.c:0057 Entering mme_app_handle_nas_dl_req()
      001369 00334:528965 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP /src/mme_app/mme_app_transport.c:0098 Leaving mme_app_handle_nas_dl_req() (rc=0)
      001370 00334:528975 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0344 Entering s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport()
      001371 00334:529004 7F40DD0AE700 NOTIC S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0399 Send S1AP DOWNLINK_NAS_TRANSPORT message ue_id = 0x00000002 MME_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x00000002 eNB_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x6FE0DC
      001372 00334:529015 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0409 Leaving s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport() (rc=0)
      001373 00334:529023 7F40DE8B1700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0277 [40][91] Sending buffer 0x7f40c40081c0 of 62 bytes on stream 1 with ppid 18
      001374 00334:529179 7F40DE8B1700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0288 Successfully sent 62 bytes on stream 1
      001375 00337:030373 7F40BFFFF700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0476 [91][40] Msg of length 27 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
      001376 00337:030477 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP r-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_decoder.c:0050 Entering s1ap_mme_decode_initiating()
      001377 00337:030499 7F40DD0AE700 DEBUG S1AP /CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:5574 Decoding message S1ap_UEContextReleaseRequestIEs (/home/ikerlan/openair-cn/build/mme/build/CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:5574)
      001378 00337:030524 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP r-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_decoder.c:0144 Leaving s1ap_mme_decode_initiating() (rc=0)
      001379 00337:030527 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0645 Entering s1ap_mme_handle_ue_context_release_request()
      001380 00337:030533 7F40DD0AE700 DEBUG S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0659 UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST with Cause_Type = Radio Network and Cause_Value = 21
      001381 00337:030536 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0414 Found ue_ref 0x7f40c4007c20 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000002
      001382 00337:030538 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0428 Found ue_ref 0x7f40c4007c20 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000002
      001383 00337:030540 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0469 Return ue_ref 0x7f40c4007c20
      001384 00337:030550 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0716 Leaving s1ap_mme_handle_ue_context_release_request() (rc=0)
      001385 00337:030558 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1049 Entering _mme_app_handle_s1ap_ue_context_release()
      001386 00337:030564 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1102 Leaving _mme_app_handle_s1ap_ue_context_release()
      001387 00337:030571 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM an/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0495 Entering nas_proc_implicit_detach_ue_ind()
      001388 00337:030574 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
      001389 00337:030576 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0451 Entering emm_cn_send()
      001390 00337:030577 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0452 EMMCN-SAP – Received primitive EMMCN_IMPLICIT_DETACH_UE (406)
      001391 00337:030580 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0201 Entering _emm_cn_implicit_detach_ue()
      001392 00337:030581 7F40DF0B2700 DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0202 EMM-PROC Implicit Detach UE0x00000002
      001393 00337:030583 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Detach.c:0224 Entering emm_proc_detach_request()
      001394 00337:030585 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Detach.c:0228 EMM-PROC – Detach type = EPS (0) requested (ue_id=0x00000002)001395 00337:030588 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000002 context 0x7f40d4000b10
      001396 00337:030593 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
      001397 00337:030595 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0106 Entering emm_reg_send()
      001398 00337:030597 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0256 Entering emm_fsm_process()
      001399 00337:030599 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0263 EMM-FSM – Received event DETACH_REQ (8) in state COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED
      001400 00337:030602 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM ap/EmmCommonProcedureInitiated.c:0090 Entering EmmCommonProcedureInitiated()
      001401 00337:030605 7F40DF0B2700 ERROR NAS-EM ap/EmmCommonProcedureInitiated.c:0192 EMM-FSM – Primitive is not valid (8)
      001402 00337:030608 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM ap/EmmCommonProcedureInitiated.c:0196 Leaving EmmCommonProcedureInitiated() (rc=-1)
      001403 00337:030611 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0271 Leaving emm_fsm_process() (rc=-1)
      001404 00337:030613 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0119 Leaving emm_reg_send() (rc=-1)
      001405 00337:030614 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=-1)
      001406 00337:030616 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS -cn/src/nas/nas_itti_messaging.c:0442 Entering nas_itti_detach_req()
      001407 00337:030621 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS -cn/src/nas/nas_itti_messaging.c:0460 Leaving nas_itti_detach_req()
      001408 00337:030623 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0807 EMM-PROC – Stop timer T3460 (1)
      001409 00337:030632 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-ES air-cn/src/nas/esm/sap/esm_sap.c:0158 Entering esm_sap_send()
      001410 00337:030634 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-ES air-cn/src/nas/esm/sap/esm_sap.c:0168 ESM-SAP – Received primitive ESM_EPS_BEARER_CONTEXT_DEACTIVATE_REQ (10)
      001411 00337:030637 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-ES m/EpsBearerContextDeactivation.c:0139 Entering esm_proc_eps_bearer_context_deactivate()
      001412 00337:030639 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-ES m/EpsBearerContextDeactivation.c:0144 ESM-PROC – EPS bearer context deactivation: No Valid context
      001413 00337:030642 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-ES m/EpsBearerContextDeactivation.c:0145 Leaving esm_proc_eps_bearer_context_deactivate() (rc=0)
      001414 00337:030645 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-ES air-cn/src/nas/esm/sap/esm_sap.c:0273 Leaving esm_sap_send() (rc=0)
      001415 00337:030648 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0176 Entering emm_fsm_set_status()
      001416 00337:030650 7F40DF0B2700 INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0182 UE 0x00000002 EMM-FSM – Status changed: COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED ===> DEREGISTERED
      001417 00337:030654 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1014 Entering mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
      001418 00337:030656 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1033 Leaving mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
      001419 00337:030658 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0194 Leaving emm_fsm_set_status() (rc=0)
      001420 00337:030660 7F40DF0B2700 DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0603 EMM-CTX – Remove in context 0x7f40d4000b10 UE id 0x00000002
      001421 00337:030662 7F40DF0B2700 DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0622 EMM-CTX – Remove in ctx_coll_imsi context 0x7f40d4000b10 UE id 0xD4000B10 imsi 901700000023531
      001422 00337:030664 7F40DF0B2700 DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0194 ue_id=0x00000002 cleared IMSI
      001423 00337:030667 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Detach.c:0291 Leaving emm_proc_detach_request() (rc=0)
      001424 00337:030668 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0205 Leaving _emm_cn_implicit_detach_ue() (rc=0)
      001425 00337:030670 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0494 Leaving emm_cn_send() (rc=0)
      001426 00337:030672 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
      001427 00337:030674 7F40DF0B2700 TRACE NAS-EM an/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0499 Leaving nas_proc_implicit_detach_ue_ind() (rc=0)
      001428 00337:030682 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP mme_app/mme_app_itti_messaging.h:0042 Leaving mme_app_itti_ue_context_release()
      001429 00337:030684 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_detach.c:0127 Leaving mme_app_handle_detach_req()
      001430 00337:030688 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0811 Entering s1ap_handle_ue_context_release_command()
      001431 00337:030691 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0414 Found ue_ref 0x7f40c4007c20 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000002
      001432 00337:030693 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0428 Found ue_ref 0x7f40c4007c20 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000002
      001433 00337:030695 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0469 Return ue_ref 0x7f40c4007c20
      001434 00337:030697 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0743 Entering s1ap_mme_generate_ue_context_release_command()
      001435 00337:030734 7F40DD0AE700 DEBUG S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0796 Started S1AP UE context release timer for UE id 2
      001436 00337:030736 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0798 Leaving s1ap_mme_generate_ue_context_release_command() (rc=0)
      001437 00337:030738 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0831 Leaving s1ap_handle_ue_context_release_command() (rc=0)
      001438 00337:030746 7F40DE8B1700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0277 [40][91] Sending buffer 0x7f40c4003aa0 of 23 bytes on stream 1 with ppid 18
      001439 00337:030920 7F40DE8B1700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0288 Successfully sent 23 bytes on stream 1
      001440 00337:045581 7F40BFFFF700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0476 [91][40] Msg of length 21 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
      001441 00337:045639 7F40DD0AE700 DEBUG S1AP /CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:3702 Decoding message S1ap_UEContextReleaseCompleteIEs (/home/ikerlan/openair-cn/build/mme/build/CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:3702)
      001442 00337:045661 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0845 Entering s1ap_mme_handle_ue_context_release_complete()
      001443 00337:045670 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0414 Found ue_ref 0x7f40c4007c20 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000002
      001444 00337:045673 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0428 Found ue_ref 0x7f40c4007c20 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000002
      001445 00337:045676 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0469 Return ue_ref 0x7f40c4007c20
      001446 00337:045694 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP n/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0595 Removing UE enb_ue_s1ap_id: 0x6FE0DC mme_ue_s1ap_id:0x00000002 in eNB id : 3584
      001447 00337:045698 7F40DD0AE700 DEBUG S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0876 Removed UE 0x00000002
      001448 00337:045701 7F40DD0AE700 TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0877 Leaving s1ap_mme_handle_ue_context_release_complete() (rc=0)
      001449 00337:045709 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0972 Entering mme_app_handle_s1ap_ue_context_release_complete()
      001450 00337:045713 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0662 Entering mme_notify_ue_context_released()
      001451 00337:045715 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0667 Leaving mme_notify_ue_context_released()
      001452 00337:045718 7F40DC8AD700 DEBUG MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0988 Deleting UE context associated in MME for mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000002
      001453 00337:045721 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0677 Entering mme_remove_ue_context()
      001454 00337:045726 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0721 Leaving mme_remove_ue_context()
      001455 00337:045729 7F40DC8AD700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1003 Leaving mme_app_handle_s1ap_ue_context_release_complete()

  21. Hello,

    I used a bladeRF instead of a USPR, for now, I can register in my network, the problem appears when I want to stablish internet connection using my phone, it is not stable, the internet works rarely. In the logs of eNB, I can see the following errors:

    [MAC][E][schedule_ulsch] scheduled retransmission in forbidden RBs
    [DEBUG @”/build/bladerf-zjSF8E/…./libusb.c”:1339]Non-blocking buffer submission requested, but no transfers are currently available.

    I don’t know if the failure of the internet is due to these errors o not.


  22. Hi,

    I started facing some problems to have the eNB connected to the MME after an Ubuntu update. The following log is the log after the starting procedure of eNB:

    [MAC][E][rrc_mac_config_req_eNB] RC.mac:0x7fef08002080 mib:0x7fef08003108

    [SCTP][E]sctp_recvmsg (fd 41, len -1 ): Connection refused:111

    [PHY][E]config_mib() dl_BandwidthP:3

    [MAC][E][rrc_mac_config_req_eNB] rrc_mac_config_req_eNB() /home/lcrr-032553/openairinterface5g/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/config.c:967 RC.mac[Mod_idP]->if_inst->PHY_config_req:0x56048265e570

    [PHY][E]***DJP*** removed assert on preamble fp->prach_emtc_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_numRepetitionPerPreambleAttempt[0]:0 expecting >0 /home/lcrr-032553/openairinterface5g/openair1/PHY/INIT/lte_init.c:259

    [PHY][E]DJP – delete code above this /home/lcrr-032553/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c:2399

    [PHY][E][INIT] phy_init_RU() RC.nb_L1_inst:1

    Can you help me, please?


    1. Dear Alexandre,

      The line sctp_recvmsg (fd 41, len -1 ): Connection refused:111 indicates the eNB can’t connect to the mme.
      One possibility is the diameter certificate expired: renew it with

      cd openair-cn; source oaienv; cd scripts
      ./check_hss_s6a_certificate /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance
      ./check_mme_s6a_certificate /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter mme.OpenAir5G.Alliance

      I guess you have more explanation in the mme log.

      Please try and report to continue this diagnosis

      1. Hi,

        I got the same problem with Alexandre, and I didn’t find the solution.
        Could you please offer a link to the solution? Lots of thanks.


        1. Hi,

          So, the new problem it started somewhere after kernel revision 4.15.23 (ubuntu 18.04 update now installs a more recent kernel).

          This recent kernel refuses SCTP connect from eNB even if the MME is running.
          Forcing IPv4 (so replace AF_INET6 by AF_INET) in mme source: src/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:352 seems ok.

          The root error is still to be found: OAI IPv6 implementation contains bugs, maybe the kernel refuses for good reasons.


          1. Hi,

            Thanks for your reply. But I’m still confused. What exactly should I do to fix this problem?
            Should I change my kernel version? Please give me some specific suggestions.


  23. Hi, Laurent,

    By following the tutorial above, but still we have this kind of error (as also reported by someone else earlier):
    [SCTP][I][sctp_eNB_read_from_socket] Received notification for sd 41, type 32769
    [SCTP][I][sctp_eNB_read_from_socket] Client association changed: 4
    [SCTP][I][sctp_eNB_flush_sockets] Found data for descriptor 41
    [SCTP][I][sctp_eNB_read_from_socket] An error occured during read
    *[SCTP][E][sctp_eNB_read_from_socket] sctp_recvmsg (fd 41, len -1 ): Connection refused:111*
    [RRC][I][FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Init…
    And as you have replied earlier:
    Maybe the origin of the issue is in the sctp: Connection refused:111
    I would suggest to recheck MME connection parameters.
    And, yes, we do observed “SCTP abort!” message from the communication between EPC and eNB.
    Could you specify more clearly how I should configure MME? (we have already followed the tutorial above…)

    Sorry for bothering.

    1. Hi,
      So, maybe you use Ubuntu 18.04 up-to-date.
      In this case, something is wrong either in the kernel or in OAI, see above the fix to set in the mme code.

  24. Hi,
    After the release of OAI v1.0.1, are the steps provided in this post still applicable ? Also is it possible to install the new release on ubuntu 18.04 ?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. For OAI EPC, I think the best is to use what is described in this old tutorial because newer OAI EPC is over complex to install and use.
      For OAI RAN, it is probably better to use OAI v1.0.1
      We will try to find out some time to update this tutorial with recent versions.

  25. hello, the script is not working either on ubuntu 17.04 since it is out of date or on 18.04 since it says it is not supported.
    any suggestion. or any one faced this problem.

    1. In cmake_targets/tools/build_helper, replace 17.04 by 18.04 everywhere.
      I didn’t test nevertheless it should work: the difference between these two versions is small.

  26. Hello
    I have issue about the number of user that are serviceable in a simple host (Intel Core i5-8400 & 4.0 GHz ) and usrp (b210).
    This is a question in both structure (RAN & EPC).
    Thanks if you guide me.

    1. Hi,
      OAI quality is not high enough for a commercial like usage.
      The number of users would be a few only because of bugs before CPU size.

  27. please your support with the below error , occured when applying the epc patch that impact installation of third party sw
    root@user:/home/user/Downloads/opencells-mods-20170823/opencells-mods# git apply EPC.patch
    error: patch failed: build/tools/build_helper:99
    error: build/tools/build_helper: patch does not apply
    error: patch failed: scripts/run_spgw:173
    error: scripts/run_spgw: patch does not apply
    error: patch failed: src/common/common_defs.h:109
    error: src/common/common_defs.h: patch does not apply
    error: patch failed: src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.c:31
    error: src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.c: patch does not apply
    error: patch failed: src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.h:6
    error: src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.h: patch does not apply
    error: patch failed: src/gtpv1-u/gtpv1u_task.c:111
    error: src/gtpv1-u/gtpv1u_task.c: patch does not apply
    error: src/nas/emm/Attach.c: No such file or directory
    error: src/nas/ies/SupportedCodecList.c: No such file or directory
    error: patch failed: src/oai_hss/utils/hss_config.c:297
    error: src/oai_hss/utils/hss_config.c: patch does not apply
    error: patch failed: src/s6a/s6a_peer.c:88
    error: src/s6a/s6a_peer.c: patch does not apply

  28. Build type is Debug
    Architecture is x86_64
    git found: /usr/bin/git
    mme compilation failed
    cp: cannot stat ‘/home/epc/openair-cn/build/mme/build/mme’: No such file or directory
    auth_request compilation failed
    cp: cannot stat ‘/home/epc/openair-cn/build/mme/build/auth_request’: No such file or directory

    hi, I have this problem, i can’t fix i need help please

      1. Hi Laurent,

        First thank you for this guide.

        I had the same problem when building the mme, the error logs in ~/openair-cn/build/log/mme.txt states:
        [ 94%] Linking C static library libLIB_NAS_MME.a
        [ 94%] Built target LIB_NAS_MME
        Makefile:94: recipe for target ‘all’ failed
        make: *** [all] Error 2


        1. Hi
          in the log, above the ‘all’ failed message, you should find a message identified by this string: “error:”
          This message would explain the problem

          1. Hi Laurent,

            Thanks for reply.

            During the MME compile, I can see following error:
            /home/test/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_common.h:43:10: fatal error: S1ap-Criticality.h: No such file or directory
            CMakeFiles/S1AP_LIB.dir/build.make:79: recipe for target ‘CMakeFiles/S1AP_LIB.dir/CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c.o’ failed
            make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/S1AP_LIB.dir/CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c.o] Error 1
            CMakeFiles/Makefile2:388: recipe for target ‘CMakeFiles/S1AP_EPC.dir/all’ failed
            make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/S1AP_EPC.dir/all] Error 2

            Sorry that I am not an expert on this, any thoughts are appreciated.


          2. Hi,

            I think it is a asn1c version compatibility issue.
            asn1c version for this EPC is a older one than the current xNB.
            You have to force asn1c reinstall (./build_mme -i), then compile the mme
            After this, you can install back the xNB asn1c version (./build_oai -I)

            You can also modify the openair-cn scripts to install the 2 versions of asn1c in two different directories

          3. Hi Laurent,

            It is the asn1c issue. Now I had them complied correctly.

            Thanks again and appreciate for the help!


          4. Hi Laurent,

            Sorry to bother you again.
            I finally got the OAI-CN working and phone attached. However, the phone is not getting any internet connection.
            In the MME logs I can see the PDN connection has been created and the phone got an IP, the APN = ltebox. In the wireshark I can see the is doing DNS query but got no respnose.
            I tried change the APN to oai.ipv4 but still the same.

            The SIM card I used is sysmocom SJS1 SIM, the phone I used is one plus 3T.


          5. Hi Weiqi,
            I need more details, please send it by mail.
            One guess from your description that your can try immediately: in spgw.conf file, verify (or set): PGW_MASQUERADE_SGI = “yes”;

  29. Hi,
    I have bought these sim cards, and I want to know will they work with other software than Open Air Interface, like srsLTE . If so, could you publish a post on how to set it up? Also how to use Blade RF in this set up inplace of USRP?

    1. Hi,
      Yes, this is standard SIM cards, that can work with any network.
      We already have srsLTE customers.
      For the RF board, there is no relation with the SIM: any RF board can work or not work, independently of the SIM
      Best regards,

  30. Hi Laurent,

    I’m trying to set up OAI on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine with the latest developer branch of the OAI RAN (2019.w23) and the OAI EPC you suggested ( commit 724542d0b59797b010af8c5df15af7f669c1e838). I applied the patch an changed the lines with ” ubuntu17.04″ to “ubuntu18.04” as you mentioned in the comments. By building the hss I faced the fist error in relation to the phpadmin (ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2) ) .
    By building mme the error occured that there would be no packet candidate for “libconfig8-dev” and that it would be replaced by “libconfig-dev”. Is it possible to simply use the new package and what about the erreor with phpadmin? Thank you in advance!



    1. Hi Johannes,
      I updated this post for ubuntu 18.04 with your remarks integrated and the mysql issue fix.

  31. Yes, but there is a separate guide for setting up LimeSDR, so I was asking if there was a different setup guide for BladeRF as well?

    1. We don’t have BladeRF in our lab.
      Nevertheless, it doesn’t change anything for the SIM configuration

    1. I fixed the link error.
      Some parts of this tuto is now very old.
      I also didn’t test well the latest update for ubuntu 18.04

  32. Hello,

    There is something wrong with the opencells-mods-20190621 patch link.

    Would you kindly fix it?

    Thanks you, I like your work!

    1. I fixed the link error.
      Some parts of this tuto is now very old.
      I also didn’t test well the latest update for ubuntu 18.04

  33. I have an issue with building on 18.04 with 4 packages.
    FreeDiameter prefix not found, install freeDiameter if EPC, HSS
    E: Package ‘iproute’ has no installation candidate
    E: Package ‘libatlas-dev’ has no installation candidate
    E: Package ‘libconfig8-dev’ has no installation candidate

    Am i missing something?

      1. A big update of the tutorial has been made. the base versions are now more recent, more Open Cells fixes delivered. Please re-test from scratch.

    1. A big update of the tutorial has been made. the base versions are now more recent, more Open Cells fixes delivered. Please re-test from scratch.

  34. Hi dear laurent
    i went through your tutorial but got this error while compiling MME!

    mme compilation failed
    cp: cannot stat ‘/home/core/openair-cn/build/mme/build/mme’: No such file or directory

    1. Hi
      Please provide the error message in the log file:
      look for the string “error:” in the file

      1. A big update of the tutorial has been made. the base versions are now more recent, more Open Cells fixes delivered. Please re-test from scratch.

  35. Hi laurent
    The commit number for EPC of gitlab openair-cn does not exist
    error: pathspec ‘7c5cad’ did not match any file(s) known to git.
    Can u use git hub?
    its newer that this, almost for a week ago.while this gitlab link is for 2-3 years ago!

      1. Of course you can use github EPC version, nevertheless the configuration is very different.
        Our tutorial is ony for the legacy gitlab version.
        We won’t make any tutorial for the github version of the EPC until the author cleanup the dependencies (openvswitch, multi virtual machines, …)

  36. Hello Laurent,
    I am getting a segfault when running the MME the output states the following:
    Assertion (fd_dict_search (fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, “Service-Selection”, &s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_service_selection, 2) == 0) failed!
    In s6a_fd_init_dict_objs() ~/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_dict.c:92

    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 6 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x55efcdbc0847]
    mme(s6a_fd_init_dict_objs+0x1777) [0x55efcdba6555]
    mme(s6a_init+0x3fe) [0x55efcdba0742]
    mme(main+0x478) [0x55efcdaf14d2]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7efdcbe05b97]
    mme(_start+0x2a) [0x55efcdaf0e2a]
    ./run_mme: line 87: 560 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

    1. Hi,
      We modified the freediameter code for this attribute, compared to the OpenAir version of freediameter.
      Have you recopiled and re-installed freediamter ?

      1. Yes, I have recompiled and reinstalled free diamter using the build_mme -i option; however I am now getting a new assertion error.

        Assertion (fd_dict_search (fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME_ALL_VENDORS, “CLR-Flags”, &s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_clr_flags, 2) == 0) failed!
        In s6a_fd_init_dict_objs() ~/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_dict.c:91

        Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
        Obtained 6 stack frames.
        mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x55c6e8b8674b]
        mme(s6a_fd_init_dict_objs+0x1419) [0x55c6e8ae393a]
        mme(s6a_init+0x3fe) [0x55c6e8adcac9]
        mme(main+0x59f) [0x55c6e8a5a9a9]
        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f8eb0835b97]
        mme(_start+0x2a) [0x55c6e8a5a1da]
        ./oai-research/backup/backup_mme/scripts/run_mme: line 85: 54497 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

      1. Hi,

        We have made a new test from scratch: the procedure works as it is.
        I think the error comes from your installation of several freediameter versions.
        Please do “sudo find / -name”
        I think you will find several versions of free diameter in your computer.

        You can also rebuild and reinstall manually freediameter and find out what is wrong:
        GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone -b eurecom-1.2.0
        cd freediameter
        git apply ~/opencells-mods/freediameter1.2.0.postOAI.patch
        mkdir build
        cd build
        cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local ../
        make -j4
        sudo make install


    2. Ran into this problem as well. Root of the problem is that freediameter didn’t get patched during install. The build scripts expects the freediameter patch to be at ~/opencells-mods/freediameter1.2.0.postOAI.patch. If you didn’t unpack the opencells-mods-*.tgz into your home directory, the patches will fail.

      My solution was to move opencells-mods into my home directory and redo the install process.

  37. Hi laurent
    i got this error while typing this command:
    git apply ~/opencells-mods/EPC.patch

    git apply ~/opencells-mods/EPC.patch
    /home/ubuntu/opencells-mods/EPC.patch:537: trailing whitespace.
    DevCheck (hdr_service_selection->avp_value->os.len <= APN_MAX_LENGTH &&
    /home/ubuntu/opencells-mods/EPC.patch:539: trailing whitespace.

  38. Hi Laurent

    ./cmake_targets/build_oai -w USRP –eNB –UE

    This command does not work!

    LTE_softmodem compilation failed
    build have failed

    it mean Compilation of eNB and UE have failed!

    when i saw the log file
    this was the error:
    LTE_asn_constant.h:No such file or directory
    # include “LTE_asn-constant.h”
    LTE_RLC-Config.h: No such file or directory
    # include “LTE_RLC-Config.h”
    and …

        1. Hi Pooya,
          Please understand there are quite a lot of OAI users.
          All of them manage to compile the eNB.

          So, let’s revise your assumption:
          – either you don’t follow the tutorial correctly
          – or OpenAir + this tutorial is wrong


    1. i have same problem ,and i try download oai5g several times ,unfortunate.the probem follows again,so i want ask you have you solve the problem?3q

  39. Dear Laurent,
    How are you? Thanks a lot for providing this guide about the installation of All in one OpenAirInterface. It works fine for me. Could you please tell me if we could install mme, hss and spgw into different containers with different ips? Thanks a lot. Have a nice day~

    1. Dear Hongjing,
      Yes, of course.
      All the EPC configuration files are in our tar file examples, and you can find other prepared versions in OAI wiki.
      All the EPC files default directory is /usr/local/etc/oai.
      In these files, you need only to change the IP@ to use your IP network configuration.
      For eNB, the IP@ are in the configuration you pass in parameter -O on the command line.
      Best regards,

  40. Hi Laurent,
    I am trying to connect my ZC706 and AD9371 to OAI, but the files and instructions in /openairinterface/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706 appear to obsolete, for the zip file is nowhere to be found and the shell file will produce the error “Previous SYRIQ is not loaded”. Is there any chance you know about this setup or the location of the zip file? Do you know how to resolve this problem? or how to work around this?
    thank you for your help

    1. Dear Michael,

      We never used ZC706, please try the OAI mailing list (I don’t think there is any user of this board).

      The only information I can push is my experience with Zynq boards.
      The Zynq build in Ethernet interface is too poor for OAI, because it has to get through the PS to the PL (your AD9371 must be behind the PL part), maybe 5MHz SISO could work.
      If you use a interface that goes directly in the PL, the data rate can be good, but the BRAM size is very small, and the PS is almost useless.
      Small BRAM will lead you to shape the OAI traffic in smaller grains than today OAI (a LTE subframe).


      1. Hi Laurent,
        thanks so much for the help with this
        I’m trying to replicate the setup put together by a group called SYRTEM, it appears they used an Ethernet connection, but its hard to tell.

        Would you know how to set up a 5MHz SISO with the ZC706 and ADRV9371?

        Is there a way to do OAI in a non-realtime setting, so the data rates cab be relaxed?

        I’ve contacted the Openairinterface5g-Users mailing list as well as Syrtem, do you know of anyone else I can reach out to?

        thank you

  41. Hi, in the past i have setup a OAI test bed based on OAI Wiki. However, i want to try the setup with Ubuntu 18.04 in a single machine. There is something not quite clear to me in this new tutorial regarding the following phrase: “All other configuration in OAI Wiki (C1 states, …) describes is about useless.”.

    Does this mean that all the step related to sleep states, in particular
    C-states) and CPU frequency scaling are not required anymore ?

    What about low-latency kernel? Is this required ?

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi,
      Lowlatency kernel preempts at 1000Hz, that is anyway too slow.
      C-state: is managed inside OAI source for years: see set_latency_target(), it is useless to do it in bios or by any external means
      P-state: this is frequency scaling, you have to fix the CPU cores frequency

  42. I started with a clean install and am running Ubuntu 18
    I am getting an error with the hss, when performing ./run_hss, as follows:
    Parsing configuration file: /usr/local/etc/oai/hss.conf
    * Global:
    – File ………….: /usr/local/etc/oai/hss.conf
    * MYSQL:
    – Server ………..:
    – Database ………: oai_db
    – User ………….: root
    – Password ………: *****
    * FreeDiameter:
    – Conf file ……..: /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/hss_fd.conf
    * Security:
    – Operator key……: None
    – Random ……: true
    Initializing db layer
    An error occured while connecting to db: Unknown database ‘oai_db’

    1. you should import/create the database oai_db.
      In this tutorial, a example database is offered, witht he script to install it automatically

      1. Hi Laurent,
        Where can we find this script. I’m having trouble importing/creating the database. I believe I have everything else set.


  43. Hey Laurent,

    I am trying to run :
    cd openair-cn; source oaienv; cd scripts; sudo -E ./run_spgw

    however it is failing and I am getting:
    Failed to read SGI ip addresses: error No such device
    Function spgw_config_parse_opt_line (argc, argv, &spgw_config) has failed
    returning -1

    Also my eNB is on a different device.

    1. Hi Ryan,
      I think you missed the tuto chapter explaining you have to edit /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf
      Could you check if you did this piece of configuration?

      1. I think I am doing something wrong, I check the configuration and made changes, now the output is as follows:

        OPENAIR_DIR =
        Initializing OAI Logging
        000000 00000:799135 7F81A1230640 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0212 Parsing configuration file found S1u_S12_S4_up: on lo
        000001 00000:799152 7F81A1230640 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0225 Parsing configuration file found S5_S8_up: on none
        000002 00000:799157 7F81A1230640 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0238 Parsing configuration file found S11: on lo
        000003 00000:799247 7F81A1230640 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0265 Parsing configuration file provided /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf
        000004 00000:799255 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0283 Parsing configuration file found SGI: on enp3s0
        000005 00000:799259 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0287 Masquerade SGI
        000006 00000:799262 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0294 CLAMP TCP MSS
        000007 00000:799271 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0352 Parsing configuration file default primary DNS IPv4 address: 8080808
        000008 00000:799276 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0353 Parsing configuration file default secondary DNS IPv4 address: 4040808
        000009 00000:799282 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0371 UE MTU : 1500
        000010 00000:799290 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A openair-cn/src/sgw/spgw_config.c:0065 system command: sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
        net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
        000011 00000:800430 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A openair-cn/src/sgw/spgw_config.c:0065 system command: sync
        000012 00000:877014 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0075 system command: iptables -t mangle -F FORWARD
        000013 00000:880813 7F81A1230640 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0075 system command: iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING
        000014 00000:887493 7F81A1230640 CRITI SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0128 Failed to read SGI ip addresses: error No such device
        Function spgw_config_parse_opt_line (argc, argv, &spgw_config) has failed
        returning -1

        Changes I made:
        S-GW :
        # S-GW binded interface for S11 communication (GTPV2-C), if none selected the ITTI message interface is used

        # S-GW binded interface for S1-U communication (GTPV1-U) can be ethernet interface, virtual ethernet interface, we don’t advise wireless interfaces
        SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP = “lo”; # STRING, interface name, YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE, USE “lo” if S-GW run on eNB host

        # S-GW binded interface for S5 or S8 communication, not implemented, so leave it to none

        # max queue size per task
        ITTI_QUEUE_SIZE = 2000000; # INTEGER

        LOGGING :
        # OUTPUT choice in { “CONSOLE”, “SYSLOG”, `path to file`”, “`IPv4@`:`TCP port num`”}
        # `path to file` must start with ‘.’ or ‘/’
        # if TCP stream choice, then you can easily dump the traffic on the remote or local host: nc -l `TCP port num` > received.txt
        OUTPUT = “CONSOLE”; # see 3 lines above
        #OUTPUT = “SYSLOG”; # see 4 lines above
        #OUTPUT = “/tmp/spgw.log”; # see 5 lines above
        #OUTPUT = “”; # see 6 lines above

        # THREAD_SAFE choice in { “yes”, “no” } means use of thread safe intermediate buffer then a single thread pick each message log one
        # by one to flush it to the chosen output
        THREAD_SAFE = “no”;

        # COLOR choice in { “yes”, “no” } means use of ANSI styling codes or no
        COLOR = “yes”;

        # Log level choice in { “EMERGENCY”, “ALERT”, “CRITICAL”, “ERROR”, “WARNING”, “NOTICE”, “INFO”, “DEBUG”, “TRACE”}
        UDP_LOG_LEVEL = “TRACE”;
        S11_LOG_LEVEL = “TRACE”;

        P-GW =
        # P-GW binded interface for S5 or S8 communication, not implemented, so leave it to none

        # P-GW binded interface for SGI (egress/ingress internet traffic)
        PGW_MASQUERADE_SGI = “yes”; # STRING, {“yes”, “no”}. YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE, will do NAT for you if you put “yes”.
        UE_TCP_MSS_CLAMPING = “yes”; # STRING, {“yes”, “no”}.

        # Pool of UE assigned IP addresses
        # Do not make IP pools overlap
        # first IPv4 address X.Y.Z.1 is reserved for GTP network device on SPGW
        # Normally no more than 16 pools allowed, but since recent GTP kernel module use, only one pool allowed (TODO).
        IPV4_LIST = (

        # DNS address communicated to UEs

        # Non standard feature, normally should be set to “no”, but you may need to set to yes for UE that do not explicitly request a PDN address through NAS signalling
        UE_MTU = 1500 # INTEGER

        1. Hi,
          The line: PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_SGI = “enp3s0”
          is not good
          do “ip a” to see the existing interfaces, and take the right one (the one that goes to internet)

  44. Hi Laurent,

    I have Ubuntu 18.10 on my computer and tried to install OAI as in the instruction above but after command: ./build_hss -i installation fails and I receive “Your distribution 18.10Ubuntu is not supported by openair-cn” and I am not asked about any questions as you wrote in the instruction, installation fails. Do I have to install older version of Ubuntu or are there any steps which should I modify to install OAI on Ubuntu18.10?

    Best regards,

    1. Hi Charles,
      you can change this check in openair-cn/build/tools/build_helper
      18.10 is not anymore supported: why don’t you try 19.04 if you want a very recent distro ?

  45. Hi laurent,

    Thanks for this detailed guide. I installed OAI develop branch on three separate physical machines (all three ubuntu 16.04). One machine for HSS/MME/SPGW, one machine for eNB and one for UE. Everything seems to be working fine but UE is not attaching to eNB. I am using USRP B210 and VERT2450 Vertical Antenna (2.4-2.5 and 4.9-5.9 GHz) Dualband.

    I think I have issues with frequency range, because the frequency range in eNB configuration file is 2685000000 which is not supported by antenna (as shown above). I tried to change it to 2450000000 but eNB does not start and logs say “could not find matching band in given frequency range”. My eNB configuration is shown below (enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf):

    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
    tracking_area_code = 1;

    plmn_list = ( { mcc = 208; mnc = 93; mnc_length = 2; } );

    tr_s_preference = “local_mac”

    ////////// Physical parameters:

    component_carriers = (
    node_function = “3GPP_eNODEB”;
    node_timing = “synch_to_ext_device”;
    node_synch_ref = 0;
    frame_type = “FDD”;
    tdd_config = 3;
    tdd_config_s = 0;
    prefix_type = “NORMAL”;
    eutra_band = 7;
    downlink_frequency = 2685000000L;
    uplink_frequency_offset = -120000000;
    Nid_cell = 0;
    N_RB_DL = 50;
    Nid_cell_mbsfn = 0;
    nb_antenna_ports = 1;
    nb_antennas_tx = 1;
    nb_antennas_rx = 1;
    tx_gain = 90;
    rx_gain = 125;
    pbch_repetition = “FALSE”;
    prach_root = 0;
    prach_config_index = 0;
    prach_high_speed = “DISABLE”;
    prach_zero_correlation = 1;
    prach_freq_offset = 2;
    pucch_delta_shift = 1;
    pucch_nRB_CQI = 0;
    pucch_nCS_AN = 0;
    pucch_n1_AN = 0;
    pdsch_referenceSignalPower = -27;
    pdsch_p_b = 0;
    pusch_n_SB = 1;
    pusch_enable64QAM = “DISABLE”;
    pusch_hoppingMode = “interSubFrame”;
    pusch_hoppingOffset = 0;
    pusch_groupHoppingEnabled = “ENABLE”;
    pusch_groupAssignment = 0;
    pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled = “DISABLE”;
    pusch_nDMRS1 = 1;
    phich_duration = “NORMAL”;
    phich_resource = “ONESIXTH”;
    srs_enable = “DISABLE”;
    /* srs_BandwidthConfig =;
    srs_SubframeConfig =;
    srs_ackNackST =;
    srs_MaxUpPts =;*/
    pusch_p0_Nominal = -96;
    pusch_alpha = “AL1”;
    pucch_p0_Nominal = -104;
    msg3_delta_Preamble = 6;
    pucch_deltaF_Format1 = “deltaF2”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format1b = “deltaF3”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2 = “deltaF0”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2a = “deltaF0”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2b = “deltaF0”;
    rach_numberOfRA_Preambles = 64;
    rach_preamblesGroupAConfig = “DISABLE”;

    Is there any way I can enforce to use 2.4GHz frequency range due to my antenna limitations? Or could you suggest any other workaround? Thanks in Advance

    Note: I am not following your guidelines, I am using one on the OAI wiki.

    1. Hi,
      A OAI function checks if the frequency pair is allocated in 3GPP.
      You can hack this function.
      For eNB:
      config_check_band_frequencies() called in openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
      for UE, the code is duplicated directly in

      in both eNB and UE cases, the same table name (duplicated in source) is used: eutra_bands

      But, if you are outside the 3GPP frequencies, you will never find out a commercial UE (this is possible only with OAI UE)

      About antenna: your antenna will radiate some power at 2.6GHz, even if it is not optimal.
      You can use it from technical point of view (frequency band allocation by law is another question.

  46. Hi Laurents,

    I tried the procedure up to Install Thrid party and SW, in this section while trying
    sudo mysql -u root << END
    USE mysql;
    UPDATE user SET plugin='mysql_native_password' WHERE User='root';

    I have got this error,

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

    Could you please help me out how to move forward for further installation.

    1. Hi,
      It is not clear why you have to give the password, we will recheck all the procedure later.
      For now, please add ‘-p’ parameter as:

      sudo mysql -u root -p

      Enter the password you have set when you installed mysql/mariadb

      then type the command lines:
      USE mysql;
      UPDATE user SET plugin=’mysql_native_password’ WHERE User=’root’;


  47. Hi Laurents,
    I am running on ubuntu 18.04, ./build_mme -i worked, but mme_compilation failed using ./build_mme

    Following is the log file i got ,
    I installed the libgptnl also,
    [ 1%] Built target auth_request
    [ 1%] Built target BSTR
    [ 1%] Built target HASHTABLE
    [ 1%] Built target MSC
    [ 2%] Built target CN_UTILS
    [ 6%] Built target LFDS
    [ 7%] Built target ITTI
    [ 9%] Built target S6A
    [ 10%] Built target SECU_CN
    [ 11%] Built target GTPV2C
    [ 13%] Built target MME_APP
    [ 13%] Built target SCTP_SERVER
    [ 13%] Built target UDP_SERVER
    [ 13%] Building C object CMakeFiles/GTPV1U.dir/home/aimscs/openair-cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.c.o
    [ 14%] Built target S11_MME
    [ 16%] Built target SGW
    [ 17%] Built target S11_SGW
    [ 18%] Built target test_mme_app_ue_context_imsi
    [ 19%] Built target S1AP_EPC
    /home/aimscs/openair-cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.c:9:10: fatal error: libgtpnl/gtp.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    CMakeFiles/GTPV1U.dir/build.make:110: recipe for target ‘CMakeFiles/GTPV1U.dir/home/aimscs/openair-cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.c.o’ failed
    make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/GTPV1U.dir/home/aimscs/openair-cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.c.o] Error 1
    CMakeFiles/Makefile2:610: recipe for target ‘CMakeFiles/GTPV1U.dir/all’ failed
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/GTPV1U.dir/all] Error 2
    make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs….
    [ 44%] Built target LIB_NAS_MME
    [ 98%] Built target S1AP_LIB
    Makefile:94: recipe for target ‘all’ failed
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    1. Hi,
      gtpnl is a external library that is installed when you do ./build_mme -i
      It asks you to install this libray
      something went wrong: maybe you answered “no”, maybe the gtpnl didn’t install well.
      Please check this
      after installation, the file full path should be: /usr/local/include/libgtpnl/gtp.h

  48. Hello dear laurent,
    I have lime sdr and also wanna buy few simcard + programmer

    After doing this tutorial i got to this point
    source oaienv
    ./cmake_targets/build_oai -I # install SW packages from internet
    ./cmake_targets/build_oai -w USRP –eNB –UE # compile eNB and UE

    So i should replace -w USRP with LMSSDR

    So after that what should i do?
    is there any config file for limesdr( can u sent the link here)?

    then after configuring the lime i should go through the run part

    So what should i do in this part?
    i mean :

    sudo bash
    cd ~/openairinterface5g; source oaienv
    cd cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build
    ./lte-softmodem -O ~/opencells-mods/enb.10MHz.b200

    should it be changed?( can u name it)

    And one last question is when i got the sim and programmer what shall i do with database?

    i mean should i change the hss db ?
    if yes how?

    Thank u very much

    1. Hi,
      i should replace -w USRP with LMSSDR
      => yes
      is there any config file for limesdr
      => in directory openairinterface5g/targets/ARCH/LMSSDR/ there are some *.ini files specific to LimeSDR
      => these configuration files are very important
      => as in our posts related to LimeSDR, we never succeeded to make a configuration as good as the USRP one
      ./lte-softmodem -O ~/opencells-mods/enb.10MHz.b200 =>
      you should add –rf-config-file and one “good” Lime config File
      This file configures the RF chip
      should i change the hss db
      => we program the SIM before shipping to be used with our hss db example
      => it should work directly, no setting is required
      => you are also free to reprogram the cards with our SW tool, and so, also change the HSS db


  49. Hi Laurent
    I recently bought open cell SIM cards that are already programmed. On the receipt, it says that other values (ki and opc) are in the hss dump in the provided tutorial. I already have a working EPC and eNodeB using wiki oai tutorial, can u send me the ki and opc values or can I re-programmed the SIM card with the UICC software ?
    Thank you.

    1. Hi,
      Both are possible.
      The Ki we set is: 0x6874736969202073796D4B2079650A73
      The OPc: 0x504F20634F6320504F50206363500A4F
      nevertheless, you can load your values with our software tool.

  50. Hi laurent,

    Thanks for this detailed guide. I have bought a GPSDO for USRP 210. Is there any configuration to set if I want to use clock source set as gpsdo?

    1. Hi Sun,

      Yes, there is a parameter clock_src = “gpsdo”; to set in the configuration file

      You can check if the parameter is used.
      Enable HW debug traces on the command line, add to the command line: –log_config.hw_log_level debug
      There is a trace line in file: targets/ARCH/USRP/USERSPACE/LIB/usrp_lib.cpp
      This file is the USRP interface source code for OpenAirInterface


  51. Hello,
    I wanna use a test sim card with MCC 001 and MNC 01
    Why is it not possible to use the test-network 00101?
    It would be really nice if some one could tell me how to fix this.

    1. Hi,
      Yes you can
      The issue I know is the OpenAir EPC was bugged with IMSI starting by 001 (it was converting internally the IMSI in integer)

  52. Hello again,
    I’ve got a problem with the Spgw.
    I configure the Spgw.conf but I get the following:

    …/openair-cn/scripts$ sudo -E ./run_spgw
    Initializing OAI Logging

    Assertion (0) failed!
    In spgw_config_parse_file() /…../openair-cn/src/sgw/spgw_config.c:135
    Failed to parse SP-GW configuration file /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf!

    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 6 stack frames.
    spgw(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x5599c147a98c]
    spgw(+0xadaf) [0x5599c144edaf]
    spgw(spgw_config_parse_opt_line+0x2d5) [0x5599c144f53f]
    spgw(main+0xe3) [0x5599c144deed]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb4e62a3b97]
    spgw(_start+0x2a) [0x5599c144dd2a]
    ./run_spgw: line 85: 31274 Segmentation fault $SUDO spgw `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

    I don’t know what is the problem.
    Is it possible, that the Spgw have some Problems with my proxysettings?
    Have someone an idea?

    1. Hi,
      As per the trace: the file /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf syntax is not correct.
      I think you modified it and missed a syntax piece: “;” at the end of line for example

      1. Hey laurent,
        thanks for your tutorial and your tips, now I’m really close to finish this setup.
        But still I have some questions left.
        I get a really short connection of my UE but it get instant removed.

        My MME:
        | Current Status| Added since last display| Removed since last display |
        Connected eNBs | 1 | 0 | 0 |
        Attached UEs | 0 | 0 | 0 |
        Connected UEs | 0 | 1 | 1 |
        Default Bearers| 0 | 0 | 0 |
        S1-U Bearers | 0 | 0 | 0 |

        My eNB:
        [RRC] S1AP removed entry in hashtable s1ap_id2_s1ap_ids for eNB_ue_s1ap_id 420141
        [RRC] S1AP removed entry in hashtable initial_id2_s1ap_ids for ue_initial_id 1
        [S1AP] Removed UE context eNB_ue_s1ap_id 420141
        [SCTP] Successfully sent 21 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 15
        [RRC] Removing UE 701e instance after UE_CONTEXT_RELEASE_Complete (ue_release_timer_rrc timeout)
        [RRC] [eNB 0] Removing UE RNTI 701e
        [RRC] Put UE 701e into freeList
        [RRC] clean_eNb_ulsch ulsch[0] UE 701e
        [RRC] clean_eNb_dlsch dlsch[2] UE 701e
        [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[0] UE 701e
        [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[1] UE 701e
        [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[2] UE 701e
        [RRC] remove UE 701e from ul_config_pdu_list 0/1
        [MAC] Removing UE 0 from Primary CC_id 0 (rnti 701e)

        … and so on ….

        There are some red lines left when I start my softmodem:
        (1)[PHY] DJP – delete code above this …./openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c:2639
        (2)[MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
        (3)[PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0

        I hope you can help me again.

        1. Hi,

          [PHY] DJP – delete code above this …./openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c:2639
          => known bad trace, no issue

          The UE is removed, but I don’t know why from your trace


  53. Hi Laurent,
    The mme is easy to end with a segmentation fault:
    Assertion ((15 == auth_info_req->imsi_length)|| (14 == auth_info_req->imsi_length)) failed!
    In nas_itti_auth_info_req() /home/damon/oai/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_itti_messaging.c:320
    Bad IMSI length 13
    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 10 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x555d81710847]
    mme(nas_itti_auth_info_req+0x14f) [0x555d8165f200]
    mme(+0xada5c) [0x555d81683a5c]
    mme(emm_proc_attach_request+0x1268) [0x555d81682d06]
    mme(emm_recv_attach_request+0xb6b) [0x555d816562be]
    mme(+0x7a650) [0x555d81650650]
    mme(emm_as_send+0xff) [0x555d8164f3d8]
    mme(emm_sap_send+0xd5) [0x555d8164af32]
    mme(nas_proc_establish_ind+0x1b6) [0x555d816426fc]
    mme(+0x6bf76) [0x555d81641f76]
    ./run_mme: line 87: 8134 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

    Do you know how to solve it? Thanks.
    Best regards,

    1. Hi,
      I guess you used MCC as 001
      The MME has a bug with MCC starting by 0 (it makes a faulty conversion to integer)
      Coud you confirm and try with another MCC?

