Laurent Thomas built and manages Open Cells project company.
Laurent led a wireless research department in Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent.
He involved Bell Labs in OAI and he has led the vision: transforming Eurecom lab open source into the OpenAir Alliance toward a public referenc7e implementation of the wireless standards.
Our activities are in high performance SW for telecom and industry.
We also participate to open source and OAI.
Our main contributions to OpenAirInterface common source code
- Turbo encoder and decoder: more than x10 CPU efficiency from previous OAI implementation. This allows now OAI to run in real time, at least for tens of Mb/s
- OAI SW improvements for real time
- Compilation and code generation tools: Open cells rewrote completely the compilation tools that were based on a lot of Makefiles to a cmake based procedure.
Several targets can now be generated in out-of-source directories. - Successive Ubuntu and Linux ports since Ubuntu 9.04
Head quarters
Open Cells Project6 chemin du bois brûlé
Open Cells Project is a French SAS company
SIRET : 819336892 00016 RCS Evry APE : 7219Z
TVA intra-communautaire (intra EU VAT): FR36 819336892
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Publication director
Laurent THOMAS