      1. Hi Laurent,
        Thanks for your reply.
        Yes, the MCC is 001. Changing MCC to 460, the issue is solved.
        But when the ue trying to connect to enb, MME end with the output:
        001518 00160:830816 7FAE0A472700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
        001519 00160:830819 7FAE0A472700 TRACE NAS-EM ai/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0326 Leaving nas_proc_ul_transfer_ind() (rc=0)
        001520 00160:831030 7FAE09470700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
        001521 00160:831034 7FAE09470700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0105 Looking for sd 32
        001522 00160:831036 7FAE09470700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0108 Found matching task desc
        001523 00160:831038 7FAE09470700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0212 Inserting new descriptor for task 6, sd 32
        001524 00160:831044 7FAE09470700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0239 Msg of length 18 received from
        001525 00160:831054 7FAE08C6F700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1113 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq()
        001526 00160:831069 7FAE08C6F700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1535 Entering nwGtpv2cStopTimer()
        001527 00160:831072 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1542 Stopping active timer 0x7fadec000ba0 for info 0x0x7fadec003be0!
        001528 00160:831074 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1545 Stopping active timer 0x7fadec000ba0 for info 0x0x7fadec003be0!
        001529 00160:831078 7FAE08C6F700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1570 Leaving nwGtpv2cStopTimer() (rc=0)
        001530 00160:831080 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7fadec001290!
        001531 00160:831082 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0328 Purging transaction 0x0x7fadec000f90
        001532 00160:831084 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0134 Created message 0x7fadec001290!
        001533 00160:831086 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 2 with instance 0 of length 2 in msg-type 35!
        001534 00160:831089 7FAE08C6F700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0770 Entering nwGtpv2cSendTriggeredRspIndToUlp()
        001535 00160:831091 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG S11 penair-cn/src/s11/s11_mme_task.c:0072 Received triggered response indication
        001536 00160:831111 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 2 of length 2!
        001537 00160:831113 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0441 – Cause 16
        001538 00160:831117 7FAE08C6F700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7fadec001290!
        001539 00160:831123 7FAE08C6F700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0778 Leaving nwGtpv2cSendTriggeredRspIndToUlp() (rc=0)
        001540 00160:831125 7FAE08C6F700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1187 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq() (rc=0)
        mme: /home/damon/oai/openair-cn/src/gtpv2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:487: nwGtpv2cCreateLocalTunnel: Assertion `0′ failed.
        ./run_mme: line 87: 21364 Aborted $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

        Do you have any suggestion to solve it?
        Best regards,

        1. Hi,
          GTPv2c is the protocol to the S-GW
          There are not a lot of details, nevertheless a “ie” (information element) coming from the SGW answer is not accepted, so the mme terminates itself.
          maybe check in the spgw traces if something is writtent

          1. Hi Laurent,
            The output information of spgw is as follow:
            000148 00102:556616 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
            000149 00102:556636 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0105 Looking for sd 31
            000150 00102:556641 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0108 Found matching task desc
            000151 00102:556645 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0212 Inserting new descriptor for task 6, sd 31
            000152 00102:556661 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0239 Msg of length 144 received from
            000153 00102:556685 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 oai/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0180 Processing new data indication from UDP
            000154 00102:556698 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1113 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq()
            000155 00102:556706 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0299 Created outstanding RX transaction 0x0x7f5318000bc0
            000156 00102:556713 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0134 Created message 0x7f5318000fc0!
            000157 00102:556720 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 3 with instance 0 of length 1 in msg-type 32!
            000158 00102:556741 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 1 with instance 0 of length 8 in msg-type 32!
            000159 00102:556749 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 82 with instance 0 of length 1 in msg-type 32!
            000160 00102:556754 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 99 with instance 0 of length 1 in msg-type 32!
            000161 00102:556761 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 87 with instance 0 of length 9 in msg-type 32!
            000162 00102:556765 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 87 with instance 1 of length 5 in msg-type 32!
            000163 00102:556770 7F5323FFF700 ERROR GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0687 Mandatory IE of type 87 and instance 1 incorrect!
            000164 00102:556775 7F5323FFF700 WARNI GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0867 Malformed request message received on TEID 0 from peer 0x7f000014. Notifying ULP.
            000165 00102:556780 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0740 Entering nwGtpv2cSendInitialReqIndToUlp()
            000166 00102:556785 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 oai/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0057 Received initial req indication
            000167 00102:556810 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 3 of length 1!
            000168 00102:556815 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 /openair-cn/src/s11/s11_common.c:0038 Received IE Parse Indication for of type 3, length 1, instance 0!
            000169 00102:556833 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 1 of length 8!
            000170 00102:556838 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0073 – IMSI length 16
            000171 00102:556843 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0074 – value 2089201000011050
            000172 00102:556849 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 82 of length 1!
            000173 00102:556854 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0328 – RAT type (6): 1004
            000174 00102:556859 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 99 of length 1!
            000175 00102:556863 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0247 – PDN type 0
            000176 00102:556867 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 87 of length 9!
            000177 00102:556872 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0875 – F-TEID type 10
            000178 00102:556876 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0880 – TEID/GRE 04001900
            000179 00102:556881 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0888 – IPv4 addr
            000180 00102:556886 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 87 of length 5!
            000181 00102:556890 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0875 – F-TEID type 7
            000182 00102:556894 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0880 – TEID/GRE 00000000
            000183 00102:556899 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 71 of length 7!
            000184 00102:556904 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:1066 – APN ltebox
            000185 00102:556909 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 83 of length 3!
            000186 00102:556913 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0786 – Serving network 208.92
            000187 00102:556918 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 78 of length 26!
            000188 00102:556923 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 93 of length 31!
            000189 00102:556928 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0404 – EBI 5
            000190 00102:556934 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f5318000fc0!
            000191 00102:556955 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0086 Entering sgw_handle_create_session_request()
            000192 00102:556960 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0750 Leaving nwGtpv2cSendInitialReqIndToUlp() (rc=0)
            000193 00102:556973 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1187 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq() (rc=0)
            000194 00102:556973 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0121 Rx CREATE-SESSION-REQUEST MME S11 teid 67115264 S-GW S11 teid 1 APN ltebox EPS bearer Id 5
            000195 00102:556988 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0122 IMSI 208920100001105
            000196 00102:556996 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0342 sgw_cm_create_bearer_context_information_in_collection 1
            000197 00102:557006 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0368 Added new s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t in s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable key teid 1
            000198 00102:557015 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0411 Inserted new EPS bearer entry for EPS bearer id 5 status HASH_TABLE_OK
            000199 00102:557020 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0102 | 5 ebi: 5, enb_teid_for_S1u: 0, s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up: 0 (tbc)
            000200 00102:557029 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0081 +————————————–+
            000201 00102:557033 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0082 | MME SGW |
            000202 00102:557037 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0083 +————————————–+
            000203 00102:557041 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0068 | 67115264 1
            000204 00102:557046 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0085 +————————————–+
            000205 00102:557050 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0157 +—————————————–+
            000206 00102:557054 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0158 | S11 BEARER CONTEXT INFORMATION MAPPINGS |
            000207 00102:557058 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0159 +—————————————–+
            000208 00102:557062 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0123 | KEY 1:
            000209 00102:557066 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0124 | sgw_eps_bearer_context_information: |
            000210 00102:557071 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0126 | imsi_unauthenticated_indicator: 1
            000211 00102:557077 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0128 | mme_teid_ S11: 67115264
            000212 00102:557083 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0130 | s_gw_teid_S11_S4: 1
            000213 00102:557089 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0133 | pdn_connection:
            000214 00102:557094 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0134 | apn_in_use: ltebox
            000215 00102:557100 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0135 | default_bearer: 5
            000216 00102:557105 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0136 | eps_bearers:
            000217 00102:557111 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0102 | 5 ebi: 5, enb_teid_for_S1u: 0, s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up: 0 (tbc)
            000218 00102:557118 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0161 +————————————–+
            000219 00102:557127 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0351 Entering sgw_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp()
            000220 00102:557132 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0354 Rx GTPV1U_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP, Context S-GW S11 teid 1, S-GW S1U teid 1 EPS bearer id 5 status 0
            000221 00102:557137 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0360 Updated eps_bearer_entry_p eps_b_id 5 with SGW S1U teid 1
            000222 00102:557141 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0157 +—————————————–+
            000223 00102:557145 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0158 | S11 BEARER CONTEXT INFORMATION MAPPINGS |
            000224 00102:557149 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0159 +—————————————–+
            000225 00102:557153 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0123 | KEY 1:
            000226 00102:557157 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0124 | sgw_eps_bearer_context_information: |
            000227 00102:557162 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0126 | imsi_unauthenticated_indicator: 1
            000228 00102:557169 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0128 | mme_teid_ S11: 67115264
            000229 00102:557175 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0130 | s_gw_teid_S11_S4: 1
            000230 00102:557181 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0133 | pdn_connection:
            000231 00102:557185 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0134 | apn_in_use: ltebox
            000232 00102:557191 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0135 | default_bearer: 5
            000233 00102:557197 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0136 | eps_bearers:
            000234 00102:557202 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0102 | 5 ebi: 5, enb_teid_for_S1u: 0, s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up: 1 (tbc)
            000235 00102:557209 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0161 +————————————–+
            000236 00102:557214 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0071 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP length 16
            000237 00102:557218 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0078 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP (0x8021) code 0x1 identifier 0x1 length 16
            000238 00102:557223 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0095 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP ipcp_option 129 ipcp_option_length 6 ipcp_remaining_length 6 pco_in_index 4
            000239 00102:557228 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0108 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option PRIMARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS length 6
            000240 00102:557232 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0114 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS ipcp_dns_prim_ipv4_addr 0x0
            000241 00102:557236 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0132 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS ipcp_out_dns_prim_ipv4_addr 0x8080808
            000242 00102:557241 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0095 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP ipcp_option 131 ipcp_option_length 6 ipcp_remaining_length 0 pco_in_index 10
            000243 00102:557246 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0155 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS length 6
            000244 00102:557250 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0162 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS ipcp_dns_sec_ipv4_addr 0x0
            000245 00102:557254 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0174 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS ipcp_out_dns_sec_ipv4_addr 0x4040808
            000246 00102:557259 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0272 PCO: Allocation via NAS signalling requested
            000247 00102:557263 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A oai/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0210 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option DNS Server Request
            000248 00102:557269 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0242 Entering sgw_handle_sgi_endpoint_created()
            000249 00102:557273 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0243 Rx SGI_CREATE_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE,Context: S11 teid 1, SGW S1U teid 1 EPS bearer id 5
            000250 00102:557282 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0320 Tx CREATE-SESSION-RESPONSE SPGW -> TASK_S11, S11 MME teid 67115264 S11 S-GW teid 1 S1U teid 1 S1U addr 0x1e00007f EPS bearer id 5 status 16
            000251 00102:557296 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0331 Leaving sgw_handle_sgi_endpoint_created() (rc=0)
            000252 00102:557304 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0458 Leaving sgw_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp() (rc=0)
            000253 00102:557308 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0226 Leaving sgw_handle_create_session_request() (rc=0)
            000254 00102:557527 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 oai/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0187 Received S11_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE from S-PGW APP
            000255 00102:557535 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1203 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq()
            000256 00102:557540 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1225 Received create local tunnel from ulp
            000257 00102:557545 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0686 Entering nwGtpv2cHandleUlpCreateLocalTunnel()
            000258 00102:557549 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0687 Creating local tunnel with teid ‘0x1’ and peer IP 0x1400007f
            000259 00102:557555 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0700 Leaving nwGtpv2cHandleUlpCreateLocalTunnel() (rc=0)
            000260 00102:557559 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1243 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq() (rc=0)
            000261 00102:557564 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0092 Created message 0x7f5318000fc0!
            000262 00102:557571 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1203 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq()
            000263 00102:557575 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1219 Received triggered response from ulp
            000264 00102:557579 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0652 Entering nwGtpv2cHandleUlpTriggeredRsp()
            000265 00102:557584 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0659 Sending response message over seq ‘0xf860’
            000266 00102:557594 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1390 Entering nwGtpv2cStartTimer()
            000267 00102:557605 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0088 Looking for task 6
            000268 00102:557610 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0091 Found matching task desc
            000269 00102:557614 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0309 [31] Sending message of size 117 to and port 2123
            000270 00102:557620 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1444 Started timer 0x0 for info 0x0x7f53180065e0!
            000271 00102:557627 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1450 Leaving nwGtpv2cStartTimer() (rc=0)
            000272 00102:557631 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0668 Leaving nwGtpv2cHandleUlpTriggeredRsp() (rc=0)
            000274 00102:557636 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1243 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq() (rc=0)
            000273 00102:557636 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
            000275 00102:806369 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
            000276 00102:806385 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0105 Looking for sd 31
            000277 00102:806390 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0108 Found matching task desc
            000278 00102:806394 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0212 Inserting new descriptor for task 6, sd 31
            000279 00102:806403 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0239 Msg of length 43 received from
            000280 00102:806420 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 oai/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0180 Processing new data indication from UDP
            000281 00102:806432 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1113 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq()
            000282 00102:806439 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0299 Created outstanding RX transaction 0x0x7f5318006980
            000283 00102:806445 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0134 Created message 0x7f5318006a90!
            000284 00102:806450 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 87 with instance 0 of length 5 in msg-type 34!
            000285 00102:806456 7F5323FFF700 ERROR GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0687 Mandatory IE of type 87 and instance 0 incorrect!
            000286 00102:806461 7F5323FFF700 WARNI GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0867 Malformed request message received on TEID 1 from peer 0x7f000014. Notifying ULP.
            000287 00102:806467 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0740 Entering nwGtpv2cSendInitialReqIndToUlp()
            000288 00102:806472 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 oai/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0057 Received initial req indication
            000289 00102:806498 7F5323FFF700 WARNI GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0232 Unexpected IE 87 of length 5 received in msg 34!
            000290 00102:806505 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 93 of length 18!
            000291 00102:806510 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0404 – EBI 5
            000292 00102:806515 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0875 – F-TEID type 0
            000293 00102:806520 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0880 – TEID/GRE ca6fe0dd
            000294 00102:806524 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0888 – IPv4 addr
            000295 00102:806530 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f5318006a90!
            000296 00102:806540 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0750 Leaving nwGtpv2cSendInitialReqIndToUlp() (rc=0)
            000297 00102:806545 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1187 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq() (rc=0)
            000298 00102:806547 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0752 Entering sgw_handle_modify_bearer_request()
            000299 00102:806558 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0754 Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, teid 1
            000300 00102:806563 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0081 +————————————–+
            000301 00102:806568 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0082 | MME SGW |
            000302 00102:806572 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0083 +————————————–+
            000303 00102:806580 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0068 | 67115264 1
            000304 00102:806585 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0085 +————————————–+
            000305 00102:806589 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0157 +—————————————–+
            000306 00102:806594 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0158 | S11 BEARER CONTEXT INFORMATION MAPPINGS |
            000307 00102:806598 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0159 +—————————————–+
            000308 00102:806602 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0123 | KEY 1:
            000309 00102:806607 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0124 | sgw_eps_bearer_context_information: |
            000310 00102:806612 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0126 | imsi_unauthenticated_indicator: 1
            000311 00102:806618 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0128 | mme_teid_ S11: 67115264
            000312 00102:806623 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0130 | s_gw_teid_S11_S4: 1
            000313 00102:806629 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0133 | pdn_connection:
            000314 00102:806634 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0134 | apn_in_use: ltebox
            000315 00102:806640 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0135 | default_bearer: 5
            000316 00102:806646 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0136 | eps_bearers:
            000317 00102:806652 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0102 | 5 ebi: 5, enb_teid_for_S1u: 0, s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up: 1 (tbc)
            000318 00102:806659 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0161 +————————————–+
            000319 00102:806664 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0597 Entering sgw_handle_sgi_endpoint_updated()
            000320 00102:806668 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0600 Rx SGI_UPDATE_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE, Context teid 1, SGW S1U teid 1, eNB S1U teid 3396329693, EPS bearer id 5, status 0
            000321 00102:806674 7F5322FFD700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0631 Rx SGI_UPDATE_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE: REQUEST_ACCEPTED
            000322 00102:806732 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0666 Leaving sgw_handle_sgi_endpoint_updated() (rc=0)
            000323 00102:806740 7F5322FFD700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0824 Leaving sgw_handle_modify_bearer_request() (rc=-1)
            000324 00102:806741 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 oai/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0193 Received S11_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE from S-PGW APP
            000325 00102:806753 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0092 Created message 0x7f5318006a90!
            000326 00102:806759 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1203 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq()
            000327 00102:806763 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1219 Received triggered response from ulp
            000328 00102:806767 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0652 Entering nwGtpv2cHandleUlpTriggeredRsp()
            000329 00102:806772 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0659 Sending response message over seq ‘0xf861’
            000330 00102:806785 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1390 Entering nwGtpv2cStartTimer()
            000331 00102:806792 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1437 Already Started timer 0x0 for info 0x0x7f53180065e0!
            000332 00102:806794 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0088 Looking for task 6
            000333 00102:806800 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1439 Leaving nwGtpv2cStartTimer() (rc=0)
            000334 00102:806806 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0091 Found matching task desc
            000335 00102:806812 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0668 Leaving nwGtpv2cHandleUlpTriggeredRsp() (rc=0)
            000336 00102:806818 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0309 [31] Sending message of size 18 to and port 2123
            000337 00102:806824 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1243 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq() (rc=0)
            000338 00102:806847 7F5328FAA700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
            000339 00106:557650 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 oai/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0212 Received event TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED for timer_id 0x7f5318000ba0 and arg 0x7f53180065e0
            000340 00106:557668 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1315 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout()
            000341 00106:557675 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0113 Duplicate request hold timer expired for transaction 0x0x7f5318000bc0
            000342 00106:557681 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f5318000fc0!
            000343 00106:557686 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0328 Purging transaction 0x0x7f5318000bc0
            000344 00106:557696 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1367 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout() (rc=0)
            000345 00106:806815 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG S11 oai/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0212 Received event TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED for timer_id 0x7f5318000b80 and arg 0x7f5318009de0
            000346 00106:806829 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1315 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout()
            000347 00106:806835 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0113 Duplicate request hold timer expired for transaction 0x0x7f5318006980
            000348 00106:806841 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f5318006a90!
            000349 00106:806846 7F5323FFF700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0328 Purging transaction 0x0x7f5318006980
            000350 00106:806850 7F5323FFF700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1367 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout() (rc=0)

            Best regards,

          2. Hi,
            This trace looks good.
            I checked my mme trace: i have the same error as you: 003037 01408:258327 7F70ECFCE700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0134 Created message 0x7f70dc001200!
            003038 01408:258329 7F70ECFCE700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 2 with instance 0 of length 2 in msg-type 35!
            003039 01408:258331 7F70ECFCE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0770 Entering nwGtpv2cSendTriggeredRspIndToUlp()
            003040 01408:258333 7F70ECFCE700 DEBUG S11 n.eurecom/src/s11/s11_mme_task.c:0072 Received triggered response indication
            003041 01408:258347 7F70ECFCE700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 2 of length 2!
            003042 01408:258350 7F70ECFCE700 DEBUG S11 recom/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0441 – Cause 16
            003043 01408:258354 7F70ECFCE700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f70dc001200!
            003044 01408:258358 7F70ECFCE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0778 Leaving nwGtpv2cSendTriggeredRspIndToUlp() (rc=0)
            003045 01408:258360 7F70ECFCE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1187 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq() (rc=0)

            So it is “normal error” (this EPC has a lot of bugs), but my mme doesn’t reach the assert after this message.
            Reading the code of this assert, the context is related to
            “Local tunnel creation failed for teid ‘0x%x’ and peer IP ” NW_IPV4_ADDR “. Tunnel already exists!”
            So, I think you reach this after another initial problem (maybe the UE tries to reconnect and reveals this bug).

          3. Hi Laurent, do you know if this bug was ever resolved? I’m running into it myself with a Samsung Galaxy S7. I’m also not sure how to check if my UE is connecting multiple times.

          4. Hi, Jeff and Laurent
            Maybe it is related to the dial mode of UE.
            I try to connect with a UE which consist of raspberry Pi and 4G module.
            When I use ppp dial mode, it seems run normally.
            Another side the rndis dial mode, the mme will abort like this.
            So I think maybe Samsung use the rndis dial mode to achieve dial-up.

  54. Hi laurent,
    I have some authentication problems.
    My OPc mismatch after I start the HSS.
    Updated OPc 00000000000000000000000000000000 -> c6a13b378**********
    How can I change Rijndael (AES) to Snow 3g (EIA1) algorithm?

    regards Paul.

    1. Hi,
      The OAI HSS automatically updates the OPc if the OP is set in the file hss.conf.
      Set OP as void string: “” , the OPc will not be updated

  55. I am getting this error below:

    Initializing s6a layer
    01/28/20,12:42:15.848646 NOTI libfdproto ‘1.2.0’ initialized.
    01/28/20,12:42:15.848697 NOTI libgnutls ‘3.5.18’ initialized.
    01/28/20,12:42:15.849264 DBG Core state: 0 -> 1
    01/28/20,12:42:15.849284 NOTI libfdcore ‘1.2.0’ initialized.
    01/28/20,12:42:15.854451 ERROR TLS: The certificate owner does not match the hostname ‘hss.openair4G.eur’
    01/28/20,12:42:15.854478 ERROR ERROR: in ‘((fd_conf_parse()))’ : Invalid argument
    Initializing s6a layer: FAILED (fd_core_parseconf)

    Any advice?

    1. Hi,
      your TLS certificate has something wrong
      Please regenerate it (see our tutorial, it explains how to generate these certificates)

      1. Hi Laurent,

        I am too facing same issue. From where can I find the way to regenerate it? In the certificate generation step above, it contains ‘’ which is not accessible. Is it an reason for this issue?

        1. Hi Shamil,
          We don’t speak about the same.
          There are certificates inside the EPC and other certificates to access OpenAirInterface gitlab server.
          I think the gitlab server will be up soon, as the season vacations are finished.

  56. Hi Laurent,

    Im trying to use my own test SIM cards (MCC 999 MNC 99). I configured the SQL user table to have the correct IMSI and setup the config files accordingly.

    The Android UE seems to establish a connection for a very short moment and is then disconnected. In the logs I can see the MME identifies the UE and the HSS tells ‘okay’, but then something goes wrong. I attached the MME logs, any ideas what went wrong?:

    DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0476 [10][39] Msg of length 147 received from port 57283, on stream 1, PPID 18
    TRACE S1AP r-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_decoder.c:0050 Entering s1ap_mme_decode_initiating()
    DEBUG S1AP /CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:1456 Decoding message S1ap_InitialUEMessageIEs (/root/openair-cn/build/mme/build/CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:1456)
    TRACE S1AP r-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_decoder.c:0144 Leaving s1ap_mme_decode_initiating() (rc=0)
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0064 Entering s1ap_mme_handle_initial_ue_message()
    INFO S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0067 Received S1AP INITIAL_UE_MESSAGE eNB_UE_S1AP_ID 0x06692D
    INFO S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0078 New Initial UE message received with eNB UE S1AP ID: 0x06692D
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_itti_messaging.h:0070 Entering s1ap_mme_itti_mme_app_initial_ue_message()
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_itti_messaging.h:0125 Leaving s1ap_mme_itti_mme_app_initial_ue_message()
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0192 Leaving s1ap_mme_handle_initial_ue_message() (rc=0)
    TRACE MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_bearer.c:0452 Entering mme_app_handle_initial_ue_message()
    DEBUG MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_bearer.c:0453 Received MME_APP_INITIAL_UE_MESSAGE from S1AP
    DEBUG MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_bearer.c:0509 MME_APP_INITIAL_UE_MESSAGE from S1AP,without S-TMSI.
    DEBUG MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_bearer.c:0513 UE context doesn’t exist -> create one
    DEBUG MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_bearer.c:0528 MME_APP_INITAIL_UE_MESSAGE.Allocated new MME UE context and new mme_ue_s1ap_id. 1
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0571 Entering mme_insert_ue_context()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0655 Leaving mme_insert_ue_context() (rc=0)
    TRACE MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_bearer.c:1121 Entering notify_s1ap_new_ue_mme_s1ap_id_association()
    DEBUG MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_bearer.c:1134 Sent MME_APP_S1AP_MME_UE_ID_NOTIFICATION to S1AP for UE Id 1
    TRACE MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_bearer.c:1135 Leaving notify_s1ap_new_ue_mme_s1ap_id_association()
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0586 Entering s1ap_handle_mme_ue_id_notification()
    DEBUG S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0499 Associated sctp_assoc_id 10, enb_ue_s1ap_id 0x06692D, mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001:HASH_TABLE_OK
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0590 Leaving s1ap_handle_mme_ue_id_notification()
    TRACE MME-AP -cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_bearer.c:0559 Leaving mme_app_handle_initial_ue_message()
    TRACE NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0161 Entering nas_proc_establish_ind()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0175 Entering emm_as_send()
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0181 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_ESTABLISH_REQ (205)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0573 Entering _emm_as_establish_req()
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0574 EMMAS-SAP – Received AS connection establish request
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context (nil)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0374 Entering nas_message_decode()
    DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0386 0 (94667501841500 bytes) 07 41 72 08 99 99 99 00 00 00 00 20 05 f0 f0 c0 40 11 00 28 02 01 d0 11 d1 27 20 80 80 21 10 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 00 0d 00 00 0a 00 00 05 00 00 10 00 c0 5c 10 04 31 03 e5 e0 3e 90 11 03 57 58 82 20 09 60 14 00 52 30 68 00 90 d0 40 08 04 02 60 04 00 02 1f 02 5d 01 03 c1
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0663 Entering _nas_message_header_decode()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0717 Leaving _nas_message_header_decode() (rc=1)
    DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0392 _nas_message_header_decode returned size 1
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0745 Entering _nas_message_plain_decode()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0093 Entering emm_msg_decode()
    INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0112 EMM-MSG – Message Type 0x41
    INFO NAS-EM rc/nas/ies/UeNetworkCapability.c:0050 decode_ue_network_capability len = 5
    INFO NAS-EM rc/nas/ies/UeNetworkCapability.c:0069 uenetworkcapability decoded UMTS
    INFO NAS-EM rc/nas/ies/UeNetworkCapability.c:0080 uenetworkcapability decoded misc flags
    INFO NAS-EM rc/nas/ies/UeNetworkCapability.c:0085 uenetworkcapability decoded=6
    INFO NAS-EM rc/nas/ies/UeNetworkCapability.c:0089 uenetworkcapability then decoded=6
    TRACE NAS-ES rc/nas/ies/EsmMessageContainer.c:0042 Entering decode_esm_message_container()
    TRACE NAS-ES rc/nas/ies/EsmMessageContainer.c:0058 Leaving decode_esm_message_container() (rc=42)
    INFO NAS-EM rc/nas/ies/MsNetworkCapability.c:0049 decode_ms_network_capability len = 3
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0245 Leaving emm_msg_decode() (rc=2)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0765 Leaving _nas_message_plain_decode() (rc=2)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0514 Leaving nas_message_decode() (rc=2)
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0142 Entering emm_recv_attach_request()
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0143 EMMAS-SAP – Received Attach Request message
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0178 EMMAS-SAP – get attach type EPS_ATTACH_TYPE_COMBINED_EPS_IMSI
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0223 EMMAS-SAP – get IMSI
    TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:0250 Entering emm_proc_attach_request()
    INFO NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:0265 EMM-PROC – EPS attach type = IMSI (1) requested (ue_id=0x00000001)
    INFO NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:0266 EMM-PROC – umts_present = 1 gprs_present = 1
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context (nil)
    NOTIC NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:0510 EMM-PROC – Create EMM context ue_id = 0x00000001
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0176 Entering emm_fsm_set_status()
    INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0182 UE 0x00000001 EMM-FSM – Status changed: INVALID ===> DEREGISTERED
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1014 Entering mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1033 Leaving mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0194 Leaving emm_fsm_set_status() (rc=0)
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0143 ue_id=0x00000001 GUTI cleared
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0168 ue_id=0x00000001 old GUTI cleared
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0194 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared IMSI
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0230 ue_id=0x00000001 IMEI cleared
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0263 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared IMEI_SV
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0288 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared last visited registered TAI
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0361 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context security type 0
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0368 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context eksi 7
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0375 ue_id=0x00000001 clear security context vector index
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0354 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared security context
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0402 ue_id=0x00000001 clear non current security context vector index
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0396 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared non current security context
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0375 ue_id=0x00000001 clear security context vector index
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0320 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared auth vectors
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0443 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared MS network capability IE
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0417 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared UE network capability IE
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0452 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared current DRX parameter
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0477 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared pending DRX parameter
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0502 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared EPS bearer context status
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0672 EMM-CTX – Add in context 0x7fc64c000f50 UE id 0x00000001
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0288 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared last visited registered TAI
    TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:1876 Entering _emm_attach_update()
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0219 ue_id=0x00000001 set IMSI 999990000000002 (valid)
    TRACE NAS air-cn/src/nas/api/mme/mme_api.c:0230 Entering mme_api_notify_imsi()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0412 Entering mme_ue_context_update_coll_keys()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0415 Update ue context.old_enb_ue_s1ap_id_key 60129962285 ue context.old_mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001 ue context.old_IMSI 0 ue context.old_GUTI 000.000|0000|00|00000000
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0418 Update ue context 0x7fc5d4001b70 updated_enb_ue_s1ap_id_key 60129962285 updated_mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001 updated_IMSI 999990000000002 updated_GUTI 000.000|0000|00|00000000
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0534 Leaving mme_ue_context_update_coll_keys()
    TRACE NAS air-cn/src/nas/api/mme/mme_api.c:0242 Leaving mme_api_notify_imsi() (rc=0)
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0758 EMM-CTX – Add in context UE id 0x00000001 with IMSI 999990000000002
    TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:1945 Leaving _emm_attach_update() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:1003 Entering _emm_attach_identify()
    INFO NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:1009 ue_id=0x00000001 EMM-PROC – Identify incoming UE using IMSI
    TRACE NAS -cn/src/nas/nas_itti_messaging.c:0307 Entering nas_itti_auth_info_req()
    TRACE NAS -cn/src/nas/nas_itti_messaging.c:0338 Leaving nas_itti_auth_info_req()
    TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:1139 Leaving _emm_attach_identify() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:0574 Leaving emm_proc_attach_request() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0316 Leaving emm_recv_attach_request() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0704 Leaving _emm_as_establish_req() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0243 Leaving emm_as_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0190 Leaving nas_proc_establish_ind() (rc=0)
    DEBUG S6A enair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_auth_info.c:0377 s6a_generate_authentication_info_req plmn: 99F999
    DEBUG S6A enair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_auth_info.c:0378 s6a_generate_authentication_info_req visited_plmn: 99F999
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 SENT to ‘hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance’: ‘Authentication-Information-Request’16777251/318 f:RP– src:'(nil)’ len:288 {C:263/l:50,C:277/l:12,C:264/l:30,C:296/l:26,C:293/l:30,C:283/l:26,C:1/l:23,V:10415/C:1407/l:15,V:10415/C:1408/l:44}
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Sending 288b data on connection {—-} TCP,#38->
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 ‘STATE_OPEN’ <– 'FDEVP_CNX_MSG_RECV' (0x7fc5cc0016d0,300) 'hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance'
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 RCV from 'hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance': (no model)16777251/318 f:-P– src:'hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance' len:300 {C:263/l:50,V:10415/C:1413/l:144,C:277/l:12,C:264/l:30,C:296/l:26,C:268/l:12}
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Peer timeout reset to 30 seconds (+/- 2)
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 'hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance' in state 'STATE_OPEN' waiting for next event.
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 DISPATCHING: (no model)16777251/318 f:-P– src:'hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance' len:300 {C:263/l:50,V:10415/C:1413/l:144,C:277/l:12,C:264/l:30,C:296/l:26,C:268/l:12,C:282/l:8}
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Iterating on rules of AVP: 'E-UTRAN-Vector'.
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Iterating on rules of AVP: 'Authentication-Info'.
    ALERT S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Iterating on rules of COMMAND: 'Authentication-Information-Answer'.
    DEBUG S6A enair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_auth_info.c:0217 Received S6A Authentication Information Answer (AIA)
    DEBUG S6A enair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_auth_info.c:0243 Received S6A Result code 2001:DIAMETER_SUCCESS
    TRACE NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0337 Entering nas_proc_authentication_info_answer()
    DEBUG NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0342 Handling imsi 999990000000002
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0556 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50 by imsi 999990000000002
    DEBUG NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0360 INFORMING NAS ABOUT AUTH RESP SUCCESS got 1 vector(s)
    TRACE NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0390 Entering nas_proc_auth_param_res()
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Message discarded ('Internal error: Answer received to locally issued request, but not handled by any handler.'):
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 'Authentication-Information-Answer'
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Version: 0x01
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Length: 300
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Flags: 0x40 (-P–)
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Command Code: 318
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 ApplicationId: 16777251
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x60FAE6C4
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 End-to-End Identifier: 0x00000000
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 {internal data}: src:hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance(22) rwb:(nil) rt:1 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x561980e8fe60 asso:0 sess:0x561980bb7160
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0451 Entering emm_cn_send()
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=50 f=-M val="mme.OpenAir5G.Alliance;1580479756;1;apps6a"
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: 'Authentication-Info'(1413) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=144 f=VM val=(grouped)
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0452 EMMCN-SAP – Received primitive EMM_CN_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_RES (401)
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: 'E-UTRAN-Vector'(1414) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=132 f=VM val=(grouped)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0096 Entering _emm_cn_authentication_res()
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: 'RAND'(1447) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=28 f=VM val=
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘XRES'(1448) vend=’3GPP'(10415) l=20 f=VM val=
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0113 EMM-PROC – Received Vector 0:
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘AUTN'(1449) vend=’3GPP'(10415) l=28 f=VM val=
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0114 EMM-PROC – Received RAND ..: 25,55,10,28,ef,41,92,2d,ac,bc,cf,29,e4,5b,b0,2f
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘KASME'(1450) vend=’3GPP'(10415) l=44 f=VM val=
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val=’NO_STATE_MAINTAINED’ (1 (0x1))
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0115 EMM-PROC – Received AUTN ..: e9,f5,0a,70,52,c6,80,00,c6,b1,4e,20,a3,bb,49,76
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘Origin-Host'(264) l=30 f=-M val=”hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance”
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘Origin-Realm'(296) l=26 f=-M val=”OpenAir5G.Alliance”
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0117 EMM-PROC – Received KASME .: cc,7d,83,d7,77,c9,80,55,8f,17,f8,2f,fe,69,df,ce 00,a0,b5,1e,fd,a0,80,4b,9d,d8,bb,b7,76,36,37,ee
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val=’DIAMETER_SUCCESS’ (2001 (0x7d1))
    NOTIC S6A ot/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘Route-Record'(282) l=8 f=-M val=”hss.OpenAir5G.Alliance”
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0381 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context vector index 0
    TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0176 Entering emm_proc_authentication()
    INFO NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0177 ue_id=0x00000001 EMM-PROC – Initiate authentication KSI = 0, ctx = 0x7fc64c000f50
    TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0163 Entering emm_proc_common_initialize()
    TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0188 Leaving emm_proc_common_initialize() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0559 Entering _authentication_request()
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0352 Entering emm_as_set_security_data()
    DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0398 NO Valid Security Context Available
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0405 Leaving emm_as_set_security_data()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0175 Entering emm_as_send()
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0181 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_SECURITY_REQ (201)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0923 Entering _emm_as_send()
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1267 Entering _emm_as_security_req()
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1270 EMMAS-SAP – Send AS security request
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0734 Entering _emm_as_set_header()
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0786 Leaving _emm_as_set_header() (rc=140489842804000)
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0905 Entering emm_send_authentication_request()
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0908 EMMAS-SAP – Send Authentication Request message
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0935 Leaving emm_send_authentication_request() (rc=36)
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0815 Entering _emm_as_encode()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0540 Entering nas_message_encode()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0852 Entering _nas_message_header_encode()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0885 Leaving _nas_message_header_encode() (rc=1)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0913 Entering _nas_message_plain_encode()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0271 Entering emm_msg_encode()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0420 Leaving emm_msg_encode() (rc=36)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0933 Leaving _nas_message_plain_encode() (rc=36)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0623 Leaving nas_message_encode() (rc=36)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0851 Leaving _emm_as_encode() (rc=36)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1353 Leaving _emm_as_security_req() (rc=263)
    DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0968 EMMAS-SAP – Sending msg with id 0x107, primitive EMMAS_SECURITY_REQ (201) to S1AP layer for transmission
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0973 Leaving _emm_as_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0243 Leaving emm_as_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE MME-AP /src/mme_app/mme_app_transport.c:0057 Entering mme_app_handle_nas_dl_req()
    INFO NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0605 EMM-PROC – Timer T3460 (0) expires in 6 seconds
    TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0609 Leaving _authentication_request() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    DEBUG MME-AP /src/mme_app/mme_app_transport.c:0087 MME_APP:DOWNLINK NAS TRANSPORT. Establishing S1 sig connection. mme_ue_s1ap_id = 1,enb_ue_s1ap_id = 420141
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0106 Entering emm_reg_send()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0734 Entering mme_ue_context_update_ue_sig_connection_state()
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0344 Entering s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0256 Entering emm_fsm_process()
    DEBUG MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0768 MME_APP: UE Connection State changed to CONNECTED.enb_ue_s1ap_id = 420141, mme_ue_s1ap_id = 1
    TRACE MME-AP /src/mme_app/mme_app_transport.c:0098 Leaving mme_app_handle_nas_dl_req() (rc=0)
    INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0263 EMM-FSM – Received event COMMON_PROC_REQ (1) in state DEREGISTERED
    TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/sap/EmmDeregistered.c:0094 Entering EmmDeregistered()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0176 Entering emm_fsm_set_status()
    INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0182 UE 0x00000001 EMM-FSM – Status changed: DEREGISTERED ===> COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED
    NOTIC S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0399 Send S1AP DOWNLINK_NAS_TRANSPORT message ue_id = 0x00000001 MME_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x00000001 eNB_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x06692D
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1014 Entering mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1033 Leaving mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0194 Leaving emm_fsm_set_status() (rc=0)
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0409 Leaving s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/sap/EmmDeregistered.c:0155 Leaving EmmDeregistered() (rc=0)
    DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0277 [39][10] Sending buffer 0x7fc63c004710 of 62 bytes on stream 1 with ppid 18
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0271 Leaving emm_fsm_process() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0119 Leaving emm_reg_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0241 Leaving emm_proc_authentication() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0160 Leaving _emm_cn_authentication_res() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0494 Leaving emm_cn_send() (rc=0)
    DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0288 Successfully sent 62 bytes on stream 1
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0402 Leaving nas_proc_auth_param_res() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0376 Leaving nas_proc_authentication_info_answer() (rc=0)
    DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0476 [10][39] Msg of length 51 received from port 57283, on stream 1, PPID 18
    TRACE S1AP r-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_decoder.c:0050 Entering s1ap_mme_decode_initiating()
    DEBUG S1AP /CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:6339 Decoding message S1ap_UplinkNASTransportIEs (/root/openair-cn/build/mme/build/CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:6339)
    TRACE S1AP r-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_decoder.c:0144 Leaving s1ap_mme_decode_initiating() (rc=0)
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0209 Entering s1ap_mme_handle_uplink_nas_transport()
    INFO S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0224 Received S1AP UPLINK_NAS_TRANSPORT message MME_UE_S1AP_ID 0x00000001
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0414 Found ue_ref 0x7fc63c0048a0 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0428 Found ue_ref 0x7fc63c0048a0 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0469 Return ue_ref 0x7fc63c0048a0
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0276 Leaving s1ap_mme_handle_uplink_nas_transport() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0300 Entering nas_proc_ul_transfer_ind()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0175 Entering emm_as_send()
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0181 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_DATA_IND (211)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0456 Entering _emm_as_data_ind()
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0460 EMMAS-SAP – Received AS data transfer indication (ue_id=0x00000001, delivered=true, length=3)
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0272 Entering nas_message_decrypt()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0663 Entering _nas_message_header_decode()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0717 Leaving _nas_message_header_decode() (rc=1)
    DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0338 Plain NAS message found
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0345 Leaving nas_message_decrypt() (rc=3)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0283 Entering _emm_as_recv()
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0294 EMMAS-SAP – Received EMM message (length=3) integrity protected 0 ciphered 0 mac matched 0 security context 0
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0374 Entering nas_message_decode()
    DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0386 0 (94667501841500 bytes) 07 5c 14
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0663 Entering _nas_message_header_decode()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0717 Leaving _nas_message_header_decode() (rc=1)
    DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0392 _nas_message_header_decode returned size 1
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0745 Entering _nas_message_plain_decode()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0093 Entering emm_msg_decode()
    INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0112 EMM-MSG – Message Type 0x5c
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0245 Leaving emm_msg_decode() (rc=3)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0765 Leaving _nas_message_plain_decode() (rc=3)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0514 Leaving nas_message_decode() (rc=3)
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0783 Entering emm_recv_authentication_failure()
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0786 EMMAS-SAP – Received Authentication Failure message
    TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0432 Entering emm_proc_common_get_args()
    TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0435 Leaving emm_proc_common_get_args() (rc=140489655335136)
    TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0254 Entering emm_proc_authentication_failure()
    INFO NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0255 EMM-PROC – Authentication failure (ue_id=0x00000001, cause=20)
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50
    INFO NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0272 EMM-PROC – Stop timer T3460 (-1) UE 0x00000001
    TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0628 Entering _authentication_reject()
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0352 Entering emm_as_set_security_data()
    DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0398 NO Valid Security Context Available
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0405 Leaving emm_as_set_security_data()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0175 Entering emm_as_send()
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0181 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_SECURITY_REJ (204)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0923 Entering _emm_as_send()
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1378 Entering _emm_as_security_rej()
    INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1381 EMMAS-SAP – Send AS security reject
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0734 Entering _emm_as_set_header()
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0786 Leaving _emm_as_set_header() (rc=140489842803440)
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0960 Entering emm_send_authentication_reject()
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0963 EMMAS-SAP – Send Authentication Reject message
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0968 Leaving emm_send_authentication_reject() (rc=2)
    INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7fc64c000f50
    DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1433 No security context, not set nas_msg.header.sequence_number -> 0
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0815 Entering _emm_as_encode()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0540 Entering nas_message_encode()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0852 Entering _nas_message_header_encode()
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0885 Leaving _nas_message_header_encode() (rc=1)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0913 Entering _nas_message_plain_encode()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0271 Entering emm_msg_encode()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0420 Leaving emm_msg_encode() (rc=2)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0933 Leaving _nas_message_plain_encode() (rc=2)
    TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0623 Leaving nas_message_encode() (rc=2)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0851 Leaving _emm_as_encode() (rc=2)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1450 Leaving _emm_as_security_rej() (rc=263)
    DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0968 EMMAS-SAP – Sending msg with id 0x107, primitive EMMAS_SECURITY_REJ (204) to S1AP layer for transmission
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0973 Leaving _emm_as_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0243 Leaving emm_as_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    TRACE MME-AP /src/mme_app/mme_app_transport.c:0057 Entering mme_app_handle_nas_dl_req()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0106 Entering emm_reg_send()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0256 Entering emm_fsm_process()
    INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0263 EMM-FSM – Received event COMMON_PROC_REJ (3) in state COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0344 Entering s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport()
    TRACE NAS-EM ap/EmmCommonProcedureInitiated.c:0090 Entering EmmCommonProcedureInitiated()
    TRACE MME-AP mme_app/mme_app_itti_messaging.h:0042 Leaving mme_app_itti_ue_context_release()
    TRACE MME-AP /src/mme_app/mme_app_transport.c:0098 Leaving mme_app_handle_nas_dl_req() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0176 Entering emm_fsm_set_status()
    INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0182 UE 0x00000001 EMM-FSM – Status changed: COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED ===> DEREGISTERED
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1014 Entering mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1033 Leaving mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    NOTIC S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0399 Send S1AP DOWNLINK_NAS_TRANSPORT message ue_id = 0x00000001 MME_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x00000001 eNB_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x06692D
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0194 Leaving emm_fsm_set_status() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0254 Entering emm_proc_common_reject()
    TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0409 Leaving s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0479 Leaving emm_common_cleanup()
    TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0265 Leaving emm_proc_common_reject() (rc=-1)
    TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0811 Entering s1ap_handle_ue_context_release_command()
    DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0277 [39][10] Sending buffer 0x7fc63c001e50 of 28 bytes on stream 1 with ppid 18
    TRACE NAS-EM ap/EmmCommonProcedureInitiated.c:0196 Leaving EmmCommonProcedureInitiated() (rc=-1)
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0414 Found ue_ref 0x7fc63c0048a0 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0428 Found ue_ref 0x7fc63c0048a0 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0271 Leaving emm_fsm_process() (rc=-1)
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0469 Return ue_ref 0x7fc63c0048a0
    TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0743 Entering s1ap_mme_generate_ue_context_release_command()
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0119 Leaving emm_reg_send() (rc=-1)
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=-1)
    TRACE NAS-ES air-cn/src/nas/esm/sap/esm_sap.c:0158 Entering esm_sap_send()
    INFO NAS-ES air-cn/src/nas/esm/sap/esm_sap.c:0168 ESM-SAP – Received primitive ESM_EPS_BEARER_CONTEXT_DEACTIVATE_REQ (10)
    TRACE NAS-ES m/EpsBearerContextDeactivation.c:0139 Entering esm_proc_eps_bearer_context_deactivate()
    INFO NAS-ES m/EpsBearerContextDeactivation.c:0144 ESM-PROC – EPS bearer context deactivation: No Valid context
    TRACE NAS-ES m/EpsBearerContextDeactivation.c:0145 Leaving esm_proc_eps_bearer_context_deactivate() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-ES air-cn/src/nas/esm/sap/esm_sap.c:0273 Leaving esm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0603 EMM-CTX – Remove in context 0x7fc64c000f50 UE id 0x00000001
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0622 EMM-CTX – Remove in ctx_coll_imsi context 0x7fc64c000f50 UE id 0x4C000F50 imsi 999990000000002
    DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0194 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared IMSI
    DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0288 Successfully sent 28 bytes on stream 1
    TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0664 Leaving _authentication_reject() (rc=-1)
    TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0507 Leaving emm_proc_common_clear_args()
    TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0364 Leaving emm_proc_authentication_failure() (rc=-1)
    DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0277 [39][10] Sending buffer 0x7fc63c001dd0 of 22 bytes on stream 1 with ppid 18
    TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0814 Leaving emm_recv_authentication_failure() (rc=-1)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0434 Leaving _emm_as_recv() (rc=-1)
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0541 Leaving _emm_as_data_ind() (rc=-1)
    ERROR NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0240 EMMAS-SAP – Failed to process primitive EMMAS_DATA_IND (211)
    DEBUG S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0796 Started S1AP UE context release timer for UE id 1
    TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0243 Leaving emm_as_send() (rc=-1)
    TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0798 Leaving s1ap_mme_generate_ue_context_release_command() (rc=0)
    DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0288 Successfully sent 22 bytes on stream 1
    TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=-1)
    TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0831 Leaving s1ap_handle_ue_context_release_command() (rc=0)
    TRACE NAS-EM ot/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0326 Leaving nas_proc_ul_transfer_ind() (rc=-1)
    DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0476 [10][39] Msg of length 21 received from port 57283, on stream 1, PPID 18
    DEBUG S1AP /CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:3702 Decoding message S1ap_UEContextReleaseCompleteIEs (/root/openair-cn/build/mme/build/CMakeFiles/r10.5/s1ap_decoder.c:3702)
    TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0845 Entering s1ap_mme_handle_ue_context_release_complete()
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0414 Found ue_ref 0x7fc63c0048a0 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0428 Found ue_ref 0x7fc63c0048a0 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0469 Return ue_ref 0x7fc63c0048a0
    TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0595 Removing UE enb_ue_s1ap_id: 0x06692D mme_ue_s1ap_id:0x00000001 in eNB id : 3584
    DEBUG S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0876 Removed UE 0x00000001
    TRACE S1AP -cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:0877 Leaving s1ap_mme_handle_ue_context_release_complete() (rc=0)
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0972 Entering mme_app_handle_s1ap_ue_context_release_complete()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0662 Entering mme_notify_ue_context_released()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0667 Leaving mme_notify_ue_context_released()
    DEBUG MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0988 Deleting UE context associated in MME for mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0677 Entering mme_remove_ue_context()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0721 Leaving mme_remove_ue_context()
    TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1003 Leaving mme_app_handle_s1ap_ue_context_release_complete()
    DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0033 ======================================= STATISTICS ============================================

    DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0034 | Current Status| Added since last display| Removed since last display |
    DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0036 Connected eNBs | 1 | 0 | 0 |
    DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0038 Attached UEs | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0040 Connected UEs | 0 | 1 | 1 |
    DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0042 Default Bearers| 0 | 0 | 0 |
    DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0044 S1-U Bearers | 0 | 0 | 0 |

    1. Hi,
      Debugging each case like this is too much time consuming.
      This is why we provide a tested package: tutorial + SIM + HSS database + sim reader

      1. Thanks,

        I was just hoping you can tell me what to set besides MCC MNC value in the config. Especially the tutorial doesn’t elaborate on OPc an Ki values a lot. How must/do I set those?


        1. Hi,
          for a given IMSI: you need to set the same Ki and OPc in the SIM and in the HSS.
          OPc may be computed automatically from the OP by the HSS, but it is over complexity for our usage.
          So, the simplest is to: disable OP (set it blank in hss.conf for OAI, in the HSS data file for srsLTE), set same triplet: IMSI,Ki and OPc in both HSS and SIM card.
          How you set it depends on the SIM card provider.

          The last key that need to be managed is the SQN (sequence number): the HSS and the SIM will update it internally after each successful authentication.


  57. hi
    Im trying to build limesdr in ubuntu 18.04. Ive successfully run the following

    ~git clone
    ~cd openairinterface5g
    ~git checkout develop
    ~source oaienv # configure the shell
    ~./cmake_targets/build_oai -I # install SW packages from internet

    but when i run the following
    ~ ./cmake_targets/build_oai -c -w LMSSDR –eNB –UE # compile eNB
    Im getting the this error..
    oai_lmssdrdevif compilation failed
    build have failed

    1. Hi,
      There is a bug in recent OAI develop branch.
      See the answers provided in other comments.
      I pushed a branch called: fix-limeSDR-compile
      You can take it now, it will be merged soon in develop branch

      1. Hi Laurent,
        Was the “fix-limeSDR-compile” pushed to the Eurecom gitlab?
        I am not able to pull it.

        Many thanks for your help!

        1. Hi Wael,
          It is even merged in develop branch now.
          We did some more tests: the ports are defined in the Lime .ini file you use, as the OAI calls to the API is very minimal (it sets the frequency, the gain, the sampling rate).

  58. Hi Laurent,
    Thank you for the excellent guide. I’m getting the following error when running eNB (signal 11).
    got sync (ru_thread)
    [LIBCONFIG] MMEs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    Error: signal 11:
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_MME_APP
    [MCE_APP] Creating MCE_APP eNB Task
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_MCE_APP
    [LIBCONFIG] MCEs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] MCEs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)

    1. Hi,
      Signal 11 is SEGV, so the process try to access a wrong memory address.
      run it in gdb
      when it crashes, make “where” command to know the call stack.
      There might also be useful information in the log before the line “Error: signal 11”

  59. Hey Laurent,
    I’m at the point where UE is connected but i can’t reach the internet.
    My eNB Terminal:

    Connecting to device: LimeSDR Mini, media=USB 3.0, module=FT601, addr=24607:1027, serial=1D40E9C2CDA121
    Reference clock 40.00 MHz
    Set sample rate 7.680000 MHz
    Set TX frequency 2140.000000 MHz
    RX LPF configured
    Filter calibrated. Filter order-4th, filter bandwidth set to 5 MHz.Real pole 1st order filter set to 2.5 MHz. Preemphasis filter not active
    TX LPF configured
    Rx calibration finished
    Tx calibration finished
    SR: 7.680 MHz
    SR: 7.680 MHz
    [PHY] RU 0 rf device ready
    [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 24, min_I0 0
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 15, min_I0 0
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 15, min_I0 0
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 15, min_I0 0
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 15, min_I0 0
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 15, min_I0 0
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 15, min_I0 0
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 844, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 42, energy 12.5 dB, delay 216
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [RRC] [FRAME 00845][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244] Decoding UL CCCH 5b.8c.85.c3.c9.86 (0x564eebe324a7)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00845][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244] Accept new connection from UE random UE identity (0x983c5cc8b8000000) MME code 0 TMSI 0 cause 3
    [MAC] Added physicalConfigDedicated 0x7f048c03ebf0 for 0.0
    [RRC] [FRAME 00845][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244]CALLING RLC CONFIG SRB1 (rbid 1)
    add new uid is 0 8244

    [PDCP] [FRAME 00845][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244][SRB 01] Action ADD LCID 1 (SRB id 1) configured with SN size 5 bits and RLC AM
    [RLC] [FRAME 00845][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244] [SRB 1] rrc_rlc_add_rlc SRB
    [RLC] [FRAME 00845][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244][SRB AM 01][CONFIGURE] max_retx_threshold 4 poll_pdu 4 poll_byte 65535 t_poll_retransmit 80 t_reordering 35 t_status_prohibit 0
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 845.6, frameP SFN/SF: 845.6 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 845, subframeP 6: Generating Msg4 with RRC Piggyback (RNTI 8244)
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244] [RAPROC] Logical Channel UL-DCCH, processing LTE_RRCConnectionSetupComplete from UE (SRB1 Active)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244] UE State = RRC_CONNECTED
    [S1AP] [eNB 0] Chose MME ‘(null)’ (assoc_id 35) through selected PLMN Identity index 0 MCC 101 MNC 1
    [S1AP] Found usable eNB_ue_s1ap_id: 0x06692d 420141(10)
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 158 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 35
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 67
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 67, type 32777
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 67
    [SCTP] [35][67] Msg of length 62 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Received S1AP_DOWNLINK_NAS: ue_initial_id 1, eNB_ue_s1ap_id 420141
    [RLC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244][SRB AM 01] RLC_AM_DATA_REQ size 44 Bytes, NB SDU 1 current_sdu_index=0 next_sdu_index=1 conf 0 mui 0 vtA 0 vtS 0
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 869.0 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 182, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 869.8 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 182, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 870.6 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 871.4 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 182, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 59 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 35
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 67
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 67, type 32777
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 67
    [SCTP] [35][67] Msg of length 42 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Received S1AP_DOWNLINK_NAS: ue_initial_id 1, eNB_ue_s1ap_id 420141
    [RLC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8244][SRB AM 01] RLC_AM_DATA_REQ size 24 Bytes, NB SDU 2 current_sdu_index=1 next_sdu_index=2 conf 0 mui 1 vtA 2 vtS 2
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 877.6 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 877.8 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 878.4 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 878.6 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 879.2 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 879.4 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 880.0 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 880.2 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 881.0 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 5] CC_id 0 884.5 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 884.8 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 5] CC_id 0 885.3 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 885.6 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 5] CC_id 0 886.1 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 886.4 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 5] CC_id 0 886.9 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 887.2 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 6] CC_id 0 887.8 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 176, UE_id 0, RNTI 8244

    1. Hi,
      We made some trials: we even don’t succeed to reach this state.
      Could you share the .ini file and the .conf file you use.
      Also some details like the LimeSDR driver version.

      1. Hi Laurent,
        Were you able to get the ini and conf files?
        After the update my COTS UE is not able to search for the PLMN of my network anymore.


  60. Hi,

    I am currently setting up this UICC as part of a project involving another SDR LTE software called srsLTE. However it seems this soft requires a card reader compatible with PCSC protocol, which doesn’t look to be the case for your card reader using serial com. Do you know if there’s any support of PCSC with your card reader being developed, or would you rather recommend to use it with OpenAir ?

    Many thanks for your feedback!

    1. Hi,
      You can use our cards with any pcsc reader.
      We already have some srsLTE customers.
      The single limitation is that if you want to use our SW tool to program the USIM, you need a serial interface reader (or you can contribute to the open source tool to support pcsc protocol)

      If it doesn’t work for you, please explain your needs

      1. Hi Laurent,

        Thanks for your feedback.
        We succeeded to read the data from the SIM card using the uicc software. However when we try to check the pcsc connection using pcsc_scan and the card reader furnished plugged with the SIM card, it doesn’t detect anything. Would it come from the card reader itself ?

        1. Hello,
          Our readers are raw readers, not PCSC (this protocol comes from M$)
          Nevertheless, pcscd can make the pcsc protocol with a raw reader

          A) connect our reader and insert a sim in it

          B) launch in one window:
          sudo pcscd –foreground –debug

          C) in another window
          launch pcsc_scan
          it should display the sim as: GREEN CARD, Grcard (Hong Kong ) Co.,Limited, LTE Usim Card (Telecommunication)

          We won’t debug this further because we remade from scratch a simple C++ code to replace this complex stack of pcsc tools

  61. Hey Laurent,
    I use 2 different Lime SDR the normal v1.4s and the Mini v1.2.
    With “LimeUtil –info”
    Version information:
    Library version: v19.04.1-g2cca1d96
    Build timestamp: 2019-12-16
    Interface version: v2019.1.0
    Binary interface: 19.04-1

    MY eNB config ( I made Band 1 by myself so there are maybe some mistakes):

    Active_eNBs = ( “eNB-Eurecom-LTEBox”);
    # Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
    Asn1_verbosity = “none”;

    eNBs =
    ////////// Identification parameters:
    eNB_ID = 0xe00;

    cell_type = “CELL_MACRO_ENB”;

    eNB_name = “eNB-Eurecom-LTEBox”;

    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
    tracking_area_code = 1;

    plmn_list = ( { mcc = 101; mnc = 01; mnc_length = 2; } );

    tr_s_preference = “local_mac”

    ////////// Physical parameters:

    component_carriers = (
    node_function = “3GPP_eNODEB”;
    node_timing = “synch_to_ext_device”;
    node_synch_ref = 0;
    frame_type = “FDD”;
    tdd_config = 3;
    tdd_config_s = 0;
    prefix_type = “NORMAL”;
    eutra_band = 1;
    downlink_frequency = 2140000000L;
    uplink_frequency_offset = -190000000;
    Nid_cell = 0;
    N_RB_DL = 25;
    Nid_cell_mbsfn = 0;
    nb_antenna_ports = 1;
    nb_antennas_tx = 1;
    nb_antennas_rx = 1;
    tx_gain = 90;
    rx_gain = 125;
    pbch_repetition = “FALSE”;
    prach_root = 0;
    prach_config_index = 0;
    prach_high_speed = “DISABLE”;
    prach_zero_correlation = 1;
    prach_freq_offset = 2;
    pucch_delta_shift = 1;
    pucch_nRB_CQI = 0;
    pucch_nCS_AN = 0;
    pucch_n1_AN = 0;
    pdsch_referenceSignalPower = -27;
    pdsch_p_b = 0;
    pusch_n_SB = 1;
    pusch_enable64QAM = “DISABLE”;
    pusch_hoppingMode = “interSubFrame”;
    pusch_hoppingOffset = 0;
    pusch_groupHoppingEnabled = “ENABLE”;
    pusch_groupAssignment = 0;
    pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled = “DISABLE”;
    pusch_nDMRS1 = 1;
    phich_duration = “NORMAL”;
    phich_resource = “ONESIXTH”;
    srs_enable = “DISABLE”;
    /* srs_BandwidthConfig =0;
    srs_SubframeConfig =;
    srs_ackNackST =;
    srs_MaxUpPts =;*/

    pusch_p0_Nominal = -96;
    pusch_alpha = “AL1”;
    pucch_p0_Nominal = -104;
    msg3_delta_Preamble = 6;
    pucch_deltaF_Format1 = “deltaF2”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format1b = “deltaF3”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2 = “deltaF0”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2a = “deltaF0”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2b = “deltaF0”;

    rach_numberOfRA_Preambles = 64;
    rach_preamblesGroupAConfig = “DISABLE”;
    rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA = ;
    rach_messageSizeGroupA = ;
    rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB = ;
    rach_powerRampingStep = 4;
    rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower = -108;
    rach_preambleTransMax = 10;
    rach_raResponseWindowSize = 10;
    rach_macContentionResolutionTimer = 48;
    rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx = 4;

    pcch_default_PagingCycle = 128;
    pcch_nB = “oneT”;
    bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff = 2;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t300 = 1000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t301 = 1000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t310 = 1000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t311 = 10000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_n310 = 20;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_n311 = 1;
    ue_TransmissionMode = 1;

    //Parameters for SIB18
    rxPool_sc_CP_Len = “normal”;
    rxPool_sc_Period = “sf40”;
    rxPool_data_CP_Len = “normal”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Num = 20;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Start = 5;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_End = 44;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_present = “prSmall”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_choice = 0;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_present = “prBs40”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_buf = “00000000000000000000”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_size = 5;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_bits_unused = 0;
    /* rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_hoppingParameter = 0;
    rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_numSubbands = “ns1”;
    rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_rbOffset = 0;
    rxPool_commTxResourceUC-ReqAllowed = “TRUE”;
    // Parameters for SIB19
    discRxPool_cp_Len = “normal”
    discRxPool_discPeriod = “rf32”
    discRxPool_numRetx = 1;
    discRxPool_numRepetition = 2;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Num = 5;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Start = 3;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_End = 21;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_present = “prSmall”;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_choice = 0;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_present = “prBs40”;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_buf = “f0ffffffff”;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_size = 5;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_bits_unused = 0;


    srb1_parameters :
    # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,… 250, 300, 350, … 500]
    timer_poll_retransmit = 80;

    # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, … 100, 110, 120, … ,200]
    timer_reordering = 35;

    # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, … 250, 300, 350, … ,500]
    timer_status_prohibit = 0;

    # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
    poll_pdu = 4;

    # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
    poll_byte = 99999;

    # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
    max_retx_threshold = 4;

    # ——- SCTP definitions
    SCTP :
    # Number of streams to use in input/output

    ////////// MME parameters:
    mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = “”;
    ipv6 = “192:168:30::17”;
    active = “yes”;
    preference = “ipv4”;

    ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152

    ENB_PORT_FOR_X2C = 36422; # Spec 36422

    MACRLCs = (
    num_cc = 1;
    tr_s_preference = “local_L1”;
    tr_n_preference = “local_RRC”;
    phy_test_mode = 0;
    puSch10xSnr = 200;
    puCch10xSnr = 200;

    L1s = (
    num_cc = 1;
    tr_n_preference = “local_mac”;

    RUs = (
    local_rf = “yes”
    nb_tx = 1
    nb_rx = 1
    att_tx = 85
    att_rx = 60;
    bands = [7];
    max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
    max_rxgain = 125;
    eNB_instances = [0];


    FLEXRAN_PORT = 2210;
    FLEXRAN_CACHE = “/mnt/oai_agent_cache”;

    #three config for level of parallelism “PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD”, “PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT”, or “PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT”
    parallel_config = “PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD”;
    #parallel_config = “PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT”;
    #two option for worker “WORKER_DISABLE” or “WORKER_ENABLE”
    worker_config = “WORKER_ENABLE”;

    log_config :
    global_log_level =”info”;
    global_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    hw_log_level =”info”;
    hw_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    phy_log_level =”info”;
    phy_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    mac_log_level =”info”;
    mac_log_verbosity =”high”;
    rlc_log_level =”info”;
    rlc_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    pdcp_log_level =”info”;
    pdcp_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    rrc_log_level =”info”;
    rrc_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    Active_eNBs = ( “eNB-Eurecom-LTEBox”);
    # Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
    Asn1_verbosity = “none”;

    eNBs =
    ////////// Identification parameters:
    eNB_ID = 0xe00;

    cell_type = “CELL_MACRO_ENB”;

    eNB_name = “eNB-Eurecom-LTEBox”;

    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
    tracking_area_code = 1;

    plmn_list = ( { mcc = 101; mnc = 01; mnc_length = 2; } );

    tr_s_preference = “local_mac”

    ////////// Physical parameters:

    component_carriers = (
    node_function = “3GPP_eNODEB”;
    node_timing = “synch_to_ext_device”;
    node_synch_ref = 0;
    frame_type = “FDD”;
    tdd_config = 3;
    tdd_config_s = 0;
    prefix_type = “NORMAL”;
    eutra_band = 7;
    downlink_frequency = 2655000000L;
    uplink_frequency_offset = -120000000;
    Nid_cell = 0;
    N_RB_DL = 25;
    Nid_cell_mbsfn = 0;
    nb_antenna_ports = 1;
    nb_antennas_tx = 1;
    nb_antennas_rx = 1;
    tx_gain = 90;
    rx_gain = 125;
    pbch_repetition = “FALSE”;
    prach_root = 0;
    prach_config_index = 0;
    prach_high_speed = “DISABLE”;
    prach_zero_correlation = 1;
    prach_freq_offset = 2;
    pucch_delta_shift = 1;
    pucch_nRB_CQI = 0;
    pucch_nCS_AN = 0;
    pucch_n1_AN = 0;
    pdsch_referenceSignalPower = -27;
    pdsch_p_b = 0;
    pusch_n_SB = 1;
    pusch_enable64QAM = “DISABLE”;
    pusch_hoppingMode = “interSubFrame”;
    pusch_hoppingOffset = 0;
    pusch_groupHoppingEnabled = “ENABLE”;
    pusch_groupAssignment = 0;
    pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled = “DISABLE”;
    pusch_nDMRS1 = 1;
    phich_duration = “NORMAL”;
    phich_resource = “ONESIXTH”;
    srs_enable = “DISABLE”;
    /* srs_BandwidthConfig =0;
    srs_SubframeConfig =;
    srs_ackNackST =;
    srs_MaxUpPts =;*/

    pusch_p0_Nominal = -96;
    pusch_alpha = “AL1”;
    pucch_p0_Nominal = -104;
    msg3_delta_Preamble = 6;
    pucch_deltaF_Format1 = “deltaF2”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format1b = “deltaF3”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2 = “deltaF0”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2a = “deltaF0”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2b = “deltaF0”;

    rach_numberOfRA_Preambles = 64;
    rach_preamblesGroupAConfig = “DISABLE”;
    rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA = ;
    rach_messageSizeGroupA = ;
    rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB = ;
    rach_powerRampingStep = 4;
    rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower = -108;
    rach_preambleTransMax = 10;
    rach_raResponseWindowSize = 10;
    rach_macContentionResolutionTimer = 48;
    rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx = 4;

    pcch_default_PagingCycle = 128;
    pcch_nB = “oneT”;
    bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff = 2;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t300 = 1000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t301 = 1000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t310 = 1000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t311 = 10000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_n310 = 20;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_n311 = 1;
    ue_TransmissionMode = 1;

    //Parameters for SIB18
    rxPool_sc_CP_Len = “normal”;
    rxPool_sc_Period = “sf40”;
    rxPool_data_CP_Len = “normal”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Num = 20;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Start = 5;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_End = 44;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_present = “prSmall”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_choice = 0;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_present = “prBs40”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_buf = “00000000000000000000”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_size = 5;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_bits_unused = 0;
    /* rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_hoppingParameter = 0;
    rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_numSubbands = “ns1”;
    rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_rbOffset = 0;
    rxPool_commTxResourceUC-ReqAllowed = “TRUE”;
    // Parameters for SIB19
    discRxPool_cp_Len = “normal”
    discRxPool_discPeriod = “rf32”
    discRxPool_numRetx = 1;
    discRxPool_numRepetition = 2;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Num = 5;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Start = 3;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_End = 21;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_present = “prSmall”;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_choice = 0;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_present = “prBs40”;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_buf = “f0ffffffff”;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_size = 5;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_bits_unused = 0;


    srb1_parameters :
    # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,… 250, 300, 350, … 500]
    timer_poll_retransmit = 80;

    # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, … 100, 110, 120, … ,200]
    timer_reordering = 35;

    # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, … 250, 300, 350, … ,500]
    timer_status_prohibit = 0;

    # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
    poll_pdu = 4;

    # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
    poll_byte = 99999;

    # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
    max_retx_threshold = 4;

    # ——- SCTP definitions
    SCTP :
    # Number of streams to use in input/output

    ////////// MME parameters:
    mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = “”;
    ipv6 = “192:168:30::17”;
    active = “yes”;
    preference = “ipv4”;

    ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152

    # ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_X2C = “”;
    # ENB_PORT_FOR_X2C = 36422; # Spec 36422

    MACRLCs = (
    num_cc = 1;
    tr_s_preference = “local_L1”;
    tr_n_preference = “local_RRC”;
    phy_test_mode = 0;
    puSch10xSnr = 200;
    puCch10xSnr = 200;

    L1s = (
    num_cc = 1;
    tr_n_preference = “local_mac”;

    RUs = (
    local_rf = “yes”
    nb_tx = 1
    nb_rx = 1
    att_tx = 75
    att_rx = 70;
    bands = [7];
    max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
    max_rxgain = 125;
    eNB_instances = [0];


    FLEXRAN_PORT = 2210;
    FLEXRAN_CACHE = “/mnt/oai_agent_cache”;

    #three config for level of parallelism “PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD”, “PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT”, or “PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT”
    parallel_config = “PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD”;
    #parallel_config = “PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT”;
    #two option for worker “WORKER_DISABLE” or “WORKER_ENABLE”
    worker_config = “WORKER_ENABLE”;

    log_config :
    global_log_level =”info”;
    global_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    hw_log_level =”info”;
    hw_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    phy_log_level =”info”;
    phy_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    mac_log_level =”info”;
    mac_log_verbosity =”high”;
    rlc_log_level =”info”;
    rlc_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    pdcp_log_level =”info”;
    pdcp_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    rrc_log_level =”info”;
    rrc_log_verbosity =”medium”;

    My Lime_Mini.ini


    regards Paul.

    1. Dear Paul,
      Thanks for sharing this material.
      We tried, but it doesn’t work with our LimeSDR (not mini version).
      The main issue with Lime is spend days to understand LMS7002D internals to set hundreds parameters in LimeSuiteGUI

  62. Hi Laurent
    Thank you for this very clear tutorial.
    I have setup the EPC + eNB and my UE is able to connect and reach internet through OAI network.
    But The MME is craching after few minutes with the below error even with MCC not starting with 0.
    I’m using MCC = 208 and MNC = 92.

    Assertion ((15 == auth_info_req->imsi_length)|| (14 == auth_info_req->imsi_length)) failed!
    In nas_itti_auth_info_req() /home/narcisse/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_itti_messaging.c:320
    Bad IMSI length 13
    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 10 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x55862bad1847]
    mme(nas_itti_auth_info_req+0x14f) [0x55862ba20200]
    mme(+0xada5c) [0x55862ba44a5c]
    mme(emm_proc_attach_request+0x1268) [0x55862ba43d06]
    mme(emm_recv_attach_request+0xb6b) [0x55862ba172be]
    mme(+0x7a650) [0x55862ba11650]
    mme(emm_as_send+0xff) [0x55862ba103d8]
    mme(emm_sap_send+0xd5) [0x55862ba0bf32]
    mme(nas_proc_establish_ind+0x1b6) [0x55862ba036fc]
    mme(+0x6bf76) [0x55862ba02f76]
    ./run_mme : ligne 87 : 23602 Erreur de segmentation $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

    Any idea on how to fix this problem?

    Best regards,


  63. Dear Laurent
    There is software oscilloscop(I have install it when run buildoai with -x),i wanna to know it whether has this function in openAirinterface5g develop branch.

  64. Hey Laurent,
    I use a lime Mini in my setup.
    My core network run without warnings or errors.
    The UE is connected and listed in the MME but after 1 min I get this:
    [PHY] L1_thread isn’t ready in 564.5, aborting RX processing

    I have no time to check the internet connection of the UE.
    Some idea what could be the reason for the abort?


  65. Here is a bigger part of my eNB terminal where you can see all my failers and Errors.
    Maybe you got an idea.

    [S1AP] S1AP_FIND_PROTOCOLIE_BY_ID: /…../openairinterface5g/openair3/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_handlers.c 374: ie is NULL
    [PHY] DJP – delete code above this /…./openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c:2658
    [PHY] L1_thread isn’t ready in 0.1, aborting RX processing
    [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
    [PHY] eNB 0 frame 0, subframe 0 : previous information from RU tx 0 (num_RU 1,mask 1) has not been served yet!
    [PHY] max_I0 15, min_I0 0
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 382, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 22, energy 33.0 dB, delay 240
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [MAC] UE rnti e720 : in synch, PHR 40 dB DL CQI 8 PUSCH SNR 33 PUCCH SNR 45
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 136, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 35, energy 11.7 dB, delay 288
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 190, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 35, energy 11.7 dB, delay 288
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 244, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 20, energy 11.1 dB, delay 96
    [MAC] UE rnti e720 : in synch, PHR 40 dB DL CQI 8 PUSCH SNR 33 PUCCH SNR 45
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 298, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 35, energy 11.7 dB, delay 288
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 352, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 35, energy 11.4 dB, delay 288
    [MAC] UE rnti e720 : in synch, PHR 40 dB DL CQI 8 PUSCH SNR 33 PUCCH SNR 45
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 406, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 46, energy 11.4 dB, delay 48
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 460, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 35, energy 11.4 dB, delay 288
    [MAC] UE rnti e720 : in synch, PHR 40 dB DL CQI 8 PUSCH SNR 33 PUCCH SNR 45
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 514, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 35, energy 11.7 dB, delay 288
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 69 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 52
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 67
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 67, type 32777
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 67
    [SCTP] [52][67] Msg of length 34 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Received S1AP_DOWNLINK_NAS: ue_initial_id 0, eNB_ue_s1ap_id 420141
    [RLC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI e720][SRB AM 02] RLC_AM_DATA_REQ size 16 Bytes, NB SDU 1 current_sdu_index=0 next_sdu_index=1 conf 0 mui 6 vtA 0 vtS 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 533.0 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 533.8 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 534.6 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 535.4 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 536.2 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 537.0 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 537.8 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 538.6 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 539.4 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 540.2 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 541.0 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 541.8 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 542.6 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 543.4 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 544.2 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 545.0 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 545.8 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 546.6 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 547.4 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 548.2 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 549.0 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 549.8 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 2] CC_id 0 550.6 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 128, UE_id 0, RNTI e720
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 67
    [SCTP] [52][67] Msg of length 22 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI e720] Logical Channel DL-DCCH, Generate RRCConnectionRelease (bytes 3)
    [RLC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI e720][SRB AM 01] RLC_AM_DATA_REQ size 8 Bytes, NB SDU 7 current_sdu_index=6 next_sdu_index=7 conf 0 mui 7 vtA 6 vtS 6
    [RRC] S1AP removed entry in hashtable s1ap_id2_s1ap_ids for eNB_ue_s1ap_id 420141
    [RRC] S1AP removed entry in hashtable initial_id2_s1ap_ids for ue_initial_id 1
    [S1AP] Removed UE context eNB_ue_s1ap_id 420141
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 21 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 52
    [RRC] Removing UE e720 instance after UE_CONTEXT_RELEASE_Complete (ue_release_timer_rrc timeout)
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Removing UE RNTI e720
    [RRC] Put UE e720 into freeList
    [RRC] clean_eNb_ulsch ulsch[0] UE e720
    [RRC] clean_eNb_ulsch ulsch[1] UE e720
    [RRC] clean_eNb_dlsch dlsch[2] UE e720
    [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[0] UE e720
    [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[1] UE e720
    [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[2] UE e720
    [RRC] remove UE e720 from ul_config_pdu_list 0/1
    [RRC] remove UE e720 from ul_config_pdu_list 0/1
    [RRC] remove UE e720 from ul_config_pdu_list 0/1
    [MAC] Removing UE 0 from Primary CC_id 0 (rnti e720)
    [PDCP] remove uid is 0/0 e720
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI e720] Removed UE context
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE e720 from freeList
    [PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 556, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 49, energy 33.0 dB, delay 216
    [PHY] fill_ulsch UE_id 0 nb_rb = 0
    [RRC] [FRAME 00557][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI cc6d] Decoding UL CCCH (0x55ecc55ea547)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00557][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI cc6d] LTE_RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest cause Other Failure
    [RRC] [FRAME 00557][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI cc6d] LTE_RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest without UE context, let’s reject the UE
    Error: signal 11:
    [PHY] L1_thread isn’t ready in 557.3, aborting RX processing
    [PHY] L1_thread isn’t ready in 557.4, aborting RX processing
    libusb: warning [libusb_exit] application left some devices open
    [PHY] rx_rf: Asked for 7680 samples, got 1120 from SDR
    [PHY] problem receiving samples[PHY] L1_thread isn’t ready in 557.5, aborting RX processing
    [PHY] rx_rf: Asked for 7680 samples, got 0 from SDR
    [PHY] rx_rf: rfdevice timing drift of 94474761170456 samples (ts_off 26720)
    [PHY] problem receiving samples[PHY] L1_thread isn’t ready in 557.6, aborting RX processing
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 67
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 67, type 32777

    regards Nico

    1. Hi,
      This bug is known, when you reach this situation:
      LTE_RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest without UE context, let’s reject the UE
      a bug in reject procedure crashes the eNB.
      You reach it maybe because your radio link is poor, so the UE reconnects several times
      A good fix of this bug is not that simple to do: avoid the crash is easy, but not enough: the fix should put the eNB is a state where it will accept later connection from this UE.

      1. Hi,
        any news about this bug?
        If I manually add SIM info inside hss db I will not have this error, but without putting any info inside hss db I will receive always this error.


        1. Hi Ivan,
          I don’t think anyone will fix this in OAI soon.
          Nevertheless I don’t understand what you mean: my answer was not related to SIM+HSS data.
          Of course, the HSS database have to match the SIM data.
          Please explain what you update in the HSS db, and when this occurs.

  66. Hi,

    Thank you so much for your tutorial. I am trying to set up EPC + ENB in my Ubuntu 18.04. In my EPC setup, I think my HSS and SPGW are running without any issues. Though for MME the build was successful, still I got the following issue when I try to run the MME using the command ./run_mme.

    It would be very helpful if you can shed some lights on this matter. Please let me know your suggestion regarding this issue. Thank you so much.

    MME log:
    Initializing OAI Logging
    Initializing MSC logs
    Initializing MSC logs Done

    Assertion (fd_dict_search (fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, “Service-Selection”, &s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_service_selection, 2) == 0) failed!
    In s6a_fd_init_dict_objs() /home/radar-lab/Temp/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_dict.c:92

    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 6 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x55aecb549847]
    mme(s6a_fd_init_dict_objs+0x1777) [0x55aecb52f555]
    mme(s6a_init+0x3fe) [0x55aecb529742]
    mme(main+0x478) [0x55aecb47a4d2]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f071cd78b97]
    mme(_start+0x2a) [0x55aecb479e2a]
    ./run_mme: line 87: 4337 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1


    1. Hi,
      You have another freediameter library installed, and you use the files and from this directory
      the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is what you need to manage the search path from shared libraries.

  67. Hello Laurent,
    Thank you for this detailed tutorial.
    I am trying to set up a 5G network using the USRP N310 for the gNB, when i attempted to compile the 5G Core Network repository (openair5g-cn) from GITHUB, it didn’t work because the Ubuntu 18.04 is not supported. So i want now to connect the gNB “as slave node” to the eNB “as master node” by configuring the X2 interface, if you have any tip or know any tutorial that explains the (E-UTRAN – NR dual connectivity) in OAI please let me know.
    many thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Haddad,
      We don’t have this yet.
      you are looking for ‘NSA’ (non standalone) mode of 5G, OpenAir try to do this.
      As far as I know the OAI software is not yet ready for this.
      Maybe you can ask on the OAI mailing list

  68. Hello Laurent,

    I compiled the MME as explained in this tutorial, but when I run it I get below crash on startup.

    Initializing OAI Logging
    Initializing MSC logs
    Initializing MSC logs Done

    Assertion (fd_dict_search (fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, “Service-Selection”, &s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_service_selection, 2) == 0) failed!
    In s6a_fd_init_dict_objs() /home/rt/OAI-CN/opencells/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_dict.c:92

    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 6 stack frames.
    /usr/local/bin/mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x55a6348db847]
    /usr/local/bin/mme(s6a_fd_init_dict_objs+0x1777) [0x55a6348c1555]
    /usr/local/bin/mme(s6a_init+0x3fe) [0x55a6348bb742]
    /usr/local/bin/mme(main+0x478) [0x55a63480c4d2]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f93a30eeb97]
    /usr/local/bin/mme(_start+0x2a) [0x55a63480be2a]
    Segmentation fault

    Not sure wheter it has something to do it freediameter extensions, but I use the same freediameter 1.2.0 and patch mentioned in this tutorial. And didn’t changed any extensions in mme_fd.conf, I can see you are loading below ones

    LoadExtension = “dict_nas_mipv6.fdx”;
    LoadExtension = “dict_s6a.fdx”;

    1. Hi,
      You have another version of freediameter installed on the machine.
      Look in the Q/A list, i already explained what to do.

  69. Getting this error. LIMESDR Mini, I7, 16GB memory
    Command that was run:

    root@SDR:~/openairinterface5g/targets/bin# ./lte-softmodem.Rel15 -O ~/openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf –rf-config-file ~/openairinterface5g/targets/ARCH/LMSSDR/LimeSDR_above_1p8GHz_1v4.ini -d

    [LIBCONFIG] list L1s not found in config file /home/larrylove/openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
    [PHY] No L1s configuration found[PHY] RC.eNB[0] = 0x55e6c1efcff0
    [PHY] RC.eNB[0][0] = 0x7fb9e2821010
    [PHY] read_config_and_init() RC.nb_L1_inst: 0
    [LIBCONFIG] list MACRLCs not found in config file /home/larrylove/openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
    [LIBCONFIG] list MACRLCs not found in config file /home/larrylove/openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
    [MAC] read_config_and_init() RC.nb_macrlc_inst: 0
    [LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0]: 20/20 parameters successfully set, (12 to default value)
    [RRC] Instance 0: Southbound Transport local_mac
    [RRC] Setting node_type to ngran_eNB
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].plmn_list.[0]: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [RRC] num component carriers 1
    [RRC] enb_config::RCconfig_RRC() parameter number: 0, total number of parameters: 78, ccspath: eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0]

    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0]: 78/78 parameters successfully set, (18 to default value)
    phich.resource 0 (ONESIXTH), phich.duration 0 (NORMAL)
    No eMBMS configuration, skipping it
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0].emtc_parameters: 88/88 parameters successfully set, (88 to default value)
    No eMTC configuration, skipping it
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0].SLparameters: 39/39 parameters successfully set, (39 to default value)
    No SL configuration skipping it
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].srb1_parameters: 6/6 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [RRC] Node type 0
    [LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] NETWORK_CONTROLLER: 6/6 parameters successfully set, (6 to default value)
    [FLEXRAN_AGENT] FlexRAN Agent for eNB 0 is DISABLED
    [PDCP] PDCP layer has been initialized
    [PDCP] pdcp init,usegtp
    [PDCP] ENB pdcp will use tun interface for MBMS
    [NETLINK]Opened socket oaitun_enm1 with fd 83
    returnValue 0
    returnValue 0
    returnValue 0
    [OIP] Interface oaitun_enm1 successfully configured, ip address, mask broadcast address
    [ENB_APP] Creating ENB_APP eNB Task
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_ENB_APP
    [LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0]: 20/20 parameters successfully set, (12 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].plmn_list.[0]: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0]: 78/78 parameters successfully set, (18 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].mme_ip_address.[0]: 5/5 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].SCTP: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].NETWORK_INTERFACES: 11/11 parameters successfully set, (3 to default value)
    [GTPV1U] Configuring GTPu
    [LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].NETWORK_INTERFACES: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [GTPV1U] Configuring GTPu address : -> a00007f
    [ENB_APP] default drx 2
    [ENB_APP] [eNB 0] eNB_app_register via S1AP for instance 0
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] gNBs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [RRC] Creating RRC eNB Task
    [RRC] Entering main loop of RRC message task
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_RRC_ENB
    [SCTP] Starting SCTP layer
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_SCTP
    [S1AP] Starting S1AP layer
    [S1AP] Registered new eNB[0] and macro eNB id 3584
    [S1AP] [eNB 0] check the mme registration state
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_S1AP
    [UDP] Initializing UDP task interface
    [UDP] Initializing UDP task interface: DONE
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_UDP
    [GTPV1U] Initializing GTPU stack 0x55e6c0322c50
    [GTPV1U] Tx UDP_INIT IP addr (868)
    [UDP] Initializing UDP for local address with port 2152
    [SCTP] Converted ipv4 address to network type
    [UDP] Inserting new descriptor for task 35, sd 86
    [UDP] Initializing UDP for local address with port 2152: DONE
    [SCTP] connectx assoc_id 3 in progress…, used 1 addresses
    [SCTP] Inserted new descriptor for sd 85 in list, nb elements 1, assoc_id 3
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 85
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 85, type 32769
    [SCTP] Client association changed: 0
    [SCTP] ———————-
    [SCTP] Peer addresses:
    [SCTP] – []
    [SCTP] ———————-
    [SCTP] ———————-
    [SCTP] SCTP Status:
    [SCTP] assoc id …..: 3
    [SCTP] state ……..: 4
    [SCTP] instrms ……: 2
    [SCTP] outstrms …..: 2
    [SCTP] fragmentation : 65484
    [SCTP] pending data .: 0
    [SCTP] unack data …: 0
    [SCTP] rwnd ………: 106496
    [SCTP] peer info :
    [SCTP] state ….: 2
    [SCTP] cwnd …..: 131064
    [SCTP] srtt …..: 0
    [SCTP] rto ……: 3000
    [SCTP] mtu ……: 65532
    [SCTP] ———————-
    [SCTP] Comm up notified for sd 85, assigned assoc_id 3
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 85
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 85, type 32776
    [S1AP] 3584 -> 00e000
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_GTPV1_U
    [X2AP] X2AP is disabled.
    [MAC] Creating MAC eNB Task
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 59 bytes on stream 0 for assoc_id 3
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 85
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 85, type 32777
    [MAC] Starting main loop of MAC message task
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_MAC_ENB
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Received RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ : 0x55e6c1f2bd4c
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Init…
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Checking release
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Rel14 RRC detected, MBMS flag 0
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Node type 0
    [RRC] configuration->schedulingInfoSIB1_BR_r13[CC_id] 0
    [RRC] Configuring MIB (N_RB_DL 25,phich_Resource 0,phich_Duration 0)
    [RRC] [MIB] systemBandwidth 2, phich_duration 0, phich_resource 0, sfn 0
    [RRC] [MIB] schedulingInfoSIB1 0
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Configuration SIB2/3, eMBMS = 0
    [RRC] do_SIB23, size 38
    Error: signal 11:

    1. you have to run in gdb, then checked what line of code is doing this SEGV, and do your best to fix and help the communauty

  70. First off let me say thank you for such a detailed tutorial. I am trying to use this guide alongside your “RF simulator and OAI UE tutorial”. I was able to successfully compile the UE but when I ran it gets stuck in a loop trying to “Waiting for eNB L1 instances to all get configured … sleeping 50ms (nb_L1_inst 1)” It will keep looping over that statement waiting for configuration until I close the program. I am sure I’m doing something wrong but I can’t seem to find the issue.

    Commands ran: sudo ./lte-softmodem -O ~/enb.10MHz.b200 -d

    When I run without sudo I get
    [NETLINK] Error opening socket oaitun_enm1 (1:Operation not permitted)

    1. Hi,
      I don’t know, maybe send us the eNB traces (make a link to a transfer mean like wetransfer, dropbox, …, don’t copy thousands lines in this blog)

  71. Dear laurent,
    Thank you

    I just finished the config, but cannot connect to the internet
    I used your Database and changed these items in it!

    (`id`, `apn`, `pdn_type`, `pdn_ipv4`, `pdn_ipv6`, `aggregate_ambr_ul`, `aggregate_ambr_dl`, `pgw_id`, `users_imsi`, `qci`, `priority_level`, `pre_emp_cap`, `pre_emp_vul`, `LIPA-Permissions`)


    (`imsi`, `msisdn`, `imei`, `imei_sv`, `ms_ps_status`, `rau_tau_timer`, `ue_ambr_ul`, `ue_ambr_dl`, `access_restriction`, `mme_cap`, `mmeidentity_idmmeidentity`, `key`, `RFSP-Index`, `urrp_mme`, `sqn`, `rand`, `OPc`)

    are these correct conf for Database?
    for example should i set PDN ipv4 address to any specific ip addresses like 172..0.0.1?

    and one other question is which parameter is obligatory to change? from above parameters
    also used oai as used here for APN in UE but no chance

    best regard

    1. Dear Asma,
      What is the issue, before you don’t reach internet:
      – is you UE connected to the eNB+MME (in the MMME log do you see UEall lines to ‘1 Ue’ ?)

      1. Hi, Thanks

        Yea all the things related to UE is equal to 1 for some moment/minutes but after that it changed to just attached UE =1, and after 1 min or less it totally change and i should try to search for network on UE again and again!

        So i’m changing everything related to Cell phone including Sim parameters and Database parameters!

        That’s why i’m asking it


        1. Hi,
          If the MME trace shows all lines “1”, the UE connects correctly: HSS, SIM, … are fine
          As the connection is lost quickly, the radio link is not stable.
          I suspect for a while OAI power control loop is not good and anyway we can’t make LimeSDR stable.
          What is your radio configuration ?

          1. Dear laurent,
            Sorry for late replay.
            The limesdr is not stable as you know at least above 2Ghz , I managed to connect to the core but due to instability couldn’t connect to the internet
            I used this .ini file :
            and this .conf:
            By any chance if anyone got sth by changing parameters of these files please let us know.

            Anyway i bought B210 and i’m free now /:
            I do recommend not to buy lime 7002D because of these difficulties!

            dear laurent do u have any idea on how can i integrate OAI with clearwater IMS to integrate Volte with OAI or anyone who can help me in this path(name or Email)?

  72. Hello, Laurent,

    I followed your tutorial in order to set up the EPC + OAI ENB on a slightly different configuration, on 2 different PCs. After several attempts I finally used the openair-cn v0.5.0 tag and I was able to run OAI EPC successfully. I then configured the SIM card and tried to connect a COTS UE to it. The authentication procedure seems to go well, however the MME ends up crashing in establishing the connection, and I couldn’t go any further.

    I saw your note about the MME crash at the top of this page: Fix a issue in mme that crash mme with some phones in the attach-request procedure. So I retrieved the files specified in the tar file and replaced them in my openair-cn (v0.5.0) installation folder, then I rebuilt the different elements, but no conclusive results.

    I attach below the log of the EMM before the crash, where the EU suddenly changes to EMM DEREGISTERED state. I specify that I use a Xiaomi 7A UE for this test.

    Do you have any idea what the malfunction is? Could the files to be replaced above be incompatible with my version of openai-cn (v0.5.0)?

    Thanks for any feedback!

    000799 00216:913865 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0368 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context eksi 0
    000800 00216:913869 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0423 EMM-PROC – Successful authentication of the UE RESP XRES == XRES UE CONTEXT
    000801 00216:913876 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0430 EMM-PROC – Notify EMM that the authentication procedure successfully completed
    000802 00216:913880 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0507 Leaving emm_proc_common_clear_args()
    000803 00216:913884 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    000804 00216:913888 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0106 Entering emm_reg_send()
    000805 00216:913892 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0256 Entering emm_fsm_process()
    000806 00216:913897 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0263 EMM-FSM – Received event COMMON_PROC_CNF (2) in state COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED
    000807 00216:913906 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ap/EmmCommonProcedureInitiated.c:0090 Entering EmmCommonProcedureInitiated()
    000808 00216:913914 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0176 Entering emm_fsm_set_status()
    000809 00216:913921 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0182 UE 0x00000001 EMM-FSM – Status changed: COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED ===> DEREGISTERED
    000810 00216:913968 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1014 Entering mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    000811 00216:913977 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1033 Leaving mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    000812 00216:913984 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0194 Leaving emm_fsm_set_status() (rc=0)
    000813 00216:913991 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0217 Entering emm_proc_common_success()
    000814 00216:913998 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7f7b34000b10
    000815 00216:914006 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:1167 Entering _emm_attach_security()
    000816 00216:914013 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:1172 ue_id=0x00000001 EMM-PROC – Setup NAS security
    000817 00216:914020 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0361 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context security type 0
    000818 00216:914027 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0368 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context eksi 7
    000819 00216:914034 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0375 ue_id=0x00000001 clear security context vector index
    000820 00216:914041 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0354 ue_id=0x00000001 cleared security context
    000821 00216:914048 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0215 Entering emm_proc_security_mode_control()
    000822 00216:914055 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0216 EMM-PROC – Initiate security mode control procedure KSI = 7 EEA = 240 EIA = 112
    000823 00216:914063 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7f7b34000b10
    000824 00216:914070 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0381 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context vector index 0
    000825 00216:914078 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0368 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context eksi 0
    000826 00216:914085 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0815 Entering _security_select_algorithms()
    000827 00216:914092 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0823 Selected NAS_SECURITY_ALGORITHMS_EIA2 (choice num 0)
    000828 00216:914100 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0831 Selected NAS_SECURITY_ALGORITHMS_EEA0 (choice num 0)
    000829 00216:914107 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0837 Leaving _security_select_algorithms() (rc=0)
    000830 00216:914114 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0361 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context security type 2
    000831 00216:914157 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0163 Entering emm_proc_common_initialize()
    000832 00216:914165 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0188 Leaving emm_proc_common_initialize() (rc=0)
    000833 00216:914172 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0630 Entering _security_request()
    000834 00216:914179 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7f7b34000b10
    000835 00216:914187 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0352 Entering emm_as_set_security_data()
    000836 00216:914194 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0366 EPS security context exists is new 1 KSI 0 SQN 0 count 0
    000837 00216:914202 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0367 0 (6058740 bytes) b8 89 4f 88 1f 4e 7b 5e 10 81 1e 84 4b a6 1d 04
    000838 00216:914220 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0368 0 (6058740 bytes) 68 49 72 7d 44 af eb b2 81 30 14 be 87 c1 e9 aa
    000839 00216:914236 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0405 Leaving emm_as_set_security_data()
    000840 00216:914247 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    000841 00216:914254 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0175 Entering emm_as_send()
    000842 00216:914261 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0181 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_SECURITY_REQ (201)
    000843 00216:914269 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0923 Entering _emm_as_send()
    000844 00216:914276 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1267 Entering _emm_as_security_req()
    000845 00216:914284 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1270 EMMAS-SAP – Send AS security request
    000846 00216:914291 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0734 Entering _emm_as_set_header()
    000847 00216:914299 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0758 Leaving _emm_as_set_header() (rc=140167319175008)
    000848 00216:914309 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0993 Entering emm_send_security_mode_command()
    000849 00216:914317 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0996 EMMAS-SAP – Send Security Mode Command message
    000850 00216:914324 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:1024 replayeduesecuritycapabilities.gprs_present 1
    000851 00216:914331 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:1025 112
    000852 00216:914338 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:1027 Leaving emm_send_security_mode_command() (rc=12)
    000853 00216:914346 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7f7b34000b10
    000854 00216:914353 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1339 Set nas_msg.header.sequence_number -> 0
    000855 00216:914361 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0815 Entering _emm_as_encode()
    000856 00216:914368 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0540 Entering nas_message_encode()
    000857 00216:914376 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0852 Entering _nas_message_header_encode()
    000858 00216:914383 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0885 Leaving _nas_message_header_encode() (rc=6)
    000859 00216:914391 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0960 Entering _nas_message_protected_encode()
    000860 00216:914398 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0913 Entering _nas_message_plain_encode()
    000861 00216:914406 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0271 Entering emm_msg_encode()
    000862 00216:914418 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0420 Leaving emm_msg_encode() (rc=10)
    000863 00216:914426 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0933 Leaving _nas_message_plain_encode() (rc=10)
    000864 00216:914434 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:1190 Entering _nas_message_encrypt()
    000865 00216:914441 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:1202 No encryption of message according to security header type 0x03
    000866 00216:914449 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:1204 Leaving _nas_message_encrypt() (rc=10)
    000867 00216:914457 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0987 Leaving _nas_message_protected_encode() (rc=10)
    000868 00216:914464 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0569 offset 5 = 6 – 1, hdr encode = 6, length = 18 bytes = 10
    000869 00216:914472 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:1313 Entering _nas_message_get_mac()
    000870 00216:914480 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:1371 NAS_SECURITY_ALGORITHMS_EIA2 dir DOWNLINK count.seq_num 0 count 0
    000871 00216:914499 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS ir-cn/src/secu/nas_stream_eia2.c:0078 Byte length: 19, Zero bits: 0:
    000872 00216:914508 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS ir-cn/src/secu/nas_stream_eia2.c:0079 0 (6058740 bytes) 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 07 5d 02 00 05 f0 70 c0 40 70
    000873 00216:914527 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS ir-cn/src/secu/nas_stream_eia2.c:0080 0 (6058740 bytes) b8 89 4f 88 1f 4e 7b 5e 10 81 1e 84 4b a6 1d 04
    000874 00216:914543 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS ir-cn/src/secu/nas_stream_eia2.c:0081 0 (6058740 bytes) 00 07 5d 02 00 05 f0 70 c0 40 70
    000875 00216:914613 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS ir-cn/src/secu/nas_stream_eia2.c:0088 0 (6058740 bytes) f2 73 8e 27 5e f0 cb ce 97 e6 dc 51 2b c1 10 75
    000876 00216:914630 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:1384 NAS_SECURITY_ALGORITHMS_EIA2 returned MAC f2.73.8e.27(663647218) for length 11 direction 1, count 0
    000877 00216:914640 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:1386 Leaving _nas_message_get_mac() (rc=4067659303)
    000878 00216:914647 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0599 Incremented emm_security_context.dl_count.seq_num -> 1
    000879 00216:914655 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0620 Leaving nas_message_encode() (rc=16)
    000880 00216:914662 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0851 Leaving _emm_as_encode() (rc=16)
    000881 00216:914670 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1353 Leaving _emm_as_security_req() (rc=263)
    000882 00216:914677 7F7B3F44D700 DEBUG NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0968 EMMAS-SAP – Sending msg with id 0x107, primitive EMMAS_SECURITY_REQ (201) to S1AP layer for transmission
    000883 00216:914696 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0973 Leaving _emm_as_send() (rc=0)
    000884 00216:914704 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0243 Leaving emm_as_send() (rc=0)
    000885 00216:914711 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    000886 00216:914725 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0679 EMM-PROC – Started Timer T3460 (2) expires in 6 seconds
    000887 00216:914736 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0686 Leaving _security_request() (rc=0)
    000888 00216:914748 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    000889 00216:914748 7F7B3CC48700 TRACE MME-AP /src/mme_app/mme_app_transport.c:0057 Entering mme_app_handle_nas_dl_req()
    000890 00216:914755 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0106 Entering emm_reg_send()
    000891 00216:914762 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0256 Entering emm_fsm_process()
    000892 00216:914769 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0263 EMM-FSM – Received event COMMON_PROC_REQ (1) in state DEREGISTERED
    000894 00216:914779 7F7B3CC48700 TRACE MME-AP /src/mme_app/mme_app_transport.c:0098 Leaving mme_app_handle_nas_dl_req() (rc=0)
    000893 00216:914778 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/sap/EmmDeregistered.c:0094 Entering EmmDeregistered()
    000895 00216:914786 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0176 Entering emm_fsm_set_status()
    000896 00216:914793 7F7B3F44D700 INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0182 UE 0x00000001 EMM-FSM – Status changed: DEREGISTERED ===> COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED
    000897 00216:914804 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1014 Entering mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    000898 00216:914811 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE MME-AP cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:1033 Leaving mme_ue_context_update_ue_emm_state()
    000899 00216:914818 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0194 Leaving emm_fsm_set_status() (rc=0)
    000900 00216:914838 7F7B3D449700 TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0344 Entering s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport()
    000901 00216:914848 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/sap/EmmDeregistered.c:0155 Leaving EmmDeregistered() (rc=0)
    000902 00216:914857 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0271 Leaving emm_fsm_process() (rc=0)
    000903 00216:914865 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0119 Leaving emm_reg_send() (rc=0)
    000904 00216:914872 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    000905 00216:914879 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0361 Leaving emm_proc_security_mode_control() (rc=0)
    000906 00216:914882 7F7B3D449700 NOTIC S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0399 Send S1AP DOWNLINK_NAS_TRANSPORT message ue_id = 0x00000001 MME_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x00000001 eNB_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x06692D
    000907 00216:914887 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM /openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:1199 Leaving _emm_attach_security() (rc=0)
    000908 00216:914895 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0479 Leaving emm_common_cleanup()
    000909 00216:914902 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0228 Leaving emm_proc_common_success() (rc=0)
    000910 00216:914906 7F7B3D449700 TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0409 Leaving s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport() (rc=0)
    000911 00216:914910 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ap/EmmCommonProcedureInitiated.c:0196 Leaving EmmCommonProcedureInitiated() (rc=0)
    000912 00216:914916 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0271 Leaving emm_fsm_process() (rc=0)
    000913 00216:914919 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0119 Leaving emm_reg_send() (rc=0)
    000915 00216:914937 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    000914 00216:914930 7F7B3EC4C700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0277 [41][20] Sending buffer 0x7f7b24003880 of 42 bytes on stream 1 with ppid 18
    000916 00216:914941 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM -cn/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0439 Leaving emm_proc_authentication_complete() (rc=0)
    000917 00216:914946 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0758 Leaving emm_recv_authentication_response() (rc=0)
    000918 00216:914951 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0434 Leaving _emm_as_recv() (rc=0)
    000919 00216:914955 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0541 Leaving _emm_as_data_ind() (rc=0)
    000920 00216:914959 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM nair-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0243 Leaving emm_as_send() (rc=0)
    000921 00216:914963 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0143 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=0)
    000922 00216:914967 7F7B3F44D700 TRACE NAS-EM l2/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0326 Leaving nas_proc_ul_transfer_ind() (rc=0)
    000923 00216:914978 7F7B3EC4C700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0288 Successfully sent 42 bytes on stream 1
    000924 00216:940359 7F7B1FFFF700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0476 [20][41] Msg of length 56 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
    000925 00216:940452 7F7B3D449700 TRACE S1AP r-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_decoder.c:0050 Entering s1ap_mme_decode_initiating()
    ./run_mme: line 87: 2128 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

    1. Hi,
      I don’t know, at least run mme in gdb to see the line of source that makes the SEGV.
      Maybe use another EPC ?

      1. Hi Laurent,

        Thanks for the suggestion. I used the gdb option on the OAI MME and it returns the following at the SEGV event :
        Thread 17 “mme” received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
        [Switching to Thread 0x7fffc5ffb700 (LWP 2695)]
        0x00007ffff66af4ad in parsedict_do_avp (dict=0xabca40, avp=0x7fffa8000b30,
        mandatory=1, error_info=0x7fffc5fface0)
        at /home/innocell2/openair-cn/build/git_submodules/freeDiameter/libfdproto/messages.c:2237
        2237 /home/innocell2/openair-cn/build/git_submodules/freeDiameter/libfdproto/messages.c: No such file or directory.

        I wondered if it was because of a wrong installation of diameter, so I rebuilt the mme but still have the issue. Would you have an idea on how to proceed ?
        I may try another branch tag if it still doesn’t work, otherwise I’ll move on to another EPC as you suggest.


        1. Hi,
          It looks like the bug we already fixed.
          Your configuration looks different: openair-cn/build/git_submodules/freeDiameter is not the patch we have

  73. Hi Laurent,

    thanks for this great tutorial.

    right in the last entry:

    ./lte-softmodem -O ~ / opencells-mods / enb.10MHz.b200

    I have the following problem (I report the final part of the output):

    [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.4.0; Boost_106501; UHD_3.14.1.1-release
    [HW] Found USRP b200
    Found USRP b200
    [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
    [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
    [INFO] [B200] Detecting internal GPSDO….
    [INFO] [GPS] Found an internal GPSDO: GPSTCXO , Firmware Rev 0.929a
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control…
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control…
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 30.720000 MHz.
    [HW] Clock source set neither in usrp_args nor on command line, using default!
    [HW] Time source set neither in usrp_args nor on command line, using default!
    — Using calibration table: calib_table_b210_38
    Errore di segmentazione (core dump creato)

    What could it be?

    Thanks in advance

    1. Dear Giuseppe,
      Hard to answer

      1) command line: too much spaces in your line

      2) if it doesn’t work without extra spaces:
      gdb –args ./lte-softmodem -O ~/opencells-mods/enb.10MHz.b200
      when you reach the segmentation error, do “where” and send it back to me.

      1. Hello Laurent
        Would you mind giving more details about the solution above? I met the same problem like Giuseppe which is caused by clock source and time source.
        But I still have no ideas.
        Best wishes !

      2. Hello dear Laurent
        I followed your advice by using gdb, but when I input where, it informed NO STACK. In order to make you see it clearly, I attached the message below.

        gdb -args ./lte-softmodem -O ~/Iverson/eNB/openairinterface5g/cmake_ta
        GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.5) 7.11.1
        Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
        License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
        This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
        There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type “show copying”
        and “show warranty” for details.
        This GDB was configured as “x86_64-linux-gnu”.
        Type “show configuration” for configuration details.
        For bug reporting instructions, please see:
        Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
        For help, type “help”.
        Type “apropos word” to search for commands related to “word”…
        Reading symbols from ./lte-softmodem…done.
        (gdb) where
        No stack.

    2. Hello sir
      Do you solve this problem or not? If you are already successful, please give me some suggestions or help.
      Best wishes

    3. Hi,

      I gave a try and got some information from you collectively.
      My understanding is your USRP setup is not correct.
      The call stack in gdb is purely internal USRP/UHD issue.
      You have maybe several versions of “” USRP driver: you have compiled with one version, then run with another one.
      Or you didn’t download the USRP firmware for the UHD version you have.


      1. Hi Iverson and Laurent,

        I have an error similar to that of Iverson. I have tried with gdb as suggested by Laurent. As Iverson did, I report the error:

        gdb –args ./lte-softmodem -O ~/opencells-mods/enb.10MHz.b200
        GNU gdb (Ubuntu 8.1-0ubuntu3.2)
        Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
        License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
        This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
        There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type “show copying”
        and “show warranty” for details.
        This GDB was configured as “x86_64-linux-gnu”.
        Type “show configuration” for configuration details.
        For bug reporting instructions, please see:
        Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
        For help, type “help”.
        Type “apropos word” to search for commands related to “word”…
        Reading symbols from ./lte-softmodem…done.
        (gdb) where
        No stack.

        Iverson and Laurent, do you have any suggestions?

  74. Hi laurent,
    I followed your steps to run build_mme and found this
    mme compilation failed
    cp: cannot stat ‘/home/lht/openair-cn/build/mme/build/mme’: No such file or directory
    auth_request compiled
    ‘/home/lht/openair-cn/build/mme/build/auth_request’ -> ‘/usr/local/bin/auth_request’
    auth_request installed
    then I lookup the log/mme.txt and find error like this
    /home/lht/openair-cn/build/mme/build/CMakeFiles/r10.5/INTEGER_oer.c:15:26: error: unknown type name ‘asn_oer_constraints_t’
    const asn_oer_constraints_t *constraints, void **sptr,
    /home/lht/openair-cn/build/mme/build/CMakeFiles/r10.5/NativeEnumerated_oer.c:35:35: error: unknown type name ‘asn_oer_constraints_t’
    const asn_oer_constraints_t *constraints,
    but the build_mme -i work well, and asn1c is installed successfully, could you help me with this problem?

    1. Dear Liu,
      You compile the EPC with the ans1c ASN.1 compiler version for the eNB.
      Probably you didn’t install our patch for the EPC, as it installs ans1c inside the openair-cn directory to separate it from the openair RAN version.

  75. Hi Laurent
    I also met the error when running eNB of master branch. The details are attached above
    INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800; UHD_3.15.0.HEAD-0-gaea0e2de
    [HW] Found USRP b200
    Found USRP b200
    [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
    [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
    [INFO] [B200] Detecting internal GPSDO….
    [INFO] [GPS] Found an internal GPSDO: LC_XO, Firmware Rev 0.929b
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control…
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control…
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 30.720000 MHz.
    [HW] Clock source set neither in usrp_args nor on command line, using default!
    [HW] Time source set neither in usrp_args nor on command line, using default!
    — Using calibration table: calib_table_b210_38
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    I noticed that you recommanded to use gdb to check but it is a little general to me.
    Would you mind giving me more details? Thanks a lot!

  76. Hi Laurent,
    I follow your instruction, at the step: ./lte-softmodem -O ~/opencells-mods/enb.10MHz.b200
    There was below error. Could you help show me a solution for this?

    LIBCONFIG] loader.oai_device: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LOADER] library successfully loaded
    [PHY] Checking for USRPs : UHD (4.0.0)
    [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501; UHD_4.0.0.0-711-ge62c93fe
    [HW] Found USRP b200
    Found USRP b200
    [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
    [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control…
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control…
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 30.720000 MHz.
    Setting clock source to internal
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] OK
    [PHY] cal 0: freq 3500000000.000000, offset 44.000000, diff 990000000.000000
    [PHY] cal 1: freq 2660000000.000000, offset 49.800000, diff 150000000.000000
    [PHY] cal 2: freq 2300000000.000000, offset 51.000000, diff 210000000.000000
    [PHY] cal 3: freq 1880000000.000000, offset 53.000000, diff 630000000.000000
    [PHY] cal 4: freq 816000000.000000, offset 57.000000, diff 1694000000.000000
    [PHY] RX Gain 0 110.000000 (52.800000) => 57.200000 (max 76.000000)
    [PHY] USRP TX_GAIN:89.75 gain_range:89.75 tx_gain:0.00
    [PHY] Actual master clock: 30.720000MHz..

    PHY] init_eNB_afterRU() ************* DJP ***** eNB->frame_parms.nb_antennas_tx:0 – GOING TO HARD CODE TO 1[PHY] inst 0, CC_id 0 : nb_antennas_rx 1
    [PHY] Initialise transport
    [PHY] init_eNB_proc(inst:0) RC.nb_CC[inst]:1
    [PHY] Initializing eNB processes instance:0 CC_id 0
    [PHY] eNB->single_thread_flag:0
    [HW] [SCHED][eNB] eNB_thread_prach started on CPU 0, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3
    [ENB_APP] ALL RUs ready – ALL eNBs ready
    [HW] [SCHED][eNB] eNB_thread_prach_br started on CPU 1, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3
    [ENB_APP] Sending sync to all threads
    got sync (ru_thread)
    [PHY] Time in secs now: 46332903
    [PHY] Time in secs last pps: 33789692
    [PHY] RU 0 rf device ready
    [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 24, min_I0 12

    after 1 minute, it appears errors and exit with below log:
    [PHY] [recv] received 0 samples out of 15360
    [ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive packet handler caught a value exception.
    ValueError: bad vrt header or packet fragment

    [PHY] rx_rf: Asked for 15360 samples, got 0 from SDR
    [PHY] rx_rf: rfdevice timing drift of -332030155 samples (ts_off 46410955)
    [ERROR] [STREAMER] recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0x40014
    terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘uhd::io_error’
    what(): EnvironmentError: IOError: usb rx6 transfer status: LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
    [PHY] problem receiving samplesLinux signal Aborted…
    /home/lttrung/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:253 signal_handler() Exiting OAI softmodem: softmodem starting exit procedure

    On /var/log/syslog, I saw that
    Jul 16 11:12:41 lttrung upowerd[1341]: unhandled action ‘unbind’ on /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2-6
    Jul 16 11:12:42 lttrung kernel: [ 3474.449673] usb 2-6: new SuperSpeed Gen 1 USB device number 6 using xhci_hcd
    Jul 16 11:12:42 lttrung kernel: [ 3474.470444] usb 2-6: LPM exit latency is zeroed, disabling LPM.
    Jul 16 11:12:42 lttrung kernel: [ 3474.471306] usb 2-6: New USB device found, idVendor=2500, idProduct=0020, bcdDevice= 0.00
    Jul 16 11:12:42 lttrung kernel: [ 3474.471311] usb 2-6: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
    Jul 16 11:12:42 lttrung kernel: [ 3474.471314] usb 2-6: Product: USRP B200
    Jul 16 11:12:42 lttrung kernel: [ 3474.471316] usb 2-6: Manufacturer: Ettus Research LLC
    Jul 16 11:12:42 lttrung kernel: [ 3474.471319] usb 2-6: SerialNumber: [xxxxx]
    Jul 16 11:12:42 lttrung mtp-probe: checking bus 2, device 6: “/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2-6”
    Jul 16 11:12:42 lttrung mtp-probe: bus: 2, device: 6 was not an MTP device

    I don’t know if this cause the issue due to usb connection. Could you show me the output when you plug USRP B210?

    1. Hi,
      I think this comes from a mismatch in, the uhd driver C header files or a B210 firmware error.
      Please check you have only one version of UHD installed, and redo the USRP firmware download procedure

      1. Hi Laurent,
        I fresh install the OS, and re-install following the instruction, but I still met the issue. Could you please advise me on this?
        [PHY] max_I0 24, min_I0 12
        [PHY] [recv] received 6144 samples out of 15360
        [ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive packet handler caught a value exception.
        ValueError: bad vrt header or packet fragment

        [PHY] rx_rf: Asked for 15360 samples, got 6144 from SDR
        [PHY] rx_rf: rfdevice timing drift of -346534344 samples (ts_off 46369224)
        [ERROR] [STREAMER] recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0xffb300b8
        [ERROR] [UHD] An unexpected exception was caught in a task loop.The task loop will now exit, things may not work.EnvironmentError: IOError: usb rx8 transfer status: LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
        terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘uhd::io_error’
        what(): EnvironmentError: IOError: usb rx6 transfer status: LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
        [PHY] problem receiving samplesLinux signal Aborted…
        /home/lttrung/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:253 signal_handler() Exiting OAI softmodem: softmodem starting exit procedure

        terminate called recursively
        Linux signal Aborted…
        /home/lttrung/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:253 signal_handler() Exiting OAI softmodem: softmodem starting exit procedure

        terminate called recursively
        Linux signal Aborted…
        /home/lttrung/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:253 signal_handler() Exiting OAI softmodem: softmodem starting exit procedure

        1. Dear Trung,
          This is errors inside the USRP driver.

          To confirm there is only one UHD driver, please do:
          sudo find / -name
          you should find only:
          and maybe the same file in the uhd compilation directory like

          OpenAir can reveal some similar cases, for example if you compiled with “./build_oai –enable-deadline”
          Else, I would suggest to try the UHD test tools like
          /usr/lib/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate –rx_rate 15360000 –tx_rate 15360000
          to verify the USRP + UHD are working fine

          1. Dear Laurent,

            I ran a benchmark, it was good with below log:
            :~/uhd/host/build/utils$ sudo /usr/lib/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate –rx_rate 15360000 –tx_rate 15360000

            [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501; UHD_4.0.0.0-804-gb2527716
            [00:00:00.000430] Creating the usrp device with: …
            [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
            [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
            [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control…
            [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control…
            [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
            [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
            [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
            [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
            [INFO] [B200] Setting master clock rate selection to ‘automatic’.
            [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 16.000000 MHz…
            [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 16.000000 MHz.
            Using Device: Single USRP:
            Device: B-Series Device
            Mboard 0: B210
            RX Channel: 0
            RX DSP: 0
            RX Dboard: A
            RX Subdev: FE-RX2
            RX Channel: 1
            RX DSP: 1
            RX Dboard: A
            RX Subdev: FE-RX1
            TX Channel: 0
            TX DSP: 0
            TX Dboard: A
            TX Subdev: FE-TX2
            TX Channel: 1
            TX DSP: 1
            TX Dboard: A
            TX Subdev: FE-TX1

            [00:00:01.982619132] Setting device timestamp to 0…
            [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 61.440000 MHz…
            [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 61.440000 MHz.
            Error: EnvironmentError: IOError: usb rx6 transfer status: LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
            tma@tma:~/uhd/host/build/utils$ cd /home/tma/uhd/host/build/utils; sudo ./b2xx_fx3_utils –reset-device
            Device opened (VID=0x2500,PID=0x0020)
            B2xx detected… Control of B2xx granted…

            Operation complete! I did it! I did it!
            tma@tma:~/uhd/host/build/utils$ sudo /usr/lib/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate –rx_rate 15360000 –tx_rate 15360000

            [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501; UHD_4.0.0.0-804-gb2527716
            [INFO] [B200] Loading firmware image: /usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_b200_fw.hex…
            [00:00:00.000140] Creating the usrp device with: …
            [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
            [INFO] [B200] Loading FPGA image: /usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_b210_fpga.bin…
            [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
            [INFO] [B200] Detecting internal GPSDO….
            [INFO] [GPS] No GPSDO found
            [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control…
            [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control…
            [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
            [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
            [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
            [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
            [INFO] [B200] Setting master clock rate selection to ‘automatic’.
            [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 16.000000 MHz…
            [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 16.000000 MHz.
            Using Device: Single USRP:
            Device: B-Series Device
            Mboard 0: B210
            RX Channel: 0
            RX DSP: 0
            RX Dboard: A
            RX Subdev: FE-RX2
            RX Channel: 1
            RX DSP: 1
            RX Dboard: A
            RX Subdev: FE-RX1
            TX Channel: 0
            TX DSP: 0
            TX Dboard: A
            TX Subdev: FE-TX2
            TX Channel: 1
            TX DSP: 1
            TX Dboard: A
            TX Subdev: FE-TX1

            [00:00:18.972472863] Setting device timestamp to 0…
            [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 61.440000 MHz…
            [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 61.440000 MHz.
            [00:00:19.320705052] Testing receive rate 15.360000 Msps on 1 channels
            Setting TX spp to 2040
            [00:00:19.345679774] Testing transmit rate 15.360000 Msps on 1 channels
            [00:00:29.600231424] Benchmark complete.

            Benchmark rate summary:
            Num received samples: 157814754
            Num dropped samples: 0
            Num overruns detected: 0
            Num transmitted samples: 157500240
            Num sequence errors (Tx): 0
            Num sequence errors (Rx): 0
            Num underruns detected: 0
            Num late commands: 0
            Num timeouts (Tx): 0
            Num timeouts (Rx): 0

            – According to libuhd, there is just one:
            $sudo find / -name

            – I still see the same issue:
            [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
            [PHY] max_I0 24, min_I0 12
            [PHY] [recv] received 6144 samples out of 15360
            [ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive packet handler caught a value exception.
            ValueError: bad vrt header or packet fragment

            [PHY] rx_rf: Asked for 15360 samples, got 6144 from SDR
            [PHY] rx_rf: rfdevice timing drift of -392036213 samples (ts_off 46436213)
            [ERROR] [STREAMER] recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0x26ffb4
            [PHY] problem receiving samples[PHY] [recv] received 0 samples out of 15360

            [PHY] rx_rf: Asked for 15360 samples, got 0 from SDR
            [PHY] rx_rf: rfdevice timing drift of -15360 samples (ts_off -345600000)
            [PHY] problem receiving samples[PHY] [eNB 0/0][RAPROC] Frame 202, subframe 1 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 24, energy 20.7 dB, delay 48
            terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘uhd::io_error’
            what(): EnvironmentError: IOError: usb rx6 transfer status: LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
            Linux signal Aborted…
            /home/tma/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:253 signal_handler() Exiting OAI softmodem: softmodem starting exit procedure

            – Could you please let me know which uhd version you used? I will switch to it release.


          2. Dear Trung,
            I made a “git pull”, that also pulled “UHD_4.0.0.0-804-gb2527716”
            It works also very badly on my computer, even if the errors messages I get are different.
            So, I rolled back to:
            git checkout UHD-3.15.LTS
            This version looks ok, it is probably the best choice for now.

          3. Dear Laurent,

            Could you send me the output of command “lsusb” and “lsusb -t” when you plug USRP B210?


          4. Dear Trung,
            lsusb -t
            when I plug the B210 it adds:
            > |__ Port 5: Dev 6, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=, 480M

            > Bus 001 Device 005: ID 2500:0020

          5. Dear Laurent,

            If possible, could you please help “tail -f /var/log/syslog” when plug USRP B210?


          6. Hi,
            The output:
            Jul 26 09:51:53 pc6600k kernel: [ 1727.138980] usb 1-5: new high-speed USB device number 7 using xhci_hcd
            Jul 26 09:51:53 pc6600k kernel: [ 1727.287270] usb 1-5: New USB device found, idVendor=2500, idProduct=0020
            Jul 26 09:51:53 pc6600k kernel: [ 1727.287275] usb 1-5: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
            Jul 26 09:51:53 pc6600k kernel: [ 1727.287278] usb 1-5: Product: WestBridge
            Jul 26 09:51:53 pc6600k kernel: [ 1727.287281] usb 1-5: Manufacturer: Cypress
            Jul 26 09:51:53 pc6600k kernel: [ 1727.287284] usb 1-5: SerialNumber: 0000000004BE
            Jul 26 09:51:53 pc6600k mtp-probe: checking bus 1, device 7: “/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5”
            Jul 26 09:51:53 pc6600k mtp-probe: bus: 1, device: 7 was not an MTP device
            Jul 26 09:51:53 pc6600k upowerd[2249]: unhandled action ‘bind’ on /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5


          7. Thank Laurent so much for your support.
            I did some test on the board, everything is ok but the issue still happens after one or two minutes.
            I will change to another PC to check if the issue still happens.

  77. Hi, the guide is very helpful ! But after i build mme successfully ,then ./run_mme:
    \OPENAIRCN_DIR = /home/z/openair-cn
    Initializing OAI Logging
    Initializing MSC logs
    Initializing MSC logs Done
    Function s6a_init (&mme_config) has failed
    returning 22
    What should i do?Is it a kernel problem? I use ubuntu 18.04, kernel 5.4.0-42-generic.

  78. Hey Thomas Laurent,

    my setup works fine but I have some questions left.
    My first question is, how I add proxysettings?
    Second question is about UE’s. I used different UE’s and some of them connect instant but the rest can’t even see the basestation. So which conditions need a UE for a connection?

    regards Paul

    1. Hi Paul,
      Proxy: by Linux ip tables configuration?
      If UE don’t see the base station, my guess is the UE don’t manage the LTE radio band you use

  79. I Laurent

    if I can, I have a couple of questions.
    I followed your guide and everything works, but for now I created the 4G link.

    1. I would like to use only one pc for both UE and eNB. I know it is inefficient, but it would be for a test. When I start scripts with two USRPs (EU or eNB) I get the following message (in both cases):
    [HW] More than one USRP Device Found. Please specify device more precisely in config file.
    But which configuration file does it refer to? For example, in case of the eNB, in enb.10MHz.b200.conf I can’t find anything to do that;

    2. In other tutorials I saw the option to use Xforms (–d). It is an I/Q samples analyzer. Obviously OAI works with them, but where can I see the I/Q samples transmit (to analyze and modify them)? And where are the received ones? In which files do I find this information?


      1. Hi Laureant,

        Thank you very much 🙂

        Another question: I use the eNB and the UE with USRPs b210 only.
        Using two different machines, at the UE side, I am running this:
        sudo ./lte-uesoftmodem -C 2680000000 -r 25 –ue-rxgain 120 –ue-txgain 0 –ue-
        max-power 0 –ue-scan-carrier –nokrnmod 1,
        where all parameters are sett based on the config file of the eNB (as the

        Now, the UE sees the BS but after many lines I get the following error:

        [MAC] Frame 1024: Contention resolution timer 47/48
        [MAC] Module id 0 Contention resolution timer expired, RA failed
        [PHY] [UE 0] Random-access procedure fails, going back to PRACH, setting
        SIStatus = 0, discard temporary C-RNTI and State RRC_IDLE
        [MAC] RA not active
        [RRC] [MSC_MSG][FRAME 01024][RRC_UE][MOD 00][][— MAC_DATA_REQ
        (RRCConnectionRequest eNB 0) —>][MAC_UE][MOD 00][]
        [MAC] [UE 0] Frame 1024: Requested RRCConnectionRequest, got 6 bytes
        [PHY] mode 0
        [PHY] prach_start=7680, overflow=-62184
        [PHY] [UE 0][RAPROC] PRACH PL 46 dB, power -62 dBm (max 0 dBm), digital
        power 45 dB (amp 512)
        [PHY] [UE 0][RAPROC] Frame 1024, subframe 1: Generating PRACH (eNB 0)
        preamble index 4 for UL, TX power -62 dBm (PL 46 dB), l3msg
        [MAC] Received RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_REQ from TASK_RRC_UE: instance 0, frameP
        1024, eNB_index 0
        [MAC] [UE 0][RAPROC] Frame 1024 Received RAR (44| for
        preamble 4/4
        bad DCI 1 !!!
        [PHY] [UE 0] Frame 1111, subframe 1: Problem in DCI!
        [RRC] [UE 0] : Frame 1124, Logical Channel UL-CCCH (SRB0), Generating
        RRCConnectionRequest (bytes 6, eNB 0)
        [MAC] RRCConnectionSetup failed, returning to IDLE state
        [PHY] [UE 0] Frame 1123, subframe 2 RRC Connection lost, returning to PRACH
        [PHY] No RAR found with the intended RAPID. The closest RAPID in all RARs is
        [MAC] [UE 0][RAPROC] Frame 1214 Received RAR (40| for
        preamble 0/4
        [PHY] [UE 0][RAPROC] Received RAR preamble (4) doesn’t match !!!
        bad DCI 1A !!!
        bad DCI 1 !!!
        [PHY] [UE 0] Frame 1291, subframe 9: Problem in DCI!
        [PHY] frame 1422, subframe 0, rnti ccc, format 0: FATAL ERROR:
        generate_ue_ulsch_params_from_dci, rb_alloc[412] > RIV_max[324]
        [PHY] Wrong DCI0 detection, do not transmit PUSCH for HARQID: 0
        bad DCI 1A !!!
        [PHY] [UE 0] Frame 1735, subframe 5: Problem in DCI!
        [PHY] Delay to wake up UE_Thread_Rx (case 2) avg=2 iterations=10000
        [PHY] Delay to process sub-frame (case 3) avg=85 iterations=10000
        [PHY] Delay to wake up UE_Thread_Rx (case 2) avg=2 iterations=10000
        [PHY] Delay to process sub-frame (case 3) avg=81 iterations=10000
        [PHY] Delay between two IQ acquisitions (case 1) avg=999 iterations=20000
        bad DCI 1 !!!
        [PHY] [UE 0] Frame 2355, subframe 5: Problem in DCI!

        Any idea about this error of bad DCI 1? Thanks!


        1. Hi Guiseppe,
          Bad DCI, there are two causes:
          => a bug in either eNB or OAI UE remain: we can see some of these messages even with perfect signal
          => if you have many, the radio is too poor.

          In your trace, I think the radio is very bad: some message are transmitted, but it fails very quickly.
          There could be many issues: parameters, antennas physical configuration, …


  80. Dear Laurent,

    What max download speed did you get when using USRP B210?
    I just got 6Mbps when test with When I use data, on eNB appears errors below:
    Could you advise what is going on?

    AC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 1018.4, frameP SFN/SF: 1018.4 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 1018, subframeP 4: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 8cfa)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 1018.5, frameP SFN/SF: 1018.5 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 1018, subframeP 5: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 8cfa)
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 1018.4 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 118, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 1019.2 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 114, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 1020.0 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 114, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 1020.8 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 114, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 1021.6 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 118, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 1022.4 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 116, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 1023.2 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 114, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] UE rnti dd9c : in synch, PHR 27 dB DL CQI 2 PUSCH SNR 44 PUCCH SNR 5
    [MAC] UE rnti 8cfa : in synch, PHR 0 dB DL CQI 0 PUSCH SNR -64 PUCCH SNR -64
    [RRC] UE rnti dd9c: S-TMSI ea003c1d failure timer 0/8
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 0.0 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 118, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [PHY] max_I0 37, min_I0 31
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 0.8 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 120, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [RRC] [FRAME 00001][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 523a] Decoding UL CCCH (0x9a58bc3)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00001][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 523a] LTE_RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest cause Other Failure
    [RRC] [FRAME 00001][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 523a] RCConnectionReestablishmentComplete(Previous) don’t receive, delete the Previous UE
    [MAC] Added physicalConfigDedicated 0x7f85740239f0 for 0.1
    [RRC] [FRAME 00001][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 523a] [RAPROC] Logical Channel DL-CCCH, Generating LTE_RRCConnectionReestablishment (bytes 25)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00001][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 523a]CALLING RLC CONFIG SRB1 (rbid 1)
    add new uid is 4 523a

    [PDCP] [FRAME 00001][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 523a][SRB 01] Action ADD LCID 1 (SRB id 1) configured with SN size 5 bits and RLC AM
    [RLC] [FRAME 00001][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 523a] [SRB 1] rrc_rlc_add_rlc SRB
    [RLC] [FRAME 00001][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 523a][SRB AM 01][CONFIGURE] max_retx_threshold 4 poll_pdu 4 poll_byte 65535 t_poll_retransmit 80 t_reordering 35 t_status_prohibit 0
    [PDCP] remove uid is 5/5 8cfa
    [MAC] Removing UE 2 from Primary CC_id 0 (rnti 8cfa)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 1.6, frameP SFN/SF: 1.6 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 1, subframeP 6: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 1.7, frameP SFN/SF: 1.7 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 1, subframeP 7: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 1.8, frameP SFN/SF: 1.8 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 1, subframeP 8: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 1.9, frameP SFN/SF: 1.9 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 1, subframeP 9: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 1.6 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 116, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 2.0, frameP SFN/SF: 2.0 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 2, subframeP 0: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 2.1, frameP SFN/SF: 2.1 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 2, subframeP 1: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 2.2, frameP SFN/SF: 2.2 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 2, subframeP 2: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 2.3, frameP SFN/SF: 2.3 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 2, subframeP 3: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 2.4, frameP SFN/SF: 2.4 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 2, subframeP 4: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 2.5, frameP SFN/SF: 2.5 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 2, subframeP 5: Delaying Msg4 for RRC Piggyback (RNTI 523a)
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 2.4 ULSCH in error in round 1, ul_cqi 118, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 3.2 ULSCH in error in round 2, ul_cqi 110, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 4.0 ULSCH in error in round 3, ul_cqi 112, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c
    [MAC] [eNB 0][PUSCH 0] CC_id 0 4.8 ULSCH in error in round 0, ul_cqi 108, UE_id 0, RNTI dd9c

    1. Hi,

      I get much more in good radio with speedtest.

      About “ULSCH in error in round”: there are bugs in eNB that trigger some lost packets, but if you have a lot of them, it is a radio parameters issue.
      When the sequence is each round 0/1/2/3, we could assume it is related to bugs
      When the sequence doesn’t finish by round 3, it means the packet is re-transmitted correctly before HARQ give up retrying (then TCP will retransmit but it reduces a lot the effective transmission)

      If you use the legacy EPC as in my tuto, there are also issues in this EPC.
      You may use local speedtest server, for example:


  81. Hi Laurent,

    I tried to run the All-in-one-openairinterface with 2 B210 for 2 eNB. The first eNB works fine, but when run the second eNB, the following error occurs. do you have any ideas for the error [NETLINK] Error opening socket oaitun_enm1 (16:Device or resource busy)?

    [CONFIG] get parameters from libconfig /home/oai/2nd/enb_use_3HK_band1_earfcn_499_full.conf , debug flags: 0x00000000
    [CONFIG] function config_libconfig_init returned 0
    [CONFIG] config module libconfig loaded
    [LIBCONFIG] config: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    # /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
    [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 46/46 parameters successfully set, (40 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 46/46 parameters successfully set, (46 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 15/15 parameters successfully set, (15 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 15/15 parameters successfully set, (15 to default value)
    log init done
    Reading in command-line options
    [LIBCONFIG] (root): 21/21 parameters successfully set, (18 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] (root): 5/5 parameters successfully set, (4 to default value)
    Getting ENBSParams
    [LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] THREAD_STRUCT.[0]: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] THREAD_STRUCT.[0]: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    Configuration: nb_rrc_inst 1, nb_L1_inst 1, nb_ru 1
    [LIBCONFIG] loader: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (2 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] loader.NB_IoT: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LOADER] library is not loaded: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    nb_nbiot_rrc_inst 0, nb_nbiot_L1_inst 0, nb_nbiot_macrlc_inst 0
    [LIBCONFIG] TTracer: 4/4 parameters successfully set, (4 to default value)
    configuring for RAU/RRU
    CPU Freq is 2.304095
    ITTI init, useMME: 1
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_UNKNOWN as task 0
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_TIMER as task 1
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_L2L1 as task 2
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_BM as task 3
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PHY_ENB as task 4
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MAC_ENB as task 5
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RLC_ENB as task 6
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_ENB_NB_IoT as task 7
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PDCP_ENB as task 8
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_DATA_FORWARDING as task 9
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_END_MARKER as task 10
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_ENB as task 11
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RAL_ENB as task 12
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_S1AP as task 13
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_X2AP as task 14
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M2AP_ENB as task 15
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M2AP_MCE as task 16
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M3AP as task 17
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M3AP_MME as task 18
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M3AP_MCE as task 19
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_SCTP as task 20
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_ENB_APP as task 21
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MCE_APP as task 22
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MME_APP as task 23
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_FLEXRAN_AGENT as task 24
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PHY_UE as task 25
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MAC_UE as task 26
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RLC_UE as task 27
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PDCP_UE as task 28
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_UE as task 29
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_NAS_UE as task 30
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RAL_UE as task 31
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MSC as task 32
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_GTPV1_U as task 33
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_UDP as task 34
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_CU_F1 as task 35
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_DU_F1 as task 36
    [LIBCONFIG] opt: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (3 to default value)
    [OPT] OPT disabled
    reported resolution = 1 ns
    [HW] Version: Branch: develop Abrev. Hash: 2161ff6cf Date: Mon Dec 23 13:38:59 2019 +0100
    Runtime table
    [PHY] RC.eNB = 0x564d508b2400
    [LIBCONFIG] L1s.[0]: 24/24 parameters successfully set, (22 to default value)
    [PHY] RC.eNB[0] = 0x564d508b24b0
    [PHY] RC.eNB[0][0] = 0x7f499e67a010
    [ENB_APP] Initializing northbound interface for L1
    [PHY] l1_north_init_eNB() RC.nb_L1_inst:1
    [PHY] l1_north_init_eNB() RC.nb_L1_CC[0]:1
    [PHY] l1_north_init_eNB() RC.eNB[0][0] installing callbacks
    [PHY] read_config_and_init() RC.nb_L1_inst: 1
    [LIBCONFIG] MACRLCs.[0]: 21/21 parameters successfully set, (15 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] MACRLCs.[0]: 21/21 parameters successfully set, (15 to default value)
    [MAC] [MAIN] Init function start:nb_macrlc_inst=1
    [PDCP] PDCP layer has been initialized
    Configuring local RRC for MACRLC
    [ENB_APP] sched mode = default 0 [default]
    [MAC] read_config_and_init() RC.nb_macrlc_inst: 1
    [PHY] l1_north_init_eNB() RC.nb_L1_inst:1
    [PHY] l1_north_init_eNB() RC.nb_L1_CC[0]:1
    [PHY] l1_north_init_eNB() RC.eNB[0][0] installing callbacks
    [LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0]: 20/20 parameters successfully set, (11 to default value)
    [RRC] Instance 0: Southbound Transport local_mac
    [RRC] Setting node_type to ngran_eNB
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].plmn_list.[0]: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [RRC] num component carriers 1
    [RRC] enb_config::RCconfig_RRC() parameter number: 0, total number of parameters: 78, ccspath: eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0]

    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0]: 78/78 parameters successfully set, (9 to default value)
    phich.resource 0 (ONESIXTH), phich.duration 0 (NORMAL)
    No eMBMS configuration, skipping it
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0].emtc_parameters: 88/88 parameters successfully set, (88 to default value)
    No eMTC configuration, skipping it
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0].SLparameters: 39/39 parameters successfully set, (39 to default value)
    No SL configuration skipping it
    [LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].srb1_parameters: 6/6 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [RRC] Node type 0
    [LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] NETWORK_CONTROLLER: 6/6 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
    [FLEXRAN_AGENT] FlexRAN Agent for eNB 0 is DISABLED
    [PDCP] PDCP layer has been initialized
    [PDCP] pdcp init,usegtp
    [PDCP] ENB pdcp will use tun interface for MBMS
    [NETLINK] Error opening socket oaitun_enm1 (16:Device or resource busy)

  82. Hi Laurent ,

    Doing a LTEsetup with opencells and using USRP B210 , I am getting error while running ltesoftmodem:

    ./lte-softmodem -O ../../../../opencells-mods/enb.10MHz.b200

    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 30.720000 MHz.
    lte-softmodem: /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:734: typename boost::detail::sp_member_access::type boost::shared_ptr::operator->() const [with T = uhd::property_tree; typename boost::detail::sp_member_access::type = uhd::property_tree*]: Assertion `px != 0′ failed.
    Linux signal Aborted…
    /home/lab_5g/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:253 signal_handler() Exiting OAI softmodem: softmodem starting exit procedure

    I ran the below command with gdb and found the where out as below :
    gdb -args ./lte-softmodem -O ../../../../opencells-mods/enb.10MHz.b200

    backtrace shows below:

    Thread 1 “lte-softmodem” received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
    __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:51
    51 ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: No such file or directory.
    (gdb) where
    #0 __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:51
    #1 0x00007ffff593a8b1 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
    #2 0x00007ffff592a42a in __assert_fail_base (
    fmt=0x7ffff5ab1a38 “%s%s%s:%u: %s%sAssertion `%s’ failed.\n%n”,
    assertion=assertion@entry=0x7fffdb76e537 “px != 0”,
    file=file@entry=0x7fffdb76e360 “/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp”,
    function=function@entry=0x7fffdb7b7d20 “typename boost::detail::sp_member_access::type boost::shared_ptr::operator->() const [with T = uhd::property_tree; typename boost::detail::sp_member_access::type = uhd::property_tree*]”) at assert.c:92
    #3 0x00007ffff592a4a2 in __GI___assert_fail (assertion=0x7fffdb76e537 “px != 0”,
    file=0x7fffdb76e360 “/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp”, line=734,
    function=0x7fffdb7b7d20 “typename boost::detail::sp_member_access::type boost::shared_ptr::operator->() const [with T = uhd::property_tree; typename boost::detail::sp_member_access::type = uhd::property_tree*]”) at assert.c:101
    #4 0x00007fffdb166143 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #5 0x00007fffdb16dbf5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #6 0x00007fffdb197c2f in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #7 0x00007fffdbcb7f82 in device_init (device=, openair0_cfg=)
    at /home/lab_5g/openairinterface5g/targets/ARCH/USRP/USERSPACE/LIB/usrp_lib.cpp:1112
    #8 0x000055555593661f in load_lib (device=device@entry=0x555556c7cd58,
    openair0_cfg=openair0_cfg@entry=0x555556c7cdf8, cfg=cfg@entry=0x0,
    flag=flag@entry=0 ‘\000’)
    at /home/lab_5g/openairinterface5g/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.c:124
    #9 0x0000555555936864 in openair0_device_load (device=device@entry=0x555556c7cd58,
    at /home/lab_5g/openairinterface5g/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.c:134
    #10 0x00005555559259c3 in init_RU_proc (ru=ru@entry=0x555556c7c900)
    at /home/lab_5g/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c:2260
    #11 0x0000555555929dec in init_RU (rf_config_file=,
    clock_source=, time_source=, send_dmrssync=)
    at /home/lab_5g/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c:2687
    #12 0x00005555559032bb in main (argc=, argv=)
    at /home/lab_5g/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:671

    Now I did below things :

    root@yy212477:/home/lab_5g/uhd# git checkout UHD-3.15.LTS
    Already on ‘UHD-3.15.LTS’
    Your branch is up to date with ‘origin/UHD-3.15.LTS’.

    I have below package :

    root@yy212477:/home/lab_5g# dpkg -l | grep uhd
    ii libuhd-dev amd64 universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products
    ii libuhd003:amd64 amd64 hardware driver for Ettus Research products
    ii libuhd3.14.1:amd64 amd64 hardware driver for Ettus Research products
    ii uhd-host amd64 hardware driver for Ettus Research products – host apps

    UHD is installed following below commands :
    1-sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev python-mako doxygen python-docutils python-requests python3-pip cmake build-essential
    2-pip3 install mako numpy
    3-git clone git://
    4-cd uhd; mkdir host/build; cd host/build
    5-cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
    6-make -j4
    7-sudo make install
    8-sudo ldconfig
    9-sudo /usr/lib/uhd/utils/

    Also I have installed :
    sudo apt-get -y install git swig cmake doxygen build-essential libboost-all-dev libtool libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev libncurses5-dev libfftw3-bin libfftw3-dev libfftw3-doc libcppunit-1.14-0 libcppunit-dev libcppunit-doc ncurses-bin cpufrequtils python-numpy python-numpy-doc python-numpy-dbg python-scipy python-docutils qt4-bin-dbg qt4-default qt4-doc libqt4-dev libqt4-dev-bin python-qt4 python-qt4-dbg python-qt4-dev python-qt4-doc python-qt4-doc libqwt6abi1 libfftw3-bin libfftw3-dev libfftw3-doc ncurses-bin libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libncurses5-dbg libfontconfig1-dev libxrender-dev libpulse-dev swig g++ automake autoconf libtool python-dev libfftw3-dev libcppunit-dev libboost-all-dev libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev fort77 libsdl1.2-dev python-wxgtk3.0 git libqt4-dev python-numpy ccache python-opengl libgsl-dev python-cheetah python-mako python-lxml doxygen qt4-default qt4-dev-tools libusb-1.0-0-dev libqwtplot3d-qt5-dev pyqt4-dev-tools python-qwt5-qt4 cmake git wget libxi-dev gtk2-engines-pixbuf r-base-dev python-tk liborc-0.4-0 liborc-0.4-dev libasound2-dev python-gtk2 libzmq3-dev libzmq5 python-requests python-sphinx libcomedi-dev python-zmq libqwt-dev libqwt6abi1 python-six libgps-dev libgps23 gpsd gpsd-clients python-gps python-setuptools

    I just not have done below step:
    Finally, make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is defined and includes the folder under which UHD was installed. Most commonly, you can add the line below to the end of your $HOME/.bashrc file:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib


    1. Hi,
      I didn’t try, it more complex setup.
      Of course, HO require 2 eNBs, than would probably run on 2 different computers.
      Best regards,

  83. Hi Laurent,
    I’m trying to run the LTE components. I’m using openairinterface5G repo in gitlab and openair-epc-fed repo in github. I’m running the eNB and UE executables, lte-softmodem and lte-uesoftmodem. During the Initial Attach, the authentication procedure of UE succeeds. But when the MME tries to establish the PDN connectivity, T3 Response timer expires 3 times and it produces the error “N3 retries expired for transaction 0x7f3910004860”. Consequently, the Attach procedure is rejected.

    Here’s a part of the MME’s log:
    001102 00127:491770 7F3937FFF700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0122 Received 1 events
    001103 00129:491639 7F39377FE700 DEBUG S11 enair-mme/src/s11/s11_mme_task.c:0297 Processing timeout for timer_id 0x7f3910004840 and arg 0x7f3910004980
    001104 00129:491671 7F39377FE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2152 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout()
    001105 00129:491679 7F39377FE700 WARNI GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0087 T3 Response timer expired for transaction 0x7f3910004860
    001106 00129:491692 7F39377FE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2229 Entering nwGtpv2cStartTimer()
    001107 00129:491705 7F39377FE700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2294 Started timer 0x7f39040011a0 for info 0x0x7f3910004980!
    001108 00129:491705 7F3937FFF700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0077 Looking for task 9
    001109 00129:491710 7F39377FE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2300 Leaving nwGtpv2cStartTimer() (rc=0)
    001110 00129:491726 7F3937FFF700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0093 Found matching port with high port 39103.
    001111 00129:491733 7F39377FE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2213 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout() (rc=0)
    001112 00129:491739 7F3937FFF700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0446 [39] Sending message of size 200 to and port 2123
    001113 00129:491856 7F3937FFF700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0122 Received 1 events
    001114 00130:484261 7F39367FC700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0039
    001122 00131:491748 7F39377FE700 DEBUG S11 enair-mme/src/s11/s11_mme_task.c:0297 Processing timeout for timer_id 0x7f39040011a0 and arg 0x7f3910004980
    001123 00131:491773 7F39377FE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2152 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout()
    001124 00131:491779 7F39377FE700 WARNI GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0087 T3 Response timer expired for transaction 0x7f3910004860
    001125 00131:491792 7F39377FE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2229 Entering nwGtpv2cStartTimer()
    001126 00131:491803 7F39377FE700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2294 Started timer 0x7f3910001330 for info 0x0x7f3910004980!
    001127 00131:491803 7F3937FFF700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0077 Looking for task 9
    001128 00131:491808 7F39377FE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2300 Leaving nwGtpv2cStartTimer() (rc=0)
    001129 00131:491821 7F3937FFF700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0093 Found matching port with high port 39103.
    001130 00131:491825 7F39377FE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2213 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout() (rc=0)
    001131 00131:491827 7F3937FFF700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0446 [39] Sending message of size 200 to and port 2123
    001132 00131:491914 7F3937FFF700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0122 Received 1 events
    001133 00133:491851 7F39377FE700 DEBUG S11 enair-mme/src/s11/s11_mme_task.c:0297 Processing timeout for timer_id 0x7f3910001330 and arg 0x7f3910004980
    001134 00133:491878 7F39377FE700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:2152 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout()
    001135 00133:491884 7F39377FE700 WARNI GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0087 T3 Response timer expired for transaction 0x7f3910004860
    001136 00133:491890 7F39377FE700 ERROR GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0141 N3 retries expired for transaction 0x7f3910004860

    Any idea how to solve this? If you need to see the configuration files too, please let me know.

    Best regards,

    1. You have the log in cmake_targets/log/nasmesh.Rel15.txt

      Nasmesh driver is not very usefull with recent OAI: if you add the option “–nokrnmod 1”, the main process uses directly Linux tunnels insead of the OAI driver (called nasmesh)

      Best regards,

  84. Hello,

    I have implemented OAI UE + eNB + EPC as well as the noS1 option, and in both cases, the RRC connection fails. Only the synchronization (PCCH) of the physical layer is working.

    The USRP SDR used is N321. Please any help?

    Thanks a lot.
    Kind regards

  85. Hi Laurent!

    Thank you for this tutorial.

    I have setup the EPC + eNB and my UE is able to connect and reach internet through OAI network.

    But The MME is craching after few minutes with the below error even with MCC not starting with 0.

    I’m using MCC = 208 and MNC = 93.

    My SIM Card IMSI is 208930000000001, not 13 bit.

    Assertion ((15 == auth_info_req->imsi_length)|| (14 == auth_info_req->imsi_length)) failed!
    In nas_itti_auth_info_req() /root/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_itti_messaging.c:320
    Bad IMSI length 13
    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 10 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x5074fe]
    mme(nas_itti_auth_info_req+0x14d) [0x456146]
    mme() [0x47a74a]
    mme(emm_proc_attach_request+0x1260) [0x479a40]
    mme(emm_recv_attach_request+0xbad) [0x44d1e6]
    mme() [0x447554]
    mme(emm_as_send+0xff) [0x4462dc]
    mme(emm_sap_send+0xd5) [0x441e16]
    mme(nas_proc_establish_ind+0x1ba) [0x4395d8]
    mme() [0x438e4e]
    ./run_mme: line 87: 21658 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

    1. Hi,
      It crashed when it receives the UE connection request
      Is it specific to this IMSI value?
      For example: 208930100001101 is working ?
      Have you changed the MME configuration file from our tuto to your MNC ?

      1. Yeah,
        I try it, changed IMSI or changed MNC, use different machine enb.
        when ue connect mme, crashed.
        The difference is the length of time, sometimes immediately, sometimes waiting a few minutes

  86. Yeah,
    I try it,but 208930100001101 is also crashed.
    When UE connected over,the mme crashed.

    001162 00064:993092 7FEEDFFFF700 TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0431 Entering s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf()
    001163 00064:993098 7FEEDFFFF700 TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0414 Found ue_ref 0x7feed4001210 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001
    001164 00064:993104 7FEEDFFFF700 TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0428 Found ue_ref 0x7feed4001210 mme_ue_s1ap_id 0x00000001
    001165 00064:993112 7FEEDFFFF700 TRACE S1AP t/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0469 Return ue_ref 0x7feed4001210
    001166 00064:993119 7FEEDFFFF700 DEBUG S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0545 security_capabilities_encryption_algorithms 0x00E0
    001167 00064:993122 7FEEDFFFF700 DEBUG S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0546 security_capabilities_integrity_algorithms 0x00E0
    001168 00064:993289 7FEEDFFFF700 NOTIC S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0569 Send S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQUEST message MME_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x00000001 eNB_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x06692D
    001169 00064:993302 7FEEDFFFF700 TRACE S1AP c/s1ap/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c:0578 Leaving s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf()
    001170 00064:993339 7FEEF5982700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0277 [40][8] Sending buffer 0x7feed4003390 of 193 bytes on stream 1 with ppid 18
    001171 00064:993443 7FEEF5982700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0288 Successfully sent 193 bytes on stream 1

    Assertion (ue_ref_p->s1_ue_state == S1AP_UE_WAITING_CRR) failed!
    In s1ap_mme_handle_ue_context_release_complete() /root/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme_handlers.c:874

    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 6 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x5074fe]
    mme(s1ap_mme_handle_ue_context_release_complete+0x30b) [0x4c0c69]
    mme(s1ap_mme_handle_message+0x168) [0x4bdfc3]
    mme(s1ap_mme_thread+0x1db) [0x4bb6c9]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7feefc5776ba]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7feefab364dd]
    ./run_mme: line 87: 85866 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

    1. Hi,
      I think I have seen this case.
      Maybe the UE connected before, then is lost (Radio link), then the UE reconnects.
      In a sequence like this, the MME get lost at a time and make SEGV.
      I think nobody will fix this old MME version.

  87. Hi Laurent,

    Can we use custom MCC as we wish (except the one begin with 00)? For example I want to configure 855456 as my PLMN.


    1. Hi Puthirithea,
      Yes, nevertheless specify in each needed file that your MNC is 3 digits
      The 00 beging in a MME bug, if you use another EPC it will be fine.

  88. While running the MME, I got this error and terminated.
    Initializing OAI Logging
    Initializing MSC logs
    Initializing MSC logs Done

    Assertion (0) failed!
    In sctp_intertask_interface() /home/idrbt/openair-cn/src/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:642
    Failed to create new SCTP listener

    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 4 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x55eb1abca847]
    mme(+0x1150cf) [0x55eb1aba50cf]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc02f1d26db]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc02d63371f]
    ./run_mme: line 87: 8371 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

    need some help

    1. Ranjith,
      Help answer: (As per what is written) it failed to open a sctp socket.
      Your IP address is wrong, or something like this.
      Note that the MME trace file should contain the Linux answer with the issue details

  89. Hi Laurent,
    In my mme.log there are these erros:
    000182 00000:954641 7FB7937FE700 ERROR S6A .5.0/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Command Code: 257
    000183 00000:954643 7FB7937FE700 ERROR S6A .5.0/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 ApplicationId: 0
    000184 00000:954646 7FB7937FE700 ERROR S6A .5.0/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x1D952A71
    000185 00000:954648 7FB7937FE700 ERROR S6A .5.0/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 End-to-End Identifier: 0x6123FA43
    000186 00000:954650 7FB7937FE700 ERROR S6A .5.0/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 {internal data}: src:hss.epc.lte(11) rwb:(nil) rt:2 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x2223c20 asso:0 sess:(nil)
    000187 00000:954653 7FB7937FE700 ERROR S6A .5.0/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val=’DIAMETER_SUCCESS’ (2001 (0x7d1))
    000188 00000:954655 7FB7937FE700 ERROR S6A .5.0/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 AVP: ‘Origin-Host'(264) l=19 f=-M val=”hss.epc.lte”
    Does the log above suggest it is something between HSS and MME only or something else?

    I just don’t know what are these errors means

  90. Dear Laurent,

    Have you ever come across this message “enb_ue_s1ap_id_key is invalid” in your mme.log?
    Does it suggest a broken connection between UE to MME? I have doubt about this because, despite the above message shown, MME statistics still show a UE is attached and connected.


  91. Hi Laurent,

    I am getting a FPGA compatibility error:

    [LOADER] library successfully loaded
    [PHY] Checking for USRPs : UHD (3.15.0)
    [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501; UHD_3.15.0.0-release
    [HW] Found USRP b200
    Found USRP b200
    [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
    [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 2.
    terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘uhd::runtime_error’
    what(): RuntimeError: Expected FPGA compatibility number 16, but got 15:
    The FPGA build is not compatible with the host code build.
    Please run:

    Linux signal Aborted…
    /home/qh/workarea/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:253 signal_handler() Exiting OAI softmodem: softmodem starting exit procedure

    lte-softmodem: /usr/include/boost/thread/pthread/mutex.hpp:111: boost::mutex::~mutex(): Assertion `!res’ failed.
    Linux signal Aborted…
    /home/qh/workarea/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:253 signal_handler() Exiting OAI softmodem: softmodem starting exit procedure

    Is there anyway to rematch the version?

    Thanks for help,


    1. Qh,
      There are two issues:
      [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 2.
      OAI need you use USB 3: too long cable, USB2 port on the host, …

      I think you need only to run this command to download the new board firmware
      Then, it will run fine with UHD 3.15

  92. Hi Laurent,

    I got an error Signal 11. It happens during eNB lte-softmodem loading up.

    [New Thread 0x7ffff0863700 (LWP 39925)]
    channel 0, Setting tx_gain offset 0.000000, rx_gain offset 110.000000, tx_freq 2630000000.000000, rx_freq 2510000000.000000
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [HW] [SCHED][eNB] ru_thread_prach started on CPU 6, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3 CPU_4 CPU_5 CPU_6 CPU_7 CPU_8 CPU_9 CPU_10 CPU_11 CPU_12 CPU_13 CPU_14 CPU_15 CPU_16 CPU_17 CPU_18 CPU_19 CPU_20 CPU_21 CPU_22 CPU_23 CPU_24 CPU_25 CPU_26 CPU_27 CPU_28 CPU_29 CPU_30 CPU_31 CPU_32 CPU_33 CPU_34 CPU_35 CPU_36 CPU_37 CPU_38 CPU_39 CPU_40 CPU_41 CPU_42 CPU_43 CPU_44 CPU_45 CPU_46 CPU_47
    [PHY] Initializing RU signal buffers (if_south local RF) nb_tx 1
    [PHY] thread ru created id=39924
    [PHY] Starting RU 0 (eNodeB_3GPP,synch_to_ext_device),
    waiting for sync (ru_thread,-1/0x555556255248,0x55555697ede0,0x5555568349e0)
    [PHY] ru_thread_prach() RU configured – RACH processing thread running
    [PHY] [INIT] common.txdata[0] = 0x7ffff7e86040 (614400 bytes)
    [PHY] nb_tx 1
    [PHY] rxdata_7_5kHz[0] 0x7ffff7e49040 for RU 0
    [PHY] [INIT] common.txdata_BF= 0x555556cd0c00 (8 bytes)
    [PHY] txdataF_BF[0] 0x555556cd0c60 for RU 0
    [PHY] rxdataF[0] 0x555556cded60 for RU 0
    [LIBCONFIG] loader.oai_device: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LOADER] library successfully loaded
    [PHY] Checking for USRPs : UHD (3.15.0)
    [New Thread 0x7fffd38c1700 (LWP 39926)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd30c0700 (LWP 39927)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd28bf700 (LWP 39928)]
    [Thread 0x7fffd30c0700 (LWP 39927) exited]
    [Thread 0x7fffd38c1700 (LWP 39926) exited]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd20be700 (LWP 39929)]
    [Thread 0x7fffd28bf700 (LWP 39928) exited]
    [Thread 0x7fffd20be700 (LWP 39929) exited]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd18bd700 (LWP 39930)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd10bc700 (LWP 39931)]
    [Thread 0x7fffd18bd700 (LWP 39930) exited]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd08bb700 (LWP 39932)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffcbfff700 (LWP 39933)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffcb7fe700 (LWP 39934)]
    [Thread 0x7fffd08bb700 (LWP 39932) exited]
    [Thread 0x7fffcb7fe700 (LWP 39934) exited]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd18bd700 (LWP 39935)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd20be700 (LWP 39936)]
    [[New Thread 0x7fffd28bf700 (LWP 39937)]
    INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501; UHD_3.15.0.0-release
    [Thread 0x7fffd18bd700 (LWP 39935) exited]
    [Thread 0x7fffcbfff700 (LWP 39933) exited]
    [New Thread 0x7fffcbfff700 (LWP 39938)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd18bd700 (LWP 39939)]
    [Thread 0x7fffd18bd700 (LWP 39939) exited]
    [Thread 0x7fffcbfff700 (LWP 39938) exited]
    [Thread 0x7fffd10bc700 (LWP 39931) exited]
    [HW] Found USRP b200
    Found USRP b200
    [New Thread 0x7fffcb7fe700 (LWP 39940)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd08bb700 (LWP 39941)]
    [Thread 0x7fffd08bb700 (LWP 39941) exited]
    [Thread 0x7fffcb7fe700 (LWP 39940) exited]
    [New Thread 0x7fffcb7fe700 (LWP 39942)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd08bb700 (LWP 39943)]
    [Thread 0x7fffd08bb700 (LWP 39943) exited]
    [Thread 0x7fffcb7fe700 (LWP 39942) exited]
    [New Thread 0x7fffcb7fe700 (LWP 39944)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd08bb700 (LWP 39945)]
    [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
    [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
    [New Thread 0x7fffd10bc700 (LWP 39946)]
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control…
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control…
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 30.720000 MHz.
    Setting clock source to internal
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] OK

    Thread 1 “lte-softmodem” received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    0x00007fffd7153727 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    (gdb) where
    #0 0x00007fffd7153727 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #1 0x00007fffd7cb7b08 in device_init (device=,
    at /home/qh/workarea/openairinterface5g/targets/ARCH/USRP/USERSPACE/LIB/usrp_lib.cpp:1248
    #2 0x000055555593661f in load_lib (device=device@entry=0x555556c7ed58,
    openair0_cfg=openair0_cfg@entry=0x555556c7edf8, cfg=cfg@entry=0x0,
    flag=flag@entry=0 ‘\000’)
    at /home/workarea/openairinterface5g/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.c:124
    #3 0x0000555555936864 in openair0_device_load (
    at /home/workarea/openairinterface5g/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.c:134
    #4 0x00005555559259c3 in init_RU_proc (ru=ru@entry=0x555556c7e900)
    at /home/workarea/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c:2260
    #5 0x0000555555929dec in init_RU (rf_config_file=,
    clock_source=, time_source=,
    at /home/workarea/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c:2687
    #6 0x00005555559032bb in main (argc=, argv=)
    at /home/workarea/openairinterface5g/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:671

    1. This is a UHD version error.
      will show what version of UHD, like => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

      To see if you have several versions installed:
      sudo find / -name ‘libuhd*’

      The simplest is to have one single version installed, nevertheless it is possible to have several, as long as you don’t mix

  93. Lauren,

    I am getting several S6A errors when I start the MME, including errors on
    s6a_task.c:0080 libfdproto ‘1.2.0’ initialized.
    s6a_task.c:0080 libgnutls ‘3.5.18’ initialized.

    Any advices?



    MME log:
    Initializing OAI Logging
    Initializing MSC logs
    Initializing MSC logs Done
    000005 00000:054121 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0701 ==== EURECOM MME vBranch: develop Abrev. Hash: 724542d Date: Thu Jun 22 16:17:12 2017 +0200 ====
    000006 00000:054123 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0702 Configuration:
    000007 00000:054128 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0703 – File ……………………………: /usr/local/etc/oai/mme.conf
    000008 00000:054131 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0704 – Realm …………………………..: OpenAir5G.Alliance
    000009 00000:054134 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0705 – Run mode ………………………..: TEST
    000010 00000:054140 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0706 – Max eNBs ………………………..: 2
    000011 00000:054147 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0707 – Max UEs …………………………: 16
    000012 00000:054153 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0708 – IMS voice over PS session in S1 ……: false
    000013 00000:054157 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0709 – Emergency bearer services in S1 mode .: false
    000014 00000:054161 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0710 – Location services via epc …………: false
    000015 00000:054167 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0711 – Extended service request ………….: false
    000016 00000:054171 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0712 – Unauth IMSI support ………………: false
    000017 00000:054175 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0713 – Relative capa ……………………: 10
    000018 00000:054179 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0714 – Statistics timer …………………: 10 (seconds)

    000019 00000:054184 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0715 – S1-MME:
    000020 00000:054188 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0716 port number ……: 36412
    000021 00000:054192 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0717 – IP:
    000022 00000:054196 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0718 s1-MME iface …..: enp4s0f0
    000023 00000:054202 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0719 s1-MME ip ……..:
    000024 00000:054207 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0720 s11 MME iface ….: lo
    000025 00000:054211 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0721 s11 MME port …..: 2123
    000026 00000:054215 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0722 s11 MME ip …….:
    000027 00000:054219 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0723 – ITTI:
    000028 00000:054225 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0724 queue size …….: 2000000 (bytes)
    000029 00000:054229 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0725 log file ………: (null)
    000030 00000:054235 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0726 – SCTP:
    000031 00000:054239 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0727 in streams …….: 8
    000032 00000:054243 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0728 out streams ……: 8
    000033 00000:054247 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0729 – GUMMEIs (PLMN|MMEGI|MMEC):
    000034 00000:054251 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0732 460.11 |4|1
    000035 00000:054259 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0734 – TAIs : (mcc.mnc:tac)
    000036 00000:054263 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0737 – TAI list type one PLMN consecutive TACs
    000037 00000:054267 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0749 460. 11:123
    000038 00000:054273 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0756 – S6A:
    000039 00000:054277 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0757 conf file ……..: /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/mme_fd.conf
    000040 00000:054282 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0758 – Logging:
    000041 00000:054286 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0759 Output …………..: CONSOLE
    000042 00000:054290 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0760 Output thread safe ..: true
    000043 00000:054294 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0761 UDP log level……..: TRACE
    000044 00000:054299 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0762 GTPV1-U log level….: INVALID_LOG_LEVEL
    000045 00000:054305 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0763 GTPV2-C log level….: TRACE
    000046 00000:054309 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0764 SCTP log level…….: TRACE
    000047 00000:054313 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0765 S1AP log level…….: TRACE
    000048 00000:054317 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0766 ASN1 Verbosity level : 0
    000049 00000:054322 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0767 NAS log level……..: TRACE
    000050 00000:054326 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0768 MME_APP log level….: TRACE
    000051 00000:054330 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0769 S/P-GW APP log level.: INVALID_LOG_LEVEL
    000052 00000:054334 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0770 S11 log level……..: TRACE
    000053 00000:054340 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0771 S6a log level……..: TRACE
    000054 00000:054344 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0772 UTIL log level…….: TRACE
    000055 00000:054348 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0773 MSC log level……..: ERROR (MeSsage Chart)
    000056 00000:054352 7F878C8B6740 INFO CONFIG nair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_config.c:0774 ITTI log level…….: ERROR (InTer-Task Interface)
    000057 00000:071353 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG NAS penair-cn/src/nas/nas_mme_task.c:0147 Initializing NAS task interface
    000058 00000:071364 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS openair-cn/src/nas/nas_network.c:0076 Entering nas_network_initialize()
    000059 00000:071373 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS-EM AI/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0084 Entering nas_proc_initialize()
    000060 00000:071378 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS-EM penair-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_main.c:0083 Entering emm_main_initialize()
    000061 00000:071387 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS air-cn/src/nas/api/mme/mme_api.c:0110 Entering mme_api_get_emm_config()
    000062 00000:071394 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS air-cn/src/nas/api/mme/mme_api.c:0162 Leaving mme_api_get_emm_config() (rc=0)
    000063 00000:071404 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS-EM penair-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_main.c:0100 Leaving emm_main_initialize()
    000064 00000:071408 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS-ES penair-cn/src/nas/esm/esm_main.c:0081 Entering esm_main_initialize()
    000065 00000:071412 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS air-cn/src/nas/api/mme/mme_api.c:0195 Entering mme_api_get_esm_config()
    000066 00000:071416 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS air-cn/src/nas/api/mme/mme_api.c:0207 Leaving mme_api_get_esm_config() (rc=0)
    000067 00000:071425 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS-ES openair-cn/src/nas/esm/esm_ebr.c:0110 Entering esm_ebr_initialize()
    000068 00000:071429 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS-ES openair-cn/src/nas/esm/esm_ebr.c:0111 Leaving esm_ebr_initialize()
    000069 00000:071434 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS-ES penair-cn/src/nas/esm/esm_main.c:0093 Leaving esm_main_initialize()
    000070 00000:071438 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS-EM AI/openair-cn/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0093 Leaving nas_proc_initialize()
    000071 00000:071442 7F878C8B6740 TRACE NAS openair-cn/src/nas/nas_network.c:0082 Leaving nas_network_initialize()
    000072 00000:071485 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG NAS penair-cn/src/nas/nas_mme_task.c:0156 Initializing NAS task interface: DONE
    000073 00000:071495 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0760 Initializing SCTP task interface
    000074 00000:071527 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0774 Initializing SCTP task interface: DONE
    000075 00000:071532 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0356 Initializing UDP task interface
    000076 00000:072618 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0364 Initializing UDP task interface: DONE
    000077 00000:072633 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S11 penair-cn/src/s11/s11_mme_task.c:0266 Initializing S11 interface
    000078 00000:073953 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S11 penair-cn/src/s11/s11_mme_task.c:0249 Tx UDP_INIT IP addr
    000079 00000:073971 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S11 penair-cn/src/s11/s11_mme_task.c:0313 Initializing S11 interface: DONE
    000080 00000:073979 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S1AP I/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0231 Initializing S1AP interface
    000081 00000:073987 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S1AP I/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0237 ASN1C version 924
    000082 00000:073991 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S1AP I/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0240 S1AP Release v10.5
    000083 00000:073998 7F87848C1700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0126 Creating new listen socket on address and port 2123
    000084 00000:074022 7F87848C1700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0171 Inserting new descriptor for task 6, sd 32
    000085 00000:074030 7F87848C1700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
    000086 00000:075159 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S1AP I/openair-cn/src/s1ap/s1ap_mme.c:0262 Initializing S1AP interface: DONE
    000087 00000:075164 7F87850C2700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0632 Received SCTP_INIT_MSG
    000088 00000:075169 7F878C8B6740 TRACE MME-AP ir-cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_main.c:0220 Entering mme_app_init()
    000089 00000:075173 7F87850C2700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0319 Creating new listen socket on port 36412 with
    000090 00000:075178 7F87850C2700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0324 ipv4 addresses:
    000091 00000:075182 7F87850C2700 DEBUG SCTP rc/sctp/sctp_primitives_server.c:0327 –
    000092 00000:076353 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG MME-AP ir-cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_main.c:0258 Initializing MME applicative layer: DONE
    000093 00000:076362 7F878C8B6740 TRACE MME-AP ir-cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_main.c:0259 Leaving mme_app_init() (rc=0)
    000094 00000:076371 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0152 Initializing S6a interface
    000095 00000:076387 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0175 Initializing freeDiameter log handler done
    000096 00000:076391 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0181 Initializing freeDiameter core…
    000097 00000:076430 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 libfdproto ‘1.2.0’ initialized.
    000098 00000:076443 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 libgnutls ‘3.5.18’ initialized.
    000099 00000:076728 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Core state: 0 -> 1
    000100 00000:076738 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 libfdcore ‘1.2.0’ initialized.
    000101 00000:076742 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0187 Initializing freeDiameter core done
    000102 00000:076747 7F878C8B6740 DEBUG S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0191 Default ext path: /usr/local/lib/freeDiameter
    000103 00000:076762 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Parsing configuration file: /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/mme_fd.conf
    000104 00000:078502 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Extension /usr/local/lib/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx added to the list.
    000105 00000:078512 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Extension /usr/local/lib/freeDiameter/dict_s6a.fdx added to the list.
    000106 00000:078806 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Generating fresh Diffie-Hellman parameters of size 1024 (this takes some time)…
    000107 00000:093841 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Loading : /usr/local/lib/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx
    000108 00000:093908 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Checking dependencies for ‘dict_nas_mipv6’…
    000109 00000:093915 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Extension [/usr/local/lib/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx] has no fd_ext_fini function.
    000110 00000:093935 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Dictionary Extension ‘MIPv6 NAS-to-HAAA Interaction’ initialized
    000111 00000:093940 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Loading : /usr/local/lib/freeDiameter/dict_s6a.fdx
    000112 00000:093984 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Checking dependencies for ‘dict_s6a’…
    000113 00000:093991 7F878C8B6740 ALERT S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Extension [/usr/local/lib/freeDiameter/dict_s6a.fdx] has no fd_ext_fini function.
    000114 00000:094659 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Dictionary Extension ‘S6A from 3GPP standard v.10.5’ initialized
    000115 00000:094664 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 All extensions loaded.
    000116 00000:094683 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 freeDiameter configuration:
    000117 00000:094688 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Default trace level …. : +3
    000118 00000:094693 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Configuration file ….. : /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/mme_fd.conf
    000119 00000:094698 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Diameter Identity …… : mme.OpenAir5G.Alliance (l:22)
    000120 00000:094704 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Diameter Realm ……… : OpenAir5G.Alliance (l:18)
    000121 00000:094708 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Tc Timer …………… : 30
    000122 00000:094712 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Tw Timer …………… : 30
    000123 00000:094716 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Local port …………. : 3870
    000124 00000:094720 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Local secure port …… : 5870
    000125 00000:094724 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Number of SCTP streams . : 3
    000126 00000:094728 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Number of clients thr .. : 5
    000127 00000:094733 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Number of app threads .. : 4
    000128 00000:094737 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Local endpoints …….. : Default (use all available)
    000129 00000:094741 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Local applications ….. : (none)
    000130 00000:094745 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Flags : – IP ……….. : Enabled
    000131 00000:094749 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – IPv6 ……… : DISABLED
    000132 00000:094753 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – Relay app …. : DISABLED
    000133 00000:094757 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – TCP ………. : Enabled
    000134 00000:094763 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – SCTP ……… : DISABLED
    000135 00000:094768 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – Pref. proto .. : TCP
    000136 00000:094772 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – TLS method … : Separate port
    000137 00000:094776 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 TLS : – Certificate .. : /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/mme.cert.pem
    000138 00000:094780 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – Private key .. : /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/mme.key.pem
    000139 00000:094784 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – CA (trust) … : /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/mme.cacert.pem (1 certs)
    000140 00000:094788 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – CRL ………. : (none)
    000141 00000:094792 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – Priority ….. : (default: ‘NORMAL’)
    000142 00000:094797 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 – DH bits …… : 1024
    000143 00000:094804 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Origin-State-Id …….. : 1614209368
    000144 00000:094809 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Loaded extensions: ‘/usr/local/lib/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx'[(no config file)], loaded
    000145 00000:094814 7F878C8B6740 ERROR S6A AI/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 Loaded extensions: ‘/usr/local/lib/freeDiameter/dict_s6a.fdx'[(no config file)], loaded

  94. Hi Laurent

    I have followed your tutorial and has managed to connect my COTS-UE to my USRP B200. I can get internet connection but the UE will go out of synch and disconnect after some time. This is the message that appear on my eNb terminal. I would very much appreciate your help on this issue. Thank you.

    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 16 PUCCH 21 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1428 err 309 bler 17.789292 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 282581 cnt 1431 , DL-stat tbs 1251211 cnt 1249 rb 15912 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [RRC] UE rnti 1ac9 failure timer 0/8
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 20 (rb 26), min_I0 17 (rb 1), avg I0 19
    [MAC] UE 0 rnti 1ac9: UL Failure timer 1
    [RRC] [eNB 0] frame 95: requesting A2, A3, A4, and A5 event reporting
    [RRC] RRCConnectionReconfiguration Encoded 375 bits (47 bytes)
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Frame 95, Logical Channel DL-DCCH, Generate LTE_RRCConnectionReconfiguration (bytes 47, UE id 1ac9)
    [PDCP] [FRAME 00095][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9][SRB 02] Action MODIFY LCID 2 RB id 2 reconfigured with SN size 5 and RLC AM
    [PDCP] [FRAME 00095][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9][DRB 01] Action MODIFY LCID 3 RB id 1 reconfigured with SN size 1 and RLC AM
    [MAC] [eNB 0] Frame 95, Subframe 2 CC_id 0 : (rnti 1ac9 UE_id 0) Received rnti(Msg4)
    [PHY] uplink segment error 0/3, aborted 2 segments
    [PHY] uplink segment error 2/4, aborted 1 segments
    [PHY] uplink segment error 0/3, aborted 2 segments
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9] UE State = RRC_RECONFIGURED (dedicated DRB, xid 0)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9] UE State = RRC_RECONFIGURED (dedicated DRB, xid 0) C-RNTI Complete
    [RRC] CDRX configuration activated after RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete reception
    [PDCP] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9][SRB 02] Action MODIFY LCID 2 RB id 2 reconfigured with SN size 5 and RLC AM
    [PDCP] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9][DRB 01] Action MODIFY LCID 3 RB id 1 reconfigured with SN size 1 and RLC AM
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Frame 0 CC 0 : SRB2 is now active
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Frame 0 : Logical Channel UL-DCCH, Received LTE_RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE rnti 1ac9, reconfiguring DRB 1/LCID 3
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Frame 0 : Logical Channel UL-DCCH, Received LTE_RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0, reconfiguring DRB 1/LCID 3
    [MAC] Added physicalConfigDedicated 0x7f53d01d9530 for 0.0
    [PHY] uplink segment error 1/4, aborted 2 segments
    [PHY] uplink segment error 0/2, aborted 1 segments
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 26 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1471 err 362 bler 19.749045 mcsoff 0 bsr 533 sched 533 tbs 314234 cnt 1475 , DL-stat tbs 1310875 cnt 1345 rb 16701 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [PHY] uplink segment error 1/4, aborted 2 segments
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 19 PUCCH 25 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1548 err 366 bler 19.122257 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 63 tbs 359582 cnt 1552 , DL-stat tbs 3165774 cnt 1828 rb 37294 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [PHY] uplink segment error 2/4, aborted 1 segments
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 52
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 53
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 54
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 55
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 56
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_GTPV1_U task size: 52
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_GTPV1_U task size: 52
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 56
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_GTPV1_U task size: 53
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_GTPV1_U task size: 53
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 56
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 57
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 58
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 59
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 60
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 61
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 62
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 63
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 64
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 65
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 66
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 67
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 68
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 69
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 70
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 71
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 72
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 73
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 74
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 75
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 76
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 77
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 78
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 79
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 80
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 81
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 82
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 83
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 84
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 85
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 86
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 87
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 88
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 89
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 90
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 91
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 92
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 93
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 94
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 95
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 96
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 97
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 98
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 99
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 100
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 101
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 102
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 103
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 104
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 105
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 106
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 107
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 108
    [TMR] Queue for TASK_UDP task size: 109
    [PHY] uplink segment error 2/4, aborted 1 segments
    [PHY] uplink segment error 0/3, aborted 2 segments
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 17 PUCCH 21 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1612 err 399 bler 19.840875 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 406397 cnt 1616 , DL-stat tbs 5936713 cnt 2494 rb 68143 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 17 PUCCH 23 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1671 err 418 bler 20.009574 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 420119 cnt 1675 , DL-stat tbs 6286259 cnt 2625 rb 72152 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 0 rnti 1ac9: UL Failure timer 1
    [RRC] [eNB 0] frame 557: requesting A2, A3, A4, and A5 event reporting
    [RRC] RRCConnectionReconfiguration Encoded 375 bits (47 bytes)
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Frame 557, Logical Channel DL-DCCH, Generate LTE_RRCConnectionReconfiguration (bytes 47, UE id 1ac9)
    [PDCP] [FRAME 00557][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9][SRB 02] Action MODIFY LCID 2 RB id 2 reconfigured with SN size 5 and RLC AM
    [PDCP] [FRAME 00557][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9][DRB 01] Action MODIFY LCID 3 RB id 1 reconfigured with SN size 1 and RLC AM
    [MAC] [eNB 0] Frame 557, Subframe 2 CC_id 0 : (rnti 1ac9 UE_id 0) Received rnti(Msg4)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9] UE State = RRC_RECONFIGURED (dedicated DRB, xid 1)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9] UE State = RRC_RECONFIGURED (dedicated DRB, xid 1) C-RNTI Complete
    [RRC] CDRX configuration activated after RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete reception
    [PDCP] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9][SRB 02] Action MODIFY LCID 2 RB id 2 reconfigured with SN size 5 and RLC AM
    [PDCP] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9][DRB 01] Action MODIFY LCID 3 RB id 1 reconfigured with SN size 1 and RLC AM
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Frame 0 CC 0 : SRB2 is now active
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Frame 0 : Logical Channel UL-DCCH, Received LTE_RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE rnti 1ac9, reconfiguring DRB 1/LCID 3
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Frame 0 : Logical Channel UL-DCCH, Received LTE_RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0, reconfiguring DRB 1/LCID 3
    [MAC] Added physicalConfigDedicated 0x7f53d01d9530 for 0.0
    [PHY] uplink segment error 0/2, aborted 1 segments
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 14 PUCCH 25 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1714 err 466 bler 21.376147 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 432171 cnt 1719 , DL-stat tbs 6348635 cnt 2731 rb 73264 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [PHY] uplink segment error 1/4, aborted 2 segments
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 13 PUCCH 30 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1775 err 476 bler 21.146157 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 443071 cnt 1780 , DL-stat tbs 6414704 cnt 2815 rb 74148 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 14 PUCCH 29 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1830 err 480 bler 20.779221 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 447914 cnt 1835 , DL-stat tbs 6421128 cnt 2852 rb 74307 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 16 PUCCH 29 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1896 err 481 bler 20.235591 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 455995 cnt 1901 , DL-stat tbs 6449097 cnt 2918 rb 74755 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [RRC] UE rnti 1ac9 failure timer 0/8
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 20 (rb 26), min_I0 17 (rb 3), avg I0 18
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 17 PUCCH 24 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 1950 err 481 bler 19.786096 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 462632 cnt 1955 , DL-stat tbs 6451878 cnt 2953 rb 74872 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 17 PUCCH 30 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2011 err 481 bler 19.301766 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 469256 cnt 2016 , DL-stat tbs 6454635 cnt 2994 rb 74998 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 17 PUCCH 18 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2069 err 494 bler 19.274288 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 474139 cnt 2074 , DL-stat tbs 6457190 cnt 3041 rb 75139 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 18 PUCCH 12 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2110 err 553 bler 20.766053 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 477006 cnt 2115 , DL-stat tbs 6458607 cnt 3080 rb 75256 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 0 rnti 1ac9: UL Failure timer 1
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 14 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6495284 cnt 3122 rb 75728 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 6 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6520584 cnt 3152 rb 76058 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 10 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6521907 cnt 3179 rb 76139 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : in synch, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 8 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6552984 cnt 3210 rb 76534 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [RRC] UE rnti 1ac9 failure timer 0/8
    [MAC] UE 0 rnti 1ac9: UL Failure after repeated PDCCH orders: Triggering RRC
    [RRC] Frame 0, Subframe 3: UE 1ac9 UL failure, activating timer
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 20 (rb 26), min_I0 16 (rb 49), avg I0 18
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 7 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6554500 cnt 3238 rb 76618 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 6 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6569967 cnt 3265 rb 76849 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 6 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6572177 cnt 3291 rb 76927 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 8 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6574102 cnt 3320 rb 77014 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 9 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6575808 cnt 3346 rb 77092 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 7 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6578067 cnt 3373 rb 77173 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 8 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6622542 cnt 3404 rb 77700 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 8 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6649525 cnt 3435 rb 78045 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [RRC] UE rnti 1ac9 failure timer 10238/8
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 20 (rb 26), min_I0 18 (rb 0), avg I0 19
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 8 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6651650 cnt 3460 rb 78120 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 8 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6653824 cnt 3486 rb 78198 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 6 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6655147 cnt 3513 rb 78279 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 6 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6656624 cnt 3538 rb 78354 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 8 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6658402 cnt 3564 rb 78432 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 9 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6659627 cnt 3589 rb 78507 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [MAC] UE 1ac9 : out of sync, PHR 40 DLCQI 15 PUSCH 15 PUCCH 8 RLC disc 0 UL-stat rcv 2146 err 597 bler 21.764491 mcsoff 0 bsr 0 sched 0 tbs 481778 cnt 2151 , DL-stat tbs 6660852 cnt 3614 rb 78582 buf 0 1st 0 ret 0 ri 0
    [RRC] Removing UE 1ac9 instance, because of uplink failure timer timeout
    [RRC] [eNB 0] S1AP_UE_CONTEXT_RELEASE_REQ sent for RNTI 1ac9, cause 21, radio connection with ue lost
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 27 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 3
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 93
    [SCTP] [3][93] Msg of length 23 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9] Logical Channel DL-DCCH, Generate RRCConnectionRelease (bytes 3)
    [RRC] S1AP removed entry in hashtable s1ap_id2_s1ap_ids for eNB_ue_s1ap_id 420141
    [RRC] S1AP removed entry in hashtable initial_id2_s1ap_ids for ue_initial_id 1
    [S1AP] Removed UE context eNB_ue_s1ap_id 420141
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 21 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 3
    [RRC] Removing UE 1ac9 instance after UE_CONTEXT_RELEASE_Complete (ue_release_timer_rrc timeout)
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Removing UE RNTI 1ac9
    [RRC] Put UE 1ac9 into freeList
    [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[0] UE 1ac9
    [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[1] UE 1ac9
    [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[2] UE 1ac9
    [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[3] UE 1ac9
    [RRC] remove UE 1ac9 from ul_config_pdu_list 0/1
    [MAC] Removing UE 0 from Primary CC_id 0 (rnti 1ac9)
    [PDCP] remove uid is 0/0 1ac9
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 1ac9] Removed UE context
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 1ac9 from freeList

    1. Hi,
      The key message is: Removing UE 1ac9 instance, because of uplink failure timer timeout
      the uplink fails:
      poor radio: antennas gain, reference signal power, …
      or OAI issue (try fairRR scheduler (see ci-scripts/conf_files/rcc.band40.tm1.50PRB.FairScheduler.usrpb210.conf))

      1. Thanks Laurent.

        On another matter, would it be possible to use this tutorial for a 2 PC setup (EPC on 1 PC, eNB on 2nd PC) assuming I have made the appropriate modification to the IP addresses in the config files?

        Thank you so much for your help.

  95. Hi,
    I have successfully this setup and able to connect 2 UE’s with the core network, and did some speedtests. When I tried to make a phone call between the 2 UE’s the MME gets crashed.
    I would like to know whether using this setup can we make phone calls between the connected UE’s in the same core network.

  96. Hi Laurent,
    I’m also running into this issue when trying to run the hss_import command above:

    mysqladmin: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    mysqladmin: connect to server at ‘’ failed
    error: ‘Access denied for user ‘newuser’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)’
    mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘newuser’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)


  97. Hi Laurent,
    In regards to my last post, I am forgot to leave out this last error:
    opencells-mods/hss_import: line 19: echo_error: command not found

  98. Hi laurent,
    my set up worked fine till last week now I get following error (eNB):

    [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
    [PHY] prach_I0 = 0.0 dB
    [PHY] max_I0 24, min_I0 0
    Error: signal 11:
    libusb: warning [libusb_exit] application left some devices open

    any idea what could be the problem?
    I use the
    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS


  99. Hi Laurent,

    Thank you for a very detailed tutorial on OAI. Following the steps you mentioned, I am able to successfully compile and run the eNB. However, I am unable to attach the UE with eNB. I used the same parameters you mentioned: TAC = 1, MCC = 208, and MNC = 92.

    I am using MotoG 8 plus mobile. My mobile can see the eNB, but it can not connect to the eNB. I get following message on the mobile “your sim doesn’t allow connection to this network”. Any leads on solving this issue.

    Kind Regards,


    1. Dear Farhan,
      What is the SIM ?
      You need a SIM with subscription matching the HSS database.

      1. Dear Laurent,

        Thank you for your quick response.

        I am using programmable 16-in-1 Super Sim and (I think) I programmed it based on the parameter values, mentioned in the tutorial. These are the values programmed in the Sim.

        mcc = 208

          1. Thanks Laurent for your response.

            I have made change to the database and added the IMSI in the database. I changed the users table and updated the three fields for the IMSI with the values programmed in our sim:

            1) IMEI:
            2) Key:
            3) OPc:

  100. Hi Laurent,

    Thank you for your tutorial on OAI.
    I am been trying on installing gNB but it keeps stuck in the process of compiling nr-softmodem.
    Could you please check it on? I am using Ubuntu 18.04, USRP B210.
    Here is part of compiling log:

    In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/immintrin.h:43:0,
    from /home/nakaolab/openairinterface5g/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c:33:
    /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/avx2intrin.h:412:1: error: inlining failed in call to always_inline ‘_mm256_min_epu8’: target specific option mismatch
    _mm256_min_epu8 (__m256i __A, __m256i __B)
    In file included from /home/nakaolab/openairinterface5g/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c:38:0:
    /home/nakaolab/openairinterface5g/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_cnProc.h:361:21: note: called from here
    min = _mm256_min_epu8(min, *p_maxLLR); // 128 in epi8 is -127
    CMakeFiles/ldpc_orig.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target ‘CMakeFiles/ldpc_orig.dir/home/nakaolab/openairinterface5g/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c.o’ failed
    make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/ldpc_orig.dir/home/nakaolab/openairinterface5g/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c.o] Error 1
    make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs….
    [ 2%] Built target M3AP_ENB
    [ 2%] Built target ASYNC_IF
    CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5712: recipe for target ‘CMakeFiles/ldpc_orig.dir/all’ failed
    make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/ldpc_orig.dir/all] Error 2
    make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs….
    [ 32%] Built target RRC_LIB
    [ 32%] Built target F1AP
    [ 51%] Built target NR_RRC_LIB
    CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1159: recipe for target ‘CMakeFiles/nr-softmodem.dir/rule’ failed
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/nr-softmodem.dir/rule] Error 2
    Makefile:450: recipe for target ‘nr-softmodem’ failed
    make: *** [nr-softmodem] Error 2

      1. Dear Laurent,
        Thank you for your reply.
        Can I ask one more question about the test on branch NR_SA_F1AP_5GRECORDS?
        I have build up gNB with USRP b210 and Ubuntu 18.04.
        When I tried to connect to 5G core with UE(HUAWEI HONOR V30 Pro), it failed.
        Below are the logs (a little bit long), I have tried several gains on tx and rx in config file, but still did not work. Fail log repeated at the last part.
        Could you please have a check on it? Thank you very much.

        user:~/openairinterface5g/cmake_targets/ran_build/build$ sudo ./nr-softmodem -O ~/openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/ –sa -E
        [CONFIG] get parameters from libconfig /home/openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/ , debug flags: 0x00000000
        [LIBCONFIG] Path for include directive set to: /home/openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF
        [CONFIG] function config_libconfig_init returned 0
        [CONFIG] config module libconfig loaded
        [LIBCONFIG] config: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
        Send signal 35 to display resource usage…
        [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
        [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 53/53 parameters successfully set, (46 to default value)
        [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 53/53 parameters successfully set, (53 to default value)
        [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 16/16 parameters successfully set, (16 to default value)
        [LIBCONFIG] log_config: 16/16 parameters successfully set, (16 to default value)
        log init done

        About to call end_configmodule() from main() /home/openairinterface5g/executables/nr-softmodem.c:867
        got sync (L1_stats_thread)
        got sync (ru_thread)
        [CONFIG] calling config module end function…
        [CONFIG] free 430 config value pointers
        Called end_configmodule() from main() /home/openairinterface5g/executables/nr-softmodem.c:869
        Entering ITTI signals handler
        [PHY] RU 0 rf device ready
        ULLLLULLLLULLLLLULULLLLLLULLLL[PHY] [gNB 0][RAPROC] Frame 237, slot 19 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 45, energy 75.0 dB (I0 411, thres 200), delay 8 start symbol 0 freq index 0
        [NR_MAC] [gNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 238, slotP 7: Generating RA-Msg2 DCI, rnti 0x10b, state 1
        [NR_MAC] [gNB] Generate RAR MAC PDU frame 238 slot 7 preamble index 45 TA command 8
        [NR_MAC] In nr_fill_rar: Transmitted RAR with t_alloc 2 f_alloc 528 ta_command 8 mcs 0 freq_hopping 0 tpc_command 3 csi_req 0 t_crnti ef0d
        [NR_MAC] [gNB 0][RAPROC] Frame 238, Subframe 7: RA state 2
        [NR_MAC] Random Access 0 failed at state 2 (state is not WAIT_Msg3)
        [NR_MAC] to remove in mac rnti_to_remove[0] = 0xef0d
        [NR_MAC] handle_nr_ul_harq(): unknown RNTI ef0d in PUSCH
        [PHY] to remove rnti 61197
        [PHY] to remove rnti_to_remove_count=1, up_removed=1 down_removed=0 pucch_removed=0
        [PHY] [gNB 0][RAPROC] Frame 239, slot 19 Initiating RA procedure with preamble 30, energy 76.7 dB (I0 440, thres 200), delay 8 start symbol 0 freq index 0
        [NR_MAC] [gNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 240, slotP 7: Generating RA-Msg2 DCI, rnti 0x10b, state 1
        [NR_MAC] [gNB] Generate RAR MAC PDU frame 240 slot 7 preamble index 30 TA command 8
        [NR_MAC] In nr_fill_rar: Transmitted RAR with t_alloc 2 f_alloc 528 ta_command 8 mcs 0 freq_hopping 0 tpc_command 3 csi_req 0 t_crnti 8f81
        [NR_MAC] [gNB 0][RAPROC] Frame 240, Subframe 7: RA state 2
        [NR_MAC] Random Access 0 failed at state 2 (state is not WAIT_Msg3)
        [NR_MAC] to remove in mac rnti_to_remove[0] = 0x8f81
        [NR_MAC] handle_nr_ul_harq(): unknown RNTI 8f81 in PUSCH
        [PHY] to remove rnti 36737
        [PHY] to remove rnti_to_remove_count=1, up_removed=1 down_removed=0 pucch_removed=0
        …… (Omitted for convenience)
        Run time: 0h 18s
        Time executing user inst.: 2s 987331us
        Time executing system inst.: 6s 786822us
        Max. Phy. memory usage: 1382220kB
        Page fault number (no io): 341755
        Page fault number (requiring io): 0
        Number of file system read: 0
        Number of filesystem write: 112
        Number of context switch (process origin, io…): 1499392
        Number of context switch (os origin, priority…): 2138
        Linux signal Interrupt…

        1. Hi,
          This is the right git branch, but it doesn’t work completely.
          With Huawei, I have the same result as you: Msg3 fails (Fujitsu is working on it also)
          With Qualcomm X55 based phones, we reach network attach, we debug now the data path.

      2. Hi Laurent,

        I encountered the same problem:
        [ 24%] Built target NR_RRC_LIB
        CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5554: recipe for target ‘CMakeFiles/nr-softmodem.dir/rule’ failed
        make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/nr-softmodem.dir/rule] Error 2
        Makefile:1906: recipe for target ‘nr-softmodem’ failed
        make: *** [nr-softmodem] Error 2

        Thanks for your solution. However, the error still occurs even though my CPU supports AVX2. Is there any other reason causing the problem? Thank you.

        Kind regards,
        Yu Chen

  101. Hi Laurent,
    could you tell me what is the differents between:
    I tried both with the same config files and get the same output. Should I use another config ?
    How can I use the different LTE releases?

    Config File:
    ////////// Physical parameters:

    component_carriers = (
    node_function = “3GPP_eNODEB”;
    node_timing = “synch_to_ext_device”;
    node_synch_ref = 0;
    frame_type = “FDD”;
    tdd_config = 3;
    tdd_config_s = 5;
    prefix_type = “NORMAL”;
    eutra_band = 1;
    downlink_frequency = 2139950000L;
    uplink_frequency_offset = -190000000;
    Nid_cell = 0;
    N_RB_DL = 25;
    Nid_cell_mbsfn = 0;
    nb_antenna_ports = 1;
    nb_antennas_tx = 1;
    nb_antennas_rx = 1;
    tx_gain = 90;
    rx_gain = 125;
    pbch_repetition = “FALSE”;
    prach_root = 0;
    prach_config_index = 0;
    prach_high_speed = “DISABLE”;
    prach_zero_correlation = 1;
    prach_freq_offset = 2;
    pucch_delta_shift = 1;
    pucch_nRB_CQI = 0;
    pucch_nCS_AN = 0;
    pucch_n1_AN = 0;
    pdsch_referenceSignalPower = -27;
    pdsch_p_b = 0;
    pusch_n_SB = 1;
    pusch_enable64QAM = “DISABLE”;
    pusch_hoppingMode = “interSubFrame”;
    pusch_hoppingOffset = 0;
    pusch_groupHoppingEnabled = “ENABLE”;
    pusch_groupAssignment = 0;
    pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled = “DISABLE”;
    pusch_nDMRS1 = 1;
    phich_duration = “NORMAL”;
    phich_resource = “ONESIXTH”;
    srs_enable = “DISABLE”;
    /* srs_BandwidthConfig =0;
    srs_SubframeConfig =;
    srs_ackNackST =;
    srs_MaxUpPts =;*/

    pusch_p0_Nominal = -96;
    pusch_alpha = “AL1”;
    pucch_p0_Nominal = -104;
    msg3_delta_Preamble = 6;
    pucch_deltaF_Format1 = “deltaF2”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format1b = “deltaF3”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2 = “deltaF0”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2a = “deltaF0”;
    pucch_deltaF_Format2b = “deltaF0”;

    rach_numberOfRA_Preambles = 64;
    rach_preamblesGroupAConfig = “DISABLE”;
    rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA = ;
    rach_messageSizeGroupA = ;
    rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB = ;
    rach_powerRampingStep = 4;
    rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower = -108;
    rach_preambleTransMax = 10;
    rach_raResponseWindowSize = 10;
    rach_macContentionResolutionTimer = 48;
    rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx = 4;

    pcch_default_PagingCycle = 128;
    pcch_nB = “oneT”;
    bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff = 2;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t300 = 1000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t301 = 1000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t310 = 1000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t311 = 10000;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_n310 = 20;
    ue_TimersAndConstants_n311 = 1;
    ue_TransmissionMode = 1;

    //Parameters for SIB18
    rxPool_sc_CP_Len = “normal”;
    rxPool_sc_Period = “sf40”;
    rxPool_data_CP_Len = “normal”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Num = 20;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Start = 5;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_End = 44;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_present = “prSmall”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_choice = 0;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_present = “prBs40”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_buf = “00000000000000000000”;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_size = 5;
    rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_bits_unused = 0;
    /* rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_hoppingParameter = 0;
    rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_numSubbands = “ns1”;
    rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_rbOffset = 0;
    rxPool_commTxResourceUC-ReqAllowed = “TRUE”;
    // Parameters for SIB19
    discRxPool_cp_Len = “normal”
    discRxPool_discPeriod = “rf32”
    discRxPool_numRetx = 1;
    discRxPool_numRepetition = 2;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Num = 5;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Start = 3;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_End = 21;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_present = “prSmall”;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_choice = 0;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_present = “prBs40”;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_buf = “f0ffffffff”;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_size = 5;
    discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_bits_unused = 0;


    srb1_parameters :
    # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,… 250, 300, 350, … 500]
    timer_poll_retransmit = 80;

    # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, … 100, 110, 120, … ,200]
    timer_reordering = 35;

    # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, … 250, 300, 350, … ,500]
    timer_status_prohibit = 0;

    # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
    poll_pdu = 4;

    # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
    poll_byte = 99999;

    # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
    max_retx_threshold = 4;

    # ——- SCTP definitions
    SCTP :
    # Number of streams to use in input/output

    ////////// MME parameters:
    mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = “”;
    ipv6 = “192:168:30::17”;
    active = “yes”;
    preference = “ipv4”;

    ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152

    ENB_PORT_FOR_X2C = 36422; # Spec 36422

    MACRLCs = (
    num_cc = 1;
    tr_s_preference = “local_L1”;
    tr_n_preference = “local_RRC”;
    phy_test_mode = 0;
    puSch10xSnr = 200;
    puCch10xSnr = 200;

    L1s = (
    num_cc = 1;
    tr_n_preference = “local_mac”;

    RUs = (
    local_rf = “yes”
    nb_tx = 1
    nb_rx = 1
    att_tx = 60
    att_rx = 60;
    bands = [1];
    max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
    max_rxgain = 125;
    eNB_instances = [0];


    FLEXRAN_PORT = 2210;
    FLEXRAN_CACHE = “/mnt/oai_agent_cache”;

    #three config for level of parallelism “PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD”, “PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT”, or “PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT”
    parallel_config = “PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD”;
    #parallel_config = “PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT”;
    #two option for worker “WORKER_DISABLE” or “WORKER_ENABLE”
    worker_config = “WORKER_ENABLE”;

    log_config :
    global_log_level =”info”;
    global_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    hw_log_level =”info”;
    hw_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    phy_log_level =”info”;
    phy_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    mac_log_level =”info”;
    mac_log_verbosity =”high”;
    rlc_log_level =”info”;
    rlc_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    pdcp_log_level =”info”;
    pdcp_log_verbosity =”medium”;
    rrc_log_level =”info”;
    rrc_log_verbosity =”medium”;

    1. ~/openairinterface5g/targets/bin/lte-softmodem.Rel14
      are the same
      The script “buil_oai” simply copies the binary in directory “targets/bin” (it was the procedure before cmake based OAI build, we kept it for compatibility)
      You can verify easily with many Linux tools that two files are identical

      1. Hi laurent,
        thanks for the quick answer. But I still don’t understand how I can switch between LTE-M, NB-IoT or the other LTE releases. Could you tell me wich are the parameters that I have to change?


        1. Hi Paul,

          There are some online doc like:
          Old releases: we don’t maintain it (except as old commit in OpenAir gitlab)

          The way I prefer: dig in CI (continuous integration) set of tests: these are test cases described in a quite complex method (xml test description) nevertheless all materials related to each test case are available.

          it is live CI tests runs
          then, in a run, the test list, choose the case you need.
          All the files are in /ci-scripts

  102. Hi Laurant,

    I am using OAI LTE eNB source over USRP 210, though I am able to attach commercial UE (Samsung) but sometimes suddenly after UE attaching, continuous “uplink segment error” starts happening, and then UE goes out of sync

    UULULLULLLULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[PHY] uplink segment error 0/2, aborted 1 segments

    Is there a way to fix this issue ? From the L1 (PHY) source code, it seems the UL-SCH decoding failed after multiple decode iterations. I am unable to understand if that is due to limited UE’s UL power ? or its due to power saturation at eNB ?

    From the below print, PHR is 40db – which in my understanding means UE is sending at quite low power and has much of power headroom available for UL Tx
    UE rnti 53c8 : in synch, PHR 40 dB DL CQI 15 PUSCH SNR 20 PUCCH SNR 17

    Any inputs in this regard is highly appreciated. Thanks !

    1. Hi,
      USRP driver (UHD) prints ULLLLLL.
      OpenAir doesn’t provide the signal to send in time
      It can be CPU power, OpenAir bug, UHD bug, …

      1. Hi Laurent,

        Thanks for replying.
        When you say “OpenAir doesn’t provide the signal to send in time” is that the L1 of OAI that is not sending to USRP in time ? or is it due to delay between L2 & L1 (FAPI interface) . Kindly clarify

        Also, any pointers on where to start debugging?

  103. Hi,
    The MME correctly detects the eNB thus i know the all in one epc/enb work correctly. On a second machine i have build the OAI UE with the following commands:
    $ git clone
    $ cd ~/openairinterface5g/cmake_targets
    $ ./build_oai -I –UE -c –install-system-files -w USRP
    $ cd ~/Desktop/openairinterface5g && source oaienv
    $ cd cmake_targets
    $ sudo ./build_oai -w USRP -x -c –UE

    and run it with the following commands:
    $ cd ~/openairinterface5g/cmake_targets/tools/ && \
    sudo ./init_nas_s1 UE
    $ cd ~/openairinterface5g/targets/bin
    $ sudo -E ./lte-uesoftmodem.Rel14 -C 2680000000 -r 25 –ue-scan-carrier –ue-txgain 80 –ue-rxgain 125 2>&1 | tee UE.log

    Also the two USRPs are connected with cables and a 30db attenuator on each cable to eliminate the possibility of interference (is used antennas)…
    This is the point that the UE is getting stack:
    [RRC] [UE 0] Frame 402779: OUT OF SYNC FROM eNB 0 (T310 active 0 : T310 1000, N310 26605, N311 0)
    [PHY] mode 0
    [PHY] prach_start=7680, overflow=-62184
    [PHY] [UE 0][RAPROC] PRACH PL 50 dB, power -26 dBm (max 23 dBm), digital power 45 dB (amp 512)
    [PHY] [UE 0][RAPROC] Frame 402780, subframe 1: Generating PRACH (eNB 0) preamble index 62 for UL, TX power -26 dBm (PL 50 dB), l3msg
    [RRC] [UE 0] Frame 402780: OUT OF SYNC FROM eNB 0 (T310 active 0 : T310 1000, N310 26606, N311 0)
    [RRC] [UE 0] Frame 402781: OUT OF SYNC FROM eNB 0 (T310 active 0 : T310 1000, N310 26607, N311 0)
    [PHY] mode 0
    [PHY] prach_start=7680, overflow=-62184
    Any idea of what might be the problem? Has anyone tried to attache the OAI UE to the all in one enb/epc of oppen-cells with USRPs just as i did?

    1. Hi,
      your UE doesn’t sync likely because the signal power is not good.
      With 30dB attenuator, you should decrease a lot the gains.
      compile the scope (enbscope, uescope) and run with -d
      the upper left graph is time domain: there should be some noise (filling 20% of the range) at bottom of the graph

      1. Hello,
        I reduced the gains and now i get this error every time (Any idea of what i can do?):

        [PHY] PUSCH::mcs = 0 and DCI0::mcs(30) > 28 and round == 0
        [PHY] generate_drs_pusch: index for Msc_RS=204 not found
        [PHY] Delay to wake up UE_Thread_Rx (case 2) avg=1 iterations=80000 max=17:17:17:18:21:21:22:23:23:31
        [PHY] Delay to process sub-frame (case 3) avg=198 iterations=80000 max=63773:65131:67007:73209:75156:75311:76372:84705:101817:114875
        [PHY] generate_drs_pusch: index for Msc_RS=168 not found
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        [PHY] Missed real time
        bad DCI 1A !!!

          1. Hi Laurent,
            So i run with -d and there is around 20% noise but still i get the same error about missing real time. Any idea what else might be the problem?

  104. HI Laurent I encountered some problems in the MME

    Assertion (1 == 0) failed!
    In mme_config_parse_file() /home/f459/openair-cn/SRC/MME_APP/mme_config.c:209
    Failed to parse MME configuration file /usr/local/etc/oai/mme.conf!

    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 6 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x500da7]
    mme() [0x4f6d49]
    mme(mme_config_parse_opt_line+0x298) [0x4faef6]
    mme(main+0xdd) [0x435cea]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0e4bdf0f45]
    mme() [0x4359f9]

  105. Hi,
    I’ve got a problem with the MME.
    I configure the mme.conf but I get the following:

    root@nano:/home/f459/openair-cn/SCRIPTS# ./run_mme
    OPENAIRCN_DIR = /home/f459/openair-cn
    Initializing OAI Logging

    Assertion (1 == 0) failed!
    In mme_config_parse_file() /home/f459/openair-cn/SRC/MME_APP/mme_config.c:209
    Failed to parse MME configuration file /usr/local/etc/oai/mme.conf!

    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 6 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x500da7]
    mme() [0x4f6d49]
    mme(mme_config_parse_opt_line+0x298) [0x4faef6]
    mme(main+0xdd) [0x435cea]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f9d35c0cf45]
    mme() [0x4359f9]

    I don’t know what is the problem.
    Is it possible, that the mme have some Problems with my proxysettings?

      1. Hi laurent
        Does this mean copy the file mme_config.c directly to the following path?

        Thank you

  106. Hi Laurent
    I use OAI eNB + OAI UE in noS1 mode. It always happens RAR fail. CRC of pusch is error.The SNR is 20-50.Any idea of what might be the problem?

  107. Hi Laurent,
    When I connect OAI eNB with CostUE,it ouucres,how can I fix it?

    [RRC] [FRAME 00649][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8e26] Decoding UL CCCH (0x5629f4fa64a5)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00649][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8e26] Accept new connection from UE random UE identity (0xffa63c00c4000000) MME code 0 TMSI 0 cause 3
    [MAC] UE 1 RNTI 8e26 adding LC 1 idx 0 to scheduling control (total 1)
    [MAC] UE 1 RNTI 8e26 adding LC 2 idx 1 to scheduling control (total 2)
    [MAC] Added physicalConfigDedicated 0x7fbcc4030700 for 0.1
    [RRC] [FRAME 00649][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8e26]CALLING RLC CONFIG SRB1 (rbid 1)
    add new uid is 1 8e26

    [PDCP] [FRAME 00649][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8e26][SRB 01] Action ADD LCID 1 (SRB id 1) configured with SN size 5 bits and RLC AM
    [MAC] generate_Msg4 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: 649.6, frameP SFN/SF: 649.6 FOR eNB_Mod: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 649, subframeP 6: Generating Msg4 with RRC Piggyback (RNTI 8e26)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8e26] [RAPROC] Logical Channel UL-DCCH, processing LTE_RRCConnectionSetupComplete from UE (SRB1 Active)
    [NAS] AttachRequest.c:40 EMM – attach_request len = 92
    [NAS] UeNetworkCapability.c:46 decode_ue_network_capability len = 5
    [NAS] UeNetworkCapability.c:63 uenetworkcapability decoded UMTS

    [NAS] UeNetworkCapability.c:74 uenetworkcapability decoded GPRS

    [NAS] UeNetworkCapability.c:82 uenetworkcapability decoded=6

    [NAS] UeNetworkCapability.c:86 uenetworkcapability then decoded=6

    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8e26] UE State = RRC_CONNECTED
    [S1AP] [eNB 0] Chose MME ‘(null)’ (assoc_id 18) through selected PLMN Identity index 0 MCC 208 MNC 92
    [S1AP] Found usable eNB_ue_s1ap_id: 0x38f859 3733593(10)
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 142 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 18
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 87
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 87, type 32777
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 87
    [SCTP] [18][87] Msg of length 62 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Received S1AP_DOWNLINK_NAS: ue_initial_id 29, eNB_ue_s1ap_id 3733593
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 59 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 18
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 87
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 87, type 32777
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 87
    [SCTP] [18][87] Msg of length 41 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Received S1AP_DOWNLINK_NAS: ue_initial_id 29, eNB_ue_s1ap_id 3733593
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 51 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 18
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 87
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 87, type 32777
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 87
    [SCTP] [18][87] Msg of length 22 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8e26] Logical Channel DL-DCCH, Generate RRCConnectionRelease (bytes 3)
    [RRC] S1AP removed entry in hashtable s1ap_id2_s1ap_ids for eNB_ue_s1ap_id 3733593
    [RRC] S1AP removed entry in hashtable initial_id2_s1ap_ids for ue_initial_id 29
    [S1AP] Removed UE context eNB_ue_s1ap_id 3733593
    [SCTP] Successfully sent 21 bytes on stream 1 for assoc_id 18
    [RRC] Removing UE 8e26 instance after UE_CONTEXT_RELEASE_Complete (ue_release_timer_rrc timeout)
    [RRC] [eNB 0] Removing UE RNTI 8e26
    [RRC] Put UE 8e26 into freeList
    [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[1] UE 8e26
    [MAC] clean eNb uci_vars[4] UE 8e26
    [MAC] Removing UE 1 from Primary CC_id 0 (rnti 8e26)
    [PDCP] remove uid is 1/1 8e26
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8e26] Removed UE context
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 8e26 from freeList
    [SCTP] Found data for descriptor 87
    [SCTP] Received notification for sd 87, type 32777

    1. Hi,
      your ue connects well, you reach
      UE State = RRC_CONNECTED
      then, the NB calls the core network and do some dialog, that ends quickly:
      Msg of length 22 received from port 36412, on stream 1, PPID 18
      [RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 8e26] Logical Channel DL-DCCH, Generate RRCConnectionRelease (bytes 3)
      The core network rejects the UE for some reason
      If you run wireshark on the interface between the core and the eNB, you will get more details
      Also, core network logs can help

      1. Here is the problem:
        S1AP/NAS-EPS 130 UplinkNASTransport, Security mode reject (UE security capabilities mismatch)
        : ( , What should I do to fix this problem.
        Bset Regards
        Wang Dong。

        1. Hi,
          UE describes it’s implemented security modes (the implemented algorithms)
          The core seems to not have something matching
          what core network and what UE are you using ?

  108. My UE does not support band7. I want to test with band3 . Besides frequency, what parameters do I need to modify?

    1. Hi,
      Parameter ‘eutra_band’, also the DL/UL frequency offset
      you have several bands config files in /ci-scripts/conf_files/*
      So, seeing the changes between these files, you can make a band 3 file

  109. Hi Laurent,
    My CostUE can connect to the eNB in 5MHz(25PRB) or 10MHz(50PRB).
    But UE cannot find eNB in 20MHz(100PRB).
    May I ask how did you make it : ), and what causes that.

  110. Hi Laurent,

    I know I can play with the attenuation of the rx and tx path to get different power levels but is conf file a direct parameter to regulate the power of the SDR?

  111. Hi Laurent,
    While running the code UE is able to send messages in up to security mode complete. In the next step, MME is got exited and not able to complete attach accept message in LTE registration procedure. Below is the following error in MME running terminal

    Assertion (0) failed!
    In mme_app_handle_s6a_update_location_ans() /…../openair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_location.c:11
    Failed to parse SP-GW configuration file /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf!

    Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
    Obtained 5 stack frames.
    mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x55d1af7cc847]
    mme(mme_app_handle_s6a_update_location_ans+0x283) [0x55d1af7cc847]
    mme(mme_app_thread+0x130) [0x55d1af7ba3d0]
    spgw(main+0xe3) [0x5599c144deed]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f47adce46db]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f47ac14571f]
    ./run_mme: line 87: 18167 Segmentation fault $SUDO spgw `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1
    can you help me out in this issue


      1. Hi Laurent,

        I have verified the mme and spgw conf files. Nothing has modified
        its actually, “ULR/ULA procedure returned non success\n”. Please help me out with this issue

        Assertion (0) failed!
        In mme_app_handle_s6a_update_location_ans() /home/goli/openair-cn/src/mme_app/mme_app_location.c:115
        “ULR/ULA procedure returned non success\n”
        Will Intentionaly raise SEGFAULT to be catched by GDB!
        Obtained 5 stack frames.
        mme(display_backtrace+0x28) [0x563e41dda847]
        mme(mme_app_handle_s6a_update_location_ans+0x283) [0x563e41dce493]
        mme(mme_app_thread+0x130) [0x563e41dc83d0]
        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fbdd4f086db]
        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fbdd336971f]
        ./run_mme: line 87: 26934 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

  112. Hi Laurent,
    I am doing a independent study

    I want to use Tracking Area update procedure and send a TAU_Reject and Attach_Reject to the UE
    so that the UE cannot connect to the Internet

    How should I modify my EPC or eNB code ?
    I know these files should be in the openair-cn/src/nas/emm path
    But I don’t know how to modify

    Thank you

    1. Hi,
      I think if you set a MME config file with TAC not matching the RAC list in the MME, the MME will reject the TAU

  113. Hi Laurent,
    I have a problem when I try to conect my mobile with my LTE network. I think I have a problem with authentication but I do not see how solve it. I do not know if the faults are in apn of my mobile, I have xiomi mi note 3.

    0AA37FE700 DEBUG S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 Iterating on rules of AVP: ‘E-UTRAN-Vector’.
    012210 08030:561509 7F0AA37FE700 DEBUG S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 Iterating on rules of AVP: ‘Authentication-Info’.
    012211 08030:561518 7F0AA37FE700 DEBUG S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 Iterating on rules of COMMAND: ‘Authentication-Information-Answer’.
    012212 08030:561544 7F0AA37FE700 DEBUG S6A -develop/src/s6a/s6a_auth_info.c:0228 Received S6A Authentication Information Answer (AIA)
    012213 08030:561561 7F0AA37FE700 DEBUG S6A -develop/src/s6a/s6a_auth_info.c:0254 Received S6A Result code 2001:DIAMETER_SUCCESS
    012214 08030:561632 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM 5g-cn-develop/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0369 Entering nas_proc_authentication_info_answer()
    012215 08030:561649 7F0ACA35C700 DEBUG NAS-EM 5g-cn-develop/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0378 Handling imsi 999700000053539
    012216 08030:561659 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE MME-AP op/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0243 UE 6 fetched MM state UE_UNREGISTERED, ECM state ECM_IDLE
    012217 08030:561663 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 Message discarded (‘Internal error: Answer received to locally issued request, but not handled by any handler.’):
    012218 08030:561666 7F0ACA35C700 DEBUG NAS-EM 5g-cn-develop/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0399 INFORMING NAS ABOUT AUTH RESP SUCCESS got 1 vector(s)
    012219 08030:561671 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 ‘Authentication-Information-Answer’
    012220 08030:561672 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM 5g-cn-develop/src/nas/nas_proc.c:0426 Entering nas_proc_auth_param_res()
    012221 08030:561677 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 Version: 0x01
    012222 08030:561683 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 Length: 292
    012223 08030:561685 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0122 Entering emm_sap_send()
    012224 08030:561689 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 Flags: 0x40 (-P–)
    012225 08030:561691 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0572 Entering emm_cn_send()
    012226 08030:561695 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 Command Code: 318
    012227 08030:561697 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0573 EMMCN-SAP – Received primitive EMM_CN_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_RES (401)
    012228 08030:561700 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 ApplicationId: 16777251
    012229 08030:561704 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_cn.c:0105 Entering _emm_cn_authentication_res()
    012230 08030:561707 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x3E7CA9FB
    012231 08030:561710 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE MME-AP op/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0243 UE 6 fetched MM state UE_UNREGISTERED, ECM state ECM_IDLE
    012232 08030:561713 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 End-to-End Identifier: 0x00000000
    012233 08030:561717 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM lop/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0374 Entering _auth_info_proc_success_cb()
    012234 08030:561719 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 {internal data}: src:hss.4GLaboratory(16) rwb:(nil) rt:1 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f0a380013c0 asso:0 sess:0x7f0a38001550
    012235 08030:561723 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM lop/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0403 EMM-PROC – Received Vector 0:
    012237 08030:561729 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM lop/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0404 EMM-PROC – Received XRES ..: ea,8d,f8,1c,b1,a0,f4,1b,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
    012236 08030:561725 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘Session-Id'(263) l=57 f=-M val=”epc.4GLaboratory.4GLaboratory;1636726797;6;apps6a”
    012238 08030:561737 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM lop/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0405 EMM-PROC – Received RAND ..: c7,5e,9b,2d,86,a3,95,6f,68,ea,15,06,85,c1,15,64
    012240 08030:561744 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM lop/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0406 EMM-PROC – Received AUTN ..: 4b,53,9b,da,17,91,80,00,81,77,17,f3,78,42,4c,f1
    012239 08030:561742 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘Authentication-Info'(1413) vend=’3GPP'(10415) l=144 f=VM val=(grouped)
    012241 08030:561751 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM lop/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0408 EMM-PROC – Received KASME .: 1c,69,45,76,fe,03,2e,59,2a,97,ea,32,06,2a,53,25 44,71,1f,55,92,ca,f8,b7,69,2b,e6,d6,16,a1,fc,24
    012242 08030:561755 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘E-UTRAN-Vector'(1414) vend=’3GPP'(10415) l=132 f=VM val=(grouped)
    012243 08030:561761 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0122 Entering emm_sap_send()
    012244 08030:561767 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0110 Entering emm_reg_send()
    012245 08030:561767 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘RAND'(1447) vend=’3GPP'(10415) l=28 f=VM val=
    012246 08030:561772 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0275 Entering emm_fsm_process()
    012247 08030:561779 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘XRES'(1448) vend=’3GPP'(10415) l=20 f=VM val=
    012248 08030:561780 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0281 EMM-FSM – Received event COMMON_PROC_ABORT (4) in state EMM-DEREGISTERED
    012249 08030:561791 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/sap/EmmDeregistered.c:0103 Entering EmmDeregistered()
    012250 08030:561791 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘AUTN'(1449) vend=’3GPP'(10415) l=28 f=VM val=
    012251 08030:561800 7F0ACA35C700 ERROR NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/sap/EmmDeregistered.c:0131 EMM-FSM state EMM_DEREGISTERED – Primitive _EMMREG_COMMON_PROC_ABORT is not valid
    012252 08030:561807 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘KASME'(1450) vend=’3GPP'(10415) l=44 f=VM val=
    012253 08030:561814 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/sap/EmmDeregistered.c:0298 Leaving EmmDeregistered() (rc=-1)
    012255 08030:561823 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0289 Leaving emm_fsm_process() (rc=-1)
    012254 08030:561819 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val=’NO_STATE_MAINTAINED’ (1 (0x1))
    012256 08030:561830 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0123 Leaving emm_reg_send() (rc=-1)
    012258 08030:561836 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0155 Leaving emm_sap_send() (rc=-1)
    012257 08030:561832 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘Origin-Host'(264) l=24 f=-M val=”hss.4GLaboratory”
    012259 08030:561841 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM lop/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0167 Entering emm_proc_authentication_ksi()
    012261 08030:561847 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM lop/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0173 ue_id=6 EMM-PROC – Initiate authentication KSI = 0
    012260 08030:561844 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘Origin-Realm'(296) l=20 f=-M val=”4GLaboratory”
    012262 08030:561866 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM lop/src/nas/emm/Authentication.c:0974 Entering _authentication_request()
    012264 08030:561873 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE MME-AP op/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0243 UE 6 fetched MM state UE_UNREGISTERED, ECM state ECM_IDLE
    012263 08030:561870 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val=’DIAMETER_SUCCESS’ (2001 (0x7d1))
    012265 08030:561881 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0435 Entering emm_as_set_security_data()
    012266 08030:561883 7F0AA37FE700 ERROR S6A 5g-cn-develop/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0090 AVP: ‘Route-Record'(282) l=8 f=-M val=”hss.4GLaboratory”
    012267 08030:561889 7F0ACA35C700 DEBUG NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0481 NO Valid Security Context Available
    012268 08030:561909 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/LowerLayer.c:0488 Leaving emm_as_set_security_data()
    012269 08030:561923 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0122 Entering emm_sap_send()
    012270 08030:561930 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0185 Entering emm_as_send()
    012271 08030:561938 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0191 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_SECURITY_REQ (201)
    012272 08030:561947 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0967 Entering _emm_as_send()
    012273 08030:561956 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1333 Entering _emm_as_security_req()
    012274 08030:561965 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:1336 EMMAS-SAP – Send AS security request
    012275 08030:561975 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0780 Entering _emm_as_set_header()
    012276 08030:561984 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0832 Leaving _emm_as_set_header() (rc=139684318910368)
    012277 08030:561997 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM velop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0875 Entering emm_send_authentication_request()
    012278 08030:562006 7F0ACA35C700 INFO NAS-EM velop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0878 EMMAS-SAP – Send Authentication Request message
    012279 08030:562016 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM velop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_send.c:0905 Leaving emm_send_authentication_request() (rc=38)
    012280 08030:562024 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE MME-AP op/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0243 UE 6 fetched MM state UE_UNREGISTERED, ECM state ECM_IDLE
    012281 08030:562034 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0861 Entering _emm_as_encode()
    012282 08030:562043 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0560 Entering nas_message_encode()
    012283 08030:562052 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0880 Entering _nas_message_header_encode()
    012284 08030:562061 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0913 Leaving _nas_message_header_encode() (rc=1)
    012285 08030:562070 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0941 Entering _nas_message_plain_encode()
    012286 08030:562079 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0281 Entering emm_msg_encode()
    012287 08030:562090 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM evelop/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0422 Leaving emm_msg_encode() (rc=36)
    012288 08030:562098 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0961 Leaving _nas_message_plain_encode() (rc=36)
    012289 08030:562107 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0651 Leaving nas_message_encode() (rc=36)
    012290 08030:562116 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE NAS-EM develop/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_as.c:0896 Leaving _emm_as_encode() (rc=36)
    012291 08030:562125 7F0ACA35C700 TRACE MME-AP op/src/mme_app/mme_app_context.c:0243 UE 6 fetched MM state UE_UNREGISTERED, ECM state ECM_IDLE

    1. In your trace, we see a first authentication failure with ‘AUTN’
      Then, the second trial should work.
      That make sense: from the AUTN, assuming the Ki and OPc are correct, the HSS retrieves the SIM SQN and use it for the next authentication.
      Maybe the Ki or OPc are not the same between hss and SIM ?
      A wireshark trace could help you

  114. Hi Laurent, thank you for help me.
    I have same problem than before. I have seen my data base, HSS, Ki y OPc of my cards and I believe I have correct data. I have also seen wireshark I have the following failures.

    – UplinkNASTransport, Authentication failure (MAC failure). In this part I see a message (MNC) UNKNOUN (70) and this value is correct in pnd of my mobile and my USIM card.
    NAS EPC Mobility Management Message Type: Authentication failure (0x5c).
    -Cause failure (20).
    – UEContextReleaseCommand [NAS-cause=unspecified]
    In this failures I can see.
    Cause: NAS (2).
    nas: unspecified (3).


    1. hi,
      I will need the the pcap file to try to understand.
      MNC unknown: maybe you have not set the right plmn in xNG configuration, in some core network files.

  115. Hi Laurent,
    Thank you very much for help me.
    this file have the followings failure.

    S1 Application Protocol

    No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
    14 10.421685206 S1AP/NAS-EPS 142 DownlinkNASTransport, Authentication request

    No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
    15 10.484226379 S1AP/NAS-EPS 130 UplinkNASTransport, Authentication failure (MAC failure)

    No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
    16 10.486234362 S1AP/NAS-EPS 106 DownlinkNASTransport, Authentication reject

    I also send you my HSS.
    IMSI: 999700000053538Key:
    OPc: b8.e2.6f.33.56.7c.58.8e.10.3d.1b.f5.fe.1f.00.2d.
    RijndaelKeySchedule: K 09498A36425BCE313DC932DEAC3D63CB
    Compute opc:
    K: 09498A36425BCE313DC932DEAC3D63CB
    In: B8E26F33567C588E103D1BF5FE1F002D
    Rinj: 420AD60B3E6E267F8DCF20A921831F49
    Out: FAE8B93868127EF19DF23B5CDF9C1F64
    Query: UPDATE `users` SET `OPc`=UNHEX(‘fae8b93868127ef19df23b5cdf9c1f64′) WHERE `users`.`imsi`=’999700000053538’
    IMSI 999700000053538 Updated OPc b8e26f33567c588e103d1bf5fe1f002d -> fae8b93868127ef19df23b5cdf9c1f64
    my USIM card have the following data:
    IMSI: 999700000053538
    ki: 09498A36425BCE313DC932DEAC3D63CB
    opc: B8E26F33567C588E103D1BF5FE1F002D

    Thank you very much,

    1. Hi,
      I think you hss updates the opc each time it starts: recompute OPc from Ki and OP.
      You can disable this in hss.conf: remove the OP
      Then, you also may need to align the SQN

  116. Hi Laurent,
    I have successfully run the all in one tutorial and successfully connected to costue.
    And now I want to connect OAI eNB with OAI UE in two machines with usrpb210.
    I run ENB and EPC according to the tutorial.
    In UE machine, I run
    sudo ./lte-uesoftmodem -C 2630000000 -r 50 –ue-scan-carrier –ue-txgain 90 –ue-rxgain 90
    and it shows
    [CONFIG] get parameters from cmdline , debug flags: 0x00400000
    # /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
    [CONFIG] log_config: 2/3 parameters successfully set
    [CONFIG] log_config: 42/42 parameters successfully set
    [CONFIG] log_config: 42/42 parameters successfully set
    [CONFIG] log_config: 15/15 parameters successfully set
    [CONFIG] log_config: 15/15 parameters successfully set
    log init done
    Reading in command-line options
    [CONFIG] (root): 18/21 parameters successfully set
    [CONFIG] (root): 4/5 parameters successfully set
    [ENB_APP] nfapi running mode: MONOLITHIC
    Running with 1 UE instances
    [CONFIG] TTracer: 4/4 parameters successfully set
    CPU Freq is 3.696246
    ITTI init
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_UNKNOWN as task 0
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_TIMER as task 1
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_L2L1 as task 2
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_BM as task 3
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PHY_ENB as task 4
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MAC_ENB as task 5
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RLC_ENB as task 6
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_ENB_NB_IoT as task 7
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PDCP_ENB as task 8
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_DATA_FORWARDING as task 9
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_END_MARKER as task 10
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_ENB as task 11
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RAL_ENB as task 12
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_S1AP as task 13
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_X2AP as task 14
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_SCTP as task 15
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_ENB_APP as task 16
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_FLEXRAN_AGENT as task 17
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PHY_UE as task 18
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MAC_UE as task 19
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RLC_UE as task 20
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PDCP_UE as task 21
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_UE as task 22
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_NAS_UE as task 23
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RAL_UE as task 24
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MSC as task 25
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_GTPV1_U as task 26
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_UDP as task 27
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_CU_F1 as task 28
    [TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_DU_F1 as task 29
    [CONFIG] opt: 3/3 parameters successfully set
    [OPT] OPT disabled
    [PDCP] pdcp init,usegtp
    RRC control socket
    PDCP PC5S socket
    reported resolution = 1 ns
    [RRC] Listening to incoming connection from ProSe App
    [HW] Version: Branch: HEAD Abrev. Hash: edb74831da Date: Tue Sep 3 18:30:04 2019 +0200
    Card 0, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 90.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 2630000000.000000, rx_freq 2630000000.000000
    Card 0, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 0, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 0, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    [PHY] USRP clock source not specified. defaulting to internal
    Card 1, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 90.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 2630000000.000000, rx_freq 2630000000.000000
    Card 1, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 1, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 1, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    [PHY] USRP clock source not specified. defaulting to internal
    Card 2, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 90.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 2630000000.000000, rx_freq 2630000000.000000
    Card 2, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 2, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 2, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    [PHY] USRP clock source not specified. defaulting to internal
    Card 3, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 90.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 2630000000.000000, rx_freq 2630000000.000000
    Card 3, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 3, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 3, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    [PHY] USRP clock source not specified. defaulting to internal
    Card 4, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 90.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 2630000000.000000, rx_freq 2630000000.000000
    Card 4, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 4, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 4, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    [PHY] USRP clock source not specified. defaulting to internal
    Card 5, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 90.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 2630000000.000000, rx_freq 2630000000.000000
    Card 5, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 5, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 5, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    [PHY] USRP clock source not specified. defaulting to internal
    Card 6, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 90.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 2630000000.000000, rx_freq 2630000000.000000
    Card 6, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 6, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 6, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    [PHY] USRP clock source not specified. defaulting to internal
    Card 7, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 90.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 2630000000.000000, rx_freq 2630000000.000000
    Card 7, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 7, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    Card 7, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 0.000000, rx_gain 90.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
    [PHY] USRP clock source not specified. defaulting to internal
    CPU Freq is 3.696248
    NO deadline scheduler
    [HW] CPU Affinity of main() function is… CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3 CPU_4 CPU_5
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/COMMON/UTIL/memory.c:117 MEMORY – USIM_DIR and PWD environment variables are not defined trying local directory
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_NAS_UE
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/COMMON/UTIL/memory.c:117 MEMORY – NVRAM_DIR and PWD environment variables are not defined trying local directory
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/COMMON/UTIL/memory.c:117 MEMORY – NVRAM_DIR and PWD environment variables are not defined trying local directory
    [TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_RRC_UE
    ITTI tasks created
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/API/USER/user_api.c:143 USR-API – User’s UDP socket 68 is BOUND to ngws-Z390-GAMING-X/10000
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/API/USER/user_api.c:166 USR-API – Notification handlers successfully registered
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/emm_main.c:203 EMM-MAIN – USIM application data successfully read
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/emm_main.c:248 EMM-MAIN – usim_api_k: 8b af 47 3f 2f 8f d0 94 87 cc cb d7 09 7c 68 62
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/emm_main.c:249 EMM-MAIN – opc: e7 34 f8 73 40 07 d6 c5 ce 7a 05 08 80 9e 7e 9c
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/emm_main.c:403 EMM-MAIN – EMM data successfully read
    [PHY] UE : Calling Layer 2 for initialization
    [PDCP] PDCP layer has been initialized
    [MAC] [MAIN] Init Global Param Done
    [MAC] [MAIN] init UE MAC functions
    [MAC] [MAIN] Init function start:Nb_UE_INST=1
    [MAC] [UE0] Applying default macMainConfig
    [MAC] [MAIN] calling RRC
    [RRC] Allocating 408 bytes for UE_EUTRA_Capability
    [PHY] [RRC]UE Capability encoded, 15 bytes (120 bits)
    [RRC] [UE] eMBMS active state is 0
    [MAC] [MAIN][INIT] Init function finished
    [PHY] Allocating UE context 0
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [CONFIG] loader: 2/2 parameters successfully set
    [CONFIG] loader.coding: 1/2 parameters successfully set
    [LOADER] library successfully loaded
    [PHY] common_vars->rxdata[0] 0x7f21e5a7f040
    PHY_vars_UE_g[0][0] = 0x7f21ec173010
    UE->mode = 0
    [PHY] Intializing UE Threads for instance 0 (0x55b713769900,0x7f21ec173010)…
    Init_UE_threads rtd 0 proc 0 nb_threads 2 i 0
    Init_UE_threads rtd 1 proc 1 nb_threads 2 i 1
    UE_thread_sync in with PHY_vars_UE 0x7f21ec173010
    CPU Affinity of thread UE_0_proc_0 is 0 1 2 3 4 5
    [CONFIG] loader.oai_device: 1/2 parameters successfully set
    CPU Affinity of thread UE_0_proc_1 is 0 1 2 3 4 5
    CPU Affinity of thread sync UE 0
    is 0 1 2 3 4 5
    starting UE synch thread (IC -1)
    Scanning band 1, dl_min 2110000000, ul_min 1920000000
    Scanning band 2, dl_min 1930000000, ul_min 1850000000
    Scanning band 3, dl_min 1805000000, ul_min 1710000000
    Scanning band 4, dl_min 2110000000, ul_min 1710000000
    Scanning band 5, dl_min 869000000, ul_min 824000000
    Scanning band 6, dl_min 875000000, ul_min 830000000
    Scanning band 7, dl_min 2620000000, ul_min 2500000000
    [PHY] [SCHED][UE] Check absolute frequency DL 2630000000, UL 0 (oai_exit 0, rx_num_channels 1)
    waiting for sync (UE_thread_sync,-1/0x55b71182b268,0x55b711f1a9e0,0x55b711dd0c80)
    [LOADER] library successfully loaded
    [PHY] Checking for USRPs : UHD 4.2.0.git-77-g919043f3 (4.2.0)
    [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501; UHD_4.2.0.git-77-g919043f3
    [HW] Found USRP b200
    Found USRP b200
    [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
    [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control…
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control…
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 30.720000 MHz.
    Setting clock source to internal
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] OK
    [PHY] cal 0: freq 3500000000.000000, offset 44.000000, diff 870000000.000000
    [PHY] cal 1: freq 2660000000.000000, offset 49.800000, diff 30000000.000000
    [PHY] cal 2: freq 2300000000.000000, offset 51.000000, diff 330000000.000000
    [PHY] cal 3: freq 1880000000.000000, offset 53.000000, diff 750000000.000000
    [PHY] cal 4: freq 816000000.000000, offset 57.000000, diff 1814000000.000000
    [PHY] RX Gain 0 90.000000 (52.800000) => 37.200000 (max 76.000000)
    [PHY] USRP TX_GAIN:-0.25 gain_range:89.75 tx_gain:90.00
    [PHY] Actual master clock: 30.720000MHz…
    [PHY] RF board max packet size 1916, size for 100µs jitter 1536
    [PHY] rx_max_num_samps 1536
    [PHY] RX Channel 0
    [PHY] Actual RX sample rate: 15.360000MSps…
    [PHY] Actual RX frequency: 2.630000GHz…
    [PHY] Actual RX gain: 37.000000…
    [PHY] Actual RX bandwidth: 20.000000M…
    [PHY] Actual RX antenna: RX2…
    [PHY] TX Channel 0
    [PHY] Actual TX sample rate: 15.360000MSps…
    [PHY] Actual TX frequency: 0.034640GHz…
    [PHY] Actual TX gain: 0.000000…
    [PHY] Actual TX bandwidth: 20.000000M…
    [PHY] Actual TX antenna: TX/RX…
    [PHY] Device timestamp: 1.790856…
    [HW] [RRU] has loaded USRP B200 device.
    UE threads created by 5021
    Filling UE band info
    Band 3 (3) : DL 1805000000..1880000000 Hz, UL 1710000000..1785000000 Hz, Duplex FDD
    Band 20 (20) : DL 791000000..821000000 Hz, UL 832000000..862000000 Hz, Duplex FDD
    Band 7 (7) : DL 2620000000..2690000000 Hz, UL 2500000000..2570000000 Hz, Duplex FDD
    Band 38 (38) : DL 2570000000..2630000000 Hz, UL 2570000000..2620000000 Hz, Duplex TDD
    Sending sync to all threads (0x55b71182b268,0x55b711f1a9e0,0x55b711dd0c80)
    sync sent
    Entering ITTI signals handler
    got sync (UE_thread_sync)
    Started device, unlocked sync_mutex (UE_sync_thread)
    CPU Affinity of thread UHD Threads is 0 1 2 3 4 5
    waiting for sync (UE thread,0/0x55b71182b268,0x55b711f1a9e0,0x55b711dd0c80)
    got sync (UE thread)
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/API/USER/user_api.c:282 USR-API – 10 bytes write
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/API/USER/user_api.c:380 USR-API – Decode user data: at+cfun=1
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/API/USER/at_command.c:855 USR-API – Parsing of AT+CFUN= command succeed (fun:1)
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/API/USER/user_api.c:390 USR-API – 1 AT command has been successfully decoded
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/nas_user.c:311 USR-MAIN – Process set parameter AT command 6
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_fsm.c:295 EMM-FSM – Received event S1_ENABLED (1) in state NULL
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/Authentication.c:458 EMM-PROC – Delete authentication data RAND and RES
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_fsm.c:237 EMM-FSM – Status changed: NULL ===> DEREGISTERED
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/IdleMode.c:552 EMM-IDLE – 6 PLMNs available for network selection
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_fsm.c:295 EMM-FSM – Received event REGISTER_REQ (5) in state DEREGISTERED
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/Authentication.c:458 EMM-PROC – Delete authentication data RAND and RES
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_fsm.c:237 EMM-FSM – Status changed: DEREGISTERED ===> DEREGISTERED.PLMN-SEARCH
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_fsm.c:295 EMM-FSM – Received event REGISTER_REQ (5) in state DEREGISTERED.PLMN-SEARCH
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/IdleMode.c:1154 EMM-IDLE – Trying to search a suitable cell of PLMN 0 in Automatic mode
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_as.c:201 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_CELL_INFO_REQ (214)
    [NAS] /home/ngws/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_as.c:1475 EMMAS-SAP – Send AS cell information request
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Init…
    [RRC] [UE 0] INIT State = RRC_IDLE (eNB 0)
    [RRC] [FRAME 00000][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 0] UE?:OPENAIR RRC IN….
    [PHY] Time in secs now: 27511785
    [PHY] Time in secs last pps: 23106330
    [PHY] [UE thread Synch] Running Initial Synch (mode 0)
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] [UE] lte_sync_time: Sync source = 0, Peak found at pos 45936, val = 533247 (28 dB)
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Not yet implemented: noise power calculation when prefix length == EXTENDED
    [PHY] Not yet implemented: noise power calculation when prefix length == EXTENDED
    [PHY] FeMBMS CAS Extended prefix: CellId 429 metric 22, phase 4, flip 0, pbch -1
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Not yet implemented: noise power calculation when prefix length == EXTENDED
    [PHY] [UE0] Initial sync : Estimated power: 0 dB
    [PHY] [initial_sync] trying carrier off -100 Hz, rxgain 90 (DL 2629999900, UL 2509999900)
    Setting USRP TX Freq 2509999900.000000, RX Freq 2629999900.000000
    [PHY] [UE thread Synch] Running Initial Synch (mode 0)
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] [UE] lte_sync_time: Sync source = 0, Peak found at pos 57996, val = 516431 (28 dB)
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Not yet implemented: noise power calculation when prefix length == EXTENDED
    [PHY] Not yet implemented: noise power calculation when prefix length == EXTENDED
    [PHY] FeMBMS CAS Extended prefix: CellId 99 metric 21, phase 4, flip 0, pbch -1
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Not yet implemented: noise power calculation when prefix length == EXTENDED
    [PHY] [UE0] Initial sync : Estimated power: 0 dB
    [PHY] [initial_sync] trying carrier off 100 Hz, rxgain 90 (DL 2630000100, UL 2510000100)
    Setting USRP TX Freq 2510000100.000000, RX Freq 2630000100.000000
    [PHY] [UE thread Synch] Running Initial Synch (mode 0)
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] [UE] lte_sync_time: Sync source = 0, Peak found at pos 58040, val = 529117 (28 dB)
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Not yet implemented: noise power calculation when prefix length == EXTENDED
    [PHY] Not yet implemented: noise power calculation when prefix length == EXTENDED
    [PHY] FeMBMS CAS Extended prefix: CellId 174 metric 16, phase 4, flip 0, pbch -1
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 0, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 50, Ncp 1, osf 1
    [PHY] lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 50, ofdm_symbol_size 1024
    [PHY] Not yet implemented: noise power calculation when prefix length == EXTENDED
    [PHY] [UE0] Initial sync : Estimated power: 0 dB
    [PHY] [initial_sync] No cell synchronization found, abandoning
    [PHY] Dummping Frame … bye bye

    It looks like it can’t scan the signal in the frequency 2630000000 .
    The param in the enb.10MHz.b200 is 2630000000L,and the N_RB_DL is 50.
    I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
    Zy Wang

    1. Dear Zy,
      The UE frequency synchro doesn’t work well and the B210 oscillator is quite poor.
      So, we use:
      – either common 10MHz single external source to the 2 b210 boards
      – or we shift the UE frequency manually (up to 8KHz with our cards) and with –ue-scan-carrier
      until the UE ends with a sucessfull synchro
      After a first successful sync, copy the detected frequency for the next UE run, it should sync quickly.

      Of course, it someone fix the UE synchro software, it would be a great contribution

      1. Hi Laurent,
        Thanks for your reply,I will try the way you said.
        But in noS1 mode, I can successfully synchronized. Are there any differences in synchronization between them?

        Zy wang

          1. Hi Laurent,
            In the UE machine ,
            I first run the ../../nas_sim_tools/build/conf2uedata -c ~/opencells-mods/sim.conf -o .
            And run sudo ./lte-uesoftmodem -C 2630000000 -r 25 –ue-rxgain 100 –ue-txgain 0 –ue-max-power -5 –ue-scan-carrier 2>&1 | tee UE.log

            Here is the part of UE log.
            [PHY] [UE 0][RAPROC] Random-access procedure succeeded. Set C-RNTI = Temporary C-RNTI
            [RRC] [UE0][RAPROC] Frame 951 : Logical Channel DL-CCCH (SRB0), Received RRCConnectionSetup RNTI 1b1b
            [RRC] Save physicalConfigDedicated if present
            [RRC] Init physicalConfigDedicated UE_rrc_inst to radioResourceConfigDedicated->physicalConfigDedicated
            [PDCP] [FRAME 00951][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 1b1b][SRB 01] Action ADD LCID 1 (SRB id 1) configured with SN size 5 bits and RLC AM
            [RLC] [FRAME 00951][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 1b1b] [SRB 1] rrc_rlc_add_rlc SRB
            [RLC] [FRAME 00951][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 1b1b][SRB AM 01][CONFIGURE] max_retx_threshold 4 poll_pdu 4 poll_byte 65535 t_poll_retransmit 80 t_reordering 35 t_status_prohibit 0
            [RRC] [UE 0], CONFIG_SRB1 1 corresponding to eNB_index 0
            [RRC] [FRAME 00951][RRC_UE][MOD 00][][— MAC_CONFIG_REQ (SRB1 eNB 0) —>][MAC_UE][MOD 00][]
            [MAC] [CONFIG][UE 0] Configuring MAC/PHY from eNB 0
            [MAC] [CONFIG][UE 0] Applying RRC logicalChannelConfig from eNB0
            [MAC] [CONFIG][UE0] Applying RRC macMainConfig from eNB0
            [PHY] Transmission Mode 1
            [PHY] C-RNTI 1b1b 1b1b
            [RRC] [UE 0] State = RRC_CONNECTED (eNB 0)
            [RRC] [UE 0][RAPROC] Frame 951 : Logical Channel UL-DCCH (SRB1), Generating RRCConnectionSetupComplete (bytes53, eNB 0)
            [RLC] [FRAME 00951][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 1b1b][SRB AM 01] RLC_AM_DATA_REQ size 58 Bytes, NB SDU 1 current_sdu_index=0 next_sdu_index=1 conf 0 mui 0 vtA 0 vtS 0
            [MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 58 bytes for LcId1
            [MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 4 bytes for LcId1
            [RRC] [UE 0] Frame 957: received a DCCH 1 message on SRB 1 with Size 6 from eNB 0
            [NAS] [UE] Received 1 events
            [NAS] [UE 0] Received NAS_DOWNLINK_DATA_IND: UEid 0, length 3
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_as.c:201 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_DATA_IND (211)
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_as.c:415 EMMAS-SAP – Received AS data transfer indication (ueid=0, delivered=TRUE, length=3)
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_as.c:315 EMMAS-SAP – Received EMM message (length=3)
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/COMMON/EMM/MSG/emm_msg.c:108 EMM-MSG – Message Type 0x44
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_as.c:382 EMMAS-SAP – EMM message 0x44 is not valid
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_as.c:265 EMMAS-SAP – Received EMM message is not valid (cause=98)
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/EmmStatusHdl.c:128 EMM-PROC – EMM status procedure requested
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/LowerLayer.c:465 EMM_AS_NO_KEY_AVAILABLE
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_as.c:201 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_STATUS_IND (213)
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_as.c:1175 EMMAS-SAP – Send AS status indication (cause=98)
            [NAS] /home/ngws/oai/openairinterface5g/openair3/NAS/UE/EMM/SAP/emm_send.c:92 EMMAS-SAP – Send EMM Status message (cause=98)

            it seems the EMM message is wrong. What can I do about it?
            Zy wang

  117. Hi Laurent,
    Here is my UE log.

    [UE 0][RAPROC] Random-access procedure succeeded. Set C-RNTI = Temporary C-RNTI
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE0][RAPROC] Frame 859 : Logical Channel DL-CCCH (SRB0), Received RRCConnectionSetup RNTI 6bcd
    [0m[0m[RRC] Save physicalConfigDedicated if present
    [0m[0m[RRC] Init physicalConfigDedicated UE_rrc_inst to radioResourceConfigDedicated->physicalConfigDedicated
    [0m[0m[PDCP] [FRAME 00859][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd][SRB 01] Action ADD LCID 1 (SRB id 1) configured with SN size 5 bits and RLC AM
    [0m[0m[RLC] [FRAME 00859][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd] [SRB 1] rrc_rlc_add_rlc SRB
    [0m[0m[RLC] [FRAME 00859][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd][SRB AM 01][CONFIGURE] max_retx_threshold 4 poll_pdu 4 poll_byte 65535 t_poll_retransmit 80 t_reordering 35 t_status_prohibit 0
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0], CONFIG_SRB1 1 corresponding to eNB_index 0
    [0m[0m[RRC] [FRAME 00859][RRC_UE][MOD 00][][— MAC_CONFIG_REQ (SRB1 eNB 0) —>][MAC_UE][MOD 00][]
    [0m[0m[MAC] [CONFIG][UE 0] Configuring MAC/PHY from eNB 0
    [0m[0m[MAC] [CONFIG][UE 0] Applying RRC logicalChannelConfig from eNB0
    [0m[0m[MAC] [CONFIG][UE0] Applying RRC macMainConfig from eNB0
    [0m[0m[PHY] Transmission Mode 1
    [0m[0m[PHY] C-RNTI 6bcd 6bcd
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] State = RRC_CONNECTED (eNB 0)
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0][RAPROC] Frame 859 : Logical Channel UL-DCCH (SRB1), Generating RRCConnectionSetupComplete (bytes59, eNB 0)
    [0m[0m[RLC] [FRAME 00859][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd][SRB AM 01] RLC_AM_DATA_REQ size 64 Bytes, NB SDU 1 current_sdu_index=0 next_sdu_index=1 conf 0 mui 0 vtA 0 vtS 0
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 58 bytes for LcId1
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 10 bytes for LcId1
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Frame 862: received a DCCH 1 message on SRB 1 with Size 3 from eNB 0
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Received securityModeCommand (eNB 0)
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] SFN/SF 862/0: Receiving from SRB1 (DL-DCCH), Processing securityModeCommand (eNB 0)
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Security algorithm is set to eea0
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Integrity protection algorithm is set to none
    [0m[0m[RRC] rrc_ue_process_securityModeCommand, security mode complete case
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] SFN/SF 862/0: Receiving from SRB1 (DL-DCCH), encoding securityModeComplete (eNB 0), rrc_TransactionIdentifier: 2
    [0m[0m[RLC] [FRAME 00862][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd][SRB AM 01] RLC_AM_DATA_REQ size 7 Bytes, NB SDU 2 current_sdu_index=1 next_sdu_index=2 conf 0 mui 1 vtA 2 vtS 2
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 2 bytes for LcId1
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 9 bytes for LcId1
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Frame 864: received a DCCH 1 message on SRB 1 with Size 3 from eNB 0
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Received Capability Enquiry (eNB 0)
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Frame 864: Receiving from SRB1 (DL-DCCH), Processing UECapabilityEnquiry (eNB 0)
    [0m[0m[RRC] UECapabilityInformation Encoded 148 bits (19 bytes)
    [0m[0m[RLC] [FRAME 00864][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd][SRB AM 01] RLC_AM_DATA_REQ size 24 Bytes, NB SDU 3 current_sdu_index=2 next_sdu_index=3 conf 0 mui 2 vtA 3 vtS 3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 2 bytes for LcId1
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 26 bytes for LcId1
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Frame 866: received a DCCH 1 message on SRB 1 with Size 41 from eNB 0
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Frame 866: Receiving from SRB1 (DL-DCCH), Processing RRCConnectionReconfiguration (eNB 0)
    [0m[0m[RRC] Radio Resource Configuration is present
    [0m[0m[RRC] Save physicalConfigDedicated if present
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update pdsch_ConfigDedicated config
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update pusch_ConfigDedicated config
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update pucch_ConfigDedicated config
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update cqi_ReportConfig config (size=48,48)
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update cqi_ReportPeriodic config (size=152,152)
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update schedulingRequestConfig config
    [0m[0m[RRC] Keep old config for soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update antennaInfo config
    [0m[0m[PHY] New Transmission Mode 0
    [0m[0m[PHY] Configured Transmission Mode 0
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update uplinkPowerControlDedicated config
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update tpc_PDCCH_ConfigPUCCH config
    [0m[0m[RRC] Update tpc_PDCCH_ConfigPUSCH config
    [0m[0m[PDCP] [FRAME 00866][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd][SRB 02] Action ADD LCID 2 (SRB id 2) configured with SN size 5 bits and RLC AM
    [0m[0m[RLC] [FRAME 00866][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd] [SRB 2] rrc_rlc_add_rlc SRB
    [0m[0m[RLC] [FRAME 00866][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd][SRB AM 02][CONFIGURE] max_retx_threshold 32 poll_pdu 8 poll_byte 16960 t_poll_retransmit 15 t_reordering 35 t_status_prohibit 10
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0], CONFIG_SRB2 2 corresponding to eNB_index 0
    [0m[0m[RRC] Applying Explicit SRB2 logicalChannelConfig
    [0m[0m[RRC] [FRAME 00866][RRC_UE][MOD 00][][— MAC_CONFIG_REQ (SRB2 eNB 0) —>][MAC_UE][MOD 00][]
    [0m[0m[MAC] [CONFIG][UE 0] Configuring MAC/PHY from eNB 0
    [0m[0m[MAC] [CONFIG][UE 0] Applying RRC logicalChannelConfig from eNB0
    [0m[0m[MAC] [CONFIG][UE0] Applying RRC macMainConfig from eNB0
    [0m[0m[PHY] Transmission Mode 1
    [0m[0m[PHY] Disable SIB MIB decoding
    [0m[0m[PHY] C-RNTI 6bcd 6bcd
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] default DRB = 1
    [0m[0m[PDCP] [FRAME 00866][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd][DRB 01] Action ADD LCID 3 (DRB id 1) configured with SN size 12 bits and RLC UM
    [0m[0m[RLC] [FRAME 00866][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd] [DRB 1] rrc_rlc_add_rlc DRB
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] Frame 866: processing RRCConnectionReconfiguration: reconfiguring DRB 1/LCID 3
    [0m[0m[OIP] [UE 0] trying to bring up the OAI interface 0, IP X.Y.1.2
    [0m[0m[OIP] Interface oaitun_ue1 successfuly configured, ip address, mask broadcast address
    [0m[0m[RRC] [FRAME 00866][RRC_UE][MOD 00][][— MAC_CONFIG_REQ (DRB 1 eNB 0) —>][MAC_UE][MOD 00][]
    [0m[0m[MAC] [CONFIG][UE 0] Configuring MAC/PHY from eNB 0
    [0m[0m[MAC] [CONFIG][UE 0] Applying RRC logicalChannelConfig from eNB0
    [0m[0m[MAC] [CONFIG][UE0] Applying RRC macMainConfig from eNB0
    [0m[0m[PHY] Transmission Mode 1
    [0m[0m[PHY] Disable SIB MIB decoding
    [0m[0m[PHY] C-RNTI 6bcd 6bcd
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] State = RRC_CONNECTED (eNB 0)
    [0m[0m[RRC] [FRAME 00866][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd] Logical Channel UL-DCCH (SRB1), Generating RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete (bytes 2, eNB_index 0)
    [0m[0m[RRC] [UE 0] State = RRC_RECONFIGURED (eNB 0)
    [0m[0m[RRC] TEST SidelinkUEInformation [UE 0] Received (eNB 0)

    I think my RRC connection has successful here. But it shows Handed SDU is of size 0! Ignoring… PDCP data request failed! It is happend in pdcp_run function in pdcp.c . I think it is the PDCP layer cannot get data from the RLC layer.Is it right? And how can I solve it? And then it shows lots of bad DCI.I have sent mails to the oai maillist,but I didn’t not get the answer.

    [0m[0m[RLC] [FRAME 00866][ UE][MOD 00][RNTI 6bcd][SRB AM 01] RLC_AM_DATA_REQ size 7 Bytes, NB SDU 4 current_sdu_index=3 next_sdu_index=4 conf 0 mui 3 vtA 4 vtS 4
    [0m[0m[93m[PDCP] Handed SDU is of size 0! Ignoring…
    [0m[0m[1;31m[PDCP] PDCP data request failed!
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 2 bytes for LcId1
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 9 bytes for LcId1
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 52 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 60 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 145 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 60 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 62 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 85 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 58 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 147 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 52 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 60 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 332 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 44 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 60 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 86 bytes for LcId3
    [0mbad DCI 1A !!!
    [0m[1;31m[PHY] [UE 0] Frame 1629, subframe 9: Problem in DCI!
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 58 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 88 bytes for LcId3
    [0mbad DCI 1A !!!
    [0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 52 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[1;31m[PHY] frame 2471, subframe 0, rnti 6bcd, format 0: FATAL ERROR: generate_ue_ulsch_params_from_dci, rb_alloc[339] > RIV_max[324]
    [0m[0m[1;31m[PHY] Wrong DCI0 detection, do not transmit PUSCH for HARQID: 2
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay to wake up UE_Thread_Rx (case 2) avg=1 iterations=10000 max=6:7:8:8:8:8:9:9:9:10
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay to process sub-frame (case 3) avg=52 iterations=10000 max=190:192:199:201:201:201:221:387:409:448
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay to wake up UE_Thread_Rx (case 2) avg=1 iterations=10000 max=5:5:5:5:5:5:6:6:8:10
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay to process sub-frame (case 3) avg=49 iterations=10000 max=163:166:166:166:181:183:183:189:216:265
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay between two IQ acquisitions (case 1) avg=999 iterations=20000 max=1028:1032:1035:1040:1040:1040:1048:1050:1055:1061
    [0m[0m[MAC] [UE 0] TX Multiplex RLC PDU TX Got 52 bytes for LcId3
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay to wake up UE_Thread_Rx (case 2) avg=1 iterations=20000 max=7:8:8:8:8:8:9:9:9:10
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay to process sub-frame (case 3) avg=51 iterations=20000 max=201:201:201:221:223:237:309:387:409:448
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay to wake up UE_Thread_Rx (case 2) avg=1 iterations=20000 max=6:6:6:6:7:7:8:8:9:10
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay to process sub-frame (case 3) avg=49 iterations=20000 max=166:166:181:183:183:189:199:216:220:265
    [0m[0m[93m[PHY] Delay between two IQ acquisitions (case 1) avg=999 iterations=40000 max=1038:1040:1040:1040:1042:1046:1048:1050:1055:1061
    [0mbad DCI 1A !!!
    bad DCI 1 !!!
    [0m[1;31m[PHY] [UE 0] Frame 5685, subframe 4: Problem in DCI!
    [0m[0m[1;31m[PHY] Format1A Retransmission but TBS are different: consider it as new transmission !!!
    [0mbad DCI 1A !!!
    bad DCI 1A !!!

    Look forward for your reply
    Zy wang

  118. Hi Laurent,
    Thank you for your tutorials.
    My eNB can connect to EPC, but when I try to attach the UE(bc95-g) to my network, the MME crashed.
    In gdp, it shows:

    Thread 4 “ITTI 5” received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    [Switching to Thread 0x7ffff0fe2700 (LWP 11428)]
    0x0000555555600e23 in emm_proc_attach_reject (ue_id=1, emm_cause=99) at /home/nakaolab/openair-cn/src/nas/emm/Attach.c:614
    614 emm_ctx_p->emm_cause = emm_cause;

  119. Greetings Laurent,
    I am having trouble running my OAI UE, it keeps on returning an error, your help is greatly appreciated;
    [RAPROC] Recieved RAR preamble does not match!!!

  120. Hi Laurent, few years ago we bought some sim cards from They works great for 4G LTE. However, they seems not work with OAI 5G SA because the 5G network can’t be seen. Could you tell if the current version of open-cells sim cards working with OAI 5G SA? If not, could you recommend some 5G test sim cards?

    1. Hi,
      This is a frequent issue with 5G SA phones.
      If the phone is 3GPP compliant, it should use the 4G SIM.
      Most of today phones are not compliant, they use hidden restriction lists and hidden checks.
      Today we have no good solution, and I don’t think a 5G SIM would help.

  121. Hello Laurent, I’m able to successfully work with the above tutorial and get the UE to send/receive data via the OAI setup to the internet on a single PC. However, when I shift to 2 PCs, of for eNB and another for EPC. The UE successfully connects to the network and is recognized. However, the packets from the PGW do not reach the internet over my SGi interface. My SGi interface has an IP xx.xx.237.28. I monitored the NW on wireshark and I see that the UE( sends a GTP request to connect to a TCP server(xx.xx.237.60). However, this does not then forward the the internal TCP packet with Source to Destination xx.xx.237.28-xx.xx.237.60. I see that there is no data on the GTP0 interface in ifconfig as well. Any hint as to what I might be missing here? The GTP tunneling should work given that the PGW successfully detects my interface for SGi.
    Below is log for the SPGW when run on two PCs. (Reposting because the log copy alignment got messed up)
    cpss2@cpss2-OptiPlex-3046:~/openair-cn/scripts$ cd openair-cn; source oaienv; cd scripts; sudo -E ./run_spgw
    bash: cd: openair-cn: No such file or directory
    bash: oaienv: No such file or directory
    bash: cd: scripts: No such file or directory
    Initializing OAI Logging
    000000 00000:094684 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0212 Parsing configuration file found S1u_S12_S4_up: on enx0000ba60e66f
    000001 00000:094696 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0225 Parsing configuration file found S5_S8_up: on none
    000002 00000:094701 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0238 Parsing configuration file found S11: on lo
    000003 00000:094779 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0265 Parsing configuration file provided /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf
    000004 00000:094785 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0283 Parsing configuration file found SGI: on enp2s0
    000005 00000:094789 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0287 Masquerade SGI
    000006 00000:094793 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0294 CLAMP TCP MSS
    000007 00000:094799 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0352 Parsing configuration file default primary DNS IPv4 address: 8080808
    000008 00000:094802 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0353 Parsing configuration file default secondary DNS IPv4 address: 4040808
    000009 00000:094806 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0361 Protocol configuration options: push MTU, push DNS, IP address allocation via NAS signalling
    000010 00000:094810 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0371 UE MTU : 1500
    000011 00000:094816 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A openair-cn/src/sgw/spgw_config.c:0065 system command: sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
    000012 00000:095717 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A openair-cn/src/sgw/spgw_config.c:0065 system command: sync
    000013 00000:228910 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0075 system command: iptables -t mangle -F FORWARD
    000014 00000:230077 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0075 system command: iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING
    000015 00000:231122 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0145 Found SGI interface MTU=1500
    000016 00000:231144 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0167 Foung S5_S8 interface MTU=1500
    000017 00000:267057 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0075 system command: iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s -o enp2s0 ! –protocol sctp -j SNAT –to-source
    000018 00000:270019 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0075 system command: iptables -t mangle -I FORWARD -s -p tcp –tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS –set-mss 1424
    000019 00000:271779 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0075 system command: iptables -t mangle -I FORWARD -d -p tcp –tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS –set-mss 1424
    000020 00000:273514 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0259 ==== EURECOM S/P-GW vBranch: develop Abrev. Hash: 724542d Date: Thu Jun 22 16:17:12 2017 +0200 ====
    000021 00000:273527 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0260 Configuration:
    000022 00000:273531 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0261 – File ……………………………: /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf
    000023 00000:273534 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0263 – S1-U:
    000024 00000:273538 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0264 port number ……: 2152
    000025 00000:273541 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0265 S1u_S12_S4 iface …..: enx0000ba60e66f
    000026 00000:273545 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0266 S1u_S12_S4 ip ……..:
    000027 00000:273549 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0267 – S5-S8:
    000028 00000:273552 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0268 S5_S8 iface ……….: none
    000029 00000:273555 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0269 S5_S8 ip ………….:
    000030 00000:273559 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0270 – S11:
    000031 00000:273562 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0271 S11 iface …………: lo
    000032 00000:273566 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0272 S11 ip ……………:
    000033 00000:273569 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0273 – ITTI:
    000034 00000:273572 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0274 queue size …….: 0 (bytes)
    000035 00000:273576 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0275 log file ………: (null)
    000036 00000:273579 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0277 – Logging:
    000037 00000:273582 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0278 Output …………..: CONSOLE
    000038 00000:273586 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0279 Output thread-safe…: false
    000039 00000:273589 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0280 UDP log level……..: TRACE
    000040 00000:273592 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0281 GTPV1-U log level….: TRACE
    000041 00000:273595 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0282 GTPV2-C log level….: TRACE
    000042 00000:273599 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0283 S/P-GW APP log level.: TRACE
    000043 00000:273602 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0284 S11 log level……..: TRACE
    000044 00000:273605 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0285 UTIL log level…….: INVALID_LOG_LEVEL
    000045 00000:273609 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0286 MSC log level……..: INVALID_LOG_LEVEL (MeSsage Chart)
    000046 00000:273612 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0287 ITTI log level…….: INVALID_LOG_LEVEL (InTer-Task Interface)
    000047 00000:273617 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0383 ==== EURECOM S/P-GW vBranch: develop Abrev. Hash: 724542d Date: Thu Jun 22 16:17:12 2017 +0200 ====
    000048 00000:273621 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0384 Configuration:
    000049 00000:273625 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0385 – File ……………………………: /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf
    000050 00000:273629 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0387 – S5-S8:
    000051 00000:273632 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0388 S5_S8 iface ……….: enx0000ba60e66f
    000052 00000:273636 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0389 S5_S8 ip (read)……:
    000053 00000:273638 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0390 S5_S8 MTU (read)……: 1500
    000054 00000:273641 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0391 – SGi:
    000055 00000:273643 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0392 SGi iface …………: enp2s0
    000056 00000:273646 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0393 SGi ip (read)……..:
    000057 00000:273648 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0394 SGi MTU (read)……..: 1500
    000058 00000:273654 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0396 – MSS clamping: ……….: 1
    000059 00000:273658 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0397 – Masquerading: ……….: 1
    000060 00000:273661 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0398 – Push PCO: …………..: 1
    000061 00000:273668 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0259 ==== EURECOM S/P-GW vBranch: develop Abrev. Hash: 724542d Date: Thu Jun 22 16:17:12 2017 +0200 ====
    000062 00000:273672 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0260 Configuration:
    000063 00000:273676 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0261 – File ……………………………: /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf
    000064 00000:273679 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0263 – S1-U:
    000065 00000:273682 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0264 port number ……: 2152
    000066 00000:273685 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0265 S1u_S12_S4 iface …..: enx0000ba60e66f
    000067 00000:273689 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0266 S1u_S12_S4 ip ……..:
    000068 00000:273692 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0267 – S5-S8:
    000069 00000:273696 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0268 S5_S8 iface ……….: none
    000070 00000:273699 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0269 S5_S8 ip ………….:
    000071 00000:273703 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0270 – S11:
    000072 00000:273706 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0271 S11 iface …………: lo
    000073 00000:273709 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0272 S11 ip ……………:
    000074 00000:273713 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0273 – ITTI:
    000075 00000:273716 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0274 queue size …….: 0 (bytes)
    000076 00000:273719 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0275 log file ………: (null)
    000077 00000:273722 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0277 – Logging:
    000078 00000:273726 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0278 Output …………..: CONSOLE
    000079 00000:273729 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0279 Output thread-safe…: false
    000080 00000:273732 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0280 UDP log level……..: TRACE
    000081 00000:273736 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0281 GTPV1-U log level….: TRACE
    000082 00000:273739 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0282 GTPV2-C log level….: TRACE
    000083 00000:273741 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0283 S/P-GW APP log level.: TRACE
    000084 00000:273744 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0284 S11 log level……..: TRACE
    000085 00000:273746 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0285 UTIL log level…….: INVALID_LOG_LEVEL
    000086 00000:273750 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0286 MSC log level……..: INVALID_LOG_LEVEL (MeSsage Chart)
    000087 00000:273753 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_config.c:0287 ITTI log level…….: INVALID_LOG_LEVEL (InTer-Task Interface)
    000088 00000:273757 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0383 ==== EURECOM S/P-GW vBranch: develop Abrev. Hash: 724542d Date: Thu Jun 22 16:17:12 2017 +0200 ====
    000089 00000:273762 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0384 Configuration:
    000090 00000:273765 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0385 – File ……………………………: /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf
    000091 00000:273768 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0387 – S5-S8:
    000092 00000:273772 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0388 S5_S8 iface ……….: enx0000ba60e66f
    000093 00000:273775 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0389 S5_S8 ip (read)……:
    000094 00000:273778 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0390 S5_S8 MTU (read)……: 1500
    000095 00000:273781 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0391 – SGi:
    000096 00000:273785 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0392 SGi iface …………: enp2s0
    000097 00000:273788 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0393 SGi ip (read)……..:
    000098 00000:273791 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0394 SGi MTU (read)……..: 1500
    000099 00000:273795 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0396 – MSS clamping: ……….: 1
    000100 00000:273798 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0397 – Masquerading: ……….: 1
    000101 00000:273801 7F4C714A8600 INFO SPGW-A /openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_config.c:0398 – Push PCO: …………..: 1
    Initializing MSC logs
    Initializing MSC logs Done
    000102 00000:288738 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0356 Initializing UDP task interface
    000103 00000:288800 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0364 Initializing UDP task interface: DONE
    000104 00000:288840 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0259 Initializing S11 interface
    000105 00000:288981 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0218 *—————————————————————————-*
    000106 00000:288985 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0219 * *
    000107 00000:288989 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0220 * n w – g t p v 2 c *
    000108 00000:288992 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0221 * G P R S T u n n e l i n g P r o t o c o l v 2 c S t a c k *
    000109 00000:288996 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0222 * *
    000110 00000:288999 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0223 * *
    000111 00000:289003 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0224 * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Amit Chawre *
    000112 00000:289006 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0225 * All rights reserved. *
    000113 00000:289010 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0226 * *
    000114 00000:289013 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0227 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without *
    000115 00000:289016 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0228 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions *
    000116 00000:289020 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0229 * are met: *
    000117 00000:289023 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0230 * *
    000118 00000:289027 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0231 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright *
    000119 00000:289029 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0232 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. *
    000120 00000:289033 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0233 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright *
    000121 00000:289036 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0234 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *
    000122 00000:289041 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0235 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. *
    000123 00000:289045 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0236 * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products *
    000124 00000:289048 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0237 * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. *
    000125 00000:289052 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0238 * *
    000126 00000:289055 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0239 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR *
    000127 00000:289060 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0240 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES *
    000128 00000:289064 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0241 * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. *
    000129 00000:289067 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0242 * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, *
    000130 00000:289070 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0243 * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT *
    000131 00000:289074 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0244 * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, *
    000132 00000:289078 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0245 * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY *
    000133 00000:289081 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0246 * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT *
    000134 00000:289084 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0247 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF *
    000135 00000:289088 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0248 * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *
    000136 00000:289091 7F4C714A8600 INFO GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0249 *—————————————————————————-*

    000137 00000:291241 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0244 Tx UDP_INIT IP addr
    000138 00000:291261 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0301 Initializing S11 interface: DONE
    000139 00000:291267 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A s2/openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_task.c:0148 Initializing SPGW-APP task interface
    000140 00000:291272 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG GTPv1- air-cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtpv1u_task.c:0096 Initializing GTPV1U interface
    000141 00000:291271 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0126 Creating new listen socket on address and port 2123
    000142 00000:291842 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0171 Inserting new descriptor for task 6, sd 31
    000143 00000:291895 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
    000144 00000:342882 7F4C714A8600 NOTIC GTPv1- -cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.c:0081 Using the GTP kernel mode (genl ID is 36)
    000145 00000:350730 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG GTPv1- -cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.c:0104 Setting route to reach UE net via gtp0
    000146 00000:351029 7F4C714A8600 NOTIC GTPv1- -cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtp_mod_kernel.c:0111 GTP kernel configured
    000147 00000:352139 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG GTPv1- air-cn/src/gtpv1-u/gtpv1u_task.c:0124 Initializing GTPV1U interface: DONE
    000148 00000:403566 7F4C714A8600 DEBUG SPGW-A s2/openair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_task.c:0208 Initializing SPGW-APP task interface: DONE
    000149 00096:115470 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
    000150 00096:115487 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0105 Looking for sd 31
    000151 00096:115491 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0108 Found matching task desc
    000152 00096:115495 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0212 Inserting new descriptor for task 6, sd 31
    000153 00096:115508 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0239 Msg of length 150 received from
    000154 00096:115529 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0180 Processing new data indication from UDP
    000155 00096:115542 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1113 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq()
    000156 00096:115550 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0299 Created outstanding RX transaction 0x0x7f4c64000bc0
    000157 00096:115556 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0134 Created message 0x7f4c64001160!
    000158 00096:115561 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 3 with instance 0 of length 1 in msg-type 32!
    000159 00096:115565 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 1 with instance 0 of length 8 in msg-type 32!
    000160 00096:115569 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 82 with instance 0 of length 1 in msg-type 32!
    000161 00096:115573 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 99 with instance 0 of length 1 in msg-type 32!
    000162 00096:115578 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 87 with instance 0 of length 9 in msg-type 32!
    000163 00096:115582 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 87 with instance 1 of length 5 in msg-type 32!
    000164 00096:115585 7F4C6CD46700 ERROR GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0687 Mandatory IE of type 87 and instance 1 incorrect!
    000165 00096:115589 7F4C6CD46700 WARNI GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0867 Malformed request message received on TEID 0 from peer 0x7f000014. Notifying ULP.
    000166 00096:115593 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0740 Entering nwGtpv2cSendInitialReqIndToUlp()
    000167 00096:115597 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0057 Received initial req indication
    000168 00096:115617 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 3 of length 1!
    000169 00096:115621 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 /openair-cn/src/s11/s11_common.c:0038 Received IE Parse Indication for of type 3, length 1, instance 0!
    000170 00096:115626 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 1 of length 8!
    000171 00096:115630 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0073 – IMSI length 16
    000172 00096:115635 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0074 – value 2089201000011010
    000173 00096:115639 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 82 of length 1!
    000174 00096:115642 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0328 – RAT type (6): 1004
    000175 00096:115647 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 99 of length 1!
    000176 00096:115651 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0247 – PDN type 0
    000177 00096:115654 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 87 of length 9!
    000178 00096:115658 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0875 – F-TEID type 10
    000179 00096:115661 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0880 – TEID/GRE 80001b70
    000180 00096:115665 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0888 – IPv4 addr
    000181 00096:115669 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 87 of length 5!
    000182 00096:115672 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0875 – F-TEID type 7
    000183 00096:115676 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0880 – TEID/GRE 00000000
    000184 00096:115680 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 71 of length 7!
    000185 00096:115684 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:1066 – APN ltebox
    000186 00096:115687 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 83 of length 3!
    000187 00096:115691 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0786 – Serving network 208.92
    000188 00096:115695 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 78 of length 32!
    000189 00096:115699 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 93 of length 31!
    000190 00096:115703 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0404 – EBI 5
    000191 00096:115708 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f4c64001160!
    000192 00096:115723 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0750 Leaving nwGtpv2cSendInitialReqIndToUlp() (rc=0)
    000193 00096:115734 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1187 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq() (rc=0)
    000194 00096:115744 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0086 Entering sgw_handle_create_session_request()
    000195 00096:115760 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0121 Rx CREATE-SESSION-REQUEST MME S11 teid 2147490672 S-GW S11 teid 1 APN ltebox EPS bearer Id 5
    000196 00096:115765 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0122 IMSI 208920100001101
    000197 00096:115773 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0342 sgw_cm_create_bearer_context_information_in_collection 1
    000198 00096:115781 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0368 Added new s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t in s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable key teid 1
    000199 00096:115788 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0411 Inserted new EPS bearer entry for EPS bearer id 5 status HASH_TABLE_OK
    000200 00096:115793 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0102 | 5 ebi: 5, enb_teid_for_S1u: 0, s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up: 0 (tbc)
    000201 00096:115801 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0081 +————————————–+
    000202 00096:115805 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0082 | MME SGW |
    000203 00096:115808 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0083 +————————————–+
    000204 00096:115812 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0068 | 2147490672 1
    000205 00096:115817 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0085 +————————————–+
    000206 00096:115821 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0157 +—————————————–+
    000207 00096:115824 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0158 | S11 BEARER CONTEXT INFORMATION MAPPINGS |
    000208 00096:115827 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0159 +—————————————–+
    000209 00096:115831 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0123 | KEY 1:
    000210 00096:115834 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0124 | sgw_eps_bearer_context_information: |
    000211 00096:115837 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0126 | imsi_unauthenticated_indicator: 1
    000212 00096:115842 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0128 | mme_teid_ S11: 2147490672
    000213 00096:115847 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0130 | s_gw_teid_S11_S4: 1
    000214 00096:115851 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0133 | pdn_connection:
    000215 00096:115855 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0134 | apn_in_use: ltebox
    000216 00096:115859 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0135 | default_bearer: 5
    000217 00096:115863 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0136 | eps_bearers:
    000218 00096:115867 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0102 | 5 ebi: 5, enb_teid_for_S1u: 0, s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up: 0 (tbc)
    000219 00096:115873 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0161 +————————————–+
    000220 00096:115877 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0351 Entering sgw_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp()
    000221 00096:115881 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0354 Rx GTPV1U_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP, Context S-GW S11 teid 1, S-GW S1U teid 1 EPS bearer id 5 status 0
    000222 00096:115885 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0360 Updated eps_bearer_entry_p eps_b_id 5 with SGW S1U teid 1
    000223 00096:115889 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0157 +—————————————–+
    000224 00096:115892 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0158 | S11 BEARER CONTEXT INFORMATION MAPPINGS |
    000225 00096:115895 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0159 +—————————————–+
    000226 00096:115899 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0123 | KEY 1:
    000227 00096:115902 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0124 | sgw_eps_bearer_context_information: |
    000228 00096:115907 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0126 | imsi_unauthenticated_indicator: 1
    000229 00096:115912 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0128 | mme_teid_ S11: 2147490672
    000230 00096:115916 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0130 | s_gw_teid_S11_S4: 1
    000231 00096:115921 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0133 | pdn_connection:
    000232 00096:115924 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0134 | apn_in_use: ltebox
    000233 00096:115929 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0135 | default_bearer: 5
    000234 00096:115933 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0136 | eps_bearers:
    000235 00096:115937 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0102 | 5 ebi: 5, enb_teid_for_S1u: 0, s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up: 1 (tbc)
    000236 00096:115942 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0161 +————————————–+
    000237 00096:115946 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0071 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP length 16
    000238 00096:115949 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0078 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP (0x8021) code 0x1 identifier 0x0 length 16
    000239 00096:115953 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0095 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP ipcp_option 129 ipcp_option_length 6 ipcp_remaining_length 6 pco_in_index 4
    000240 00096:115957 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0108 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option PRIMARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS length 6
    000241 00096:115961 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0114 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS ipcp_dns_prim_ipv4_addr 0x0
    000242 00096:115965 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0132 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS ipcp_out_dns_prim_ipv4_addr 0x8080808
    000243 00096:115968 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0095 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP ipcp_option 131 ipcp_option_length 6 ipcp_remaining_length 0 pco_in_index 10
    000244 00096:115972 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0155 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS length 6
    000245 00096:115976 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0162 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS ipcp_dns_sec_ipv4_addr 0x0
    000246 00096:115979 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0174 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS ipcp_out_dns_sec_ipv4_addr 0x4040808
    000247 00096:115983 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0210 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option DNS Server Request
    000248 00096:115986 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0272 PCO: Allocation via NAS signalling requested
    000249 00096:115990 7F4C5F7FE700 WARNI SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0285 PCO: Protocol/container identifier 0x0005 not supported now
    000250 00096:115994 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A ss2/openair-cn/src/sgw/pgw_pco.c:0227 PCO: Protocol identifier IPCP option Link MTU Request
    000251 00096:115998 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0242 Entering sgw_handle_sgi_endpoint_created()
    000252 00096:116002 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0243 Rx SGI_CREATE_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE,Context: S11 teid 1, SGW S1U teid 1 EPS bearer id 5
    000253 00096:116013 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0320 Tx CREATE-SESSION-RESPONSE SPGW -> TASK_S11, S11 MME teid 2147490672 S11 S-GW teid 1 S1U teid 1 S1U addr 0xfe6411ac EPS bearer id 5 status 16
    000254 00096:116025 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0331 Leaving sgw_handle_sgi_endpoint_created() (rc=0)
    000255 00096:116031 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0458 Leaving sgw_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp() (rc=0)
    000257 00096:116035 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0226 Leaving sgw_handle_create_session_request() (rc=0)
    000256 00096:116033 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0187 Received S11_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE from S-PGW APP
    000258 00096:116044 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1203 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq()
    000259 00096:116048 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1225 Received create local tunnel from ulp
    000260 00096:116051 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0686 Entering nwGtpv2cHandleUlpCreateLocalTunnel()
    000261 00096:116055 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0687 Creating local tunnel with teid ‘0x1’ and peer IP 0x1400007f
    000262 00096:116060 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0700 Leaving nwGtpv2cHandleUlpCreateLocalTunnel() (rc=0)
    000263 00096:116063 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1243 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq() (rc=0)
    000264 00096:116067 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0092 Created message 0x7f4c64001160!
    000265 00096:116072 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1203 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq()
    000266 00096:116076 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1219 Received triggered response from ulp
    000267 00096:116079 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0652 Entering nwGtpv2cHandleUlpTriggeredRsp()
    000268 00096:116083 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0659 Sending response message over seq ‘0xf8a0’
    000269 00096:116092 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1390 Entering nwGtpv2cStartTimer()
    000270 00096:116099 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0088 Looking for task 6
    000271 00096:116102 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1444 Started timer 0x0 for info 0x0x7f4c64004770!
    000272 00096:116103 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0091 Found matching task desc
    000273 00096:116108 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1450 Leaving nwGtpv2cStartTimer() (rc=0)
    000274 00096:116113 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0309 [31] Sending message of size 122 to and port 2123
    000275 00096:116118 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0668 Leaving nwGtpv2cHandleUlpTriggeredRsp() (rc=0)
    000276 00096:116127 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1243 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq() (rc=0)
    000277 00096:116136 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
    000278 00096:377364 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
    000279 00096:377378 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0105 Looking for sd 31
    000280 00096:377382 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0108 Found matching task desc
    000281 00096:377385 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0212 Inserting new descriptor for task 6, sd 31
    000282 00096:377395 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0239 Msg of length 43 received from
    000283 00096:377411 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0180 Processing new data indication from UDP
    000284 00096:377421 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1113 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq()
    000285 00096:377427 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0299 Created outstanding RX transaction 0x0x7f4c64000d60
    000286 00096:377432 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0134 Created message 0x7f4c64004b90!
    000287 00096:377436 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0665 Received IE 87 with instance 0 of length 5 in msg-type 34!
    000288 00096:377441 7F4C6CD46700 ERROR GTPv2- .11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgIeParseInfo.c:0687 Mandatory IE of type 87 and instance 0 incorrect!
    000289 00096:377445 7F4C6CD46700 WARNI GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0867 Malformed request message received on TEID 1 from peer 0x7f000014. Notifying ULP.
    000290 00096:377449 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0740 Entering nwGtpv2cSendInitialReqIndToUlp()
    000291 00096:377453 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0057 Received initial req indication
    000292 00096:377475 7F4C6CD46700 WARNI GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0232 Unexpected IE 87 of length 5 received in msg 34!
    000293 00096:377479 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- v2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsgParser.c:0203 Received IE 93 of length 18!
    000294 00096:377483 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0404 – EBI 5
    000295 00096:377487 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0875 – F-TEID type 0
    000296 00096:377491 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0880 – TEID/GRE ca6fe0dd
    000297 00096:377495 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ir-cn/src/s11/s11_ie_formatter.c:0888 – IPv4 addr
    000298 00096:377499 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f4c64004b90!
    000299 00096:377508 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0750 Leaving nwGtpv2cSendInitialReqIndToUlp() (rc=0)
    000300 00096:377515 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1187 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq() (rc=0)
    000301 00096:377517 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0752 Entering sgw_handle_modify_bearer_request()
    000302 00096:377525 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0754 Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, teid 1
    000303 00096:377529 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0081 +————————————–+
    000304 00096:377534 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0082 | MME SGW |
    000305 00096:377537 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0083 +————————————–+
    000306 00096:377541 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0068 | 2147490672 1
    000307 00096:377545 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0085 +————————————–+
    000308 00096:377549 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0157 +—————————————–+
    000309 00096:377552 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0158 | S11 BEARER CONTEXT INFORMATION MAPPINGS |
    000310 00096:377555 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0159 +—————————————–+
    000311 00096:377559 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0123 | KEY 1:
    000312 00096:377562 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0124 | sgw_eps_bearer_context_information: |
    000313 00096:377566 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0126 | imsi_unauthenticated_indicator: 1
    000314 00096:377570 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0128 | mme_teid_ S11: 2147490672
    000315 00096:377575 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0130 | s_gw_teid_S11_S4: 1
    000316 00096:377580 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0133 | pdn_connection:
    000317 00096:377583 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0134 | apn_in_use: ltebox
    000318 00096:377588 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0135 | default_bearer: 5
    000319 00096:377592 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0136 | eps_bearers:
    000320 00096:377597 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0102 | 5 ebi: 5, enb_teid_for_S1u: 0, s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up: 1 (tbc)
    000321 00096:377603 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A cn/src/sgw/sgw_context_manager.c:0161 +————————————–+
    000322 00096:377607 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0597 Entering sgw_handle_sgi_endpoint_updated()
    000323 00096:377611 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0600 Rx SGI_UPDATE_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE, Context teid 1, SGW S1U teid 1, eNB S1U teid 3396329693, EPS bearer id 5, status 0
    000324 00096:377616 7F4C5F7FE700 DEBUG SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0631 Rx SGI_UPDATE_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE: REQUEST_ACCEPTED
    genl_socket_talk: Invalid argument
    000325 00096:377675 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0666 Leaving sgw_handle_sgi_endpoint_updated() (rc=0)
    000326 00096:377682 7F4C5F7FE700 TRACE SPGW-A penair-cn/src/sgw/sgw_handlers.c:0824 Leaving sgw_handle_modify_bearer_request() (rc=-1)
    000327 00096:377683 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0193 Received S11_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE from S-PGW APP
    000328 00096:377690 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0092 Created message 0x7f4c64004b90!
    000329 00096:377697 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1203 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq()
    000330 00096:377701 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1219 Received triggered response from ulp
    000331 00096:377704 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0652 Entering nwGtpv2cHandleUlpTriggeredRsp()
    000332 00096:377708 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0659 Sending response message over seq ‘0xf8a1’
    000333 00096:377725 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1390 Entering nwGtpv2cStartTimer()
    000334 00096:377726 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0088 Looking for task 6
    000335 00096:377732 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1437 Already Started timer 0x0 for info 0x0x7f4c64004770!
    000336 00096:377740 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0091 Found matching task desc
    000337 00096:377745 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1439 Leaving nwGtpv2cStartTimer() (rc=0)
    000338 00096:377750 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0309 [31] Sending message of size 18 to and port 2123
    000339 00096:377755 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:0668 Leaving nwGtpv2cHandleUlpTriggeredRsp() (rc=0)
    000340 00096:377764 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1243 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq() (rc=0)
    000341 00096:377774 7F4C6D547700 DEBUG UDP /src/udp/udp_primitives_server.c:0187 Received 1 events
    000342 00100:116128 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0212 Received event TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED for timer_id 0x7f4c64000ba0 and arg 0x7f4c64004770
    000343 00100:116143 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1315 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout()
    000344 00100:116149 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0113 Duplicate request hold timer expired for transaction 0x0x7f4c64000bc0
    000345 00100:116154 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f4c64001160!
    000346 00100:116157 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0328 Purging transaction 0x0x7f4c64000bc0
    000347 00100:116165 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1367 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout() (rc=0)
    000348 00100:377778 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0212 Received event TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED for timer_id 0x7f4c64000b80 and arg 0x7f4c64007ee0
    000349 00100:377794 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1315 Entering nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout()
    000350 00100:377800 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0113 Duplicate request hold timer expired for transaction 0x0x7f4c64000d60
    000351 00100:377805 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- /nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cMsg.c:0146 Purging message 7f4c64004b90!
    000352 00100:377809 7F4C6CD46700 DEBUG GTPv2- nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2cTrxn.c:0328 Purging transaction 0x0x7f4c64000d60
    000353 00100:377813 7F4C6CD46700 TRACE GTPv2- 2-c/nwgtpv2c-0.11/src/NwGtpv2c.c:1367 Leaving nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout() (rc=0)
    ^CReceived SIGINT
    000354 00103:044350 7F4C6CD46700 ERROR S11 ss2/openair-cn/src/s11/s11_sgw.c:0218 Unkwnon message ID 3:TERMINATE_MESSAGE

  122. Hi Laurent,
    Thank you for the tutorial! But when I connect OAI eNB with CostUE,it ouucres:

    000930 00235:096100 7F53D710E700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7f53cc000f50
    000931 00235:096102 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0374 Entering nas_message_decode()
    000932 00235:096103 7F53D710E700 DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0386 0 (94305290895324 bytes) 07 5f 17
    000933 00235:096107 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0663 Entering _nas_message_header_decode()
    000934 00235:096108 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0717 Leaving _nas_message_header_decode() (rc=1)
    000935 00235:096109 7F53D710E700 DEBUG NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0392 _nas_message_header_decode returned size 1
    000936 00235:096111 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0745 Entering _nas_message_plain_decode()
    000937 00235:096112 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0093 Entering emm_msg_decode()
    000938 00235:096113 7F53D710E700 INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0112 EMM-MSG – Message Type 0x5f
    000939 00235:096118 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/msg/emm_msg.c:0245 Leaving emm_msg_decode() (rc=3)
    000940 00235:096119 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0765 Leaving _nas_message_plain_decode() (rc=3)
    000941 00235:096120 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS rc/nas/api/network/nas_message.c:0514 Leaving nas_message_decode() (rc=3)
    000942 00235:096122 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0875 Entering emm_recv_security_mode_reject()
    000943 00235:096123 7F53D710E700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_recv.c:0878 EMMAS-SAP – Received Security Mode Reject message (cause=23)
    000944 00235:096125 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0478 Entering emm_proc_security_mode_reject()
    000945 00235:096126 7F53D710E700 WARNI NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0479 EMM-PROC – Security mode command not accepted by the UE(ue_id=0x00000001)
    000946 00235:096127 7F53D710E700 INFO NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0534 EMM-CTX – get UE id 0x00000001 context 0x7f53cc000f50
    000947 00235:096129 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0432 Entering emm_proc_common_get_args()
    000948 00235:096131 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0435 Leaving emm_proc_common_get_args() (rc=139997881581696)
    000949 00235:096133 7F53D710E700 INFO NAS-EM rc/nas/emm/SecurityModeControl.c:0495 EMM-PROC – Stop timer T3460 (1)
    000950 00235:096138 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0368 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context eksi 7
    000951 00235:096140 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM ir-cn/src/nas/emm/emm_data_ctx.c:0361 ue_id=0x00000001 set security context security type 0
    000952 00235:096141 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM enair-cn/src/nas/emm/EmmCommon.c:0507 Leaving emm_proc_common_clear_args()
    000953 00235:096144 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_sap.c:0110 Entering emm_sap_send()
    000954 00235:096146 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_reg.c:0106 Entering emm_reg_send()
    000955 00235:096147 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0256 Entering emm_fsm_process()
    000956 00235:096149 7F53D710E700 INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0263 EMM-FSM – Received event COMMON_PROC_REJ (3) in state COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED
    000957 00235:096153 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM ap/EmmCommonProcedureInitiated.c:0090 Entering EmmCommonProcedureInitiated()
    000958 00235:096156 7F53D710E700 TRACE NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0176 Entering emm_fsm_set_status()
    000959 00235:096159 7F53D710E700 INFO NAS-EM air-cn/src/nas/emm/sap/emm_fsm.c:0182 UE 0x00000001 EMM-FSM – Status changed: COMMON-PROCEDURE-INITIATED ===> DEREGISTERE

    Should i try a different UE or how can i fix it ? Thanks !

    1. Hi,
      in your log:
      Security Mode Reject message code 23
      Code 23: security capabilities mismatch between the core network and the UE
      you should probably use a more recent EPC.

  123. Dear Experts,

    We following the above document,we receiving the below output when we run the eNB with USRP B210.
    sudo -E ./targets/bin/lte-softmodem.Rel15 -O /home/vestel/openairinterface5g/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.usrpb210.conf


    There is no carrier found when we try to capture through Spectrum Analyzer.
    What could be the issue, Please help me to reveice a good signal.

    *HSS,MME,SPGW running without error.

    [ENB_APP] Waiting for RUs to be configured … RC.ru_mask:01
    [LOADER] library successfully loaded
    [HW] openair0_cfg[0].sdr_addrs == ‘(null)’
    [HW] openair0_cfg[0].clock_source == ‘-1’ (internal = 0, external = 1)
    [HW] UHD version (3.15.0)
    [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501; UHD_3.15.0.0-0-unknown
    [INFO] [B200] Loading firmware image: /usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp_b200_fw.hex…
    [HW] Found USRP b200
    [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
    [INFO] [B200] Loading FPGA image: /usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp_b210_fpga.bin…
    [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
    [INFO] [B200] Detecting internal GPSDO….
    [INFO] [GPS] No GPSDO found
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control…
    [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control…
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
    [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 30.720000 MHz.
    [HW] Clock source set neither in usrp_args nor on command line, using default!
    [HW] Time source set neither in usrp_args nor on command line, using default!
    — Using calibration table: calib_table_b210_38
    [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
    [INFO] [B200] OK
    [HW] cal 0: freq 3500000000.000000, offset 44.000000, diff 940000000.000000
    [HW] cal 1: freq 2660000000.000000, offset 49.800000, diff 100000000.000000
    [HW] cal 2: freq 2300000000.000000, offset 51.000000, diff 260000000.000000
    [HW] cal 3: freq 1880000000.000000, offset 53.000000, diff 680000000.000000
    [HW] cal 4: freq 816000000.000000, offset 57.000000, diff 1744000000.000000
    [HW] RX Gain 0 125.000000 (55.800000) => 69.200000 (max 76.000000)
    [HW] USRP TX_GAIN:89.75 gain_range:89.75 tx_gain:0.00
    [HW] Actual master clock: 30.720000MHz…
    [HW] Actual clock source internal…
    [HW] Actual time source internal…
    [HW] RF board max packet size 1916, size for 100µs jitter 768
    [HW] rx_max_num_samps 768
    [HW] setting rx channel 0
    [HW] RX Channel 0
    [HW] Actual RX sample rate: 7.680000MSps…
    [HW] Actual RX frequency: 2.560000GHz…
    [HW] Actual RX gain: 69.000000…
    [HW] Actual RX bandwidth: 20.000000M…
    [HW] Actual RX antenna: RX2…
    [HW] TX Channel 0
    [HW] Actual TX sample rate: 7.680000MSps…
    [HW] Actual TX frequency: 2.680000GHz…
    [HW] Actual TX gain: 89.750000…
    [HW] Actual TX bandwidth: 20.000000M…
    [HW] Actual TX antenna: TX/RX…
    [HW] Actual TX packet size: 1916
    [HW] Device timestamp: 1.810555…
    [HW] [RAU] has loaded USRP B200 device.
    [PHY] Initializing RU signal buffers (if_south local RF) nb_tx 1
    [PHY] [INIT] common.txdata[0] = 0x7f69880c9040 (307200 bytes)
    [LIBCONFIG] loader.dfts: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LOADER] library successfully loaded
    [PHY] nb_tx 1
    [PHY] rxdata_7_5kHz[0] 0x7f6960520b00 for RU 0
    [PHY] [INIT] common.txdata_BF= 0x7f6960126b60 (8 bytes)
    [PHY] txdataF_BF[0] 0x7f696053eb80 for RU 0
    [PHY] rxdataF[0] 0x7f6960545c00 for RU 0
    [PHY] setup_RU_buffers: frame_parms = 0x7f69845f4e98
    waiting for sync (ru_thread,-1/0x55d87e7291a8,0x55d87f18d600,0x55d87efe2ae0)
    [PHY] RUs configured
    [ENB_APP] RC.nb_RU:1
    ALL RUs ready – init eNBs
    [ENB_APP] Not NFAPI mode – call init_eNB_afterRU()
    [PHY] init_eNB_afterRU() RC.nb_inst:1
    [PHY] RC.nb_CC[inst]:1
    [PHY] RC.nb_CC[inst:0][CC_id:0]:0x7f69845f4010
    [PHY] Mapping RX ports from 1 RUs to eNB 0
    [PHY] eNB->num_RU:1
    [PHY] [eNB 0] phy_init_lte_eNB() About to wait for eNB to be configured[PHY] [eNB 0] Initializing DL_FRAME_PARMS : N_RB_DL 25, PHICH Resource 1, PHICH Duration 0 nb_antennas_tx:0 nb_antennas_rx:1 nb_antenna_ports_eNB:1 PRACH[rootSequenceIndex:0 prach_Config_enabled:1 configIndex:0 highSpeed:0 zeroCorrelationZoneConfig:1 freqOffset:2]
    [PHY] [eNB 0] Initializing DL_FRAME_PARMS : N_RB_DL 25, PHICH Resource 1, PHICH Duration 0
    pcfich_reg : 0,12,25,37
    [PHY] [INIT] NB_ANTENNA_PORTS_ENB:6 fp->nb_antenna_ports_eNB:1
    [PHY] [INIT] common_vars->txdataF[0] = 0x7f6980006040 (286720 bytes)
    [PHY] [INIT] common_vars->txdataF[5] = 0x7f6968122040 (286720 bytes)
    [PHY] [INIT]SRS allocation
    [PHY] PRACH allocation
    [PHY] Overwriting eNB->prach_vars.rxsigF[0]:0x55d880e35f60
    [PHY] Overwriting eNB->prach_vars_br.rxsigF.rxsigF[0]:(nil)
    [PHY] Overwriting eNB->prach_vars_br.rxsigF.rxsigF[0]:(nil)
    [PHY] Overwriting eNB->prach_vars_br.rxsigF.rxsigF[0]:(nil)
    [PHY] Overwriting eNB->prach_vars_br.rxsigF.rxsigF[0]:(nil)
    [PHY] Attaching RU 0 antenna 0 to eNB antenna 0
    [PHY] init_eNB_afterRU() ************* DJP ***** eNB->frame_parms.nb_antennas_tx:0 – GOING TO HARD CODE TO 1[PHY] inst 0, CC_id 0 : nb_antennas_rx 1
    [PHY] Initialise transport
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH 0/8/1
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f69680ce040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f696807a040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f6968026040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f6958121040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f69580cd040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f6958079040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f6958025040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f6950b24040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[0][0] 0x55d881077560
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f6950ad0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f6950a7c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f6950a28040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f69509d4040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f6950980040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f695092c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f69508d8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f6950884040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[0][1] 0x55d88110e720
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH 1/8/1
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f6950830040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f69507dc040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f6950788040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f6950734040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f69506e0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f695068c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f6950638040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f69505e4040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[1][0] 0x55d8811a5960
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f6950590040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f695053c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f69504e8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f6950494040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f6950440040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f69503ec040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f6950398040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f6950344040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[1][1] 0x55d88123cba0
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH 2/8/1
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f69502f0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f695029c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f6950248040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f69501f4040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f69501a0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f695014c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f69500f8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f69500a4040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[2][0] 0x55d8812d3de0
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f6950050040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694bfac040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694bf58040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694bf04040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694beb0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694be5c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694be08040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694bdb4040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[2][1] 0x55d88136b020
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH 3/8/1
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694bd60040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694bd0c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694bcb8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694bc64040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694bc10040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694bbbc040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694bb68040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694bb14040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[3][0] 0x55d881402260
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694bac0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694ba6c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694ba18040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694b9c4040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694b970040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694b91c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694b8c8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694b874040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[3][1] 0x55d8814994a0
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH 4/8/1
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694b820040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694b7cc040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694b778040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694b724040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694b6d0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694b67c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694b628040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694b5d4040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[4][0] 0x55d8815306e0
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694b580040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694b52c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694b4d8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694b484040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694b430040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694b3dc040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694b388040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694b334040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[4][1] 0x55d8815c7920
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH 5/8/1
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694b2e0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694b28c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694b238040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694b1e4040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694b190040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694b13c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694b0e8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694b094040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[5][0] 0x55d88165eb60
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694b040040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694afec040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694af98040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694af44040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694aef0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694ae9c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694ae48040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694adf4040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[5][1] 0x55d8816f5da0
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH 6/8/1
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694ada0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694ad4c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694acf8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694aca4040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694ac50040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694abfc040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694aba8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694ab54040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[6][0] 0x55d88178cfe0
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694ab00040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694aaac040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694aa58040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694aa04040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694a9b0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694a95c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694a908040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694a8b4040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[6][1] 0x55d881824200
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH 7/8/1
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694a860040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694a80c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694a7b8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694a764040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694a710040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694a6bc040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694a668040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694a614040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[7][0] 0x55d8818bb3c0
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f694a5c0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f694a56c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f694a518040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f694a4c4040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f694a470040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f694a41c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f694a3c8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f694a374040
    [PHY] eNB->dlsch[7][1] 0x55d881952600
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH 0/8
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH 1/8
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH 2/8
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH 3/8
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH 4/8
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH 5/8
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH 6/8
    [PHY] Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH 7/8
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f6939e8c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f6939e38040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f6939de4040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f6939d90040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f6939d3c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f6939ce8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f6939c94040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f6939c40040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f6939bec040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f6939b98040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f6939b44040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f6939af0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f6939a9c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f6939a48040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f69399f4040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f69399a0040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[0] 0x7f693994c040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[1] 0x7f69398f8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[2] 0x7f69398a4040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[3] 0x7f6939850040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[4] 0x7f69397fc040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f69397a8040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f6939754040
    [PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 2496 (bw scaling 4), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f6939700040
    [PHY] init_eNB_proc(inst:0) RC.nb_CC[inst]:1
    [PHY] Initializing eNB processes instance:0 CC_id 0
    [PHY] eNB->single_thread_flag:0
    [HW] thread_top_init() called with affinity>0, but overruled by #ifndef CPU_AFFINITY.
    [HW] thread_top_init() called with affinity>0, but overruled by #ifndef CPU_AFFINITY.
    [ENB_APP] ALL RUs ready – ALL eNBs ready
    waiting for sync (L1_stats_thread,-1/0x55d87e7291a8,0x55d87f18d600,0x55d87efe2ae0)
    [HW] [SCHED][eNB] eNB_thread_prach started on CPU 1, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3 CPU_4 CPU_5 CPU_6 CPU_7
    [HW] [SCHED][eNB] eNB_thread_prach_br started on CPU 0, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3 CPU_4 CPU_5 CPU_6 CPU_7
    [ENB_APP] Sending sync to all threads
    [MME_APP] Creating MME_APP eNB Task
    got sync (ru_thread)
    got sync (L1_stats_thread)
    [LIBCONFIG] MMEs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [ITTI] Created Posix thread TASK_MME_APP
    [MCE_APP] Creating MCE_APP eNB Task
    [ITTI] Created Posix thread TASK_MCE_APP
    [ENB_APP] [MCE 0] MCE_app_register via M3AP for instance 0
    [LIBCONFIG] MCEs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [LIBCONFIG] MCEs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
    [PHY] RU 0 rf device ready
    [PHY] RU 0 Starting steady-state operation
    [RLC] rlc_tick: discontinuity (expected 0.1, got 0.4)
    [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 74f6 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 74f6 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE d847 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE d847 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 11c0 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 11c0 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 1fcf not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 1fcf from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 3c1f not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 3c1f from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 5e27 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 5e27 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 708c not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 708c from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 303f not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 303f from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE c376 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE c376 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 454e not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 454e from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE e96e not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE e96e from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE a982 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE a982 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE de0f not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE de0f from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 6cfc not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 6cfc from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 2412 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 2412 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE da33 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE da33 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 49a0 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 49a0 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE df72 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE df72 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 1604 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 1604 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE b1ed not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE b1ed from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 42d1 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 42d1 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE c225 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE c225 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE e83b not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE e83b from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE ae39 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE ae39 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE a08f not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE a08f from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 962a not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 962a from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 76e5 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 76e5 from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 4e1b not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 4e1b from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE e5d not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE e5d from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 22aa not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 22aa from freeList
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 1938 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 1938 from freeList


    1. Dear Mohammad
      It should emit RF on frequency 2.68GHz as in your setup file
      Even a regular smartphone should detect the eNB if you do “manual network selection” (regardless SIM card)
      the B210 leds should turn on when you turn on emission (so when you start lte-softmodem)

  124. Hi Laurent,

    Thank you for your tutorial. I followed all the steps and the UE was able to attach. But it seems the MME may crash every once in a while with the error showing “./run_mme: line 87: 9001 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1”
    Below is the complete log. Could you kindly help me solve this issue? Thank you very much for your help.

    008523 04616:154594 7FF839FFB700 ALERT S6A no/openair-cn/src/s6a/s6a_task.c:0080 ‘STATE_OPEN’
    008531 04620:435564 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0033 ======================================= STATISTICS ============================================

    008532 04620:435570 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0034 | Current Status| Added since last display| Removed since last display |
    008533 04620:435572 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0036 Connected eNBs | 1 | 0 | 0 |
    008534 04620:435574 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0038 Attached UEs | 1 | 0 | 0 |
    008535 04620:435575 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0040 Connected UEs | 1 | 0 | 0 |
    008536 04620:435577 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0042 Default Bearers| 1 | 0 | 0 |
    008537 04620:435578 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0044 S1-U Bearers | 1 | 0 | 0 |

    008538 04620:435580 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0045 ======================================= STATISTICS ============================================

    008539 04630:435563 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0033 ======================================= STATISTICS ============================================

    008540 04630:435570 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0034 | Current Status| Added since last display| Removed since last display |
    008541 04630:435573 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0036 Connected eNBs | 1 | 0 | 0 |
    008542 04630:435575 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0038 Attached UEs | 1 | 0 | 0 |
    008543 04630:435576 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0040 Connected UEs | 1 | 0 | 0 |
    008544 04630:435577 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0042 Default Bearers| 1 | 0 | 0 |
    008545 04630:435579 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0044 S1-U Bearers | 1 | 0 | 0 |

    008546 04630:435580 7FF858DC3700 DEBUG MME-AP src/mme_app/mme_app_statistics.c:0045 ======================================= STATISTICS ============================================

    ./run_mme: line 87: 9001 Segmentation fault $SUDO mme `echo $exe_arguments` 2>&1

    1. Hi,
      At least you should run the MME in gdb, then after the segv do “where” or “bt”

  125. Hi Laurent,
    I am trying to implement your setup not with a COTS UE but instead with a USRP acting as UE (I made a registration to the database and it works) and I have fully follow your guideline. The problem I am facing is due to some routing problems I guess. Below are the most important things that’s happening for me:
    1. nasmesh kernel module doesn’t work for me. I see on the OAI that this is not the validated way, but I am not sure if I am doing something wrong.
    2. I tried tunnel interfaces based on OAI and seems it works better than nasmesh so I proceed with this setup. I used an argument “–nokrnmod 1” to do it so, while executing eNB and UE commands.
    3. Finally, ICMP packets are transmitted and received normally through the Internet, for example by pinging Google’s server (
    4. But I don’t have Internet connection and cannot surf the web.

    I think it is something relative to routing because ping is travelling end-to-end terminals and back versa, but UDP doesn’t, but I don’t know why and I am not sure about this assumption.
    Do you have any idea about what’s possibly is wrong? Am I using in a wrong way the “nasmesh” and how am I supposed to use it so? Why am I able to see ICMP and not UDP reply packets to Wireshark? How can I solve the issue in order to surf the Web?

    Thanks in advance for your time.


    1. Hi Panagiotis,

      1) nasmesh
      nobody uses it now, nokrnmod is better

      2) IP routing
      If i understand what you describes
      gtp packet (udp port 2152) occurs when you ping from the UE
      this packets is decapsulated and sent to sends you the answer
      no gtp packet back from the core to the xNB

      if yes, you need to configure the UE destination packet to the core network

      1. Hello Laurent,
        thanks for your fast reply. How am I supposed to do the configuration that you are talking about and why this is not by default done from the system itself? Do I have to make any routing rules or are you talking for something else which I do not understand? Can you be more specific on what changes I must make, because I checked mme.conf and spgw.conf files but I didn’t find something relative to what you talked about.

        Thanks in advance.

        1. Dear Panagiotis,
          Just follow line by line the tutorial
          If you do something different, tell me where you derivate, i’ll try to help you

          1. Hello Laurent,
            thank you so much for your replies and apologies for bothering you.

            I built everything from scratch just to be sure that everything you mentioned in your guideline is followed line-by-line. The only difference is that I add an extra registration in your db for my USRP (which acts as a UE), but this is not a problem because I see on the array/table printed by the execution of MME, the first column is everywhere ‘1’, so attachment happens normally. I did everything as you provided but the problem is still there.
            The problem is that I can normally ping Google (ICMP packets), I can ping any other public IP address too and get a reply back. But when I try to surf on the Internet, by accessing a site, I cannot do it and I don’t even see ‘http’ requests (or anything else relative to this) in the Wireshark. Which leads to the point that somehow Internet traffic does not even exist. It’s like data are not even created or transmitted over the gtp0 interface. Thus, the problem is not the reception of the data, but the transmission itself.
            Because I am using USRP as UE I tried to route the traffic through the gateway of EPC (by default with command:
            $ sudo ip route add default via
            But problem still remains and http requests don’t even transmit/exist/are created on the interface.

            I don’t know if this sounds logical and if I made myself clear. Do you have any idea about what is going wrong? Do you think that USRP for UE is a bad idea?

            Thanks in advance for your time.


          2. Hi Panagiotis,

            If you can ping google from the UE and you see the two GTP encapsulated ICMP packets, the IP routing is perfect, your setup is working fine.

            So, now what may be the issue?

            Maybe the packet size: reduce MTU ?

            Also, please trace GTP in the eNB: –log_config.gtpu_log_level debug (or set it in the configuration file)


  126. Hello Laurent,
    appreciate your help and thanks for your fast replies.

    1. I cannot see GTP encapsulated ICMP packets in Wireshark. When I trace the GTP interface, I can see ICMP requests transmitted/received. However, I cannot find anywhere in the Wireshark packets that have been transmitted as “GTP ” or any GTP protocol value. So, no encapsulation at all, only straight-forward packets.

    2. In order to be sure for the previous assumption, I tried to send dummy UDP packets from UE in a 3rd machine. Again, using Wireshark I am able to see only UDP packets and not UDP encapsulated packets.

    3. Based on the 2nd bullet, I can send UDP packets from source to destination and vice versa, BUT this only happens when the UEs IP address is known by the 3rd machine. Otherwise, replies from 3rd machine would stop/transmitted to the EPC, because 3rd machine doesn’t know the IP of the UE, instead it understands that EPC sent him a packet and reply to him, not to the UE. It feels like I am not using the EPC bearers, but I am addressing directly the UE.

    4. From the SPGW output I can see that GTP is normally/correctly initialized, but it will be useful to trace GTP in the eNB. May I use it as argument in the execution command, but how? Can you specify the way? Or how to set it in the configuration file?

    Any help is welcomed.


    1. Hi Panagiotis,
      So it seems your IP traffic is routed directly in Linux, not via the 4G/5G network.
      The UE IP interface gets a IP address, so we are sure it connects correctly to the cellular network.
      On UE (if i understand well, you use OAI UE), if you make ‘ping -I oaitun_ue1’
      you should see the gtp packet between the core network and the xNB in wireshark

      1. Hi Laurent,
        sorry for the late reply and thanks for your interest.
        Indeed I am using OAI UE, but the problem is that when I am doing from UE ‘ping’ I get ‘Network Unreachable’. However If I first specify the interface by ‘ping -I oaitun_ue1’ or specify the gateway by ‘sudo ip route add default via’ then I see ICMP packets but NOT gtp packets in the Wireshark.
        Same thing happens when I am sending UDP packets. If I don’t specify the exact interface, then packets are not arriving to the destination. However if I run ‘sudo ip route add default via’, then dummy UDP are transmitted/received but NOT over gtp packets.

        How can I prevent ‘Network Unreachable’? Is there any other command I should use to route the traffic in order to see GTP encapsulated packets except the one I am using?

        Thank you for your time.


  127. Hi Laurent,
    With last verion of OAI (develop branch) I have multiple erors, which appear continuously.
    Despite this, eNB works and UE attaches.
    But with snap version (snap install oai-ran) everything is fine.

    Maybe, you have some thoughts, what can cause such errors.
    Thank you.

    Example of errors:
    [PHY] add ue 45954 in fre list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE b382 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE b382 from freeList ra context: 0
    [PHY] add ue 37764 in fre list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 9384 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 9384 from freeList ra context: 0
    [PHY] add ue 11535 in fre list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 2d0f not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 2d0f from freeList ra context: 0
    [PHY] add ue 9021 in fre list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 233d not found

    1. Dear Alexander,
      Known bug.
      The RACH detection can detect false RACH trial, to some extend it is correct in 3GPP standard.
      but then, something is wrong in the code when we delete the UE because the RACH doesn’t succeed.
      I identified it clearly in the source code, but i have not found time to fix it.

  128. Dear Laurent,

    I am working on the OAI 5G SA, I could establish SA connection and the UE could access internet but after some time it gets disconnected.
    Would please assist?

    With thanks,

  129. Dear Laurent,

    I use OAI 5G RAN, Open5Gs Core Network, and Huawei P40 Pro (SA mode). UE connects fine but after some time it gets disconnected from the network. Sometimes the RAN will stop while the UE is connected, or UE gets released from the network while both core and RAN are running.

    Best Regards,

  130. Dear Laurent,

    I am running SA setup using OAI RAN, Open5Gs CN, and Huawei P40 Pro.
    The issue is maintaining a stable Internet connection. The phone disconnects from the network after a few seconds of Internet browsing.
    We are running our setup indoors without an RF Cage. Not sure if the culprit is poor RF conditions or the phone itself (inaccurately CQI reports).

    I have attached the gNB logs and open5GS logs.

    1. Hi,
      I removed your trace, as it is difficult to read.
      Maybe the error is in this trace:
      [32m04/05 17:13:33.006[0m: [[33mgmm[0m] [1;36mWARNING[0m: [imsi-208950000000032] DNN Not Supported OR Not Subscribed in the Slice (../src/amf/gmm-handler.c:1201)

    1. Dear Masumeh,
      i think so, from HW perspective.
      with this board and a FMC board with the AD9371, you have almost the same HW as a USRP X300/N300.
      but, you will have to write the FGPA firmware (using vivado) and the OAI interface to this board.
      The interface will be by Ethernet 10G, so you don’t need any Linux specific driver, but to write a set of functions as in each oai/radio/xxx boards interface.
      Open Cells is developing a board based on AD9371 that will provide the drivers for OAI, SRSran, … but i still have no release date

  131. Hello.
    I am trying OAI in a ubuntu 18.04 vm with 8 core,8G RM and 40G hard. I can not find /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/ directory in my vm to set the CPU governor to perform but it is found in my host and done.
    How can set clock and time to gpsdo in oai?
    [HW] Clock source set neither in usrp_args nor on command line, using default!
    [HW] Time source set neither in usrp_args nor on command line, using default!

    What does this log means?
    [RLC] rlc_tick: discontinuity (expected 0.1, got 0.4)
    [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 204 Activating RAR generation in Frame 204, subframe 6 for process 1, rnti 2ce5, state 1
    [PHY] add ue 14889 in free list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 3a29 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 3a29 from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 206 Activating RAR generation in Frame 206, subframe 6 for process 0, rnti 8d31, state 1
    [PHY] add ue 11493 in free list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 2ce5 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 2ce5 from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 208 Activating RAR generation in Frame 208, subframe 6 for process 1, rnti dad, state 1
    [PHY] add ue 36145 in free list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 8d31 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 8d31 from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 210 Activating RAR generation in Frame 210, subframe 6 for process 0, rnti 134b, state 1
    [PHY] add ue 3501 in free list, context flag: 1
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 20d6 from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 782 Activating RAR generation in Frame 782, subframe 6 for process 0, rnti 6fea, state 1
    [PHY] add ue 40169 in free list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 9ce9 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 9ce9 from freeList ra context: 0
    [HW] [recv] received 12960 samples out of 15360
    [ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive packet handler caught a value exception.
    ValueError: bad vrt header or packet fragment

    [PHY] rx_rf: Asked for 15360 samples, got 12960 from SDR
    [PHY] problem receiving samples[PHY] 785.9 late_control : 1
    [ERROR] [STREAMER] recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0xfd2ffdd4
    [HW] [recv] received 0 samples out of 15360

    [PHY] rx_rf: Asked for 15360 samples, got 0 from SDR
    [PHY] problem receiving samples[PHY] add ue 28650 in free list, context flag: 1
    [PHY] 786.0 late_control : 1
    [HW] [recv] received 0 samples out of 15360

          1. Dear DM and LAURENT, is there a solution for this error, I am also having this problem and I don’t know what the solution could be, could you give me some idea to solve it, thank you very much.

          2. Hi,
            If you undertsand you have real time issues (LLL printing from UHD driver)
            Please provide more information on what your are builing

  132. Hi Laurent
    I am trying to launch the enodeB with the configurations you make, but I have these types of errors when I execute the command:


    [PHY] rx_rf: Asked for 7680 samples, got 3897 from SDR [PHY] problen receiving samplesULLLULLLLLLLLLLLLLL[PHY] samples out of 7680
    O[PHY] Time: 15.5737 s ERROR_CODE_OVERFLOW (Overflow)

    In addition to that I also have these types of errors when trying to install cpufrequtils:
    update-rc.d warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults

    I am using Ubuntu version 18.04.6 in virtualbox version 6.1.6 and I also tried vmware in version 17pro
    My PC has the following characteristics:
    intel core i5 8250U CPU 1.60GHz – 1.80GHz
    Ram 24GB

    Please help me

      1. Hello Laurent, this comment was left by my colleague, so do you recommend that we use the Linux operating system without the need for virtual machines and that we change the version of Ubuntu to the most recent, that is, to version 22.04? Do you think that Is it necessary to use the duplexer?

          1. In the explanation you offer for the implementation of openairinterface5g you say that you use a duplexer to adapt the antennas to the USRP B210 and in this way connect it through the Uu interface to the commercial UE, I don’t know if it is because we are not implementing the duplexer for the antennas we get the error that we are showing you, that is why my question is. But can you tell us if it is necessary to simply have the Linux operating system as a base or what solution you can give us about this error, thank you very much.

          2. Dear LAURENT, what I want to ask you is if it is necessary to leave virtual machines aside and simply use Ubuntu as the operating system.

            On the other hand, when I talk about duplexer I am referring to the implementation of the USRP B210, in this tutorial you mention the use of a duplexer to connect the antennas to the USRP device, that is why I ask if it is necessary to use a duplexer to isolate the antennas and that there is no interference, or it is simply not necessary, thank you very much LAURENT.

  133. Hello. Hope you are fine.
    I have a preprogrammed simcard and it’s K,opc and imsi information. However, I do not know the value of MSISDN.
    In HSS database, when enter MSISDN ‘NULL’, apn is not found by my simcard and when enter the default number the network is found but due to incorrect data the mme crashes. Also when I delete the MSISDN header in pdn table is the same (mme crashed when UE wanted to attach the network)
    In hss database said presence of msisdn is optional. how can not enter it?

    1. Hi,
      MSISDN is almost not used now
      You can put any valuue in your HSS, and you can also set it with program_uicc
      see program_uicc -h
      to list all options

  134. i tried also to remove the patch and after trying this is the output , so i reapplied the patch but it still gives this output
    Check installed software packages necessary to build and run EPC (support Ubuntu 14.04/16.04, CentOS 7, RHEL 7):
    Your distribution ubuntu18.04 is not supported by openair-cn

  135. hello
    im getting pdcp data request failure may i know the why its coming.and while performing iperf to data pump,im unable to notice any logs in enb ,ue side.
    [PDCP] Handed SDU is of size 0! Ignoring…
    [PDCP] PDCP data request failed!
    [NAS] esm_send.c:290 ESM-SAP – Send Activate Default EPS Bearer Context Accept message (pti=0, ebi=5)
    [NAS] esm_msg.c:269 ESM-MSG – Encoded ESM message header (3)
    [NAS] DefaultEpsBearerContextActivation.c:188 ESM-PROC – Default EPS bearer context activation accepted by the UE (ebi=5)
    [NAS] esm_ebr.c:324 ESM-FSM – Status of EPS bearer context 5 changed: BEARER CONTEXT INACTIVE ===> BEARER CONTEXT ACTIVE
    [NAS] user_api.c:306 USR-API – send() failed, Destination address required
    [NAS] LowerLayer.c:434 EPS security context exists is new 0 KSI 0 SQN 1 count 16777216
    [NAS] LowerLayer.c:436 knas_int 0xcb 0xf4 0x9d 0x82 0xbb 0x7 0x4d 0x78 0xb1 0x1 0x25 0x96 0x7e 0x3a 0x59 0xb0
    [NAS] LowerLayer.c:438 knas_enc 0x26 0xd2 0xe5 0x88 0x61 0x4 0xf5 0xd2 0x2 0x17 0x5b 0x82 0x9 0xd1 0x52 0x81
    [NAS] LowerLayer.c:440 kasme 0x39 0x33 0xfa 0x8f 0xf4 0x59 0x63 0xb5 0x1f 0xe3 0x82 0xb0 0xf0 0xb3 0x88 0x10 0xa4 0x75 0xce 0x5b 0x94 0x47 0x14 0xd7 0x41 0x91 0x7f 0x25 0xe6 0xb6 0x85 0x5
    [NAS] LowerLayer.c:461 EPS security context exists knas_enc
    [NAS] emm_as.c:208 EMMAS-SAP – Received primitive EMMAS_DATA_REQ (210)
    [NAS] emm_as.c:1086 EMMAS-SAP – Send AS data transfer request
    [NAS] emm_send.c:329 EMMAS-SAP – Send Attach Complete message

    1. Dear Bhargav,
      I have not tried for a long while 4G/LTE nevertheless, i can do to check your issue.
      You can check the OAI CI tests and try to replicate from there.
      If you need me to investigate your issue, please send me: the commit you use, the configuration files and the command lines.

    1. Dear amir,
      i’m not sure i understand
      if you use usrp, you can set the device id in the open air eNB configuration file

  136. Hi laurent
    I am try to connect oai enb-ran to open5gs EPC. change mme.conf tand add use_openair=true
    when run enb by sudo ./cmake_targets/ran_build/build/lte-softmodem -O enb.conf
    show this info :
    [RLC] rlc_tick: discontinuity (expected 0.1, got 0.4)
    [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 200 Activating RAR generation in Frame 200, subframe 6 for process 0, rnti 8a1e, state 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0] CC_id 0 Frame 200, subframeP 6: Generating RAR DCI for rnti 2, state Msg2
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 202 Activating RAR generation in Frame 202, subframe 6 for process 1, rnti 91de, state 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0] CC_id 0 Frame 202, subframeP 6: Generating RAR DCI for rnti 2, state Msg2
    [PHY] adding ue 8a1e in UE to free list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 203 Cancelling RA procedure for UE rnti 8a1e
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 8a1e not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 8a1e from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 204 Activating RAR generation in Frame 204, subframe 6 for process 0, rnti 21ce, state 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0] CC_id 0 Frame 204, subframeP 6: Generating RAR DCI for rnti 2, state Msg2
    [PHY] adding ue 91de in UE to free list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 205 Cancelling RA procedure for UE rnti 91de
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 91de not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 91de from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 206 Activating RAR generation in Frame 206, subframe 6 for process 1, rnti e13d, state 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0] CC_id 0 Frame 206, subframeP 6: Generating RAR DCI for rnti 2, state Msg2
    [PHY] adding ue 21ce in UE to free list, context flag: 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 207 Cancelling RA procedure for UE rnti 21ce
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 21ce not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 21ce from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 208 Activating RAR generation in Frame 208, subframe 6 for process 0, rnti 3e99, state 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0] CC_id 0 Frame 208, subframeP 6: Generating RAR DCI for rnti 2, state Msg2
    [PHY] adding ue e13d in UE to free list, context flag: 1

    and when ue simcards try to connect show this error:
    [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 705 Cancelling RA procedure for UE rnti a027
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE a027 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE a027 from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 706 Activating RAR generation in Frame 706, subframe 6 for process 0, rnti db00, state 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0] CC_id 0 Frame 706, subframeP 6: Generating RAR DCI for rnti 2, state Msg2
    [PHY] adding ue 68ea in UE to free list, context flag: 1
    [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 707 Cancelling RA procedure for UE rnti 68ea
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE 68ea not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE 68ea from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 708 Activating RAR generation in Frame 708, subframe 6 for process 1, rnti 1b0a, state 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0] CC_id 0 Frame 708, subframeP 6: Generating RAR DCI for rnti 2, state Msg2
    [PHY] adding ue db00 in UE to free list, context flag: 1
    [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 709 Cancelling RA procedure for UE rnti db00
    [MAC] rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE db00 not found
    [RRC] [release_UE_in_freeList] remove UE db00 from freeList ra context: 0
    [MAC] [eNB 0][RAPROC] CC_id 0 Frame 710 Activating RAR generation in Frame 710, subframe 6 for process 0, rnti 3499, state 1
    [MAC] [eNB 0] CC_id 0 Frame 710, subframeP 6: Generating RAR DCI for rnti 2, state Msg2
    [PHY] adding ue 1b0a in UE to free list, context flag: 1

    and also mme.log show:
    01/11 14:52:27.557: [mme] INFO: InitialUEMessage (../src/mme/s1ap-handler.c:431)

    01/11 14:52:27.557: [mme] INFO: [Added] Number of eNB-UEs is now 2 (../src/mme/mme-context.c:4988)

    01/11 14:52:27.558: [mme] INFO: ENB_UE_S1AP_ID[12370445] MME_UE_S1AP_ID[5] TAC[1] CellID[0xe0000] (../src/mme/s1ap-handler.c:607)

    01/11 14:52:27.558: [mme] INFO: [001010000000015] known UE by IMSI (../src/mme/mme-context.c:3766)

    01/11 14:52:27.558: [mme] WARNING: [001010000000015] Holding S1 Context (../src/mme/mme-sm.c:323)

    01/11 14:52:27.558: [mme] WARNING: [001010000000015] ENB_UE_S1AP_ID[16251564] MME_UE_S1AP_ID[4] (../src/mme/mme-sm.c:323)

    01/11 14:52:27.558: [emm] WARNING: [001010000000015] Attach request (../src/mme/emm-sm.c:1670)

    01/11 14:52:27.558: [emm] INFO: IMSI[001010000000015] (../src/mme/emm-handler.c:221)

    01/11 14:52:27.561: [mme] INFO: Removed Session: UE IMSI:[001010000000015] APN:[internet] (../src/mme/mme-s11-handler.c:888)

    01/11 14:52:27.561: [mme] INFO: [Removed] Number of MME-Sessions is now 0 (../src/mme/mme-context.c:5009)

    01/11 14:52:27.910: [emm] WARNING: [001010000000015] Clear S1 Context (../src/mme/emm-sm.c:1342)

    01/11 14:52:27.910: [emm] WARNING: [001010000000015] ENB_UE_S1AP_ID[16251564] MME_UE_S1AP_ID[4] (../src/mme/emm-sm.c:1342)

    01/11 14:52:27.910: [mme] WARNING: GUTI has already been allocated (../src/mme/mme-context.c:3308)

    01/11 14:52:27.913: [mme] INFO: [Added] Number of MME-Sessions is now 1 (../src/mme/mme-context.c:5002)

    01/11 14:52:28.625: [mme] INFO: UE Context Release [Action:0] (../src/mme/s1ap-handler.c:1879)

    01/11 14:52:28.625: [mme] INFO: ENB_UE_S1AP_ID[12370445] MME_UE_S1AP_ID[5] (../src/mme/s1ap-handler.c:1880)

    01/11 14:52:28.625: [mme] INFO: IMSI[001010000000015] (../src/mme/s1ap-handler.c:1885)

    01/11 14:52:28.625: [mme] ERROR: Invalid Action[0] (../src/mme/s1ap-handler.c:2062)

    01/11 14:52:34.308: [mme] INFO: eNB-S1[] connection refused!!! (../src/mme/mme-sm.c:173)

    01/11 14:52:34.308: [mme] WARNING: mme_gtp_send_release_all_ue_in_enb() (../src/mme/mme-gtp-path.c:667)

    01/11 14:52:34.308: [mme] WARNING: ENB_UE_S1AP_ID[16251564] MME_UE_S1AP_ID[4] Action[2] (../src/mme/mme-gtp-path.c:668)

    01/11 14:52:34.308: [mme] INFO: [Removed] Number of eNB-UEs is now 1 (../src/mme/mme-context.c:4995)

    01/11 14:52:34.308: [mme] INFO: [Removed] Number of eNB-UEs is now 0 (../src/mme/mme-context.c:4995)

    01/11 14:52:34.308: [mme] INFO: [Removed] Number of eNBs is now 0 (../src/mme/mme-context.c:3016)

    It is notable that this ue connect correctly to my open5gs core through srsenb.

  137. have installed the OpenAirInterface (OAI) eNB on a Raspberry Pi 4 (4 GB RAM) and am using Open5GS EPC for the core network. I have attached the configuration file to test OAI with a USRP B210. The OAI eNB successfully connects to the MME, but when my SIM card attempts to connect, I encounter the following error, and the TX LED on the USRP turns off:

    [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
    [PHY] eNB 0 frame 0, subframe 0: previous information from RU tx 0 (num_RU 1, mask 1) has not been served yet!

    [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
    [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
    [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
    [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
    [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
    Here are the relevant logs from the MME when this issue occurs:

    INFO: eNB-S1 accepted [] in master_sm module (../src/mme/mme-sm.c:108)
    [mme] INFO: [Added] Number of eNBs is now 1 (../src/mme/mme-context.c:2981)
    [mme] INFO: eNB-S1 [] max_num_of_ostreams: 2 (../src/mme/mme-sm.c:157)
    [mme] INFO: InitialUEMessage (../src/mme/s1ap-handler.c:431)
    [mme] INFO: [Added] Number of eNB-UEs is now 1 (../src/mme/mme-context.c:4988)
    [mme] INFO: ENB_UE_S1AP_ID [11373552] MME_UE_S1AP_ID [4] TAC [1] CellID [0xe0000] (../src/mme/s1ap-handler.c:607)
    [mme] INFO: [001010000000015] known UE by IMSI (../src/mme/mme-context.c:3766)
    [emm] WARNING: [001010000000015] Attach request (../src/mme/emm-sm.c:1830)
    [emm] INFO: IMSI [001010000000015] (../src/mme/emm-handler.c:221)
    [emm] WARNING: Retransmission of IMSI [001010000000015] failed. Stop retransmission (../src/mme/emm-sm.c:1234)
    It is worth noting that my custom SIM cards (OYEItimes) work correctly with this core when using srsRAN 4G. Please let me know if you have any insights or suggestions regarding this issue.

    1. From your two logs, it seems the UE radio link is not good, so we see a lot of RACH attempts(same UE to release is full is because many UE attach trials)

        1. It has no relation to usb cable
          the RF is not good: gains, or simply loss of real time because the computer is not fast enough
          Have you tried SRSran ?

      1. I set nprb=25; and test both in rpi4 and PC with high configuration (ram=16, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz). both show same error. (my core is open5gs with ip: and use oai ran in ip: with usrp b210)
        sudo ./cmake_targets/ran_build/build/lte-softmodem -O enb.conf
        CMDLINE: “./cmake_targets/ran_build/build/lte-softmodem” “-O” “enb.conf”
        [CONFIG] function config_libconfig_init returned 0
        Reading in command-line options
        Getting ENBSParams
        [CONFIG] parallel_conf is set to 2
        [CONFIG] worker_conf is set to 1
        Configuration: nb_rrc_inst 1, nb_L1_inst 1, nb_ru 1
        [LOADER] library is not loaded: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
        nb_nbiot_rrc_inst 0, nb_nbiot_L1_inst 0, nb_nbiot_macrlc_inst 0
        configuring for RAU/RRU
        ITTI init, useMME: 1
        phich.resource 0 (ONESIXTH), phich.duration 0 (NORMAL)
        No eMBMS configuration, skipping it
        No eMTC configuration, skipping it
        No SL configuration skipping it
        [OIP] Bringing interface DOWN for oaitun_enm1: ioctl call failed: 19, No such device
        [OIP] Setting operation 35094 for oaitun_enm1: ioctl call failed: 19, No such device
        [OIP] Interface oaitun_enm1 couldn’t be configured (IPv4, IPv6 (null))
        Initializing eNB threads
        Waiting for eNB L1 instances to all get configured … sleeping 50ms (nb_L1_inst 1)
        eNB L1 are configured
        About to Init RU threads RC.nb_RU:1
        Setting function for RU 0 to eNodeB_3GPP
        [PHY] DJP – delete code above this /home/faraz/openairinterface5g/executables/lte-ru.c:2706
        wait RUs
        [ENB_APP] Waiting for RUs to be configured … RC.ru_mask:01
        [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.4.0; Boost_107400; UHD_4.5.0.0-0-g471af98f
        [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210
        [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
        [INFO] [B200] Detecting internal GPSDO….
        [INFO] [GPS] Found an internal GPSDO: GPSTCXO, Firmware Rev 0.929b
        [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control…
        [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control…
        [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
        [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
        [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test…
        [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
        [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
        [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 30.720000 MHz.
        — Using calibration table: calib_table_b210_38
        [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz…
        [INFO] [B200] OK
        Using Device: Single USRP:
        Device: B-Series Device
        Mboard 0: B210
        RX Channel: 0
        RX DSP: 0
        RX Dboard: A
        RX Subdev: FE-RX2
        RX Channel: 1
        RX DSP: 1
        RX Dboard: A
        RX Subdev: FE-RX1
        TX Channel: 0
        TX DSP: 0
        TX Dboard: A
        TX Subdev: FE-TX2
        TX Channel: 1
        TX DSP: 1
        TX Dboard: A
        TX Subdev: FE-TX1

        ALL RUs ready – init eNBs
        pcfich_reg : 0,12,25,37
        [ENB_APP] ALL RUs ready – ALL eNBs ready
        [MAC] SCHED_MODE = 0
        [PHY] eNB 0 frame 0, subframe 0 : previous information from RU tx 0 (num_RU 1,mask 1) has not been served yet!
        [S1AP] S1AP_FIND_PROTOCOLIE_BY_ID: /home/faraz/openairinterface5g/openair3/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_handlers.c 927: ie is NULL
        KeNB:f3 60 78 47 ec 02 a3 ab e6 e1 ae bf 1a 51 29 3d 25 2b c9 63 12 b8 6d a8 86 18 d9 c6 44 b2 6e 74
        KRRCenc:a0 17 c5 e8 dd 41 6a c5 9d 75 8f 2c 5c c8 88 8a 69 b8 55 93 de 03 06 dd 02 4c e3 a0 b6 0d 0c fc
        KRRCint:bb cd 66 44 6d cb 4c 63 72 0b 88 53 f4 9a 1a 68 7e b3 50 43 ad 27 58 0c 16 e7 91 fa b0 de 79 cf



        [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
        [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full
        [PHY] fapi List of UE to release is full

        1. ULLLL shows a limited real time problem in the eNB, but it is not that much.
          I suspect the UE doesn’t like what we send to him
          If it is important for you to use openAir (you told us SRSran works), try lte-softmdem –opt.type pcap to log the layer 2 exchange.

  138. Dear Thomas Laurent,

    First of all I would like to thank you for your time reading my comment.
    It was a month ago that you commented under the MR !3103 the following:
    “In some runs, the UE detects the gNB, decode the MIB, then forever never decode DCI, so it stays for ever waiting SIB1 decoded event”.
    I am facing exactly the same issue and I was wondering whether you have found the root cause of the issue.

    Kind regards,

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